229 research outputs found

    Simultaneous control of DNA and RNA processing efficiency using a nucleic acid calibration set.

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    PCR-based detection techniques enables reliable and sensitive nucleic acid target detection. However, quantitative determination methods often fail to control for the efficiency of nucleic acid extraction, reverse transcription, and PCR amplification. This problem is even more prominent when working with clinical samples due to target sequence loss during nucleic acid processing or the co-purification of PCR inhibitors (1,2). Handling processes are often assumed to approach 100% efficiency in the laboratory, even if practical experience shows that this efficiency can be much lower. This inability to ensure accuracy can lead to significant error in uncalibrated DNA sample quantitation. The additional need for reverse transcription of RNA may further increase the quantitative error rate, as yet another enzymatic process is involved. Nucleic acid controls have been developed based upon known sequences to calibrate either DNA or RNA handling; DNA calibrators have been used to control for the amplification of target sequences using realtime PCR methods (3–8), while RNA calibrators have been developed to test reverse transcription and amplification efficiencies (9–11). A nonpathogenic viral particle carrying a sequence for use as an external positive control of extraction and amplification has also been described (12). Unfortunately, most of the established processing controls are only suitable for limited applications (i.e., either DNA or RNA detection). Cross-contamination of biological samples or minute detection from natural sources reveals the need for completely synthetic sequences, with no homology to sequences in the nucleic acid databases. It is, therefore, beneficial to design an internal, synthetic calibration system that can control for both DNA and RNA processing steps in a single tube. This set includes both RNA and DNA targets with identical primer binding sites and, thus, primer binding efficiency, but easily distinguishable sequence characteristics, allowing for simultaneous detection, quantitation, and calibration of nucleic acid processing efficiency. A 150-bp randomly generated nucleic acid sequence was developed for use as a short control (SC). A GCrich 75-bp sequence was inserted in the middle of the 150-bp sequence to generate a 225-bp sequence, long control (LC). Besides size, the two sequences were designed to have easily distinguishable probe binding sites with a predicted product melting temperature difference of 4°C. Calibrator sequences have been published as GenBank® accession nos. EF143258 (DNA control, LC) and EF143257 (RNA control, SC). Simultaneous control of DNA and RNA processing efficiency using a nucleic acid calibration se

    Viral hemorrhagic fevers: advancing the level of treatment

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    The management of viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs) has mainly focused on strict infection control measures, while standard clinical interventions that are provided to patients with other life-threatening conditions are rarely offered to patients with VHFs. Despite its complexity, a proper clinical case management of VHFs is neither futile nor is it lacking in scientific rationale. Given that patient outcomes improve when treatment is started as soon as possible, development and implementation of protocols to promptly identify and treat patients in the earliest phases of diseases are urgently needed. Different pharmacological options have been proposed to manage patients and, as for other life-threatening conditions, advanced life support has been proved effective to address multiorgan failure. In addition, high throughput screening of small molecular libraries has emerged as a novel promising way to find new candidates drugs for VHFs therapy and a relevant number of new molecules are currently under investigation. Here we discuss the current knowledge about VHF clinical management to propose a way to step up the approach to VHFs beyond the mere application of infection control measures

    Hepatitis E virus in Italy: molecular analysis of travel-related and autochthonous cases

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    Human hepatitis E virus (HEV) is considered an emerging pathogen in industrialized countries. The aim of the present study was to contribute to the body of knowledge available on the molecular epidemiology of acute hepatitis E in Italy. Three sets of HEV-specific primers targeting the ORF1 and ORF2 were used to examine serum samples collected from acute hepatitis patients positive for anti-HEV IgG and/or IgM, between 2007 and 2010. Seventeen patients (39.5 %) tested HEV RNA-positive: 12 infections, due to genotype 1, were associated with travel to endemic areas (Bangladesh, India and Pakistan), while five infections, due to genotype 3, were presumably autochthonous. Risk factors identified in this group included exposure to raw seafood, pork liver sausages and wild boar. Results from the present study confirm that human HEV infection in Italy is caused by different genotypes, depending on whether the infection is travel-related or autochthonous

    Granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells increased in early phases of primary HIV infection depending on TRAIL plasma level

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    Background It has been demonstrated that Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSC) are expanded in HIV-1 infected individuals and correlated with disease progression. The phase of HIV infection during which MDSC expansion occurs, and the mechanisms that regulate this expansion remain to be established. In this study we evaluated the frequency of MDSC in patients during primary HIV infection, and factors involved in MDSC control. Methods Patients with primary (PHI) and chronic (CHI) HIV infection were enrolled. PHI staging was performed according to Fiebig classification, and circulating MDSC frequency and function were evaluated by flow cytometry. Cytokine levels were evaluated by Luminex technology. Results We found that granulocytic MDSC (Gr-MDSC) frequency was higher in PHI compared to healthy donors, but lower than CHI. Interestingly, Gr-MDSC expansion was observed in the early phases of HIV infection (Fiebig II/III), but it was not associated to HIV viral load and CD4 T cell count. Interestingly, in PHI Gr-MDSC frequency was inversely correlated with plasmatic level of TRAIL, while a direct correlation was observed in CHI. Further, lower level of GMCSF was observed in PHI compared with CHI. In vitro experiments demonstrated that, differently from CHI, recombinant TRAIL induced apoptosis of Gr-MDSC from PHI, can effect that can be abrogated by GM-CSF. Conclusion We found that Gr-MDSC are expanded early during primary HIV infection and may be regulated by TRAIL and GM-CSF levels. These findings shed light on the fine mechanisms regulating the immune system during HIV infection, and open new perspectives for immune-based strategies

