3,946 research outputs found

    Taphonomy in the kitchen: culinary practices and processing residues of native tuberous plants of the south-central Andes

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    Presentamos material comparativo para la identificación de residuos culinarios de tubérculos cocidos de Solanum sp., Oxalis tuberosa y Ullucus tuberosus. Partimos de un concepto amplio de tafonomía que incluye el estudio de las modificaciones de las plantas resultantes de la preparación de alimentos; en este caso, aquellas que se deben al hervido y cocción al rescoldo de tubérculos frescos. Realizamos experimentos de cocción controlados y comparamos los resultados con muestras frescas. Describimos las modificaciones en los atributos morfológicos y ópticos de tejidos y partículas intracelulares resultantes de nuestros experimentos de cocción. Finalmente, discutimos la posibilidad de reconocer las técnicas de cocción a partir del análisis microscópico de vestigios de tubérculos.We present comparative material for the identification of culinary residues of cooked tubers of Solanum sp., Oxalis tuberosa and Ullucus tuberosus. We use a broad concept of taphonomy that includes the study of plant modifications resulting from the preparation of food, in this case the boiling and cooking al rescoldo of fresh tubers. We undertake a number of controlled cooking experiments and compare the results with fresh samples. We discuss morphological and optical modifications of tissue fragments and intracellular particles resulting from our cooking experiments. Finally, we discuss the possibility of recognizing cooking techniques from microscopic analysis of tuber remains.Fil: Babot, Maria del Pilar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Lund, Julia. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de Arqueología y Museo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Olmos, Adriana Valeria. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de Arqueología y Museo; Argentin

    Entreprenørskap i redaksjonen - Slik ble VGTV til

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    Negotiating Roles and Routines in Collaborative Investigative Journalism

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    Over the past two decades, the practice of investigative journalism has been reconstructed via the rise of journalistic networks around the world that have layered collaboration atop what had long been an individual pursuit. Among the recent successes of collaborative investigative journalism was the cross-border effort to expose the tax haven leaks that included the Panama Papers (2016). Due to such notable accomplishments, research on cross-border collaboration is increasing, but the ways in which this pooling of resources, time, and networks has impacted practice on a daily basis remain under-investigated. This article looks at how organizations and actors in emerging and legacy newsrooms are negotiating their routines and roles while developing new practices in investigative journalism. It uses three organizations as cases: Bristol Cable, a journalistic co-op operating at the community/local level; the Bureau Local, a local/national data-coordinating news desk; and The Guardian, a legacy media company that has long operated at the national/global level. This article finds that, in the transitions of traditional organizations and journalists and the emergence of new innovative organizations and non-journalistic actors, actors involved in collaborative investigative journalism deploy a language of justification regarding rules between the new and the old. It also finds that concepts such as coordination are part of this negotiation, and that knowledge and knowledge generation are taking place within a traditional understanding of journalism, as the “new” is normalized over time

    The match between everyday technology in public space and the ability of working-aged people with ABI to use it.

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    Introduction: In today’s society, the access to and use of everyday technology (ET), such as cell phones and Internet-based services, can be claimed as conditions for participation in many tasks in everyday life. This study aims to determine and compare levels of perceived access to and perceived difficulties in the use of common ETs in the public space among people with acquired brain injury (ABI) compared with controls. Methods: The perceived access to and difficulty in the use of 14 ETs were investigated in a sample with ABI (n=59, returned to work (RTW, n=28)/not returned to work (NRTW, n =31) and matched controls (n=52) using the Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire. Findings: Perceived access to the ETs was generally high. The potential to use each of the ETs independently or with minor difficulties significantly differed between controls and persons with ABI in eight of the fourteen ETs. Particularly, difficulties were found among those with ABI-NRTW. Conclusion: People with ABI perceive access to ETs commonly used in public space, but the ET difficulty is not always satisfactory matched to their ability to use ET. To enable participation in society, it is important to consider both the accessibility and usability of ET.Luleå University of TechnologyPromobilia FoundationStrategic Research Health Care Programme of Umeå UniversityManuscrip

    The association between perceived and observed ability to use everyday technology in working age people with ABI

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    Everyday technology (ET), including computers and automated telephone services, is increasingly required for everyday functioning. However, people with acquired brain injury (ABI) may have difficulty with ET use. To design interventions to support ET use, further knowledge of how to assess dimensions of such use is needed. This study investigated the relationship between the perceived difficulty of ET use (self-reported using the Short version of the Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire, S-ETUQ) and observed ability to use ET (observed using the Management of Everyday Technology Assessment, META) in a sample of people with ABI (n=81). Data were analysed using a Rasch measurement model, and person measures of perceived difficulty and observed ability to use ET were identified and correlated. The person measures had a correlation of .49 (p ˂.001). In groups of different severity levels after ABI, significant associations were found in the moderate (.36) and severe (.47) disability groups. In the good recovery group, only a non-significant correlation was found (.21). This indicates that the S-ETUQ and the META measures different but complementary dimensions of ET use. Hence, the assessments are proposed to be used together in clinical practice to more fully understand the ability of people with ABI to use ET.Promobilia FoundationStrategic Research Health Care Programme of Umeå UniversityLuleå University of TechnologyAccepte

