4,223 research outputs found

    Italian wines and Asian markets: opportunities and threats under new policy scenarios and competitive dynamics

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    The world wine market is facing a particularly difficult situation. Both the EU and New World (NW) Countries are trying to manage this critical moment by filling reciprocal gaps in order to increase their competitiveness at a global level and to strengthen their position in key strategic markets. On the EU side, one of the fundamental aspects of this changing framework is the evolution of the Common Market Organisation (CMO) for the wine sector. The first pivotal change is the fact that a parcel of land cannot host more than one designation of origin (either Geographical Indication – GI – Denominazione di Origine Controllata – DOC – or Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita – DOCG), thus completely changing the approach to vintage choices, which characterised the Italian production in the last 50 years. A second important variation is the introduction of the possibility to show grape varieties and the vintage year on table wines (a strategy often used by NW producers). Conversely, on the NW side, the changes are mainly relative to the increase in the use of European grape varieties and the emphasis on the region-grape combination as an element of excellence.International Relations/Trade, Marketing,

    Different view on PQ theory used in the control algorithm of active power filters

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    The improvement of power quality is a frequently discussed issue, which still requires a considerable research effort to be devoted to the study of the problem. The aim of this paper is to describe some problems related to the control of switching compensators, commonly known as active power filters. It also includes some shortcomings of pq theory regarded as three phase instantaneous power theory. The term “shortcomings” means that the pq theory does not provide a proper description of power properties. Moreover the control algorithm based on this theory only achieves satisfactory results for sinusoidal balanced voltage system. Nevertheless it can still be considered a helpful approach to the problem under study. The simulation results presented in this paper illustrate the weaknesses of the pq theory

    A framework to assess the sustainability of additive manufacturing for spare parts

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) is a promising technology for the optimization of the spare parts supply chain. A complete evaluation of whether it is advantageous to switch to this technology for spare parts management should include a comprehensive assessment of its sustainability in addition to its techno-economic viability. General analyses of the economic, environmental, and social impacts of AM have been conducted, but assessments of the sustainability effects of AM in the spare parts field is limited to specific industries. Thus, based on the literature, we designed a framework that can support a life cycle evaluation of the emerging application of AM technology. It represents a methodological approach that covers all the stages of the spare parts life cycle and the three dimensions of sustainability. It has been designed to support both researchers and practitioners who are considering AM for the manufacturing of spare parts. Copyright (C) 2022 The Authors

    Epidemiologia delle infezioni da amebe a vita libera

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    Le amebe a vita libera (spesso conosciute come Free-Living Amoebae, FLA) sono protozoi presenti in tutte le matrici ambientali a diffusione cosmopolita. L’etichetta di organismi “a vita libera” deriva dal fatto che il loro serbatoio è l’ambiente acquatico naturale, e quello realizzato dall’uomo è un habitat secondario favorevole. Sono protozoi unicellulari che possono vivere all’interno di un ospite in condizioni di parassitismo facoltativo o avere un’esistenza autonoma. Per tale proprietà sono anche definite amebe anfizoiche. In particolare, anche se in realtà è Acanthamoeba spp. il protozoo più frequentemente rilevabile nell’ambiente, amebe a vita libera sono state isolate da suolo, sedimenti, polveri, aria, acque naturali e reflue, dolci, marine, termali, e sono state anche rilevate in acque confezionate, potabilizzate e sottoposte a trattamenti di disinfezione (acque destinate al consumo umano e di piscina) e in biofilm. Numerose specie di amebe a vita libera sono state segnalate in torri di raffreddamento, impianti di climatizzazione, deumidificatori, unità di dialisi, riuniti dentistici, apparecchi per il trattamento domestico dell’acqua e su lenti a contatto. Individuate nell’uomo e in animali a sangue caldo e freddo, in soggetti malati sono state isolate da ferite, dalla cornea, dai polmoni e dal sistema nervoso centrale, anche se la loro presenza è stata dimostrata anche in individui sani. La loro distribuzione e diversità nell’ambiente sono fortemente influenzate da temperatura, umidità, pH, disponibilità di nutrienti e appare chiara l’esistenza di un loro andamento stagionale. In condizioni ambientali ostili le amebe producono cisti che excistano solo in condizioni favorevoli liberando trofozoiti. Sopravvivenza e moltiplicazione sono anche associate sia alla presenza di batteri, soprattutto Gram-negativi, sia alla concentrazione degli stessi batteri. Infatti, con rapporti di concentrazione ameba: batteri di 1:104, lo sviluppo dei protozoi è inibito. Per il basso numero di infezioni riscontrate, le amebe non hanno mai rappresentato un argomento sanitario di interesse prioritario, anche se la mancanza di farmaci efficaci e l’esito quasi sempre fatale delle malattie indotte da alcune specie, le hanno sempre rese oggetto di interesse e di studio. Negli ultimi decenni tuttavia, un’attenzione particolare è stata loro rivolta per il ruolo che rivestono come veicolo di trasmissione di microrganismi patogeni presenti nell’ambiente idrico. Infatti, circa un quarto degli isolati di origine ambientale, clinica o derivanti da lenti a contatto contengono microrganismi endosimbionti, definiti Amoeba-Resistant Microorganisms (ARM), microrganismi resistenti alle amebe, che sono in grado di mantenere la loro vitalità a livello intracellulare. Le amebe fungono così da riserva per altri microrganismi, proteggendoli da fattori ambientali ostili e fornendo condizioni favorevoli alla loro replicazione. Per questa circostanza, nel 2017, presso la III Sezione del Consiglio Superiore di Sanità, presieduta dalla Prof.ssa Anna Teresa Palamara, e coordinata dalla Dott.ssa Anna Gaspardone, è stato istituito un Gruppo di Lavoro il cui compito è stato quello sia di approfondire gli aspetti sanitari associati alle amebe a vita libera rilevabili nelle acque, sia di valutare la rilevanza del problema in un’ottica di salvaguardia della salute. A seguito delle attività del Gruppo di lavoro è stato quindi predisposto il documento condiviso e di seguito presentato che produce informazioni sulle caratteristiche tassonomiche ed ecologiche di questi organismi, sulle loro possibili implicazioni di carattere sanitario, sul loro adattamento nelle reti di distribuzione idrica e sulle dinamiche di interazione con gli altri microrganismi. Inoltre, il volume fornisce un indirizzo metodologico univoco e specifiche raccomandazioni per minimizzare il rischio associato alla presenza di amebe nell’ambiente idrico, nonché, in Appendice, metodi analitici colturali e molecolari per la ricerca di questi organismi nelle acque

