62 research outputs found

    Αn unusual origin and course of multiple branches of the median nerve to the thenar muscles: a case report

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    Three supernumerary motor branches of the median nerve were found in the left thenar region of a male cadaver. In particular these branches were arising proximal to the carpal tunnel and after penetrating the flexor retinaculum, they were distributed to the thenar muscles. The main recurrent branch was observed curving the distal border of the flexor retinaculum supplying the superficial head of the flexor pollicis brevis and the opponens pollicis muscle. The three detected multiple motor branches of the median nerve supplied the thenar muscles as follows: the upper branch, innervated the oppo­nens pollicis, the middle branch the abductor pollicis brevis and the lower branch the superficial head of the flexor pollicis brevis muscle. Such combination of multiple muscular branches of high origin from the median nerve constitutes a very rare anatomical variant. We attempt to highlight the significance of such variation for the hand surgeon in order to avoid undesir­able implications such as iatrogenic injury of these aberrant branche

    Multimedia Application: Virtual Reality with 3D Graphics for Interactive Environment in Medical Education

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    Technology evolution and the need for teaching modernization led to the design of virtual reality applications in medical education. The current study aims to create an interactive environment by using three-dimensional (3D) models of the human arterial system. 3D arterial models allow undergraduate medical students to easily memorize main arterial branching pattern after intra-arterial navigation. The students have the ability by using the application for enjoyable interaction during navigation for learning process and continue or repeat the intra-arterial navigation. The study compares two students’ groups by using the criterion whether or not they have followed the anatomy of the arterial system course and were successfully examined to it. The results showed no difference in experience in the evaluation of virtual reality application between the two groups, as well as no gender differences. Digital applications, although complex, offer great advantages, such as learning without jeopardizing human body and the possibility of multiple repetitions, that allows students fully understand the educational subject

    Superficial brachial artery traversing a median nerve loop in the arm associated with other vascular and muscular anomalies: case report and clinical implications

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    Knowledge of the various morphological patterns of the brachial artery and median nerve in the upper limb area is of considerable clinical and surgical importance to physicians intervening with these areas. In the current study, in the right upper limb of a male cadaver a rare variation of a superficial brachial artery associated with a median nerve loop in the upper arm is presented. The artery gave off a deep brachial artery in the arm and normally bifurcated in the cubital fossa. Additionally, a muscular bundle from the brachialis muscle was also present, overlapping the median nerve along with the deep brachial artery above the elbow. To the best of our knowledge such a combination of arterial, neural and muscular anatomical variations is extremely rare. Since brachial plexus and brachial artery variations are more prone to injury, their surgical, diagnostic and interventional importance are valuable to radiologists in interpreting images and to vascular surgeons, neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons involved in compressive peripheral neuropathy treatment. The relevant clinical and surgical implications are discussed as well

    Jean Falcon (1491-1541), a great surgeon and anatomist of the 16th century

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    Jean Falcon, an Aragon native, became a famous surgeon at the Faculty of Montpellier. He was a Royal physician, wealthy enough to live a luxurious life and treat influential patients. His lectures were legendary, and his works gave him fame among the surgeons’ class. Of all his manuscripts stands the “Guidon”, which became an anatomical surgeons’ handbook, worthy of reference from the scientific community for centuries

    Louis Hubert Farabeuf (1841-1910). A pioneer of topographical, clinical and surgical anatomy

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    Louis Hubert Farabeuf (1841-1910) was a reformer of the study of topographical, clinical and surgical anatomy during the 19th century. He was a reputable professor of anatomy and many anatomical terms, clinical signs and surgical instruments bear his name

    Karl Stellwag von Carion (1823-1904) and his studies on clinical and pathological anatomy of ocular cancer

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    Karl Stellwag von Carion (1823-1904) was a very important figure of European ophthalmology during the 19th century. Besides his other contributions in ophthalmology such as ‘Stellwag sign’, coining the term ‘ectopia lentis’ for lens dislocation and fundamental studies on glaucoma, refraction, accommodation and light polarization, his studies on ocular cancer were very significant but not highlighted by modern research

    The first Anatomy professors in the Medical School of the University of Athens

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    The purpose of this historical review is to add new elements to the international literature in relation to the birth and progress of the science of anatomy in modern Greece. Step by step, it outlines the efforts of prominent Greek anatomists to establish the course of the basic science of anatomy in the newly founded Medical School, the laborious effort to collect cadaveric material, to compile museum anatomical collections and to gradually build the foundations of modern anatomy science at the Medical School of the Athenian University

    The first Anatomy professors in the Medical School of the University of Athens

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    The purpose of this historical review is to add new elements to the international literature in relation to the birth and progress of the science of anatomy in modern Greece. Step by step, it outlines the efforts of prominent Greek anatomists to establish the course of the basic science of anatomy in the newly founded Medical School, the laborious effort to collect cadaveric material, to compile museum anatomical collections and to gradually build the foundations of modern anatomy science at the Medical School of the Athenian University

    The axillary artery high bifurcation: Coexisted variants and clinical significance

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    Several branching patterns of the axillary artery (AA) have been described. Unusually, the brachial artery (BA) follows a course in front of the median nerve (MN), the so-called superficial brachial artery (SBA). The SBA may result in MN entrapment. The current cadaveric report highlights a high AA bifurcation, its continuation as SBA and the coexistence of muscular, neural, and vascular asymmetric aberrations. At the right side, the coracobrachialis muscle (CB) had a single head, and the ipsilateral musculocutaneous nerve (MCN) followed a medial course. The AA was highly divided into superficial and deep stems (SAS and DAS), at the 2nd rib lower border. Between two stems, the brachial plexus (BP) lateral and medial cords were identified. The MN originated from the BP lateral cord. The SAS, continued as SBA with a tortuous course. The DAS coursed posterior to the BP medial and lateral cords and gave off the subscapular artery. A bilateral 3rd head of the biceps brachii was identified. The MN atypically originated from the BP lateral cord. At the left side, the two-headed CB was typically penetrated by the MCN. A common trunk of the circumflex humeral arteries was identified in coexistence with an interconnection of the BP lateral cord with the MN medial root. The rare coexistence of muscular, neural, and arterial variants in axillary and brachial region is emphasized, taking into consideration the AA high division and related branching pattern. Documentation of such rare vascular variants is important in aneurysm and trauma surgery, and angiography, where all therapeutic manipulations must be accurately performed due to the possibility of complications