21 research outputs found

    The relationship between physical activity level and selected cardiovascular risk factors and mortality of males ≥ 50 years in Poland – The results of follow-up of participants of National Multicenter Health Survey WOBASZ

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    Objectives: The role of leisure-time physical activity in reducing all-cause and cardiovascular mortality is well explored. The knowledge on occupational and commuting physical activity continues to be ambiguous and misleading. The aim of the study is to assess the influence of different kinds of physical activity on cardiovascular mortality risk in men. Material and Methods: Data analysis on physical activity level and other selected cardiovascular risk factors acquired from 3577 men in the age between 50–80 years who participated in the National Multicenter Health Survey WOBASZ (Wieloośrodkowe Ogólnopolskie Badanie Stanu Zdrowia), Poland (2003–2005) was linked with male mortality in 2004–2009. Data about causes of deaths were obtained from the Central Statistical Office and the Population Electronic Register. Results: Among males aged 50–59 years, the strongest risk factor was living in large settlements and provincial capitals as a place of residence and the most protective factor was occupational physical activity. In the age group 60–69 years and 70–80 years, the strongest protective effect was observed for leisure-time physical activity. In men aged between 70–80 years (unlike in the 50–59 years age group), the protective effect of large settlements and provincial capitals as a place of residence was noted. Conclusions: Occupational physical activity significantly reduced cardiovascular mortality in men aged 50–69 years, while for leisure-time activity the positive effect was observed in age group 60–69 years and 70–80 years. On the other hand, for the inhabitants of large settlements and provincial capitals, significantly higher risk of cardiovascular mortality in the age group 50–69 years and lower risk in the age group ≥ 70 years was noted, both in comparison with smaller places of residence

    Modelling Future Coronary Heart Disease Mortality to 2030 in the British Isles.

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    OBJECTIVE: Despite rapid declines over the last two decades, coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality rates in the British Isles are still amongst the highest in Europe. This study uses a modelling approach to compare the potential impact of future risk factor scenarios relating to smoking and physical activity levels, dietary salt and saturated fat intakes on future CHD mortality in three countries: Northern Ireland (NI), Republic of Ireland (RoI) and Scotland. METHODS: CHD mortality models previously developed and validated in each country were extended to predict potential reductions in CHD mortality from 2010 (baseline year) to 2030. Risk factor trends data from recent surveys at baseline were used to model alternative future risk factor scenarios: Absolute decreases in (i) smoking prevalence and (ii) physical inactivity rates of up to 15% by 2030; relative decreases in (iii) dietary salt intake of up to 30% by 2030 and (iv) dietary saturated fat of up to 6% by 2030. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were then conducted. RESULTS: Projected populations in 2030 were 1.3, 3.4 and 3.9 million in NI, RoI and Scotland respectively (adults aged 25-84). In 2030: assuming recent declining mortality trends continue: 15% absolute reductions in smoking could decrease CHD deaths by 5.8-7.2%. 15% absolute reductions in physical inactivity levels could decrease CHD deaths by 3.1-3.6%. Relative reductions in salt intake of 30% could decrease CHD deaths by 5.2-5.6% and a 6% reduction in saturated fat intake might decrease CHD deaths by some 7.8-9.0%. These projections remained stable under a wide range of sensitivity analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Feasible reductions in four cardiovascular risk factors (already achieved elsewhere) could substantially reduce future coronary deaths. More aggressive polices are therefore needed in the British Isles to control tobacco, promote healthy food and increase physical activity

    The life cycle functional response of Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) to higher temperature: territorial expansion of permanent parthenogenetic development as a result of warmer weather conditions

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    Bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) is the most abundant aphid species on cereals in Poland. It represents approximately 80% of all cereal aphids. Its anholocyclic forms are the most important vectors of Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV). These forms are new among the Polish population of R. padi. Their changes in development are the result of higher temperatures. High spring and summer temperatures initiate a change in the run of R. padi’s life cycle, which begins to reproduce by means of permanent parthenogenesis. In autumn, this aphid does not fly back to the primary host but inhabits wild grasses. It is in autumn that winter cereals emerge. This results in what appears to be a new problem because this viral infection spreads in warmer environmental conditions