    TRPV1 channels are critical brain inflammation detectors and neuropathic pain biomarkers in mice

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    The capsaicin receptor TRPV1 has been widely characterized in the sensory system as a key component of pain and inflammation. A large amount of evidence shows that TRPV1 is also functional in the brain although its role is still debated. Here we report that TRPV1 is highly expressed in microglial cells rather than neurons of the anterior cingulate cortex and other brain areas. We found that stimulation of microglial TRPV1 controls cortical microglia activation per se and indirectly enhances glutamatergic transmission in neurons by promoting extracellular microglial microvesicles shedding. Conversely, in the cortex of mice suffering from neuropathic pain, TRPV1 is also present in neurons affecting their intrinsic electrical properties and synaptic strength. Altogether, these findings identify brain TRPV1 as potential detector of harmful stimuli and a key player of microglia to neuron communication

    Ecotoxicity of Plastics from Informal Waste Electric and Electronic Treatment and Recycling

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    Plastic materials account for about 20% of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The recycling of this plastic fraction is a complex issue, heavily conditioned by the content of harmful additives, such as brominated flame retardants. Thus, the management and reprocessing of WEEE plastics pose environmental and human health concerns, mainly in developing countries, where informal recycling and disposal are practiced. The objective of this study was twofold. Firstly, it aimed to investigate some of the available options described in the literature for the re-use of WEEE plastic scraps in construction materials, a promising recycling route in the developing countries. Moreover, it presents an evaluation of the impact of these available end-of-life scenarios on the environment by means of the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. In order to consider worker health and human and ecological risks, the LCA analysis focuses on ecotoxicity more than on climate change. The LCA evaluation confirmed that the plastic re-use in the construction sector has a lower toxicity impact on the environment and human health than common landfilling and incineration practices. It also shows that the unregulated handling and dismantling activities, as well as the re-use practices, contribute significantly to the impact of WEEE plastic treatments

    Cross scale spatial and temporal indicators for measuring the effects of landscape heterogeneity on pollination service

