7 research outputs found

    Changing health behaviors under lockdown: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adult physical activity and well-being

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    Introduction. Obesity is recognized as one of the increasingly common diseases of civilization. It poses a great threat to the health and life of every person. Overweight and obesity have also been called a worldwide epidemic. Obesity is most often caused by prolonged positive energy balance: bad eating habits, low physical activity and other problems such as emotional. The current pandemic situation also promotes the incidence of overweight and obesity. Aim of the study. The main aim of the study was to investigate the impact of lockdown on the occurrence of overweight and obesity in adult population, while the specific aim was to investigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the level of physical activity among adults. Material and Methods. A total of 244 adults participated in the study on the impact of lockdown on overweight and obesity. The criterion for inclusion in the study was a correctly completed questionnaire. The questionnaire was properly completed by 237 respondents, who were then qualified for further analysis. The study was conducted during the fall and winter seasons using a proprietary survey questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2010, and the results and conclusions of the scientific study were obtained from it. Results and Conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the respondents do not have enough knowledge about proper nutrition. In addition, it was found that their physical activity is decreasing and they are working more and more often remotely, which limits their movement during the day

    The role of the dietitian in the hospital team. The current situation in Poland in relation to the needs of society

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    Background: Nutrition that is adequate to the patient’s health status is a component of co-determining factors in improving the patient’s health. Moreover, appropriate activities of a dietician, such as assessing the nutritional status or educating patients, are counted among the determinants conditioning the effectiveness of the conducted treatment. The number of employed dietitians in hospitals is low, which results in 76-740 patients per one specialist, which in turn makes effective education impossible. The aim of this study was to compare the duties of dietitians working in Polish hospitals in relation to the needs of the society. Material and methods: The research tool consisted of two original, anonymous questionnaires, addressed to the Polish public and to active dietitians. The analysis of results was based on 595 questionnaire results, including 93 from nutritionists. Results: Of the respondents who were admitted to the hospital ward, 83.3% had no contact with a nutritionist (N=347). The surveyed dietitians most often declared that there were two dietitians working at the health care provider employing them, with the smallest number being 1 and the largest number being 55. Only one in three respondents received dietary recommendations upon discharge from the hospital (N=133; 32.1%). Nearly half of dietitians do not prepare menus (48.4%). According to the public, a dietitian should be involved in nutritional counseling, developing menus for the hospital kitchen or catering, and nutritional recommendations for patients discharged from the hospital. Conclusions: Dietitians with the right qualifications and specialties, integrated into the health care workforce, can have a huge impact on the proper dietary therapy of patients. As a result, there is a high probability of increasing the effectiveness of treatment, resulting in health service savings and support for the medical community

    Vitamin C content in orange juices obtained by different methods

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    Introduction Proper nutrition has the task of providing the right amount of energy and nutrients. A balanced diet should include vegetables and fruit at every meal. These products are rich in vitamin C, which is involved in many metabolic pathways in the body. A well-balanced diet will generally provide you with enough ascorbic acid. The content of vitamins in products depends on many factors, including the place of origin of the product, season, species, processing methods, or the conditions and time of storage. Vitamin C is easily destroyed by contact with oxygen, light radiation or metal ions. Aim of the study The aim of the study is to assess the content of vitamin C in juices squeezed from different types of oranges using various processing methods. Material and methods Three species of oranges were used for the study: Valencia, Saluciana and Novelina. Each type of orange was squeezed with 3 processing methods, using: a juicer, a slow-speed squeezer and a manual squeezer. The determination of vitamin C content in the obtained juices was performed by the Tillmans titration method with the use of standard, blue, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol dye. The vitamin C content in juices was determined: immediately after squeezing the juice, one hour after squeezing and 24 hours after squeezing. The juices were stored in the refrigerator between determinations. A pH meter was used to measure the pH, and a portable digital sucrose refractometer was used for the% sucrose measurement. Results The highest content of vitamin C immediately after pressing was observed in the juice of hand-squeezed oranges from the Salustiana variety. The decrease in vitamin C after 24 hours averaged 37.8%. Statistically significant differences were found between the method of squeezing and the time after squeezing the juice. Valencia variety was characterized by the highest pH, Navelina - the lowest. Significant differences were found in the mean level of the pH indicator and the type of orange

    What is the pro-inflammatory dietary model associated with?