    Orthopoxvirus Seroprevalence in Cats and Veterinary Personnel in North-Eastern Italy in 2011

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    Orthopoxviruses (OPV) are emerging zoonotic pathogens, and an increasing number of human infections is currently reported in Europe and in other continents, warranting heightened attention on this topic. Following two OPV infections reported in veterinarians scratched by sick cats in 2005 and 2007 in North-Eastern-Italy, involving a previously undescribed OPV, a similar strain was isolated by a sick cat from the same territory in 2011, i.e., 6 years later, raising attention on OPV circulation in this region. A surveillance program was launched to assess the OPV seroprevalence among the veterinarians working in local veterinary clinics and in the local wild and domestic cat population; seroprevalence was 33.3% in veterinarians and 19.5% in cats. Seroprevalence in cats was unevenly distributed, peaking at 40% in the area where OPV-infected cats had been observed

    Performance of rapid tests in the management of dengue fever imported cases in Lazio, Italy 2014-2019

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    Abstract Background In Italy, dengue virus is the most frequent agent of imported viral infections. The use of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) may be of help as a preliminary user-friendly quick assay to facilitate dengue diagnosis, as ordinary laboratory diagnosis of dengue fever may require special efforts in terms of tools availability, interpretation of results, and skilled personnel. The performance of RDTs, however, may vary according to different epidemiological and laboratory background. Methods We reviewed five years of laboratory records of two dengue RDT results (Colorimetric SD-Bioline Dengue-Duo-RDT and Fluorimetric SD-Biosensor-STANDARD-F-Dengue-RDT), able to detect viral NS1 antigen and specific IgM and IgG. Diagnostic parameters were calculated using as reference the results of molecular (RT-PCR) and serological (immunofluorescence, IFA) tests. Overall performance, calculated considering the final case definition, was included in the accuracy assessment of RDTs. Results The combined use of NS1 and IgM/IgG RDT for the detection of acute dengue cases resulted in an overall sensitivity and specificity of 87.2% and 97.9% for Colorimetric RDT, 96.2% and 96.2% for Fluorimetric RDT. NS1 was the most reliable marker of acute infection, while IgM resulted falsely positive in nine samples, including sera derived from 2 Zika and 4 non-arbovirus infected patients. Conclusions The inclusion of RDT in the diagnostic algorithm is of undeniable help in the prompt management and surveillance of dengue infection in non-endemic areas. Confirmatory tests are, however, necessary to rule in or rule out dengue fever diagnosis

    Zika virus NS2A inhibits interferon signaling by degradation of STAT1 and STAT2

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    The Interferon (IFN) response is crucial to restrain pathogenic infections. Investigations into flavivirus-host interactions reported that the high virulence is linked to innate immune evasion. Zika Virus (ZIKV) has developed diversified strategies to evade the innate immune system. We report that the viral protein NS2A counteracts the IFN response by strongly suppressing the IFN signaling. NS2A targets transcription factors STAT1 and STAT2, to impede their nuclear localization, thereby suppressing the transcription of ISRE promoter and IFN-stimulated genes. We found that NS2A promotes degradation of STAT1 and STAT2. Treatment of NS2A transfected cells with MG132 restores the levels of both transcription factors, suggesting the involvement of the proteasome system. Given the impact that the IFN antagonism has on flavivirus virulence, the knowledge gained by characterizing the mechanism through which ZIKV evades the IFN response paves the ground for new strategies to attenuate the pathogenesis and to develop countermeasures against effective pharmacological targets

    In vitro Evaluation of Antiviral Efficacy of a Standardized Hydroalcoholic Extract of Poplar Type Propolis Against SARS-CoV-2

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    Except for specific vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapeutic treatments are currently limited for COVID-19. Propolis, a honeybee's product, has been suggested as a potential candidate for treatment of COVID-19 for its immunomodulatory properties and for its powerful activity against various types of viruses, including common coronaviruses. However, direct evidence regarding the antiviral activities of this product still remains poorly documented. VERO E6 and CALU3 cell lines were infected with SARS-CoV-2 and cultured in the presence of 12.5 or 25 mu g/ml of a standardized Hydroalcoholic Extract acronym (sHEP) of Eurasian poplar type propolis and analyzed for viral RNA transcription, for cell damage by optical and electron microscopy, and for virus infectivity by viral titration at 2, 24, 48, and 72 h post-infection. The three main components of sHEP, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, galangin, and pinocembrin, were tested for the antiviral power, either alone or in combination. On both cell lines, sHEP showed significant effects mainly on CALU3 up to 48 h, i.e., some protection from cytopathic effects and consistent reduction of infected cell number, fewer viral particles inside cellular vesicles, reduction of viral titration in supernatants, dramatic drop of N gene negative sense RNA synthesis, and lower concentration of E gene RNA in cell extracts. Interestingly, pre-treatment of cells with sHEP before virus inoculation induced these same effects described previously and was not able to block virus entry. When used in combination, the three main constituents of sHEP showed antiviral activity at the same levels of sHEP. sHEP has a remarkable ability to hinder the replication of SARS-CoV-2, to limit new cycles of infection, and to protect host cells against the cytopathic effect, albeit with rather variable results. However, sHEP do not block the virus entry into the cells. The antiviral activity observed with the three main components of sHEP used in combination highlights that the mechanism underlying the antiviral activity of sHEP is probably the result of a synergistic effect. These data add further emphasis on the possible therapeutic role of this special honeybee's product as an adjuvant to official treatments of COVID-19 patients for its direct antiviral activity
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