180 research outputs found

    Arboviruses Emerging In Brazil: Challenges For Clinic And Implications For Public Health

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    Arboviruses have been emerging in different parts of the world due to genetic changes in the virus, alteration of the host and vector population dynamics, or because of anthropogenic environmental factors. These viruses' capacity for adaptation is notable, as well as the likelihood of their emergence and establishment in new geographic areas. In Brazilian epidemiologic scenario, the most common arboviruses are DENV, CHIKV, and ZIKV, although others may spread in the country. Little is yet known of the impact of viral co-circulation, which would theoretically result in more intense viremia or other immunological alterations that could trigger autoimmune diseases, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome. The impact on morbidity and mortality intensifies as extensive epidemics lead to a high number of affected individuals, severe cases, and implications for health services, mainly due to the absence of treatment, vaccines, and effective prevention and control measures.5

    Risk factors associated with the transmission of Brazilian spotted fever in the Piracicaba river basin, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Brazilian spotted fever (BSF) is a disease transmitted by ticks for which the etiological agent is Rickettsia rickettsii. The present essay evaluates the risk factors associated with the transmission of cases of BSF in the time period between 2003 and 2013 in the Piracicaba river basin, state of São Paulo. This essay presents a retrospective study to identify the factors associated with the transmission of cases of BSF among all suspected cases identified by the System for Epidemiological Surveillance of São Paulo (CVE). After the description of temporal distribution (onset of symptoms) and the environmental and demographic variations of the confirmed and discarded cases, a multiple logistic regression model was applied.We searched 569 probable locations of infection (PLI) with 210 (37%) confirmed cases of BSF and 359 (63%) discarded cases. The associated variables for the confirmation of BSF in the multiple logistic model using a confidence interval (CI) of 95% were age (OR = 1.025 CI: 1.015-1.035), the presence of Amblyomma sculptum in the environment (OR = 1.629 CI: 1.097-2.439), the collection of ticks from horses (OR = 1.939 CI: 0.999-3.764), the presence of capybaras (OR = 1.467 CI: 1.009-2.138), an urban environment (OR = 1.515 CI: 1.036-2.231), and the existence of a dirty pasture (OR = 1.759 CI: 1.028-3.003). The factors associated with the confirmation of BSF cases included an urban environment, age, presence of the A. sculptum vector, the collection of ticks from horses, the presence of a capybara population, and a dirty pasture environment4811117CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQNão te

    Factors associated with reinfection of syphilis in reference centers for sexually transmitted infections

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    OBJECTIVE We aim to analyze trend of syphilis and factors associated with recurrent episodes of syphilis among adults and adolescents attended in a STI/AIDS reference centers in Campinas, state of São Paulo, 2004 to 2012. METHODS Medical records, pharmacy data, and notification database were accessed to analyze trends of syphilis and sociodemographic, epidemiological and clinical variables associated with reinfection of syphilis. After univariate analysis, a hierarchical logistic regression model was adjusted to analyze variables associated with more than one episode of syphilis (dependent variable). First step (sex, age, and years of schooling) were tested and in the second, epidemiological and clinical variables. RESULTS A total of 1,009 episodes of syphilis were identified among 860 adolescents and adults, 117 individuals (13.6%) presented with more than one episode of syphilis. Factors associated with more than one episode of syphilis were sex (male) (OR = 4.28; 95%CI 1.31–14.0), age (OR = 1.02; 95%CI 1.00–1.04), homosexual/bisexual orientation (OR = 2.29; 95%CI 1.22–4.32), HIV coinfection (OR = 3.54; 95%CI 2.22–5.63), and absence of STI symptoms at the time of syphilis diagnostic (OR = 1.70; 95%CI 1.03–2.80). CONCLUSIONS The number of cases of syphilis and proportion in relation to STI increased in recent years in a specific population attended in a STI/AIDS reference centers in Campinas. Association with HIV, homosexual/bisexual orientation and the silent clinical characteristic of cases confirm the necessity to implement more aggressive strategies to prevent the occurrence of syphilis and other STI in specific populations with higher disease risk

    Spatial Distribution Of Dengue Incidence And Socio-environmental Conditions In Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil, 2007.