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    Introduction. Cellular potential disruption leads to several polyplatoligias due to increased systemic inflammation, as a consequence of the visualized multivariate appearance. Objective. To highlight the relevance of the pathomechanism of oxidative stress and oxidative potential about changes in metabolic mechanisms at the cellular level, predisposing to polypatoligia and the development of destructive transformations visualized in outward appearance targeted by a pro-inflammatory nutritional model. Material and methods. A sample of 226 subjects was selected by random selection of respondents. The author's questionnaire concerned metric data, level of physical exercise, diagnosed disease entity, inflammatory changes within the body dermis, and level of frequency of consumption of selected food groups. The obtained results were verified by statistical analysis with a significance level of α <0.05. Results. The subject was characterized by a diagnosed multimorbidity at the level of (approximately 20%) about the individual clinical course of the respondent. The anthropometric parameter BMI without sex division (due to predominance of female subjects) among 55% of the whole group was within the normal range, constituting 24.4 kg/m2, showed a significant correlation directed at the pathomechanism of multimorbidity at the level of 78% in physical appearance. Conclusions. The pathomechanism of developing polyposis is significantly associated with the appearance of changes within the tissues translated into the shell system and anthropometric measurements related to the value of body mass index. Multivariable within the common coat is significantly dependent on the implemented phytotherapeutics - bioactive components derived from oregano, to obtain high antioxidant potential

    Dietary trends among Polish women in 2011–2022—cross-sectional study of food consumption frequency among women aged 20–50 in Silesia region, Poland

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    BackgroundWomen’s nutrition should be different from that of men. Women have lower energy requirements than men. And the need for certain vitamins and minerals is higher in women, this applies to iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin B9 (folic acid). This is related to hormonal changes including menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and the onset of menopause. Through hormonal changes and the changing physiological state, women are at greater risk of anaemia, bone weakness and osteoporosis.The aim of the study was to assess changes in the dietary pattern among women from the Silesian Agglomeration in Poland between 2011 and 2022.Material and methodThe survey was conducted in 2011 (March–May 2011) and in 2022 (October–November 2022) among women living in the Silesian Agglomeration (Silesia region) in Poland aged 20–50. After consideration of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 745 women were included in the final analysis, including 437 women screened in 2011 and 308 women screened in 2022.The research tool used in this publication was a survey questionnaire consisting of 2 parts. The first part of the questionnaire consisted of demographic data. The second part of the study focused on the dietary habits of the women surveyed and the frequency of consumption of individual foods (FFQ).ResultsMore women in 2022 ate breakfast than in 2011 (77.6% vs. 63.8% p < 0.001), were more likely to eat breakfast I at home (73.1% vs. 62.5%; p < 0.001), were more likely to eat breakfast II (39.0% vs. 35.2%; p = 0.001), were more likely to eat breakfast II at home (28.6% vs. 19.2%; p = 0.002), and were more likely to eat lunch at work (16.6% vs. 3.4%; p < 0.001). Women in 2022 were more likely to consume fast-food (p = 0.001), salty snacks (chips, crisps) (p < 0.001) and sweets (p < 0.001). Women in 2022 were more likely to consume whole-grain bread (p < 0.001), wholemeal pasta (p < 0.001), brown rice (p < 0.001), oatmeal (p < 0.001), buckwheat groats (p = 0.06), and bran (p < 0.001) than women in 2011. They were less likely to consume white bread (p < 0.0001), light pasta (p = 0.004), white rice (p = 0.008) and cornflakes (p < 0.001) in 2022.Women in 2022 were significantly more likely to consume vegetables (p < 0.001) than women in 2011.ConclusionEating habits in Silesia region women changed between 2011 and 2022. In 2022, women were more likely to choose cereal products considered health-promoting and rich in dietary fiber (including whole-grain bread, whole-grain pasta, oatmeal, bran) were more likely to consume vegetables, dry pulses and vegetarian dinners, and consumed less meat, cured meats, fish and dairy products. Consumption of fast-food, salty snacks (such as chips) and sweets increased

    Model danych systemu sterowania przepływem i jakością produkcji

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    In the paper the idea of the system of production flow and quality control and its data model is presented. There are distinguished the functional moduls of preparing technological processes’ variants, of production scheduling, and of quality control. The solution is dedicated to the enterprises characterized by a make-to-order production approach, which have to react flexibly to changing production conditions and the backlog of orders.W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję systemu sterowania przepływem i jakością produkcji oraz odpowiadający mu model danych. W systemie wyróżniono moduły wariantowania procesów technologicznych, harmonogramowania produkcji oraz sterowania jakością. Opracowywane rozwiązanie dedykowane jest przedsiębiorstwom realizującym produkcję na zamówienie, które winny elastycznie reagować na zmiany warunków produkcji i portfela zamówień

    Zaburzenia odżywiania a postrzeganie obrazu ciała wśród kobiet po urodzeniu dziecka w okresie postpandemicznym