    Regelverk – möjligheter och hinder att uppnå målen för ekologiskt lantbruk

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    Det ekologiska lantbruket i Sverige har vuxit stadigt under de senaste 20 åren, ungefär lika länge som kontrollföreningen för ekologisk odling (KRAV) har funnits. KRAV har utvecklats med det ekologiska lantbruket men även varit en av aktörerna bakom framgången. Sedan starten för KRAV år 1985 har reglerna för ekologiskt lantbruk utvecklats och förfinats. Sverige har gått med i EU och konsumenternas kunskap om och intresse för ekologiska produkter har ökat markant. KRAV-märket är känt av över 90 procent av konsumenterna i Sverige. KRAVs verksamhetsidé är att främja en hållbar utveckling genom att ta fram regler för ekologisk produktion, kontrollera att de efterlevs och informera om KRAV-märket. När KRAVs regelverk ska skärskådas, liksom i diskussionen om vad ekologiskt lantbruk står för, är det viktigt att skilja mellan mål och regler. Målen uttrycker principerna för ekologiskt lantbruk, medan regelverket handlar om hur dessa principer ska omsättas i verkligheten. KRAVs regler för ekologisk produktion är under ständig utveckling och revision. Ett regelverk är i högsta grad något dynamiskt och ska inte ses som något givet eller statiskt. Hur ett regelverkser ut vid en given tidpunkt är en spegling av det som är tekniskt möjligt att kontrollera, vad som accepteras av de inblandade och vad som krävs av samhället. Bakgrunden till denna studie är en pågående diskussion både inom den ekologiska branschen och inom forskningen om de glapp som finns mellan visioner och mål för det ekologiska lantbruket och de regler som formar dagens ekologiska produktion. Hur väl uppfyller produktion enligt KRAVs regler de övergripande mål man siktar mot? Arbetet har initierats och finansierats av Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Syftet med studien som presenteras i den här rapporten är att: - Ge en översikt över mål och regelverk för ekologiskt lantbruk. - Diskutera hur KRAV fungerar som organisation. - Diskutera regelverk och specifikt KRAVs regler som verktyg att uppnå målen för ekologiskt lantbruk. - Analysera målkonflikter och glapp mellan övergripande mål för ekologiskt lantbruk och KRAVs regelverk. Vi berör ett brett område som ingalunda behandlas fullständigt i rapporten. Detta arbete kan därför sägas vara en förstudie till djupare tvärvetenskapliga studier av KRAV som organisation och dess regelverk. Framtida frågeställningar kan vara hur regler för ekologiskt lantbruk bör vara beskaffade för att bäst främja uppfyllelse av målen för ekologiskt lantbruk och hur en kontrollorganisation bör verka och fungera för att uppnå detta. I studien ligger fokus på reglerna som berör primärproduktionen, växtodling och djurhållning. Dessa är de traditionella och äldsta verksamhetsområdena för KRAV och de basnäringar som det ekologiska lantbruket vilar på. Vi berör inte specifikt förädling och handel, men tar till viss del upp aspekter som rör hela livsmedelskedjan

    Å bære lykten eller være følgesvenn?

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    Veiledning av studenter er blitt beskrevet som den mest private undervisningsformen ved høyskoler og universiteter, men det finnes relativt lite empirisk forskning som utforsker hva som karakteriserer veiledning av studenter pa° dette niva° et. Denne artikkelen søker a° utforske hvordan veiledere og masterstudenter erfarer og vurderer ulike veiledningsformer samt hvordan veiledningen er organisert. Studien tar utgangspunkt i ba° de læreres og studenters betraktninger i et masterstudie i sykepleie og i et masterstudie i journalistikk. Funnene viser at veiledning forsta° s og erfares pa° ulike ma° ter av veiledere og studenter, men noen særtrekk skiller de to utdanningene fra hverandre. Veiledere og studenter ved masterstudiet i journalistikk ser ut til a° praktisere en mer tradisjonell undervisningsmodell, der studenten innehar en passiv, mottagende rolle. Veiledere og studenter ved masterstudiet i sykepleie lener seg i større grad mot en partnerskapsmodell, der ba° de studenter og lærere er opptatt av maktutjevning og likeverdighet i dialogen. Artikkelen skisserer noen mulige forklaringer til denne ulikheten. En forklaring kan ligge i selve organiseringen av veiledningen ved masterutdanningen i sykepleie. I tillegg til individuell veiledning, arrangeres jevnlige seminarer der lærere og studenter diskuterer ulike sider ved den enkelte students masteroppgave. Det arrangeres ogsa° seminarer hvor ulike sider ved veiledningspraksis diskuteres kollegaer imellom. Denne typen organisering ser ut til a° ha forankring i bevisste pedagogiske strategier, og er med pa° a° sikre transparente og refleksive veiledningsprosesser. Studien aktualiserer spørsma° l om hvorvidt veiledning bør profesjonaliseres i større grad, og derav potensielt øke kvaliteten pa° en viktig dimensjon av arbeidet med masterstudenter. Nøkkelord:Supervision of students has been described as the most private form of instruction in colleges and universities, but there is relatively little empirical research that explores what characterizes supervision of students at this level. This article explores how supervisors and Master students experience and view different forms of supervision, as well as how supervision is organized. The study is based on both professors’ and students’ considerations, in a Master of Nursing program and a Master of Journalism program. The findings show that supervision is understood and experienced in different ways by supervisors and students, and some results demonstrate clear differences between nursing and journalism studies. Supervisors and students in the journalism program tend to practice a more traditional teaching model where the students hold a passive, receiving role. Supervisors and students in the nursing program to a greater extent lean towards a partnership model, where both students and professors seek power equalization and symmetry in the dialogue. The article outlines some possible explanations for these differences. One explanation seems to relate to how supervision is organized in the Master’s program in Nursing. In addition to individual supervision, there are regular seminars where different aspects of the students’ master theses are discussed among professors and fellow students. Different challenges related to supervision are regularly discussed in seminars in between colleagues. This type of organization seems to be founded in conscious pedagogical strategies, and contributes to securing transparent and reflective processes of supervision. The study raises a question of whether a more professionalized supervision model will increase the quality of an important dimension of the work with master students