161 research outputs found

    Difficulties in the Mutation Analysis of Plasminogen Gene: A Study in Two Patients with Ligneous Conjunctivitis

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    The absence or very low levels of plasminogen cause a rare disabling disease called ligneous conjunctivitis, characterized by the growth of fibrin-rich pseudomembranes in the conjunctiva and on other mucosal surfaces. Several mutations have been detected in the plasminogen gene of patients affected with ligneous conjunctivitis. The human plasminogen gene, located on chromosome 6, has a marked homology with the genes belonging to the plasminogenapo(a) family, and with a number of pseudogenes and plasminogen-like genes located on chromosome 2. This work describes a series of nucleotide variations related to genes other than the plasminogen one, found during the genetic characterization of plasminogen defect in two unrelated patients with ligneous conjunctivitis. The results of automated sequences of each exon and intron-exon boundaries were compared with those of the human plasminogen gene from the NCBI gene bank. In particular, a co-amplified gene on chromosome 2 mimicking a 14 bp deletion in exon 5 of the plasminogen gene was identified by sequencing two different bands obtained from a long run of the PCR exon 5 product in NuSieve agarose gel, and by PstI restriction enzyme analysis of the same amplicons. Moreover, 21 single nucleotide exchanges due to plasminogen-like genes co-amplification were observed, namely one in exon 1, two in exon 4, three in exons 3, 5 and 16, four in exon 13, and five in exon 17. In conclusion, these data confirm the difficulty of plasminogen genetic analysis and may help researchers to better identify the true plasminogen gene mutations causing molecular defects

    Urokinase Plasminogen Activator, uPa Receptor, and Its Inhibitor in Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis

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    PURPOSE. Plasminogen activators play a role, not only in fibrinolysis but also in events such as chemotaxis, collagen degradation, and cell spreading. The serine protease urokinase (uPA) is a potent chemoattractant for leukocytes that may be involved in the pathogenesis of severe forms of allergic conjunctivitis such as vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC). METHODS. Tear and peripheral blood samples were obtained from 20 patients with active VKC and from 19 normal subjects who formed the control group. Levels of plasminogen activity, uPA, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), and their inhibitor, plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) were measured in tears and plasma of patients with VKC. The presence of tPA, uPA, and urokinase receptor (uPAR) in conjunctival tissues were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. uPA, uPAR, and PAI-1 expression and production were measured in conjunctival epithelial cell and fibroblast cultures treated with cytokines. RESULTS. Tear levels of uPA and tPA and tear plasminogen activity levels were significantly greater in patients with VKC than in control subjects. Increased staining for uPA and uPAR was found in VKC tissues compared with normal conjunctiva. Both conjunctival epithelial cells and fibroblasts demonstrated an increased expression of uPAR after exposure to IL-4 or -13, whereas uPA was highly expressed by epithelial cells exposed to IL-4. PAI-1 levels in culture medium were increased in IL-4-exposed epithelial cells compared to nonstimulated cells and were decreased in fibroblast culture. CONCLUSIONS. Increased expression of fibrinolytic system components and imbalance between plasminogen activators and PAI may be involved in the pathogenesis of severe allergic conjunctivitis, thus contributing to inflammatory cell migration and tissue remodeling. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005;46: 1364‐1370) DOI:10.1167/iovs.04-119

    Development of Algorithm for Clinical Management of Sickle Cell Bone Disease: Evidence for a Role of Vertebral Fractures in Patient Follow-up

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    Sickle-cell disease (SCD) is a worldwide distributed hemoglobinopathy, characterized by hemolytic anemia associated with vaso-occlusive events. These result in acute and chronic multiorgan damage. Bone is early involved, leading to long-term disability, chronic pain and fractures. Here, we carried out a retrospective study to evaluate sickle bone disease (SBD) in a cohort of adults with SCD. We assessed bone density, metabolism and turnover. We also evaluated the presence of fractures and the correlation between SCD severity and skeletal manifestations. A total of 71 patients with SCD were analyzed. The mean age of population was 39 \ub1 10 years, 56% of which were females. We found osteoporosis in a range between 7% and 18% with a high incidence of vertebral fractures. LDH and AST were predictive for the severity of vertebral fractures, while bone density was not. Noteworthy, we identified -1.4 Standard Deviations T-score as the cutoff for detecting the presence of fractures in patients with SCD. Collectively our data allowed us to develop an algorithm for the management of SBD, which may be useful in daily clinical practice to early intersect and treat SBD

    Characterization of GECPAR, a noncoding RNA that regulates the transcriptional program of diffuse large B cell lymphoma