    Being in-between Brasilian and European. Questions concerning intercultural education – case study research

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    Artykuł zawiera analizę i interpretację indywidualnych przeżyć, doświadczeń, poglądów, wartości przedstawiciela innej kultury, będącego w trakcie kształtowania własnej tożsamości. Dobór przypadku był celowy, zorientowany na uzyskanie informacji. Metodą badawczą było jakościowe studium przypadku. Zastosowano techniki badawcze: wywiad narracyjny (przeprowadzono analizę zorientowaną na znaczenie z kodowaniem), skalę do badania tożsamości etnicznej (Phinney, 1992) skalę trudności doświadczanych w obcej kulturze (Furnham, Bohner, 1986). Wyniki dotyczą wymiarów wielowymiarowej tożsamości badanego przypadku z uporządkowanymi 20 kategoriami pojęciowymi i ich kodami oraz interpretacją znaczeń nadawanych wymiarom tożsamości narratora. Raport przedstawia znaczenie poznawcze i praktyczne badanego przypadku. W tekście znajduje się odniesienie do kategorii tożsamości: Skarga, 1997; Borowik, Leszczyńska, 2007; Nikitorowicz, 2015; Sokolik, 1992; Kubacka-Jasiecka, Kuleta, 2008, Giddens, 2001 Suchocka, Królikowka, 2014;odniesienie do teorii zachowań tożsamościowych: Ogrodzka- -Mazur, 2014, Gajdzica, 2013, Grabowska, 2013, Kurzępa, 2007, Misiejuk, 2013, Ogrodzka-Mazur, 2007, Sobecki, 2007, Szczurek-Boruta, 2007, Urlińska; Wojakowski, 2007,Ogrodzka-Mazur, 2014; odniesienie do badań profili tożsamościowych: Ogrodzka-Mazur, 2014; odniesienie do jakościowych badań tożsamości: Gurwitsch 1966 za: Moustakas, 2001.The article contains analysis and interprets an individual experience, feelings, perspectives and value system of a man (the representative of another culture) who is on his way to shape his own identity. The research method that enabled reaching the aim was the qualitative research study in which four research techniques were applied, i.e. a narrative interview (the analysis oriented on the meaning of coding), a scale researching ethnical identity (Phinney, 1992), a range of hardships experienced in an alien culture (Furnham, Bohner, 1986). The selection of the case was determined by a wish to gain information. The results concern the dimensions of multidimensional identity tested with 20 conceptual categories, as well as the codes and interpretation of the meanings of broadcast dimensions of the identity of the narrator. The report presents the cognitive and practical significance of the case. The text makes references to the following − category of identity, Complaints, 1997; Borowik, Leszczyńska, 2007; Nikitorowicz, 2015; Sokolik, 1992; references to the theory of identity behaviour: Ogrodzka- Mazur, 2014, Gajdzica, 2013, Grabowska, 2013, Kurzępa, 2007, Misiejuk, 2013, Ogrodzka-Mazur, 2007, Sobecki, 2007, Szczurek-Boruta, 2007, Urlińska; Wojakowski, 2007, Ogrodzka-Mazur, 2014; reference to research on identity profiles: Ogrodzka-Mazur, 2014; reference to qualitative analysis of identity: Gurwitsch 1966, Moustakas, 2001

    Aphids of the genus Diuraphis caught by Johnson suction trap in Poznań, Poland

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    In 1973-2011 in Poznań, aphid catches were carried out using Johnson’s suction trap. Since then the suction trap located at the Institute of Plant Protection - National Research Institute in Poznań has continuously recorded the daily and seasonal dynamics of aphid flights. The collected results has been used to establish one of the largest databases of this type in Europe. The data also allow tracking changes in aphid biodiversity under the changing climatic conditions. Three aphid species of Diuraphis spp. were identified: D. muehlei (Börner, 1950) - in 1974, D. bromicola (Hille Ris Lambers, 1959) - in 1988, D. noxia (Kurdjumov, 1913) - in 2003 as a result of systematic and long-term aphid collections. The occurrence of D. noxia presents a particular risk to cereal crops in Poland. This expansive aphid species that originates from Asia and the Mediterranean is a vector of Barley yellow dwarf viruses (BYDV), and has become one of the most important pest of wheat and barley in the world. Changes in climatic conditions that have been observed in recent years in Poland such as hot summer, long and warm autumn, mild winter seem to be optimal for occurrence and development of aphid species from warmer parts of Europe

