6,736 research outputs found

    ¿The gastronomic tourism an opportunity for the local development in Catalonia?: An analysis from the stakeholders involved

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    The development of tourism and particularly public administration have had to adapt to new trends and the demands of the tourist market (Fayos-Solá, 2004) especially in Spain, thus generating some of the most remarkable and structural changes which constitute the emergence of new touristic dynamics (Lopez Palomeque and X. Font, 2010). The Catalan territory, which has participated in those dynamics where wine tourism becomes an alternative product of the diversification of touristic offerings, traditionally focused on sun-and-beach not only in this region but also in the whole of Spain. To revitalize the touristic offer historically focused on sun and Beach tourism, the Catalan government , bet for the gastronomic tourism through the creation of the strategies as the Gastronomic Club in 2001 or the Gastroteca in 2006; which link different stakeholders not only publics but also privates (travel agencies, universities, private foundation, NGO, producers, etc) interested in gastronomy, responding to this phenomenon that is increasing around the world and specially in Catalonia thanks to important figures like one of the most well known chefs around the world which is Ferran Adrià. Catalonia as a region is particularly varied, no only because it’s characteristics biogeographically but also for its touristic resources, generating in this territory the production of a set of “micro territories†which are constantly looking for authenticity and differentiation from highly competitive tourism brands such as the city of Barcelona. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages which arise this new touristic phenomenon in Catalonia and its relationship with the local development in different scales; through the perceptions and actions carried out for the stakeholders involved in this strategy. To achieve this, was taken the reflexions and the relationships that keep between them, 12 personalities from the public and private sector and the academy. Were applied semi structured interviews and them perceptions were systematized and analyzed using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) methodology as the primary tool. This methodology, examines this phenomenon in Catalonia and its possibilities as a generator of local and regional development. Key words: Gastronomic tourism, local development, stakeholders, Catalonia.

    Intervention in Learning Difficulties with children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at Primary School: A North of Portugal Research

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    This article is based on a Teachers Training Programme involving Primary School teachers who has students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and it describes a part of the research dissertation on the course of PhD degrees in Science Education in the Catholic University in Porto, Portugal. The aim of our research is based on testing an approach, both training and acceptable involving teachers with ADHD in their classrooms, focusing in the identification of the barriers connected with ADHD, plus teaching methods, strategies and instructional management of practical use and concerning the intervention on barriers resulting from the attention deficit such as reading, writing, maths and oral speech. The research involved 20 teachers and 20 children of Primary School in 19 schools of the north of Portugal and it occurred between November 2009 and February 2010.The method used was the Investigation-action which appeared to be useful in the intervention with ADHD children trough the effective use of the acquired knowledge, reflection, evaluation and reformulation of teaching methods. The results of this intervention revealed to be successful, because ADHD children performance showed a progress in the barriers connected with attention deficit and the achievements in reading, writing, maths and oral speech

    O encanto discreto do Romantismo: distanciamento irónico e questões de poética em Carlos Fradique Mendes

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    Con este trabajo pretendemos relacionar la creación del primero “heterónimo” colectivo de la literatura portuguesa (un poeta ficticio, con obra y biografía, bajo cuyo nombre se esconden varios autores empíricos), Carlos Fradique Mendes, con el funcionamiento de la ironía. Por una parte, discutimos la relación de la ironía con el romanticismo portugués y con el realismo de Eça de Queirós, intentanto demostrar que, aunque fuera heredero del romanticismo, Fradique Mendes estuvo al servicio de la ruptura de la “Generación de 70” con ese movimiento. Y también que los aspectos innovadores de este verdadero fenómeno literario, que se observan tanto en las cuestiones de poética que él suscita como en los poemas que firma, acaban por rellenar una laguna existente en el panorama literario portugués, como irónicamente se pretendía con su creación. Lo que faltaba era un poeta satánico, y también temas que sólo irán a ser desarrollados por la poesía del final del siglo xix como el tema de la ciudad, o aún la reflexión sobre el propio hacer poético, en detrimento de la simple repetición de tópicos. Por otra parte, comentamos algunos poemas que permiten verificar, a través del análisis textual, aspectos importantes de la discusión teórica.The aim of this paper is to establish a relationship between the creation of the first collective “heteronym” of Portuguese literature (a fictitious poet with his own work and biography, behind whose name several empirical authors hide), Carlos Fradique Mendes, and the functioning of irony. On the one hand, I discuss the relationship of irony with Portuguese Romanticism and Eça de Queirós’s Realism. The aim is to show that, though Fradique Mendes was an inheritor of Romanticism, he was instrumental in the 70s Generation’s break-away from that movement. And also that the innovative aspects of this true literary phenomenon —which are obvious not only in the poetic issues he raised, but also in the poems he signed— filled the gap which used to exist in the Portuguese literary scene and which his creation aimed to make up for. The Portuguese literary scene lacked a Satanic poet and themes that would only be developed in the poetry of the late 19th century, such as the theme of the city or reflections on the poetic act itself rather than a mere repetition of topics. On the other hand, through an analysis and commentary of some poems important aspects of theoretical discussion can be seen.peerReviewe

