62 research outputs found

    Ewaluacja edukacji zdrowotnej w szkole

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    Publikacja omawia formę ewaluacji zdrowotnej w szkole , która polega na planowaniu i autoewaluacji. Projekt ewaluacji w tej postaci nie jest sformalizowanym badaniem ankietowym, ale opiera się na dialogu pomiędzy uczniami a nauczycielem wychowawca klasy

    Dobre i złe strony tlenku azotu

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    Dobre i złe strony tlenku azotu

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    The effect of lipoic acid on cyanate toxicity in different structures of the rat brain

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    Cyanate is formed mostly during nonenzymatic urea biodegradation. Its active form isocyanate reacts with protein –NH(2) and –SH groups, which changes their structure and function. The present studies aimed to investigate the effect of cyanate on activity of the enzymes, which possess –SH groups in the active centers and are implicated in anaerobic cysteine transformation and cyanide detoxification, as well as on glutathione level and peroxidative processes in different brain structures of the rat: cortex, striatum, hippocampus, and substantia nigra. In addition, we examined whether a concomitant treatment with lipoate, a dithiol that may act as a target of S-carbamoylation, can prevent these changes. Cyanate-inhibited sulfurtransferase activities and lowered sulfide level, which was accompanied by a decrease in glutathione concentration and elevation of reactive oxygen species level in almost all rat brain structures. Lipoate administered in combination with cyanate was able to prevent the above-mentioned negative cyanate-induced changes in a majority of the examined brain structures. These observations can be promising for chronic renal failure patients since lipoate can play a double role in these patients contributing to efficient antioxidant defense and protection against cyanate and cyanide toxicity

    The effects of different garlic-derived allyl sulfides on anaerobic sulfur metabolism in the mouse kidney

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    Diallyl sulfide (DAS), diallyl disulfide (DADS) and diallyl trisulfide (DATS) are major oil-soluble organosulfur compounds of garlic responsible for most of its pharmacological effects. The present study investigated the influence of repeated intraperitoneally (ip) administration of DAS, DADS and DATS on the total level of sulfane sulfur, bound sulfur (S-sulfhydration) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and on the activity of enzymes, which catalyze sulfane sulfur formation and transfer from a donor to an acceptor in the normal mouse kidney, i.e., γ-cystathionase (CSE) and rhodanese (TST). The activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), which is a redox-sensitive protein, containing an –SH group in its catalytic center, was also determined. The obtained results indicated that all tested compounds significantly increased the activity of TST. Moreover, DADS and DATS increased the total sulfane sulfur level and CSE activity in the normal mouse kidney. ALDH activity was inhibited in the kidney after DATS administration. The results indicated also that none of the studied allyl sulfides affected the level of bound sulfur or H2S. Thus, it can be concluded that garlic-derived DADS and DATS can be a source of sulfane sulfur for renal cells but they are not connected with persulfide formation

    Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener’s granulomatosis) with hard palate and bronchial perforations treated with rituximab — a case report

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    We present a case of a 57-year-old woman suffering from granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), who in the seventh months of immunosuppressive treatment (cyclophosphamide) progressed with new pulmonary changes and perforations of the hard palate and bronchi. Rituximab was introduced resulting in B-cell depletion and disappearance of anti-PR3 antibody. Palatal holes have substantially diminished and all bronchial perforations disappeared, covered by fibrous tissue. In the fourth month after rituximab administration, large scarring obstruction of the right main bronchus with upper and middle lobes atelectasis emerged. Because of increasing dyspnoea, stenotic bronchus was re-opened by bronchoscopy. Intervention was complicated by bilateral pneumothorax and later, on the seventh day, by fatal pulmonary bleeding. To our knowledge, this is the first report of GPA refractory to cyclophosphamide complicated by palatal and bronchial perforations.Przedstawiamy przypadek 57-letniej pacjentki z ziarniniakowatością z zapaleniem naczyń (GPA), u której pomimo trwającej siedem miesięcy terapii immunosupresyjnej (cyklofosfamidem) doszło do progresji choroby podstawowej. Z uwagi na to, że u chorej stwierdzono nowe zmiany w płucach oraz perforacje oskrzeli i podniebienia twardego, włączono rituximab, co doprowadziło do zmniejszenia ilości limfocytów B we krwi obwodowej oraz do zaniknięcia przeciwciał anty-PR3. Perforacje podniebienia uległy znacznemu zmniejszeniu, natomiast perforacje oskrzeli zanikły i zostały pokryte przez tkankę włóknistą. Po czterech miesiącach od rozpoczęcia leczenia rituximabem uwidoczniono niedodmę płatów górnego i środkowego prawego wynikającą z niedrożności oskrzela głównego prawego (wtórnie do procesu bliznowacenia). Z uwagi na narastającą niewydolność oddechową wykonano zabieg poszerzenia oskrzela, powikłany obustronną odmą, a następnie, siódmego dnia po zabiegu, doszło do krwawienia dooskrzelowego zakończonego zgonem chorej. Według naszej wiedzy przedstawiony przypadek jest pierwszym opublikowanym opisem pacjenta z ziarniniakowatością z zapaleniem naczyń oporną na cyklofosfamid, która została powikłana perforacjami oskrzeli i podniebienia.

