82 research outputs found

    The Effect of Adverse Oil Price Shocks on Monetary Policy and Output Using a Dynamic Small Open Economy General Equilibrium Model With Staggered Price for Brazil

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    The aim of the present research is to use a model economy built for Brazil, based on an optimizing dynamic general equilibrium model, in order to perform numerical simulations to derive the ability of the artificial economy to explain the impact of monetary policy interventions on Brazilian short run economic performance in terms of the inflation rate, output gap, interest rate and level of economic activity in the face of an adverse oil shock. It is an extension of Bugarin et al. (2005) concentrating on the consequence of energy price increases, facing different monetary policy rules. Following Hall (1988 e 1990) and Finn (2000) it is considered that an increase in energy prices acts like a negative productivity shock. The model provides an accessible description of an artificial economy with a tractable micro-founded dynamic setting with forward looking rational agents in a small open economy with a staggered pricing mechanism that generates inflation inertia and recessionary disinflations. Alternative specification of monetary reaction functions are introduced into the model economy in order to perform a sensitivity analysis of derived impulse responses to those interventions facing the negative productivity shock. The preliminary results suggest that the introduction of habit persistence into the consumption hypothesis does not make much difference. However the introduction of different monetary reaction functions does alter the impulse response of output, inflation rate, and nominal interest rate. A common result is the decline in potential output for all models. Additionally, the only case where a reduction in the output gap is observed is when using the Taylor rule that takes into consideration the output gap and past interest rates with high persistence.

    Reductive Elimination from Cyclometalated Platinum(IV) Complexes To Form Csp2−Csp3 Bonds and Subsequent Competition between Csp2−H and Csp3−H Bond Activation

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    Reductive elimination reactions of the cyclometalated platinum(IV) compounds [PtMe2Br{C6H4CH NCH2(4-ClC6H4)}L] (L = SMe2, PPh3) to form Csp3−Csp2 bonds, followed by either exclusive Csp2−H bond activation (L = SMe2) or competition between Csp2−H and Csp3−H bond activation (L = PPh3) are reported. Reductive elimination to form a C−Br bond is also reported.</p

    The Effect of Adverse Supply Shocks on Monetary Policy and Output

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    The aim of the present research is to use a model economy built for Brazil, based on an optimizing dynamic general equilibrium model, in order to perform numerical simulations to derive the ability of the artificial economy to explain the impact of monetary policy interventions on short run economic performance in terms of the inflation rate, output gap, interest rate and level of economic activity in the face of an adverse supply shock. Alternative specification of monetary reaction functions are introduced into the model economy in order to perform a sensitivity analysis of derived impulse responses to those interventions facing the negative productivity shock. The preliminary results suggest that the introduction of habit persistence into the consumption hypothesis does not make much difference. However the introduction of different monetary reaction functions does alter the impulse response of output, inflation rate, and nominal interest rate. A common result is the decline in potential output for all models. Additionally, the only case where a reduction in the output gap is observed is when using the Taylor rule that takes into consideration the output gap and past interest rates with high persistence.

    Terminação nervosa das papilas filiformes, fungiformes e valadas da mucosa dorsal da língua de queixada: observação neurohistológica

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    The neurohistologic observations were performed using the specimens prepared by Winkelmann and Schmitt silver impregnation method. The tissues were fixed in 10% formalin solution and sections of 40µm thickness were obtained by Leica Cryostat at -30ºC. The sections of dorsal mucosa of White-lipped peccary tongue showed numerous filliform and fungiform papillae, and two vallate papillae on the caudal part. The epithelial layer revealed queratinized epithelial cells and the connective tissue papillae of different sizes and shapes. Thick nerve fiber bundles are noted into the subepithelial connective tissue of the papillae. The connective tissue of fungiform and vallate papillae contained numerous sensitive nerves fibers bundles forming a complex nerve plexus.As observações neuro-histológicas foram realizadas utilizando amostras preparadas segundo o método de impregnação por prata de Winkelmann e Schmitt. Os tecidos foram fixados em solução de formol a 10% e seções de 40µm de espessura foram obtidas em criostato Leica -30ºC. As seções da mucosa dorsal da língua de queixada revelaram numerosas papilas filiformes, fungiformes e duas papilas valadas sobre a parte caudal. A camada epitelial revelou células epiteliais queratinizadas e papilas de tecido conjuntivo de diferentes tamanhos e formas foram observadas. Espessos feixes de fibras nervosas são notados no tecido conjuntivo subepitelial das papilas. O tecido conjuntivo das papilas fungiformes e valadas contêm numerosos feixes de nervos de fibras sensíveis formando um plexo nervoso complexo

    The Emerging Role of CD8+ Tissue Resident Memory T (TRM) Cells in Antitumor Immunity: A Unique Functional Contribution of the CD103 Integrin