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    This study aimed to analyze the spatial distribution of dengue risk and its association with socio-environmental conditions. This was an ecological study of the counts of autochthonous dengue cases in the municipality of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil, in the year 2007, aggregated according to 47 coverage areas of municipal health centers. Spatial models for mapping diseases were constructed with Bayesian hierarchical models, based on Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA). The analyses were stratified according to two age groups, 0 to 14 years and above 14 years. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of dengue risk is not associated with socio-environmental conditions in the 0 to 14 year age group. In the age group older than 14 years, the relative risk of dengue increases significantly as the level of socio-environmental deprivation increases. Mapping of socio-environmental deprivation and dengue cases proved to be a useful tool for data analysis in dengue surveillance systems.291522-3

    Spatial distribution of dengue incidence and socio-environmental conditions in Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil, 2007

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    This study aimed to analyze the spatial distribution of dengue risk and its association with socio-environmental conditions. This was an ecological study of the counts of autochthonous dengue cases in the municipality of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil, in the year 2007, aggregated according to 47 coverage areas of municipal health centers. Spatial models for mapping diseases were constructed with Bayesian hierarchical models, based on Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA). The analyses were stratified according to two age groups, 0 to 14 years and above 14 years. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of dengue risk is not associated with socio-environmental conditions in the 0 to 14 year age group. In the age group older than 14 years, the relative risk of dengue increases significantly as the level of socio-environmental deprivation increases. Mapping of socio-environmental deprivation and dengue cases proved to be a useful tool for data analysis in dengue surveillance systems

    Clinical, epidemiological, and etiological profile of inpatients with community-acquired pneumonia at a general hospital in the Sumaré microregion of Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical, etiological, and epidemiological aspects of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in hospitalized individuals. METHODS: We prospectively studied 66 patients (&gt; 14 years of age) with CAP admitted to the Hospital Estadual Sumaré, located in the Sumaré microregion of Brazil, between October of 2005 and September of 2007. We collected data related to clinical history, physical examination, pneumonia severity index (PSI) scores, and laboratory tests (blood culture; sputum smear microscopy and culture; serology for Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila; and detection of Legionella sp. and Streptococcus pneumoniae antigens in urine). RESULTS: The mean age of patients was 53 years. Most had a low level of education, and 55.7% presented with at least one comorbidity at the time of hospitalization. The proportion of elderly people vaccinated against influenza was significantly lower among the inpatients than in the general population of the Sumaré microregion (52.6% vs. &gt; 70%). Fever was less common among the elderly patients (p < 0.05). The clinical evolution was associated with the PSI scores but not with age. The etiology was confirmed in 31 cases (50.8%) and was attributed to S. pneumoniae, principally detected by the urinary antigen test, in 21 (34.4%), followed by C. pneumoniae, in 5 (8.2%). The mortality rate was 4.9%, and 80.3% of the patients were classified as cured at discharge. CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge of the etiologic profile of CAP at the regional level favors the appropriate choice of empirical treatment, which is particularly relevant in elderly patients and in those with comorbidities. The lack of influenza vaccination in elderly patients is a risk factor for hospitalization due to CAP.OBJETIVO: Analisar aspectos clínicos, etiológicos e epidemiológicos das pneumonias adquiridas na comunidade (PAC) em indivíduos internados. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados prospectivamente 66 pacientes com PAC maiores de 14 anos no Hospital Estadual Sumaré, localizado na cidade de Sumaré (SP), entre outubro de 2005 e setembro de 2007. Coletamos dados sobre história clínica, exame clínico, escore pneumonia severity index (PSI) e exames laboratoriais (hemocultura, bacterioscopia/cultura de escarro, sorologias para Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae e Legionella pneumophila, além de antígenos urinários de Legionella sp. e Streptococcus pneumoniae). RESULTADOS: A idade média dos pacientes foi de 53 anos, a maioria tinha baixa escolaridade, e 55,7% apresentavam pelo menos uma comorbidade no momento da internação. O percentual de idosos vacinados contra influenza entre os internados foi significativamente menor que os da comunidade dos municípios da microrregião de Sumaré (52,6% vs. &gt; 70%). A febre foi menos frequente entre os idosos (p < 0,05). A evolução clínica se associou com o escore PSI, mas não com a idade. A etiologia foi confirmada em 31 (50,8%) dos casos, sendo 21 (34,4%) devido a S. pneumoniae, detectado principalmente pelo antígeno urinário; seguido de C. pneumoniae, em 5 (8,2%). Receberam alta hospitalar por cura 80,3% dos pacientes. A taxa de letalidade foi de 4,9%. CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento do perfil etiológico de PAC no âmbito regional favorece a escolha adequada da terapia empírica, que é particularmente relevante em pacientes idosos e naqueles com comorbidades. A falta da vacinação contra influenza em idosos é um fator de risco de internação por PAC.20020

