12 research outputs found

    Med samarbete i sikte - Om samordnade insatser och samlokaliserade familjecentraler

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    Co-operation is highly valued in Swedish welfare work and joint efforts within and between healthcare and welfare organizations is not new in Sweden. For decades the authorities have been trying to organize and coordinate various social and medical efforts in the public sector at a central level. This thesis is focusing on the meaning of co-operation between professionals belonging to different organizations working together in coordinated services under one roof, in a so called family centre. The family centre is established to serve families with children and the personnel usually consist of units of social workers, preschool staff, midwives, paediatric nurses and administrative staff, with part-time access to doctors, psychologists and family counsellors. The thesis is based on a case study method and the main material is records and documents from the family centre and its units, field notes from observations, photographs taken during observations and semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework refers to organizational theory, and various aspects of cooperative and group psychology.One of the main findings in the thesis is that the need for the units to manage an uncertain environment is a strong driving force for collaboration. In this study such uncertainties are the future existence of a unit, eliminating problematic tasks and gaining knowledge of a problem at an early stage. The dominating types of collaboration indicate that the actors are tied to their respective mother organizations and the tasks that they set. Co-operation is therefore considered an integrating tactic in that the professions in a coordinating service under one roof get close to each other in their day-to-day work. By remaining with one foot in the mother organization, the professionals "protect" their own competence and professional identity. At the same time the collaboration also shows the differences between diverse disciplines and the cooperation is therefore also a divisive strategy. My study shows that boundaries between the professions disappear where the staff can become more intimate, for example in the lunchroom or when there are tasks which everybody, regardless of profession, can perform. What causes these boundaries to break down is empathy. Personal emotions show up when there are problems within the units. The units then relinquish their freedom of action and subject themselves to practical help. However this help is very sporadic, which means that a diminished freedom of action is only temporary. There are clear signs that the actors in the family centre are professionally segregated, but personally integrated

    Laura Gilliam & Eva Gulløv (med bidrag från Karen Fog Olwig och Dil Bach): Children of the Welfare State. Civilising Practices in School, Childcare and Families

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    Laura Gilliam & Eva Gulløv (med bidrag från Karen Fog Olwig och Dil Bach): Children of the Welfare State. Civilising Practices in School, Childcare and Families Anmeldes af Maria Hjortsjö &nbsp

    Health, social, and dental professionals’ experiences of working within an extended home-visit program in the child healthcare : A qualitative interview study in Sweden

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    Background The goal of the Swedish child healthcare system is to reach all children with health-promotive actions and to create equal health opportunities for all children. In that context, an extended home-visit program – called Grow Safely – for first-time parents, with an interprofessional collaboration between child healthcare nurses, midwives, social workers, and dental assistants, was initiated. The current study aims at illuminating and evaluating the health, social, and dental professionals’ experiences of working within this program and how such collaboration could benefit the professions. Methods A qualitative method was chosen, and 13 interviews were carried out with professionals working within child healthcare centers that participated in an extended home-visit program in the southernmost part of Sweden. The interviews were analyzed via Burnard’s approach to content analysis. Results The results showed that it was satisfying for the health, social, and dental professionals to work with the home-visit program and that they encountered positive feelings among the parents receiving it. The creation of deep conversations and parents opening up about feelings that could otherwise be shameful to express, was a positive aspect of the home visits. A negative aspect was the difficulty of handling the (sometimes necessary) interpretation over the phone during the visits, and another one was the fact that the visits were time-consuming and required logistical planning. Overall, the professionals were positive about the home-visit program in that they felt that they were able to give the families what they needed and to have discussions on sensitive issues. They also appreciated the fact that different professions collaborated in order to reach the same goal.  Conclusions This study showed that the health, social, and dental professionals enjoyed working with the home-visit program and that they encountered positive feelings among the parents regarding the collaborative visits being conducted within the home, where the families felt safe and relaxed. Despite the extended time required and the logistical challenges involved, the professionals expressed that the home visits created a deeper collaboration amongst them.