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    Enhancers are regulatory regions of DNA, which play a key role in cell-type specific differentiation and development. Most active enhancers are transcribed into enhancer RNAs (eRNAs) that can regulate transcription of target genes by means of in cis as well as in trans action. eRNAs stabilize contacts between distal genomic regions and mediate the interaction of DNA with master transcription factors. Here, we characterised an enhancer RNA, GECPAR (GErminal Center Proliferative Adapter RNA), that is specifically transcribed in normal and neoplastic germinal center B-cells from the super-enhancer of POU2AF1, a key regulatory gene of the germinal center reaction. Using diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell line models, we demonstrated the tumor suppressor activity of GECPAR, which is mediated via its transcriptional regulation of proliferation and differentiation genes, particularly MYC and the Wnt pathway

    Inheritance of resistance to anthracnose stalk rot (Colletotrichum graminicola) in tropical maize inbred lines

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    Generation means was used to study the mode of inheritance of resistance to anthracnose stalk rot in tropical maize. Each population was comprised of six generations in two trials under a randomized block design. Inoculations were performed using a suspension of 105 conidia mL(-1) applied into the stalk. Internal lesion length was directly measured by opening the stalk thirty days after inoculation. Results indicated contrasting modes of inheritance. In one population, dominant gene effects predominated. Besides, additive x dominant and additive x additive interactions were also found. Intermediate values of heritability indicated a complex resistance inheritance probably conditioned by several genes of small effects. An additive-dominant genetic model sufficed to explain the variation in the second population, where additive gene effects predominated. Few genes of major effects control disease resistance in this cross. Heterosis widely differed between populations, which can be attributed to the genetic background of the parental resistant lines.Comissao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior (CAPESPICDT)Comissao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior (CAPES-PICDT)FAPESP [01/02793-0]FAPES

    The REporting of A Disproportionality Analysis for DrUg Safety Signal Detection Using Individual Case Safety Reports in PharmacoVigilance (READUS-PV): Explanation and Elaboration

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    In pharmacovigilance, disproportionality analyses based on individual case safety reports are widely used to detect safety signals. Unfortunately, publishing disproportionality analyses lacks specific guidelines, often leading to incomplete and ambiguous reporting, and carries the risk of incorrect conclusions when data are not placed in the correct context. The REporting of A Disproportionality analysis for drUg Safety signal detection using individual case safety reports in PharmacoVigilance (READUS-PV) statement was developed to address this issue by promoting transparent and comprehensive reporting of disproportionality studies. While the statement paper explains in greater detail the procedure followed to develop these guidelines, with this explanation paper we present the 14 items retained for READUS-PV guidelines, together with an in-depth explanation of their rationale and bullet points to illustrate their practical implementation. Our primary objective is to foster the adoption of the READUS-PV guidelines among authors, editors, peer reviewers, and readers of disproportionality analyses. Enhancing transparency, completeness, and accuracy of reporting, as well as proper interpretation of their results, READUS-PV guidelines will ultimately facilitate evidence-based decision making in pharmacovigilance

    The Reporting of a Disproportionality Analysis for Drug Safety Signal Detection Using Individual Case Safety Reports in PharmacoVigilance (READUS-PV): Development and Statement

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    Background and aim: Disproportionality analyses using reports of suspected adverse drug reactions are the most commonly used quantitative methods for detecting safety signals in pharmacovigilance. However, their methods and results are generally poorly reported in published articles and existing guidelines do not capture the specific features of disproportionality analyses. We here describe the development of a guideline (REporting of A Disproportionality analysis for drUg Safety signal detection using individual case safety reports in PharmacoVigilance [READUS-PV]) for reporting the results of disproportionality analyses in articles and abstracts. Methods: We established a group of 34 international experts from universities, the pharmaceutical industry, and regulatory agencies, with expertise in pharmacovigilance, disproportionality analyses, and assessment of safety signals. We followed a three-step process to develop the checklist: (1) an open-text survey to generate a first list of items; (2) an online Delphi method to select and rephrase the most important items; (3) a final online consensus meeting. Results: Among the panel members, 33 experts responded to round 1 and 30 to round 2 of the Delphi and 25 participated to the consensus meeting. Overall, 60 recommendations for the main body of the manuscript and 13 recommendations for the abstracts were retained by participants after the Delphi method. After merging of some items together and the online consensus meeting, the READUS-PV guidelines comprise a checklist of 32 recommendations, in 14 items, for the reporting of disproportionality analyses in the main body text and four items, comprising 12 recommendations, for abstracts. Conclusions: The READUS-PV guidelines will support authors, editors, peer-reviewers, and users of disproportionality analyses using individual case safety report databases. Adopting these guidelines will lead to more transparent, comprehensive, and accurate reporting and interpretation of disproportionality analyses, facilitating the integration with other sources of evidence