    Wpływ przedoperacyjnej konsultacji kardiologicznej na leczenie pacjentów ze złamaniami bliższego końca kości udowej

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    Introduction. Proximal femur fractures are a common problem in the geriatric population. Moreover, due to numerous comorbidities, the choice of the appropriate form of treatment requires a cardiology consultation. Aim. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze whether these consultations have a significant impact on the treatment of patients with proximal femoral fractures. Materials and methods. A total number of 158 patients with a mean age of 81.3 (range, 56-98), treated for femoral neck and trochanteric fractures were enrolled in a retrospective study. Data from the patient’s treatment history were used for the study, such as: age, hospital admission date, cardiological consultation date, surgery date, discharge date or date of death. Results. Patients without cardiology consultation stayed in hospital on average 3.97 days shorter (p = 0.0011) and had surgery on average 2.89 days earlier (p = 0.000001) than patients with an arranged consultation. The percentage of deaths in both groups was similar: 6.1% and 7.1% (p = 0.70068). Spinal anesthesia was mainly performed by anesthesiologists in the group with consultation (64.3%) and without consultation (83.8%) (p = 0.442). More cases with a consultation were disqualified from surgery: 18.8% vs. 2.9% (p = 0.00357). Among the patients with an ordered cardiological consultation, 53.6% had surgery > 48 hours after admission compared to 26.2% patients without consultation (p = 0.0002). Conclusions. Cardiological consultations extend the length of stay in hospital and delay surgical treatment, but do not affect the choice of anesthesia. However, consultation in some cases may help in the proper qualification and disqualification from surgery.Wstęp. Złamania bliższego końca kości udowej stanowią częsty problem w populacji geriatrycznej. Ponadto, ze względu na dużą liczbę chorób współistniejących, wybór metody leczenia operacyjnego wymaga niejednokrotnie konsultacji kardiologicznej. Cel. W związku z powyższym, celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza, czy konsultacje mają istotny wpływ na proces leczenia pacjentów ze złamaniami bliższego odcinka kości udowej. Materiał i metody. Do retrospektywnego badania zostało włączonych 158 pacjentów z średnią wieku 81,3 zakres, 56-98) lat, leczeni z powodu złamań części bliższej kości udowej. W badaniu wykorzystano dane z historii choroby: wiek, data przyjęcia do szpitala, data konsultacji kardiologicznej, data operacji oraz data wypisu ze szpitala lub zgonu. Wyniki. Pacjenci, którzy nie byli konsultowani kardiologicznie przebywali w szpitalu średnio 3,97 dni krócej (p = 0,011) i mieli operację średnio 2,89 dni wcześniej (p = 0,000001), niż pacjenci ze zleconą konsultacją. Odsetek zgonów w obu grupach był zbliżony: 6,1% i 7,1% (p = 0,70068). Anestezjolodzy wybierali głównie znieczulenie podpajęczynówkowe zarówno u pacjentów z konsultacją (64,3%) jak i bez konsultacji (83,8%) (p = 0,442). Więcej pacjentów z konsultacją zostało zdyskwalifikowanych z operacji: 18,8% vs 2,9% (p = 0,00357). Wśród pacjentów, u których zlecono konsultację kardiologiczną, 53,6% przeszło operację > 48 godzin po przyjęciu w porównaniu z 26,2% pacjentami bez konsultacji (p = 0,0002). Wnioski. Konsultacje kardiologiczne wydłużają czas pobytu w szpitalu i opóźniają leczenie operacyjne, ale nie wpływają na wybór znieczulenia. Jednakże, konsultacja w niektórych przypadkach, może pomóc we właściwej kwalifikacji i dyskwalifikacji z leczenia operacyjnego

    The relationship between physical activity level and selected cardiovascular risk factors and mortality of males ≥ 50 years in Poland – The results of follow-up of participants of National Multicenter Health Survey WOBASZ

