19 research outputs found

    Evolution of hepatitis B serological markers in HIV coinfected patients: a case study

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    OBJECTIVE To describe the evolution of serological markers among HIV and hepatitis B coinfected patients, with emphasis on evaluating the reactivation or seroreversion of these markers. METHODS The study population consisted of patients met in an AIDS Outpatient Clinic in São Paulo State, Brazil. We included in the analysis all HIV-infected and who underwent at least two positive hepatitis B surface antigen serological testing during clinical follow up, with tests taken six months apart. Patients were tested with commercial kits available for hepatitis B serological markers by microparticle enzyme immunoassay. Clinical variables were collected: age, sex, CD4+ T-cell count, HIV viral load, alanine aminotransferase level, exposure to antiretroviral drugs including lamivudine and/or tenofovir. RESULTS Among 2,242 HIV positive patients, we identified 105 (4.7%) patients with chronic hepatitis B. Follow up time for these patients varied from six months to 20.5 years. All patients underwent antiretroviral therapy during follow-up. Among patients with chronic hepatitis B, 58% were hepatitis B “e” antigen positive at the first assessment. Clearance of hepatitis B surface antigen occurred in 15% (16/105) of patients with chronic hepatitis B, and 50% (8/16) of these patients presented subsequent reactivation or seroreversion of hepatitis B surface antigen. Among hepatitis B “e” antigen positive patients, 57% (35/61) presented clearance of this serologic marker. During clinical follow up, 28.5% (10/35) of those who initially cleared hepatitis B “e” antigen presented seroreversion or reactivation of this marker. CONCLUSIONS Among HIV coinfected patients under antiretroviral therapy, changes of HBV serological markers were frequently observed. These results suggest that frequent monitoring of these serum markers should be recommended

    Avaliação da toxicidade não-clínica aguda de Waltheria viscosíssima A. S. Hil. – Malvaceae em ratos / Evaluation of non-clinical acute toxicity of Waltheria viscosíssima A. St. Hill – Malvaceae in rats

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    Objetivo: Avaliação toxicológica não clínica aguda do extrato etanólico bruto obtido das partes aéreas de Waltheria viscosissima A.St. Hil.(EEBWv), com base no “Guia para a condução de estudos não clínicos de toxicologia e segurança farmacológica” necessária ao desenvolvimento de medicamentos” e na OECD  423. Métodos: Ensaio toxicológico delineado seguindo a OECD 423. Ratas Wistar (n=6) foram administradas por via oral com uma dose única de 2000 mg/kg do EEBWv e observadas por 14 dias, com avaliação do consumo de água e ração, evolução ponderal, marcadores bioquímicos e hematológicos, alterações macroscópicas dos órgãos e exame anatomopatológico. Para comparação, foi utilizado um grupo controle (não-tratado) com ratas Wistar (n=6) administradas com o veículo (DMSO a 10%). Resultados: O EEBW não apresentou alterações toxicológicas relevantes, apresentando diferenças significativas entre o grupo controle e o grupo tratado com EEBWv respectivamente, apenas com os valores de proteína total (PT) (6,04±0,21 para 6,72±0,23) e Globulina (2,47±0,83 para 3.62±0,31 (p < 0,05). Não foram evidenciadas alterações macroscópicas/microscópicas nos órgãos vitais após os 14 dias da administração. Conclusão: O EEBWv se enquadra na categoria de Classe 5 (substância com DL50 superior a 2000 mg/kg e menor que 5000 mg/kg), sendo considerado seguro e de baixa toxicidade

    Evolution of hepatitis B serological markers in HIV coinfected patients: a case study

