62 research outputs found

    U-Pb zircon age of volcaniclastic layers in Middle Triassic platform carbonates of the Austroalpine Silvretta nappe (Switzerland)

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    We present precise U-Pb age determinations from two volcaniclastic layers within Middle Triassic carbonates in the Upper Austroalpine Silvretta nappe near Davos (Switzerland). The two volcaniclastic layers were dated using annealing-leaching techniques and yielded ages of 240.91 ± 0.26Ma (Prosanto Formation) and 239.89 ± 0.21Ma (Altein Formation), respectively. The high resolution ages allow comparison of the Upper Austroalpine record of the Ducan with sections in the Southern Alps. The upper Prosanto Formation is, thus, equivalent to the middle part of the Buchenstein Formation (Middle Pietra Verde, Earliest Ladinian), and the Altein Formation is equivalent to the upper part of the Buchenstein Formation in the section with the Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Ladinian (Bagolino, northern Italy). This study demonstrates that we can use precise, accurate and carefully intercalibrated U-Pb zircon ages from volcaniclastic layers to infer the stratigraphic position of their host sediments on zone level. The older volcaniclastic layer (240.91 ± 0.26Ma) allows a precise age determination (earliest Ladinian) for the marine vertebrate beds in the upper Prosanto Formatio

    Cenozoic granitoids in the Dinarides of southern Serbia: age of intrusion, isotope geochemistry, exhumation history and significance for the geodynamic evolution of the Balkan Peninsula

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    Two age groups were determined for the Cenozoic granitoids in the Dinarides of southern Serbia by high-precision single grain U-Pb dating of thermally annealed and chemically abraded zircons: (1) Oligocene ages (Kopaonik, Drenje, Željin) ranging from 31.7 to 30.6Ma (2) Miocene ages (Golija and Polumir) at 20.58-20.17 and 18.06-17.74Ma, respectively. Apatite fission-track central ages, modelling combined with zircon central ages and additionally, local structural observations constrain the subsequent exhumation history of the magmatic rocks. They indicate rapid cooling from above 300°C to ca. 80°C between 16 and 10Ma for both age groups, induced by extensional exhumation of the plutons located in the footwall of core complexes. Hence, Miocene magmatism and core-complex formation not only affected the Pannonian basin but also a part of the mountainous areas of the internal Dinarides. Based on an extensive set of existing age data combined with our own analyses, we propose a geodynamical model for the Balkan Peninsula: The Late Eocene to Oligocene magmatism, which affects the Adria-derived lower plate units of the internal Dinarides, was caused by delamination of the Adriatic mantle from the overlying crust, associated with post-collisional convergence that propagated outward into the external Dinarides. Miocene magmatism, on the other hand, is associated with core-complex formation along the southern margin of the Pannonian basin, probably associated with the W-directed subduction of the European lithosphere beneath the Carpathians and interfering with ongoing Dinaridic-Hellenic back-arc extensio

    Milankovitch cycles in banded iron formations constrain the Earth-Moon system 2.46 billion years ago

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    The long-term history of the Earth-Moon system as reconstructed from the geological record remains unclear when based on fossil growth bands and tidal laminations. A possibly more robust method is provided by the sedimentary record of Milankovitch cycles (climatic precession, obliquity, and orbital eccentricity), whose relative ratios in periodicity change over time as a function of a decreasing Earth spin rate and increasing lunar distance. However, for the critical older portion of Earth's history where information on Earth-Moon dynamics is sparse, suitable sedimentary successions in which these cycles are recorded remain largely unknown, leaving this method unexplored. Here we present results of cyclostratigraphic analysis and high-precision U-Pb zircon dating of the lower Paleoproterozoic Joffre Member of the Brockman Iron Formation, NW Australia, providing evidence for Milankovitch forcing of regular lithological alternations related to Earth's climatic precession and orbital eccentricity cycles. Combining visual and statistical tools to determine their hierarchical relation, we estimate an astronomical precession frequency of 108.6 ± 8.5 arcsec/y, corresponding to an Earth-Moon distance of 321,800 ± 6,500 km and a daylength of 16.9 ± 0.2 h at 2.46 Ga. With this robust cyclostratigraphic approach, we extend the oldest reliable datum for the lunar recession history by more than 1 billion years and provide a critical reference point for future modeling and geological investigation of Precambrian Earth-Moon system evolution

    New high-resolution age data from the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary indicate rapid, ecologically driven onset of the Cambrian explosion

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    The replacement of the late Precambrian Ediacaran biota by morphologically disparate animals at the beginning of the Phanerozoic was a key event in the history of life on Earth, the mechanisms and the timescales of which are not entirely understood. A composite section in Namibia providing biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic data bracketed by radiometric dating constrains the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary to 538.6–538.8 Ma, more than 2 Ma younger than previously assumed. The U–Pb-CA-ID TIMS zircon ages demonstrate an ultrashort time frame for the LAD of the Ediacaran biota to the FAD of a complex, burrowing Phanerozoic biota represented by trace fossils to a 410 ka time window of 538.99±0.21 Ma to 538.58±0.19 Ma. The extremely short duration of the faunal transition from Ediacaran to Cambrian biota within less than 410 ka supports models of ecological cascades that followed the evolutionary breakthrough of increased mobility at the beginning of the Phanerozoic