    Porfiria skórna późna — opis przypadku ciężkiego przebiegu choroby u kobiety uzależnionej od alkoholu

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    Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) belongs to the group of diseases with an increased incidence in the population of alcohol addicted people. Ethanol consumption has an influence on porphiryn metabolism which leads to disturbance in regulation of heme synthesis enzymes as well as direct damage of hepatocytes. Porphyria is a disease which involves disturbance of hepatic heme synthesis enzymes. In the course of the PCT, porphyrines are accumulated in the skin and excreted with urine. The skin lesions occur during porphyrin disintegration caused by UV light. The clinical presentation of PCT is non-inflammatory blisters, occasionally accompanied by hemorrhage and eschar. Chronic skin damage may result in scarring and changes in pigmentation at the sites of blisters and milia. Other clinical symptoms include: arthritic pain of upper and lower extremities, dizziness, tinnitus, abdominal pain and sudden death. We present extremely severe case of PCT in female, which was induced by sun exposure, hormone replacement therapy and alcohol intake.  Porfiria skórna późna (PCT, porphyria cutanea tarda) należy do grupy chorób, których częstość występowania jest zwiększona u osób nadużywających alkoholu. Spożycie etanolu wpływa na metabolizm porfiryn, co prowadzi do zaburzeń regulacji enzymów biorących udział w syntezie hemu oraz bezpośrednio uszkadza hepatocyty. Porfiria jest chorobą związaną z zaburzeniem działania enzymów syntezy hemu w hepatocytach. W przebiegu PCT porfiryny są akumulowane w skórze, a także wydalane z moczem. Zmiany skórne pojawiają się podczas rozpadu porfiryn spowodowanego oddziaływaniem promieniowania UV. Do obrazu klinicznego PCT zalicza się: niezapalne pęcherze z towarzyszącym krwawieniem i strupami, bol stawów kończyn górnych i dolnych, zawroty głowy, szumy uszne, dolegliwości bólowe brzucha oraz nagłą śmierć. Przewlekłe uszkodzenie skory doprowadza do bliznowacenia oraz zaburzeń pigmentacji. W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano niezwykle ciężki przypadek PCT indukowany ekspozycją słoneczną, stosowaniem hormonalnej terapii zastępczej oraz nadużywaniem alkoholu

    Autoewaluacja w szkole promującej zdrowie. Metody i narzędzia.

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    Publikacja omawia definicję, model i standardy szkoły promującej zdrowie oraz metody autoewaluacj

    Lipoic acid as a possible pharmacological source of hydrogen sulfide/sulfane sulfur

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    The aim of the present study was to verify whether lipoic acid (LA) itself is a source of H2S and sulfane sulfur. It was investigated in vitro non-enzymatically and enzymatically (in the presence of rat tissue homogenate). The results indicate that both H2S and sulfane sulfur are formed from LA non-enzymatically in the presence of environmental light. These results suggest that H2S is the first product of non-enzymatic light-dependent decomposition of LA that is, probably, next oxidized to sulfane sulfur-containing compound(s). The study performed in the presence of rat liver and kidney homogenate revealed an increase of H2S level in samples containing LA and its reduced form dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA). It was accompanied by a decrease in sulfane sulfur level. It seems that, in these conditions, DHLA acts as a reducing agent that releases H2S from an endogenous pool of sulfane sulfur compounds present in tissues. Simultaneously, it means that exogenous LA cannot be a direct donor of H2S/sulfane sulfur in animal tissues. The present study is an initial approach to the question whether LA itself is a donor of H2S/sulfane sulfur

    Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's granulomatosis) with hard palate and bronchial perforations treated with rituximab : a case report

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    We present a case of a 57-year-old woman suffering from granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), who in the seventh months of immunosuppressive treatment (cyclophosphamide) progressed with new pulmonary changes and perforations of the hard palate and bronchi. Rituximab was introduced resulting in B-cell depletion and disappearance of anti-PR3 antibody. Palatal holes have substantially diminished and all bronchial perforations disappeared, covered by fibrous tissue. In the fourth month after rituximab administration, large scarring obstruction of the right main bronchus with upper and middle lobes atelectasis emerged. Because of increasing dyspnoea, stenotic bronchus was re-opened by bronchoscopy. Intervention was complicated by bilateral pneumothorax and later, on the seventh day, by fatal pulmonary bleeding. To our knowledge, this is the first report of GPA refractory to cyclophosphamide complicated by palatal and bronchial perforations