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    Cancer immunotherapy is aimed at stimulating tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes and their subsequent trafficking so that they may reach, and persist in, the tumor microenvironment, recognizing and eliminating malignant target cells. Thus, characterization of the phenotype and effector functions of CD8+ T lymphocytes infiltrating human solid tumors is essential for better understanding and manipulating the local antitumor immune response, and for defining their contribution to the success of current cancer immunotherapy approaches. Accumulating evidence indicates that a substantial subpopulation of CD3+CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes are tissue resident memory T (TRM) cells, and is emerging as an activated tumor-specific T-cell subset. These TRM cells accumulate in various human cancer tissues, including non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), ovarian and breast cancers, and are defined by expression of CD103 [αE(CD103)β7] and/or CD49a [α1(CD49a)β1] integrins, along with C-type lectin CD69, which most likely contribute to their residency characteristic. CD103 binds to the epithelial cell marker E-cadherin, thereby promoting retention of TRM cells in epithelial tumor islets and maturation of cytotoxic immune synapse with specific cancer cells, resulting in T-cell receptor (TCR)-dependent target cell killing. Moreover, CD103 integrin triggers bidirectional signaling events that cooperate with TCR signals to enable T-cell migration and optimal cytokine production. Remarkably, TRM cells infiltrating human NSCLC tumors also express inhibitory receptors such as programmed cell death-1, the neutralization of which, with blocking antibodies, enhances CD103-dependent TCR-mediated cytotoxicity toward autologous cancer cells. Thus, accumulation of TRM cells at the tumor site explains the more favorable clinical outcome, and might be associated with the success of immune checkpoint blockade in a fraction of cancer patients

    Antenatal Ultrasonographic Anteroposterior Renal Pelvis Diameter Measurement: Is It a Reliable Way of Defining Fetal Hydronephrosis?

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    Purpose. It was to quantify the intraobserver and interobserver variability of the sonographic measurements of renal pelvis and classify hydronephrosis severity. Methods. Two ultrasonographers evaluated 17 fetuses from 23 to 39 weeks of gestation. Renal pelvis APD were taken in 50 renal units. For intraobserver error, one of them performed three sequential measurements. The mean and standard deviation from the absolute and percentage differences between measurements were calculated. Bland-Altman plots were used to visually assess the relationship between the precision of repeated measurements. Hydronephrosis was classified as mild (5.0 to 9.9 mm), moderate (10.0 to 14.9 mm), or severe (≥15.0 mm). Interrater agreement were obtained using the Kappa index. Results. Absolute intraobserver variation in APD measurements was 5.2 ± 3.5%. Interobserver variation of ultrasonographers was 9.3 ± 9.7%. Neither intraobserver or interobserver error increased with increasing APD size. The overall percentage of agreement with the antenatal hydronephrosis diagnosis was 64%. Cohen's Kappa to hydronephrosis severity was 0.51 (95% CI, 0.33 to 0.69). Conclusion. Inter and intraobserver APD measurement errors were low in these group, but the agreement to hydronephrosis diagnosis and classification was fair. We suggest that standard and serial APD measurement can better define and evaluate fetal hydronephrosis

    Análise qualitativa do estabelecimento da espermatogênese em cutias (Dasyprocta aguti) criadas em cativeiros

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    A determinação do estabelecimento da puberdade é bastante estudada em animais domésticos e roedores, no entanto, são escassas as pesquisas com a finalidade de estabelecer parâmetros para a biologia reprodutiva em cutias. Foram utilizadas 31 cutias machos da espécie Dasyprocta agouti, oriundas da Universidade Federal do Piauí, Estado do Piauí, e da Escola Superior de Agricultura de Mossoró, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Imediatamente após a orquiectomia foram retirados fragmentos e estes foram processados histologicamente, os tecidos foram corados com hematoxilina-eosina e analisou-se os parâmetros seguintes: aspectos de luminação dos túbulos seminíferos; presença de espermatócitos primários; presença de espermátides e formação dos primeiros estágios do ciclo do epitélio seminífero (CES) segundo o método da morfologia tubular. O período desde o nascimento até os cinco meses de idade correspondeu à fase impúbere; dos seis aos oito meses de idade a fase de transição da pré-puberdade à puberdade; dos nove aos dez meses de idade à fase da puberdade; e dos doze aos quartoze meses de idade à fase da pós-puberdade. A puberdade da cutia (Dasyprocta aguti), ocorreu em animais a partir dos sete meses de idade, e o estabelecimento da puberdade foi constatado em todos os animais estudados aos nove meses de idade.The determination of the puberty beginning is widely studied in domestic animals and rodents. However, there are scarce researches with the purpose to establish parameters for the reproductive biology in Agoutis. Thirty-one male Agoutis, Dasyprocta agouti species had been used, originated from the Universidade Federal do Piauí - PI, and from the Mossoró Superior Scholl of Agriculture - RN. Immediately after the orchiectomy, histological sections were made, the tissues were stained with hematoxylin-eosine and analyzed for the following parameters: aspects of the seminiferous tubule lumen; presence of primary spermatocytes; presence of spermatid cells and formation of the first stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle (SEC), in accordance with the tubular morphology method. The period from the birth up to five months of age corresponded to the impuberal phase; from six to eight months, to the transition from the prepuberal phase to puberty; from nine to ten months, to the puberty; and, from twelve to fourteen months of age to the after-puberty phase. The puberty of the Agouti (Dasyprocta aguti), occurred since seven months of age, being the establishment puberty beginning evidenced at nine months of age