    Construcción y transgresión en el tríptico "Viagem até um novo campo de estrelas" de António Sá

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    En una trilogía novelística cuya publicación abarca un intervalo de diez años, António Sá construye un universo distópico que nos muestra un planeta en continua desagregación, donde las formas de vida se transmutan incesantemente y la organización social, marcada por una violencia global (fruto de circunstancias aleatorias y ejercida por personajes ocasionales), es globalmente injusta. Localizada en un tiempo futuro, la acción posee como telón de fondo un escenario de ciencia ficción. Sin embargo, en vez de respetar servilmente las leyes del género, esta obra ejerce una transgresión sistemática, convocando elementos que hacen de su lectura un ejercicio tan difícil como interesante. Las dos líneas seguidas en este artículo son: por una parte, un comentario literario de cada una de las novelas, insistiendo en sus aspectos más destacados y en los puntos de contacto entre las tres; por otra, una aproximación a las implicaciones teóricas que resultan del comentario de su poética intrínseca, que se plantea como un desafío constante a costumbres de lectura basadas en la permanencia de ciertos rasgos de los personajes, en su caracterización psicológica, en la imitación del lenguaje del cotidiano, en la verosimilitud discursiva o en las relaciones de causalidad que dan lógica a la acción, por citar sólo algunas.In his trilogy published over a period of 10 years, António Sá constructs a distopic universe that places us face to face with a degenerating planet, in which life forms are continually transmuting and social order, marked by global violence (at the hands of random people, due to circumstances we never witness), is oppressive and unjust. Set in a vague moment in the future with science fiction as its backdrop, the book, instead of following the conventions of the genre, transgresses them systematically, making the reading experience both difficult and interesting. This paper will, on the one hand, provide a close reading of the three novels, focusing on the most important elements of each novel and the points of contact among them. On the other hand, it will point out the theoretical implications that result from the intrinsic poetics that drive the novels, which provide an on-going challenge to the reader’s expectations. Those expectations have been built up through the repetition of certain recognizable traits in some of the characters, such as psychological characterization, imitation of day to day language, seemingly real dialogues or the casual relationship providing the logic behind the actions, to mention just a few.Em uma trilogia de ficção cuja publicação abrange uma série de dez, António Sá constrói um universo distópico que nos mostra um mundo em colapso contínuo, onde as formas de vida se transmutam incessantemente e organização social marcada pela violência global (o resultado de circunstâncias exercida pelos personagens ocasionais e aleatórias) é globalmente injusto. Localizado em um momento futuro, a ação tem como pano de fundo um cenário de ficção científica. No entanto, em vez de servilmente respeitar as leis do gênero, este livro tem uma transgressão sistemática, elementos que tornam a leitura tão duro como exercício interessante convocação. As duas linhas seguidas neste artigo são: primeiro, uma revisão literária de cada um dos romances, enfatizando seus destaques e pontos de contato entre os três, de outro, uma aproximação para as implicações teóricas que resultam o comentário poético intrínseco, que surge como um desafio constante para os hábitos de leitura com base na permanência de certos traços de caráter na caracterização psicológica, à imitação da linguagem da vida cotidiana, a probabilidade ou as relações discursivas lógica causal que leva à ação, para citar alguns.peerReviewe

