1,400 research outputs found

    Validation of a method to quantify copper and other metals in olive fruit by ETAAS. Application to the residual metal control after olive tree treatments with different copper formulations

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    An electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrometry method was validated to quantify residues of copper, aluminum, cadmium, chromium, iron, lead, and nickel in olive fruit. The linearity ranges under the optimized conditions were 0.19-20.0, 1.11-50.0, 0.02-2.0, 0.15-20.0, 0.80- 20.0, 0.35-50.0, and 0.60-50.0 íg/L, respectively. The limits of quantification were, expressed in nanograms per gram of dry weight, 12.6, 74.0, 1.34, 10.0, 53.4, 23.4, and 40.0, respectively. For all of the metals the precision of the instrumental method was <6.3% and that of the analytical method was always <10%, except for aluminum, for which the precision was 12%. The accuracy of the method was evaluated according to the standard additions method, the recoveries being >90% for all of the added concentrations. An interference study was also carried out in a simulated matrix, and it was verified that the deviations of the expected values were <6% for all of the metals. The method was applied to the monitoring of the residues of the referred metals in olive fruits collected from trees pulverized with three different copper formulations available on the market to control fungal diseases

    Planejamento familiar: um olhar sobre as ações educativas desenvolvidas por enfermeiros

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    TCC(especialização) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem. Linhas de Cuidado em Saúde Materna, Neonatal e do LactanteO Planejamento Familiar constitui a promoção de ações desenvolvidas para assegurarem os direitos reprodutivos a todas as pessoas, quer queiram ter filhos, quer não. Os recursos para auxiliar na concepção e anticoncepção devem ser escolhidos pelos usuários de forma livre e, as informações acerca desse direito devem ser exercidos pelos profissionais de saúde através de uma abordagem que promova ao mesmo tempo a educação em saúde. Com base nestas questões, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura, objetivando-se conhecer quais as abordagens desenvolvidas pelos enfermeiros nas ações de educação em saúde no planejamento familiar. O estudo evidenciou que há uma predominância da utilização da abordagem tradicional e que as principais dificuldades encontradas para a realização das ações de planejamento familiar e das atividades educativas são as restrições de recursos pedagógicos, as limitações de alternativas contraceptivas e a insuficiências dos métodos contraceptivos para atender a demanda

    Metal composition of table olives from the portuguese market.

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    Olive tree (Olea europaea L.) is one of the most important fruit trees in the Mediterranean countries. Their products, olive oil and also table olives, are important components of the Mediterranean diet and are largely consumed in the world. Table olives are well-known sources of compounds with important biological properties. The preparation of table olives follows three main trades, namely green or Spanish-style olives (Green Olives in Brine - GOB), black ripe or Californian-style olives (Black Ripe Olives), and naturally fermented olives (Direct Brined Olives – DBO). Heavy metals can be present in olive fruits for several reasons: endogenous, depending on the mineral constitution of the soils where the olive trees are located, or exogenous, resulting from the air pollution, contamination by phyto-chemical products and during technological processing. Besides the toxicological characteristics of these elements, the presence of transition metals in these fat matrices can negatively influence the organoleptic and nutritional properties as well as the shelf life of the products

    Protective activity of hesperidin and lipoic acid against sodium arsenite acute toxicity in mice

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    The objective of the present work was to evaluate the toxic effects of sodium arsenite, As(III), in mice and the protective effect of 2 antioxidants, hesperidin and lipoic acid, against the observed As(III)-induced toxicity. In each study, mice were assigned to 1 of 4 groups: control, antioxidant, antioxidant + arsenite, and arsenite. Animals were first injected with the vehicle or 25 mg antioxidant/kg BW. After 30 minutes they received an injection of 10 mg arsenite/kg BW or 0.9% NaCl. Two hours after the first injection, the liver, kidney, and testis were collected for histological evaluation. Liver samples were also taken for quantification of arsenic. In mice exposed only to As(III), various histopathological effects were observed in the liver, kidneys, and testes. In mice pretreated with either hesperidin or lipoic acid, a reduction of histopathologic effects on the liver and kidneys was observed. No protective effects were observed in the testes for either of the 2 studied antioxidants. In conclusion, hesperidin and lipoic acid provided protective effects against As(III)-induced acute toxicity in the liver and kidneys of mice. These compounds may potentially play an important role in the protection of populations chronically exposed to arsenic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antioxidant activity and phenolic contents of Olea europaea L. leaves sprayed with different copper formulations