    Aspectos biométricos do desenvolvimento testicular e corporal em cutias (Dasyprocta aguti) criadas em cativeiros

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    Biometric data of the testicular and corporal weight development of 31 Agoutis (Dasyprocta aguti), from the birth up to 14 months of age, were analyzed. The correlations between corporal weight, age and testicular parameters were highly significant. Testicular weight, testicular volume, as well other testicular biometric parameters (length, diameter and perimeter), evolved slow and gradually until eight months of age. Beginning on 9 months of age, the growth was faster, and in this period. the seminiferous epithelium was already formed. Biometric development of the testes can be shared in two phases: 0 - 8 months and 9 - 14 months of age, however the 9 months age are the maximum point of the testicular development in Agoutis (Dasyprocta aguti) rised in captivity.Analisou-se os dados biométricos do desenvolvimento testicular e peso corporal de 31 cutias (Dasyprocta aguti) desde o nascimento até os 14 meses de idade. As correlações entre o peso corporal, idade e parâmetros testiculares apresentaram-se altamente significativas. O peso testicular, o volume testicular, assim como os demais parâmetros biométricos testiculares (comprimento, diâmetro e perímetro), evoluíram lenta e gradualmente até os 8 meses de idade. A partir dos 9 meses, o crescimento foi mais rápido. O desenvolvimento biométrico do testículo pode ser dividido em duas fases, de 0 - 8 meses e de 9 - 14 meses de idade, sendo 9 meses considerado ponto de corte em se tratando de desenvolvimento testicular de cutias criadas em cativeiro

    Quantificação de células dos túbulos seminíferos e rendimento da espermatogênese em cutias (Dasyprocta aguti) criadas em cativeiros

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    This study has as objective to evaluate the spermatogenesis yield of Agoutis rised in captivity, through the rates found between cellular types of the seminiferous epithelium. The results showed that the spermatogenesis yield of the Agoutis since 9 to 14 months of age did not reach the stabilization point. The coefficient of efficiency of the spermatogonium mitoses, did not increase with the age. The meiotic yield, usual spermatogenesis yield and the Sertoli cells index didn't showed numeric variation at function of the age, however, it was not detected by statistic data.O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o rendimento da espermatogênese de cutias criadas em cativeiro, por intermédio das razões encontradas entre tipos celulares do epitélio seminífero. Os resultados apontaram que o rendimento da espermatogênese da cutia dos nove aos quatorze meses de idade não chegou a um ponto de estabilização. O coeficiente de eficiência de mitoses espermatogoniais não aumentou com a idade. O rendimento meiótico, o rendimento geral da espermatogênese e o índice de células de Sertoli mostraram variações numéricas em função da idade, entretanto, não detectadas estatisticamente

    Análise das dosagens e concentrações séricas da ciclosporina A em cães da raça Golden Retriever normais ou afetados pela distrofia muscular

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    A distrofia muscular dos cães Golden Retriever (GRMD), uma miopatia degenerativa causada pela ausência da distrofina é geneticamente homóloga à distrofia muscular de Duchenne que acomete humanos, portanto, estes cães são considerados modelos experimentais para estudos em terapia celular. Seu sucesso depende da imunossupressão adequada. A ciclosporina A (CsA) é indicada para tal e a monitorização de suas concentrações sangüíneas e efeitos adversos são essenciais para viabilizar a terapia. Foram estudados cães GRMD, e normais da mesma raça, submetidos a terapia com CsA, associada, nos GRMD, ao transplante de células tronco. Foram avaliados as concentrações sangüíneas do fármaco através de amostras coletadas a cada dois ou três dias e analisadas pelo método do imunoensaio por fluorescência (FPIA). Como resultado observamos que as concentrações de CsA oscilaram muito, em seis dos oito animais. Concluímos que as doses variam individualmente sendo de maior importância avaliar a concentração do fármaco no sangue e sua viabilização no uso da terapia celular.The muscular dystrophy of Golden Retriever (GRMD) is a degenerative miopaty caused by the absence of dystrophy and it is genetically homologue of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy in humans, so, these dogs are considerably experimental models for studies on cellular therapy. Their successful depends of the adequate immunosuppression. Cyclosporin A (CsA) is indicated for that and the monitoring of the blood concentration and adverse effects are essential to viabilise the therapy. It was studied GRMD dogs, and normal dogs from the same breed, submitted for therapy with CsA, associated, on GRMD, of cell transplantation. It was evaluated blood concentration of the drug, between two or tree days using the method of FPIA. In our results we found that the CsA blood concentrations oscillated too much on six than eight of our animals. We concluded that the doses varieties individually and the correct dosage as to important as the evaluation of the blood concentration of the drug and became viable for cell therapy