    The Role of Atopic Disease in the Progression of Keratoconus

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    Objetivo: Estudar a influencia da patologia atópica na evolução da ectasia corneana em doentes com queratocone. Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo com 56 olhos de 56 doentes diagnosticados com queratocone, com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 30 anos. A progressão da ectasia corneana foi avaliada entre duas medições com 12±3 meses de intervalo, usando as variáveis tomográficas Kmax, Km, K2, PachyMin, D-index, PCR e Astigmatismo corneano. Dados relativos a atopia e hábito de coçar os olhos foram retirados dos registos clínicos dos doentes, através do sistema informático SClínico. Resultados: A prevalência de atopia na coorte foi de 60.7% e a prevalência de eye rubbing foi de 76.8%. Quanto à prevalência de rinite, asma e dermatite atópica, foram de 53.6%, 12.5% e 16.1%, respetivamente. Foi encontrada uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre atopia e eye rubbing (p=0.007), indicando que doentes com atopia têm maior tendência para coçar os olhos. Não foi encontrada uma diferença estatisticamente significativa na variação dos parâmetros Kmax, Km, K1, K2, PachyMin, D-index, PCR and Astigmatismo entre as duas medições, quando comparados os grupos de doentes atópicos e doentes não atópicos (p=0.821, p=0.759, p=0.794, p=0.883, p=0.969, p=0.747, p=0.442 e p=0.720, respetivamente). Não foram encontradas associações estatisticamente significativas entre progressão de ectasia e atopia, eye rubbing, rinite, asma e dermatite atópica (p=0.300, p=0.573, p=0.765, p=0.071 e p=1.000, respetivamente). Conclusão: Apesar da ausência de diferença em termos de progressão de ectasia entre pacientes com Queratocone com atopia e sem atopia, um controlo eficaz das doenças atópicas deve ser levado a cabo, de forma a minimizar o eye rubbing, um reconhecido factor de risco para Queratocone.Purpose: To study the influence of atopic conditions in the progression of corneal ectasia in keratoconus patients. Methods: Retrospective study of 56 eyes of 56 patients with Keratoconus, aged from 14 to 30 years old. Ectasia progression was evaluated between two scans separated by 12±3 months, using the tomographic variables Kmax, Km, K2, PachyMin, D-index, PCR and Corneal Astigmatism. Data regarding atopy and eye rubbing habits were collected from patients' clinical records, accessed through the SClinico System. Results: The prevalence of atopy in this sample was 60.7% and the prevalence of eye rubbing habits was 76.8.6%. As for the prevalence of rhinitis, asthma and atopic dermatitis, it is 53.6%, 12.5% and 16.1%, respectively. A statistically significant association was found between atopy and eye rubbing (p=0.007), indicating that atopic patients have more tendency to rub their eyes. No significant difference was found in the variation of the tomographic indices Kmax, Km, K1, K2, PachyMin, D-index, PCR and Astig between the two scans, when comparing the atopic and non-atopic groups of patients (p=0.821, p=0.759, p=0.794, p=0.883, p=0.969, p=0.747, p=0.442 and p=0.720, respectively). There were no significant associations between ectasia progression and atopy, eye rubbing, rhinitis, asthma and atopic dermatitis (p=0.300, p=0.573, p=0.765, p=0.071 and p=1.000, respectively). Conclusion: Despite the lack of difference in ectasia progression found between KC patients with and without atopy, an effective control of atopic conditions should be done in order to reduce eye rubbing, a well-stablished risk factor for Keratoconus

    Fandom, culture, and videogames: analysing what makes a successful videogame franchise through Final Fantasy