    Meeting families in various social situations : Reflections from healthcare staff working with an extended home-visiting program in Sweden

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    Objectives  Health inequalities exist among children in Sweden, and one effort that the Swedish government has focused on to promote health among small children and their parents is an extended home-visiting program during the child’s first 15 months. This study aimed to illuminate healthcare professionals’ experiences of meeting parents in different social situations during the home visits within Grow safely.  Methods The chosen method was qualitative, and 13 interviews were carried out with healthcare, social, and dental professionals working with the extended home-visiting program within the child healthcare in the south of Sweden.  Results The results revealed that the parents raised differing needs in the meetings with the healthcare professionals in the program. The needs included advice on children with special needs, support with problematic breastfeeding, and more psychosocial support. The professionals met different groups of parents, such as young parents or newly arrived migrant parents, that in different ways needed the team to reach out to them. The professionals also met families who came from better-off areas and who were not initially considered to really need the program. As the program progressed, these parents could see that diverse, unpredictable needs could be met by the intervention. For example, the program provided access to and advice from social workers, which in turn created contacts that lasted longer than the program itself. Conclusions The professionals encountered various family situations and needs within the extended home-visiting program. This highlights the need for a close collaboration between child healthcare nurses and social workers, in order to be able to support the families and work towards the aim of reaching equal health among all children in Sweden.

    Unaccompanied minors and their everyday life in Kinship Care : An example from Sweden

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    The chapter sheds light on the everyday lives of unaccompanied minors. A lit- erature review and a questionnaire answered by the social workers in charge of unaccompanied children’s placement in kinship care constitute the empirical foundation. In addition, a small pilot study has been conducted with some unac- companied minors to get their point of view. A core question is whether these unaccompanied minors in kinship care are more vulnerable than other groups of children in Sweden? On the one hand, yes, as the conditions for placement in kin- ship care have not always been optimal. On the other hand, the results suggest that placement with relatives often are better than other placements. Minors in kinship care have ordinary better health, and kinship care is more stable than other place- ments. The interviewed minors also convey a great sense of security in the kin families as the connection with their ethnic background is so stated. Behind the general picture of kinship care, the minors’ own stories also show a large variation concerning opportunities and conditions for unaccompanied living like this

    Academic writing in social work education : reflections from an international classroom

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    The affordances of processing subject knowledge through academic writing are rarely explicitly realised in social work education. In this article, we highlight the link between instructors’ efforts to facilitate students’ academic writing and students’ perceived increase of knowledge in the subject of social work in an international context. Based on instructors’ and students’ reflections collected before, during, and after a course, we aimed to answer the following questions: in what way can academic writing support students’ learning in social work? What are students’ reflections on the pedagogical model involving academic writing? The theoretical framework for the analysis was based on learning theories focusing on collaborative learning. The main conclusion is that the instructors’ awareness of how to scaffold students’ ability to write in an academic context and to develop the students’ understanding of social work in a local and global context is an important factor in student learning

    Hemlösa barns delaktighet vid ansökan om boende

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    50404This article addresses the documentation and handling processes within the social services concerning applications of housing for homeless families with children, from the perspective of central articles of the Convention of the rights of the Child (UNCRC). Of particular interest is if or to what extent the children of the homeless families participate (article 12) during the application process and if an analysis of the best interest of the child (article 3) has been conducted. These two articles are essential keys for providing a children’s rights perspective and to initiate an analysis of the consequences for the involved children. For that purpose, we have analysed 270 social services files concerning applications for housing made by homeless families in Malmö during the year 2017 emanating from a R&D report of Malmö municipality. Our findings show that only very few files documented the voice and participation of the children in the homeless families and a complete analysis of what could be considered to be in the best interest of the child or children in the families were lacking in almost all files. We also found that parts of previous documentation were recycled and used in various situations without adaption and seemed to be more of standardized phrasing rather than a comprehensive analysis. There was also a use of internal authority checklists and guides when justifying and supporting the decisions made where families receiving such decisions probably did not get any wiser of such justifications