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    The perinatal period is a physiological and psychological challenge in the life of a pregnant woman and future mother, requiring special interdisciplinary care. The three-year SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has redefined many areas of the public health sector, causing psychophysical changes. The COVID-19 disease, which has reached a global scale, has intensified the progression of mental disorders, especially taking into account the dysfunctional relationship with one’s diet which predisposes people to a lack of control, excessive restriction of meals, and emotional eating, causing obesity-oriented eating disorders, binge eating syndrome, and pregorexia. The aim of the study was to analyze the perceived body image among women after childbirth, focusing on the occurrence of possible eating disorders. The methodological tools were the TFEQ-13 questionnaire and the SCOFF questionnaire along with the record and qualitative analysis of the female nutrition (up to one year after childbirth). 288 women aged 20–45 were qualifi ed for the study. Anthropometric measurement taking into account BMI in the form of index categorization as the norm was the majority (66.7%). The pre-pregnancy and postpartum weight gain averaged 3.5 kilograms. The aspect of body perception by women indicated a lack of satisfaction with its image (69%), but half of the respondents were aware of changes in external appearance with a positive perception of the body image. The negative subjective assessment concerned a smaller percentage of women (22%). Moreover, signifi cant differences were observed in the case of the perception of body weight and the method of feeding the child (p = 0.03). Additionally, dissatisfaction with body weight predisposed to a higher SCOFF score, indicating the risk of developing eating disorders (46%; p = 0.001) with increasing body mass index. A significant correlation was observed between the reduction of consumed meals and a higher BMI parameter, along with dissatisfaction with body weight among overweight or healthy women and those physically active during the pre-conception period. Women were much more often characterized by a lack of control over food in the perinatal period (according to the TFEQ-13 questionnaire). To sum up, behaviors aimed at limiting eating, lack of control over eating, as well as emotional eating in the studied group of women resulted in a negative self-perception in the form of dissatisfaction with body weight. Overweight and obese women are predisposed to the progression of eating disorders in the form of pregorexia. The therapeutic and preventive element in the form of nutritional education is key, as common errors in the diet and supplementation are associated with a higher risk of eating disorders.Okres okołoporodowy stanowi wyzwanie o charakterze fizjologiczno-psychologicznym w życiu kobiety ciężarnej oraz przyszłej mamy, przez co wymaga szczególnej opieki interdyscyplinarnej. Trzyletnia pandemia wirusa SARS-CoV-2 przyczyniła się do redefinicji wielu obszarów sektora zdrowia publicznego i wywołała zmiany psychofizyczne. Choroba COVID-19 rozpowszechniona na skalę globalną nasiliła progresję zaburzeń psychicznych, szczególnie z uwzględnieniem dysfunkcyjnej relacji w sposobie żywienia predysponującej do braku kontroli, nadmiernego ograniczania spożywanych posiłków oraz jedzenia emocjonalnego, wywołała przy tym zaburzenia odżywiania ukierunkowane na otyłość, zespół kompulsywnego objadania się, pregoreksję. Cel podjętej pracy dotyczył analizy postrzeganego obrazu ciała przez kobiety po ciąży zakończonej porodem. Analiza była ukierunkowana na występowanie u nich ewentualnych zaburzeń w odżywianiu. Narzędzie metodologiczne stanowiły kwestionariusze TFEQ-13 oraz SCOFF wraz z metryczką i analizą jakościową sposobu żywienia kobiet (do roku od porodu). Do badania zakwalifikowano 288 kobiet w przedziale wiekowym 20–45 lat. Wyliczony pomiar antropometryczny uwzględniający wskaźnik masy ciała w postaci kategoryzacji wskaźnika jako norma stanowił przewagę (66,7%). Przyrost masy ciała z okresu przed ciążą i po porodzie mieścił się w średniej wartości 3,5 kilogramów. Aspekt postrzegania ciała przez kobiety wskazywał na brak poczucia zadowolenia z jego obrazu (69%). Równocześnie połowa badanych cechowała się świadomością dotyczącą zmian w wyglądzie zewnętrznym z pozytywnym postrzeganiem obrazu ciała. Natomiast nacechowana negatywnie subiektywna ocena dotyczyła mniejszego odsetka kobiet (22%). Ponadto, w przypadku postrzegania masy ciała wobec rodzaju zastosowanej metody karmienia dziecka zostały zaobserwowane istotne różnice (p = 0,03). Dodatkowo niezadowolenie z masy ciała predysponowało do uzyskania wyższego wyniku w skali SCOFF, świadczącego o ryzyku pojawienia się zaburzeń odżywiania (46%; p = 0,001) wraz ze wzrostem BMI — wskaźnika masy ciała. Zaobserwowano istotną dodatnią zależność pomiędzy ograniczeniem spożywanych posiłków a wyższym parametrem BMI wraz z niezadowoleniem z masy ciała wśród kobiet z nadwagą lub prawidłową masą ciała oraz aktywnych fizycznie w okresie prekoncepcyjnym. Kobiety cechował znacznie częściej brak kontroli nad jedzeniem w okresie okołoporodowym (według kwestionariusza TFEQ-13). Reasumując: zachowania ukierunkowane na ograniczenie jedzenia i brak kontroli nad jedzeniem oraz emocjonalne spożywanie posiłków w grupie badanych kobiet przekładały się na negatywny obraz postrzeganego ciała w postaci niezadowolenia z masy ciała. Kobiety z nadwagą i otyłością predysponowały do progresji zaburzeń odżywiania w postaci pregoreksji. Element terapeutyczno-prewencyjny w postaci edukacji żywieniowej jest kluczowy, gdyż powszechnie występujące błędy w sposobie żywienia i suplementacji wiążą się z wyższym ryzykiem zaburzeń odżywiania