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    This study intends to validate the importance of discussing media in the modern world by exploring how the concepts of media, fandoms and culture are related, why fandoms exist and the power of media over culture. The object of study is videogames, and more specifically the videogame franchise ‘Final Fantasy’, There is also focus in understanding their appeal over other types of media, the history and evolution of videogames and the history and business model of Square Enix, the company behind ‘Final Fantasy’ products. Additionally, object of study includes how corporate practices and decisions affect the franchise, the evolution of the franchise throughout the years and what makes it a successful videogame franchise, taking into account all the previous information. In order to achieve its purpose, the methodology used was based on qualitative methods of investigation. Document research about the topic at hand, from bibliography, ludography, and other pre-existing materials was gathered and triangulated with an online questionnaire. The information gathered from 85 participants was analysed and it was possible to conclude how the target audience for Final Fantasy experiences the games and the fandom, how it perceives cultural elements and how do they feel about corporate decisions as frequent customers, as well as their opinions on the importance of discussing media

    Gather: Multifunctional unit for cooking in small spaces

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    This thesis project is a proposal to improve student\u27s life living at college dorms in USA. To accomplish this, a more functional and practical object and also meaningful for students will be design. The main purpose of the object is to meet student\u27s desires and needs of having a fully functional appliance that allows a safe and easy cooking while living at the college dorms. During studies made to students living at college dorms, it was revealed that most of the students struggled cooking and had difficulty assimilating the new eating habits, ending in eating disorders. Despite the fact colleges strove for supplying nutritive food, it was difficult to please every student eating habits. Moreover, cultural differences made even harder that a menu offered by cafeterias at the dorms could supply eating desires from students of other countries. In addition to the results from on campus living studies, this project will also take into account regulations and policies of on campus living that restrict and regulate the use of electric powered or any other type of appliances inside the dorms due to the dangers of fire ignition by appliances. Policies are necessary to protect student\u27s life but are also an opportunity for this project of exploring solutions that provide a safe way for cooking at the dorms. Foreign countries and students in an outside the US are taking advantage of existing appliances that by adapting technology into house ware, are making goods more efficient and safer and then meeting students\u27 needs. US colleges should start revising how to better furnish dorms or even create areas to allow students using appliances safely, so that forbidden objects are not illegally brought inside the dorms, as it is happening now. Besides the practical and safety issues, social affairs are also an important aim for this project. While living at the dorms, students develop strong bonds with roommates, friends, and neighbors. College is the new home for students who almost become a family. The way students furnish their rooms allow them socializing and creating and ambience to feel like at home. Whatever students own and bring inside their rooms is key to foster integration with people around. Thus, the final outcome of this project is meant to ease students\u27 interaction through cooking and sharing exquisite meals with friends and roomies while improving their eating and nutritional habits. I believe the market offers great stuff for students but there is nothing specific to meet the need I am addressing in my thesis project. By means of implementing and existing and efficient technology already developed for other appliances, I can focus on the design and the experience I want to create around it. Using magnetic induction for the cooking section of the appliance, I can ensure there won\u27t be any risk of fire or burned food because of the shut-off system and non-heating surface this technology uses. In addition, students will find within the case, a complete set of all the basic cooking utensils. Therefore, there won\u27t be any lose pieces all around the dorm. On top of the case, the lid also works as a surface area for cutting and getting food ready prior to cooking. The good thing about the system is the fact that it can be carried around, used and accommodated wherever it fits on the room, freeing up the space for other objects or activities. Lastly, the design language is appealing to the target, the sleek and simple design makes the object an elegant appliance that perfectly hides its content and seems a decorative element of the dorm. It comes in three color choices to match the user color preferences. An easy to carry, easy to clean and easy to store design that houses cooking and serving pieces is a perfect complementary appliance that students can acquire by themselves or colleges can provide to be shared by the dorm community in specific areas where they would enjoy it

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Design for the Environment Tools to Help Meet Sustainability and Design Goals