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the evolution of serological markers among HIV and hepatitis B coinfected patients, with emphasis on evaluating the reactivation or seroreversion of these markers. METHODS The study population consisted of patients met in an AIDS Outpatient Clinic in São Paulo State, Brazil. We included in the analysis all HIV-infected and who underwent at least two positive hepatitis B surface antigen serological testing during clinical follow up, with tests taken six months apart. Patients were tested with commercial kits available for hepatitis B serological markers by microparticle enzyme immunoassay. Clinical variables were collected: age, sex, CD4+ T-cell count, HIV viral load, alanine aminotransferase level, exposure to antiretroviral drugs including lamivudine and/or tenofovir. RESULTS Among 2,242 HIV positive patients, we identified 105 (4.7%) patients with chronic hepatitis B. Follow up time for these patients varied from six months to 20.5 years. All patients underwent antiretroviral therapy during follow-up. Among patients with chronic hepatitis B, 58% were hepatitis B “e” antigen positive at the first assessment. Clearance of hepatitis B surface antigen occurred in 15% (16/105) of patients with chronic hepatitis B, and 50% (8/16) of these patients presented subsequent reactivation or seroreversion of hepatitis B surface antigen. Among hepatitis B “e” antigen positive patients, 57% (35/61) presented clearance of this serologic marker. During clinical follow up, 28.5% (10/35) of those who initially cleared hepatitis B “e” antigen presented seroreversion or reactivation of this marker. CONCLUSIONS Among HIV coinfected patients under antiretroviral therapy, changes of HBV serological markers were frequently observed. These results suggest that frequent monitoring of these serum markers should be recommended

    Evolution of hepatitis B serological markers in HIV coinfected patients: a case study

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the evolution of serological markers among HIV and hepatitis B coinfected patients, with emphasis on evaluating the reactivation or seroreversion of these markers. METHODS The study population consisted of patients met in an AIDS Outpatient Clinic in São Paulo State, Brazil. We included in the analysis all HIV-infected and who underwent at least two positive hepatitis B surface antigen serological testing during clinical follow up, with tests taken six months apart. Patients were tested with commercial kits available for hepatitis B serological markers by microparticle enzyme immunoassay. Clinical variables were collected: age, sex, CD4+ T-cell count, HIV viral load, alanine aminotransferase level, exposure to antiretroviral drugs including lamivudine and/or tenofovir. RESULTS Among 2,242 HIV positive patients, we identified 105 (4.7%) patients with chronic hepatitis B. Follow up time for these patients varied from six months to 20.5 years. All patients underwent antiretroviral therapy during follow-up. Among patients with chronic hepatitis B, 58% were hepatitis B “e” antigen positive at the first assessment. Clearance of hepatitis B surface antigen occurred in 15% (16/105) of patients with chronic hepatitis B, and 50% (8/16) of these patients presented subsequent reactivation or seroreversion of hepatitis B surface antigen. Among hepatitis B “e” antigen positive patients, 57% (35/61) presented clearance of this serologic marker. During clinical follow up, 28.5% (10/35) of those who initially cleared hepatitis B “e” antigen presented seroreversion or reactivation of this marker. CONCLUSIONS Among HIV coinfected patients under antiretroviral therapy, changes of HBV serological markers were frequently observed. These results suggest that frequent monitoring of these serum markers should be recommended

    Investigação oftalmológica pré-clínica do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare L., Lamiaceae

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    RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a irritação ocular aguda em coelhos, após a administração tópica de óleo essencial. Métodos: Para tanto, os animais foram divididos em três grupos, cada um com três coelhos, totalizando 6 olhos por grupo, e a diferença entre eles foi a concentração utilizada ( 1, 3 e 9%). Aplicou-se no saco conjuntival, de um dos olhos do animal, uma dose única de 0,1 ml do produto e o olho contralateral foi usado como controle. Analisou-se os efeitos causados pelo óleo essencial na conjuntiva, íris e córnea após 1, 24, 48, 72 horas e no final do sétimo dia após a aplicação tópica. As avaliações oftalmológicas foram feitas com o auxílio de um oftalmoscópio binocular indireto com e sem fluoresceína. As reações observadas foram graduadas segundo a escala de Draize. Foram realizados exames anatomopatológicos em todos os olhos estudados no final do experimento. Resultados: No grupo de animais submetidos à instilação ocular do óleo essencial a 1%, não se observou alterações. O tratamento com o óleo a 3% provocou alteração conjuntival no exame feito em 1 hora, o que foi reduzindo. A administração do óleo essencial a 9% induziu hiperemia conjuntival, não havendo qualquer alteração nos outros tempos de avaliação oftalmológica. Conclusão: A avaliação contribuiu para conhecer as alterações clínicas na superfície ocular. Desta forma, foi possível classificar o óleo a 1% como não irritante e nas concentrações de 3 e 9% como pouco irritante, tornando possível estudos clínicos, a fim de estabelecer o óleo como alternativa terapêutica em conjuntivites bacterianas