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    Spatial heterogeneity as well as landscape services’ provision are a function of spatio-temporal scales, therefore, pattern–process relationships must be assessed at the multiple scales. In this context, this research aims at: (1) analyzing at the regional scale how pollination service can be affected by landscape heterogeneity, using two landscape indicators useful to quantify the multiscale landscape composition and landscape configuration simultaneously; and (2) assessing the effect that the infection of Xylella fastidiosa has exerted on the pollination services. The multi-scale spatial assessment has been focused on two land-covers: forests and olive groves that can act as source of pollination services. The multi-temporal analysis, based on the annual NDVI, has been used to assess the functionality of olive groves before and at the beginning of the infection of Xylella fastidiosa, and currently. The results have shown that in 2012 the most representative cluster (C1) (73.6% for forests and 63% for olive groves) is in the lower left part of the multiscale metric space, meaning that both land-covers show a fragmented spatial configuration at small spatial scales and tend to be aggregated at large scales. The multitemporal analysis has allowed to show the evident change in the landscape functioning in the provinces interested by the infection of Xylella fastidiosa (Lecce, Brindisi and Taranto) from 2013 to 2021, highlighting that the stability of the landscape has resulted completely changed for the loss of permanent land-covers (olive groves). In this study the spatio-temporal analyses have helped in giving a more complete indication in the assessment of landscape services where different factors can play a crucial role. The analysis of spatial patterns along a continuum of scale has been implemented by the analysis of multi-temporal dynamics to consider the effect of Xylella fastidiosa infection on pollination. The temporal behavior of NDVI has resulted completely changed in the provinces interested by this infection, meaning that recovering policies need to be undertaken to regenerate the landscape. When studying landscape services, some considerations must be considered in choosing the suitable spatial and temporal scale for its assessment. One of the recent drivers of change, represented by the infection of Xylella fastidiosa, and the planning of landscape functionality recovery interest higher spatial scales and will affect the scale at which landscape services, included pollination, are delivered

    Malpractice and patient safety descriptors: an innovative grid to evaluate the quality of clinical records

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    Introduction: The medical record contains all the health information related to the patient’s clinical condition and its evolution during hospitalization. It was defined by the Italian Ministry of Health in 1992 as "The information tool designed to record all relevant demographic and clinical information about a patient during a single episode of hospitalization". The documents and information in a Medical Record must meet the following criteria: traceability, clarity, accuracy, authenticity, pertinence and completeness. The objectives of our study was to develop a tool capable of assessing the quality of the clinical record and pointed the critical point at the Organizational, Technical - Professional, Managerial level. Methods: To evaluate the quality of the medical documentation, we created an assessment grid composed of 4 sections with a total of 92 criteria. This grid was tested on 200 medical records that were randomly selected from 25 (18 medical and 7 surgical) wards of a teaching hospital in Rome. Results: The grid contains 4 sections. The first part regards administrative and clinical data; the second assesses the quality of hospital stay and surgical/invasive procedures; the third part is concerned with the discharge of the patient and the fourth aims to identify the presence of advisory reports given to the patient. This grid has been validated to verify internal consistency with Cronbach's Alpha = 0,743. Conclusions: Medical records were analyzed using a validated tool with grids to identify critical issues in care activities. Weaknesses in the system were identified in order to improve planning. The sample testing also in terms of ‘self-assessment' represents a tool to introduce activities to improve safety and quality of care, greatly reducing the costs of litigation

    Lertal®, a multicomponent nutraceutical, could reduce the use of antihistamines in children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis

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    Antihistamines are the cornerstone treatment of allergic rhinitis (AR). To quantify the antihistaminic consume is particularly relevant in clinical practice, since a remarkable use is usually associated with severe symptoms. The aim of the study was to measure the use of antihistamines in two groups of children suffering from AR. The first group took a course of a nutraceutical (Lertal®) before the observation (active group, AG); a second one was considered as control (control group, CG). Both groups took antihistamines on demand. The children were visited at baseline and after 1 year. The number of days of antihistaminic use was the primary outcome. Children in AG had a significant reduced number of antihistamines use in comparison with CG (p=0.008). In conclusion, the current study showed that a course with a multicomponent nutraceutical could reduce the use of symptomatic antihistamines in children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis

    Factors influencing persistence of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 in laboratory cocultures

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    Background: Risk for infections from Legionella pneumophila for immunocompromised individuals increases greatly when this species is present within the biofilm of the water distribution systems of hospitals or other health facilities. Multiplication and persistence of Legionella may dependent also upon planktonic growth in alternative to sessile growth. Here we compared the persistence of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 in experimental planktonic co-cultures subsided with iron, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other non Legionella bacteria (quantified as Heterotrophic Plate Count, HPC at 37°C), isolated from drinking water sources of a large hospital. Results: Concentrations of L. pneumophila showed a decreasing pattern with incubation time in all co-cultures, the degree of reduction depending on the experimental treatment. In co-cultures with added P. aeruginosa, no L. pneumophila was detectable already after 4 days of incubation. In contrast in co-cultures without P. aeruginosa, HPC but not iron were significant factors in explaining the pattern of L. pneumophila, although the HPC effect was different according to the incubation time (HPC x time interaction, p < 0.01). Conclusions: Our results highlight the need of controlling for both HPC and metal constituents of the water systems of buildings used by individuals at particular risk to the effects of Legionella exposure