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    Environmental impacts of electronics are a growing concern because the amount and type of materials used in production of the devices, the impacts to the environment from discarded electronics and the early retirement of products due to rapidly evolving devices, changing design trends, and perceived technological obsolescence. Design for the Environment is a sustainability strategy that aims to reduce the environmental impacts through techniques that enable sustainability solutions during the design decision-making process. In order to suit the diverse needs of sustainable design practitioners, there has been a large number of tools for Design for the Environment (DfE) developed, confusing product designers and engineers about which tool to choose to meet sustainability and design goals. Therefore, there is a need for methods that help designers choose DfE tools that are reliable, objective, effective, and easy to integrate in the regular product design and development activities. This thesis project develops a methodology to help designers screen, test and validate the results of applying DfE tools recommendations, when searching for the most effective techniques. First, the project proposes a method to classify tools under common DfE categories of tools, screen the tools, and identify potential techniques. Next, the author of this thesis, who is the designer on this document, designs an electronics device, under regular design parameters, for testing a set of potential DfE techniques. Prior to testing DfE tools, the author develops a set of sustainability metrics to measure the impacts of the electronic device and the reductions in environmental impacts obtained from the application of each DfE tool recommendations. After assessing the impacts of the device using the metrics, there were three DfE tools tested, Autodesk Eco Materials Adviser (EMA), DfE Matrix, and Electronic Product Assessment Tool (EPEAT) to determine product environmental burdens, propose solutions, and make design recommendations that improve the product environmental profile. Each tool identified materials, life cycle stages, and components that cause the product environmental burdens; these findings were targets for redesign. Addressing the tools findings resulted in three redesigns of the electronic device re-assessed with the sustainability metrics to measure the reductions of the environmental impacts. The metrics were useful to validate the results of applying the tools and help the product designer and sustainability practitioner developing this thesis to identify the most effective tools, the benefits, weaknesses, and strengths of using diverse tools

    Algorithmic aversion in artificial intelligence co-leadership and the impact of metaphors and comparisons

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    The importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been increasing at a fast pace. Besides transforming our lives, these technologies are crucial to improving business operations by conducting tasks faster, better and with lower costs, and by helping in the decision­making process that is an intellectually demanding task. However, despite the advantages AI can offer, people still disbelieve the ability of algorithms, often prefer to decide for themselves and refuse to rely on algorithms after seeing them err. This phenomenon is called algorithm aversion and goes against the best interest of companies that need to gain competitive advantage in a very competitive market. In this way, this dissertation intends to study the potential use of metaphors and comparisons as strategies to reduce algorithm aversion. For this to be done, an experimental study with three experimental groups was conducted. The effect of a language­based metaphor, a visual metaphor and an explicit comparison between human and artificial neurons was studied by relying on a specific type of AI called Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to see if people would prefer this technology that seems to function in a similar way to humans, over a general AI in a leadership position. The results of the study did not corroborate the hypothesis that the metaphors were going to reduce algorithm aversion, as the only difference found in the leadership acceptance was between the general AI group and the human one in which the new leader was a normal person.A importância da Inteligência Artificial (IA) tem aumentado a um ritmo rápido. Além de transformar as nossas vidas, estas tecnologias são cruciais para melhorar operações de empresas, realizando tarefas de modo mais rápido, melhor, com menos custos, e auxiliando a tomada de decisão que é uma tarefa intelectualmente exigente. No entanto, apesar das vantagens que a IA pode oferecer, as pessoas ainda não acreditam na capacidade dos algoritmos, muitas vezes preferem decidir por si mesmas e recusam­se a confiar nos algoritmos depois de os verem errar. Este fenómeno é chamado de aversão ao algoritmo e vai contra o melhor interesse das empresas que precisam de ganhar vantagem competitiva num mercado muito competitivo. Assim, esta dissertação pretende estudar o potencial uso de metáforas e comparações como estratégias para reduzir a aversão a algoritmos. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo experimental com três grupos experimentais. O efeito de uma metáfora linguística, uma metáfora visual e uma comparação explícita entre neurónios humanos e artificiais foi estudado através de um tipo específico de IA chamada Rede Neural Artificial (RNA) para ver se as pessoas prefeririam esta tecnologia que parece funcionar de modo semelhante aos humanos, em vez de uma IA geral numa posição de liderança. Os resultados do estudo não corroboraram a hipótese de que a metáfora incluída na RNA iria reduzir a aversão ao algoritmo, pois a única diferença encontrada na aceitação da liderança foi entre o grupo de IA geral e o humano em que o novo líder era uma pessoa normal