    Fatores associados à vacinação contra influenza em idosos em município do Sudeste do Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: Even though influenza vaccination is free and widely available in Brazil since 1999, coverage is still inadequate in several of the country's municipalities. The aim of the present study was to estimate vaccine coverage and to identify factors related to vaccination against influenza in the elderly population. METHODS: A household survey was carried out using a systematic random sample (N=365) of the urban population older than 60 years from the city of Botucatu, Southeastern Brazil. A logistic regression model using vaccination in 2002 as the dependent variable was used. The following covariables were tested: sex, age, socioeconomic variables (per capita income, number of persons per dormitory, schooling, marital status, occupation, time living in the city), history of morbidity and hospital admission, smoking, respiratory symptoms in last 15 days, and community activities (voluntary work, neighborhood and church activities). RESULTS: Vaccine coverage was 63.2% (95% CI: 58.3-68.2). We found a lower proportion of vaccination among the 60-64 years age group. Variables associated with vaccination in the final model were age (OR=1.09 per year; 95% CI: 1.06-1.13); arterial hypertension (OR=1.92; 95% CI: 1.18-3.13); and participation in community activities (OR=1.63; 95% CI: 1.01-2.65). With the exception of hypertension, vaccination among subjects with chronic diseases did not reach adequate levels, as expected for this high-risk group. Participation in social and community activities was associated with vaccination status. CONCLUSIONS: Socioeconomic conditions, habits, and age did not restrict access to vaccination campaigns. On the other hand, specific campaigns aimed at the 60-64 years age group may increase vaccination coverage.OBJETIVO: Mesmo gratuita e disponível no Brasil desde 1999, a cobertura vacinal contra a influenza ainda é inadequada em diversos municípios do País. O objetivo da pesquisa foi estimar a cobertura vacinal e identificar fatores relacionados à vacinação contra a influenza em idosos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se inquérito domiciliar em amostra aleatória sistemática (N=365) da população urbana maior de 60 anos em Botucatu, São Paulo. Foi aplicado modelo de regressão logística múltipla, cuja variável dependente foi ter sido vacinado em 2002. Foram testadas no modelo as covariáveis: sexo, idade, socioeconômicas (renda per capita, número de pessoas por cômodo, escolaridade, estado civil, ocupação, tempo de moradia), antecedentes mórbidos, de internação, hábito de fumar, sintomas respiratórios nos últimos 15 dias e atividades comunitárias (trabalho voluntário, atividades no bairro, igreja). RESULTADOS: Registrou-se cobertura vacinal de 63,2% (IC 95%: 58,3-68,2). Foi observado menor percentual de vacinados entre os idosos na faixa etária de 60 a 64 anos. As variáveis que se mostraram associadas à vacinação e permaneceram no modelo final foram: idade (OR=1,09 por ano; IC 95%: 1,06-1,13); hipertensão arterial (OR=1,92; IC 95%: 1,18-3,13); inserção em atividades na comunidade (OR=1,63; IC 95%: 1,01-2,65). A vacinação em portadores de doenças crônicas não atingiu níveis adequados conforme esperado para este grupo de risco, com exceção dos hipertensos. A participação em atividades comunitárias e sociais foi relacionada com o estado vacinal. CONCLUSÕES: Condições socioeconômicas, hábitos e idade não restringiram o acesso à campanha vacinal. Por outro lado, campanhas específicas, endereçadas a indivíduos da faixa de 60 a 64 anos, podem ampliar a cobertura da vacinação

    The AIDS epidemic in the Amazon region: a spatial case-control study in Rondonia, Brazil