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    Olive trees (Olea europaea L. Cv. Cobranc¸osa) from the northeast of Portugal were sprayed with three different copper formulations [bordeaux mixture (copper sulphate + calcium hydroxide - 20% Cu), copper hydroxide (40% Cu) and copper oxychloride (50% Cu)] to control olive fungal diseases. The residues of copper in olive leaves, harvested at different times, were evaluated by atomic absorption spectrometry. At all the collection times, treated olive leaves had significantly higher copper contents, compared to the control. The different copper amounts in pesticide formulations lowered the leaves contents in total phenols and hence their antioxidant properties. Olive leaves sprayed with copper oxychloride possessed the highest copper levels and the lowest content in phenols, which influenced its antioxidant activity (higher EC50 values for reducing power, scavenging effect on DPPH radicals and inhibition of erythrocyte hemolysis). Leaves without copper residues proved to be a good natural source of antioxidants, giving values comparable to the reference compounds

    Validation of an electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrometry method for quantification of total Chromium and Chromium(VI) in wild mushrooms and underlying soils

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    An ETAAS method was validated to quantify total Cr and CrVI in mushrooms and the underlying soils. The method includes a sample pretreatment for total Cr dissolution using a wet acid digestion procedure and a selective alkaline extraction for CrVI. The limits of detection were, expressed in íg/L, 0.15 and 0.17 for total Cr and CrVI, respectively. The linearity ranges under the optimized conditions were 0.15-25.0 and 0.17-20.0 íg/L for total Cr and CrVI, respectively. The limits of quantification were, expressed in íg/g of dry weight, 0.0163 and 0.0085 for total and hexavalent chromium, respectively. The precision of the instrumental method for total Cr and CrVI was lower than 1.6%, and for the analytical method, it was lower than 10%. The accuracy of the method for CrVI quantification was evaluated by the standard additions method, with the recoveries being higher than 90% for all of the added concentrations. For total Cr, certified reference materials (lichen CRM 482 and soil sample NCS ZC73001) were used. An interference study was also carried out in a mushroom simulated matrix, and it was verified that the deviations of the expected values were lower than 4.0% for both total Cr and CrVI. The validated method was applied to the evaluation of total Cr and CrVI in 34 wild mushrooms and 34 respective underlying soil samples collected in two different regions of Portugal (Beira Interior and Trás-os-Montes), with different locations regarded as noncontaminated or contaminated areas. The species were identified by a mycologist and subdivided into 10 genera and 15 species: Amanita ( rubescens, muscaria, and ponderosa), Boletus ( regius), Lactarius( deliciosus, vellereus, and piperatus), Suillus( granulatusand luteus), Tricholoma( acerbum), Agaricus( sylvicola), Volvariella( gloiocephala), Lecopaxillus( giganteus), Macrolepiota( procera), and Psilocybe( fascicularis). The mean values found for total Cr were 1.14 and 1.11 íg/g of dry weight, and for CrVI, the mean values were 0.103 and 0.143 íg/g of dry weight for cap and stalk, respectively. For soils, the mean concentrations found were, for total Cr, 84.0 íg/g and, for CrVI, 0.483 íg/g. The bioconcentration factors (BCFs) based on dry weight for cap and stalk were determined, and the values found, for both total Cr and CrVI, were always <1, although for hexavalent chromium, the BCFs were 10 times higher than for total chromium

    Validação de uma metodologia por EAA/AE para avaliação dos níveis de crómio total e crómio hexavalente em cogumelos

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    Os cogumelos têm sido utilizados como bioindicadores da contaminação ambiental provocada por alguns metais pesados, tais como, o cádmio, cobre, chumbo, crómio, mercúrio e zinco. Vários autores referem que foram observadas grandes concentrações de metais pesados nestes macromicetes colhidos em zonas muito poluídas, como sejam, a proximidade de estradas com muito trânsito, zonas industriais onde haja emissão de gases e resíduos, bem como, zonas próximas de fundições e minas

    Copper residues in olives after olive tree treatments with three different copper formulations.

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