    The Bushveld Complex was emplaced and cooled in less than one million years – results of zirconology, and geotectonic implications

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    The Rustenburg Layered Suite (RLS) of the Bushveld Complex (BC) represents Earth's oldest large igneous province (>370 000 km3), and contains the world's largest reserves of platinum-group elements, chromium and vanadium. However, its mode of formation, the exact timing and nature of magma emplacement, solidification and sub-solidus cooling history remain a matter of debate. High precision U–Pb dates, backed by petrological observations reveal that zircon throughout the RLS crystallised within 1.02 ± 0.63 Ma from highly fractionated intercumulus melts at temperatures between 940◦ and 670 ◦C. Zircon in quenched Marginal Zone rocks crystallised at 2055.91 ± 0.26 Ma, and slightly later at 2054.89 ± 0.37 Ma in cumulus rocks in the centre of the RLS. This timing is in agreement with field observations and the results of thermal modelling, which require rapid accumulation of magma at a flux rate of >5 km3/yr over less than 100 ka, followed by crystallisation and cooling to below 700 ◦C within 950 ka. This short period of melt accumulation with an extreme flux rate, leading to a large volume of magma stalled within the upper crust, is suggested to result from active magma pumping, triggered by stress field change within the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) at 2.056 Ga. This change was caused by rebounding of the SCLM after elimination of its lowest, eclogite-rich part during a mantle plume up-welling event

    REE Mineralization of the Blockspruit Fluorite Prospect, Bushveld Granitic Complex, South Africa: Geochemical, Mineralogical and Fluid Inclusion Studies

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    The Blockspruit REE prospect in northwestern Pretoria, South Africa, is hosted by the Bushveld complex. HREE-rich ferro-edenite rocks intrude into the Kenkelbos-type granite, which is present in the fluorite prospect. We carried out geochemical and mineralogical studies of samples collected from 9 drill holes. Three types of REE ores have been identified in the Blockspruit prospect: (1) weathered crust near surface (30-50 m) with residual monazite and xenotime, (2) altered ferroactinolite rocks including REE-poor apatite replaced by monazite and xenotime near surface and (3) primary ferro-edenite rocks including REE-rich apatite (with up to 20.3 wt% Æ©REE2O3, 9.36 wt%Æ©HREE2O3) from the deep zone. Fluid inclusions and C-O-H isotopic studies suggested that these ores formed by during a continuous process. A complex fluid (F-Cl-FeCa-Na-K-CO2-CH4) released from the ferro-edenite by hydrothermal alteration formed ferro-actinolite and REE-poor apatite replaced by monazite and xenotime. With further alteration, the REE-poor apatite, including the REE phosphate minerals, decomposed, with only monazite and xenotime remaining in the weathered crust. Therefore, REE mineralizations in the Blockspruit prospect are related to both of magmatic and hydrothermal processes

    High temperature (>350 °C) thermal histories of the long lived (>500 Ma) active margin of Ecuador and Colombia: Apatite, titanite and rutile U-Pb thermochronology

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    Quantitative reconstruction of thermal histories can be a powerful tool to study numerous natural processes such as tectonic plate interaction, cratonic stability and extra-terrestrial phenomena such as asteroid ejection. A majority of thermochronological studies have focused on temperatures lower than 300 °C. Few previous studies have demonstrated that U-Pb data from apatite and other accessory phases can be used to recover thermal history information at T > 350 °C. We present U-Pb data from apatite, to constrain the thermal histories of Triassic peralluminous anatectites from the Northern Andes between the temperatures of ∼350–550 °C. The accuracy of the thermal history models is assessed by comparisons with previous geological models, and comparisons with pre-existing and newly acquired U/Pb (titanite and rutile), 40Ar/39Ar (muscovite) and low temperature thermochronological data. This study also examines the feasibility of using a large, regionally dispersed apatite U-Pb data set to obtain continuous thermal history paths along a long-lived (>500 Ma) active margin. A second aim of this study is to further test the hypothesis that the dominant mechanism for Pb displacement through apatite is volume diffusion, as opposed to aqueous fluid interaction. The thermal history models derived from the Triassic anatectites exposed in the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador are entirely consistent with lower temperature thermochronological constraints, and previously established geochronological and geochemical constraints. They reveal and quantify trench parallel changes in the amount of Jurassic – Early Cretaceous extension, significantly bolstering and adding to previous tectonic interpretations. Confirmation of the utility of U-Pb thermochronology provides geologists with a powerful tool for investigating the high-temperature thermal evolution of accessory minerals
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