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    Objectives: The role of leisure-time physical activity in reducing all-cause and cardiovascular mortality is well explored. The knowledge on occupational and commuting physical activity continues to be ambiguous and misleading. The aim of the study is to assess the influence of different kinds of physical activity on cardiovascular mortality risk in men. Material and Methods: Data analysis on physical activity level and other selected cardiovascular risk factors acquired from 3577 men in the age between 50–80 years who participated in the National Multicenter Health Survey WOBASZ (Wieloośrodkowe Ogólnopolskie Badanie Stanu Zdrowia), Poland (2003–2005) was linked with male mortality in 2004–2009. Data about causes of deaths were obtained from the Central Statistical Office and the Population Electronic Register. Results: Among males aged 50–59 years, the strongest risk factor was living in large settlements and provincial capitals as a place of residence and the most protective factor was occupational physical activity. In the age group 60–69 years and 70–80 years, the strongest protective effect was observed for leisure-time physical activity. In men aged between 70–80 years (unlike in the 50–59 years age group), the protective effect of large settlements and provincial capitals as a place of residence was noted. Conclusions: Occupational physical activity significantly reduced cardiovascular mortality in men aged 50–69 years, while for leisure-time activity the positive effect was observed in age group 60–69 years and 70–80 years. On the other hand, for the inhabitants of large settlements and provincial capitals, significantly higher risk of cardiovascular mortality in the age group 50–69 years and lower risk in the age group ≥ 70 years was noted, both in comparison with smaller places of residence

    Pasta with Kiwiberry (Actinidia arguta): Effect on Structure, Quality, Consumer Acceptance, and Changes in Bioactivity during Thermal Treatment

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    In this study, kiwiberry lyophilizate (KBL) was incorporated into pasta at different levels (5%, 10%, and 15% w/w). Kiwiberry fruits’ characteristics (ascorbic acid, carotenoids, phenolic compounds, and antioxidant activity determination) as well as physical (cooking properties, color, microscopic structure determination, texture, and water molecular dynamics analysis by low-field NMR) and chemical analyses (proximate composition phenolic compounds composition and antioxidant activity) of KBL-enriched pasta were investigated. The replacement of semolina with KBL in the production of pasta significantly changed its culinary properties. Results showed that the addition of KBL leads to a reduction in optimal cooking time and cooking weight (47.6% and 37.3%, respectively). Additionally, a significant effect of the KBL incorporation on the color of both fresh and cooked pasta was observed. A significant reduction in the L* value for fresh (27.8%) and cooked (20.2%) pasta was found. The KBL-enriched pasta had a different surface microstructure than the control pasta and reduced firmness (on average 44.7%). Low-field NMR results have confirmed that the ingredients in kiwiberry fruit can bind the water available in fresh pasta. The heat treatment resulted in increasing the availability of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity (64.7%) of cooked pasta. Sensory evaluation scores showed that the use of 5–10% of the KBL additive could be successfully accepted by consumers

    The role of nibrin in Doxorubicin-induced apoptosis and cell senescence in nijmegen breakage syndrome patients lymphocytes

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    Nibrin plays an important role in the DNA damage response (DDR) and DNA repair. DDR is a crucial signaling pathway in apoptosis and senescence. To verify whether truncated nibrin (p70), causing Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome (NBS), is involved in DDR and cell fate upon DNA damage, we used two (S4 and S3R) spontaneously immortalized T cell lines from NBS patients, with the founding mutation and a control cell line (L5). S4 and S3R cells have the same level of p70 nibrin, however p70 from S4 cells was able to form more complexes with ATM and BRCA1. Doxorubicin-induced DDR followed by cell senescence could only be observed in L5 and S4 cells, but not in the S3R ones. Furthermore the S3R cells only underwent cell death, but not senescence after doxorubicin treatment. In contrary to doxorubicin treatment, cells from all three cell lines were able to activate the DDR pathway after being exposed to γ-radiation. Downregulation of nibrin in normal human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) did not prevent the activation of DDR and induction of senescence. Our results indicate that a substantially reduced level of nibrin or its truncated p70 form is sufficient to induce DNA-damage dependent senescence in VSMCs and S4 cells, respectively. In doxorubicin-treated S3R cells DDR activation was severely impaired, thus preventing the induction of senescence