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    OBJETIVO Analisar mudanças espaciais no risco de Aids e a relação entre incidência da doença e variáveis socioeconômicas. MÉTODOS Estudo caso-controle espacial, de base populacional, realizado em Rondônia, Brasil, com 1.780 casos notificados pelo Sistema de Vigilância Epidemiológica e os controles a partir de dados demográficos de 1987 a 2006. Os casos foram agrupados em cinco períodos de cinco anos consecutivos. Um modelo aditivo generalizado foi ajustado aos dados. O status dos indivíduos (caso ou controle) foi considerado como a variável dependente e independente: um alisamento ( spline ) bidimensional das coordenadas geográficas e variáveis socioeconômicas municipais. Os valores observados para o teste Moran I foram comparados com a distribuição de referência dos valores obtidos em condições de aleatoriedade espacial. RESULTADOS O risco de Aids apresentou padrão espacial e temporal marcado. A incidência associou-se a indicadores socioeconômicos municipais, como urbanização e capital humano. As maiores taxas de incidência de Aids ocorreram em municípios ao longo da rodovia BR-364; os resultados do teste Moran I mostram correlação espacial positiva associada à contiguidade dos municípios com a rodovia, no terceiro e quarto períodos (p = 0,05). CONCLUSÕES A incidência da doença foi maior em municípios de maior riqueza econômica e urbanização e naqueles cortados pelas estradas principais de Rondônia. O rápido desenvolvimento associado à ocupação de regiões remotas pode ser acompanhado por aumento de riscos à saúde.OBJETIVO Analizar cambios espaciales en el riesgo de Sida y la relación entre incidencia de la enfermedad y variables socioeconómicas. MÉTODOS Estudio caso-control espacial, de base poblacional, realizado en Rondonia, Brasil con 1.780 casos notificados por el Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica y los controles a partir de datos demográficos de 1987 a 2006. Los casos fueron agrupados en cinco períodos de cinco años consecutivos. Un modelo aditivo generalizado fue ajustado a los datos. El estatus de los individuos (caso o control) fue considerado como la variable dependiente e independiente: un alisamiento (spline) bidimensional de las coordenadas geográficas y variables socioeconómicas municipales. Los valores observados para la prueba Moran I fueron comparados con la distribución de referencia de los valores obtenidos en condiciones de aleatoriedad espacial. RESULTADOS El riesgo de Sida presentó patrón espacial y temporal marcado. La incidencia se asoció a indicadores socioeconómicos municipales, como urbanización y capital humano. Las mayores tasas de incidencia de Sida ocurrieron en municipios a lo largo de la carretera BR-364; los resultados de la prueba Moran I muestran correlación espacial positiva asociada a la cercanía de los municipios a la carretera, en el tercero y cuarto periodos (p=0,05). CONCLUSIONES La incidencia de la enfermedad fue mayor en municipios de mayor riqueza económica y urbanización y en aquellos atravesados por las carreteras principales de Rondonia. El rápido desarrollo asociado a la ocupación de regiones remotas puede ser acompañado por aumento de riesgos para la salud.OBJECTIVE To analyze spatial changes in the risk of AIDS and the relationship between AIDS incidence and socioeconomic variables in the state of Rondonia, Amazon region. METHODS A spatial, population case-control study in Rondonia, Brazil, based on 1,780 cases reported to the Epidemiological Surveillance System and controls based on demographic data from 1987 to 2006. The cases were grouped into five consecutive four-year periods. A generalized additive model was adjusted to the data; the dependent variable was the status of the individuals (case or control), and the independent variables were a bi-dimensional spline of the geographic coordinates and some municipality-level socioeconomic variables. The observed values of the Moran’s I test were compared to a reference distribution of values generated under conditions of spatial randomness. RESULTS AIDS risk shows a marked spatial and temporal pattern. The disease incidence is related to socioeconomic variables at the municipal level in Rondônia, such as urbanization and human capital. The highest incidence rates of AIDS are in municipalities along the BR-364 highway and calculations of the Moran’s I test show positive spatial correlation associated with proximity of the municipality to the highway in the third and fourth periods (p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Incidence of the disease is higher in municipalities of greater economic wealth and urbanization, and in those municipalities bisected by Rondônia’s main roads. The rapid development associated with the opening up of once remote regions may be accompanied by an increase in these risks to health