7,384 research outputs found

    Extended Enterprise performance Management

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    The allegiance of partnering organisations and their employees to an Extended Enterprise performance is its proverbial sword of Damocles. Literature on Extended Enterprises focuses on collaboration, inter-organizational integration and learning to avoid diminishing or missing allegiance becoming an issue. In this paper we will argue that interrelating the marketing literature on the Service Logic with the performance management literature on Extended Enterprises will provide a new perspective on how to deal with this issue. Simultaneously flexible co-­‐created performance indicators play a key role in enhancing this perspective

    Eine Methode zur Bewertung peripherer Einzelhandelsstandorte dargestellt am Beispiel des Einkaufsparks Nova Eventis

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    Der Strukturwandel im Einzelhandelsbereich führt zur Entstehung peripherer großflächiger Einzelhandelszentren. Deren Genehmigungsfähigkeit bedingt die Notwendigkeit einer sachlichen Prüfung ökonomischer Auswirkungen potentieller (neuer) Standorte. Mit diesem Beitrag wird eine geeignete Methodik zur Beantwortung dieser Problematik vorgestellt. Das entsprechende Vorgehen, das auf einem probabilistischen Gravitationsmodell beruht, wird eingehend am Beispiel einer Analyse für den Standort Nova Eventis in der Region Halle-Leipzig illustriert. Die empirische Basis stellen 1. eine Erhebung der Einzugsbereiche mittels „Licence Plate Analysis“ (PKW-Erhebung), 2. die einzelhandelsrelevanten Kaufkraft (GfK), 3. eine Distanzmatrix zwischen Kauf- und Wohnorten sowie 4. Angaben der Verkaufsfläche und absoluten Besucherzahl der einzelnen peripheren Einkaufszentren der Region dar. Aus der Analyse wird deutlich, daß die Lage (Distanz vom Kunden) und Größe (Verkaufsfläche) entscheidende Determinanten für die Einkaufswahrscheinlichkeit sind. Unter den gesetzten Annahmen kann ein Kaufkraftabfluß von rund 250 Mio. Euro p. a. aus den umliegenden Landkeisen nach Nova Eventis bestimmt werden. Mit der im Beitrag vorgestellten allgemeinen Methode wird die Möglichkeit eröffnet, ökonomische Auswirkungen der Ansiedlung peripherer Einzelhandelsstätten hinsichtlich der Verlagerung von Kaufkraftflüssen zu prognostizieren. Ausgehend von der Analyse der Kaufkraftströme der bereits bestehenden Einzelhandelsstätten wird auf die Auswirkungen des potentiellen Standortes geschlossen. Damit stellt das hier vom IWH vorgestellte Instrumentarium eine praktikable Entscheidungshilfe sowohl für die Genehmigungsbehörde als auch für das sich ansiedelnde Unternehmen dar.

    Exposições museológicas para aprendizagem de física em espaços formais de educação : um estudo de caso

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as interações que acontecem quando se usa uma atividade não-formal de educação científica (uma exposição museológica) em espaço formal de educação (em uma escola). A partir de uma parceria museu-escola, levou-se uma exposição sobre óptica para uma escola pública do Distrito Federal, com o propósito de observar e descrever as reações de alunos de Ensino Médio ao visitá-la. Baseada nos trabalhos de Queiroz, Barbosa-Lima e Santiago (2006), a exposição objetivava mostrar como grandes mestres da pintura faziam uso de princípios da óptica geométrica para criar suas telas. O ponto alto da exposição é a visita a uma imensa câmera escura com um pequeno orifício em um dos seus lados que permite a passagem da luz vinda de um objeto externo e a projeção da sua imagem em uma tela no interior da câmera. Durante a pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, observou-se e registrou-se a participação dos alunos em três momentos: antes, durante e após a visita à exposição montada no pátio da escola. Os resultados do estudo mostram que o uso de atividades de educação não-formal em espaços de educação formal tem influência positiva para o processo de ensino- aprendizagem. Atividades desse tipo aguçam a curiosidade dos estudantes, contribuindo para tornar atrativa a aprendizagem de ciências na educação formal. Elas têm como característica a contextualização do conteúdo, ou seja, destacam o contexto em que o conhecimento científico é empregado, tornando-o inteligível aos alunos. A exposição se mostrou eficaz em promover a participação e o envolvimento dos alunos. Portanto, concluiu-se que a utilização de uma exposição museológica, em ambiente de educação formal, favorece a introdução de novos sentidos para o ensino-aprendizagem de ciências, promovendo o interesse e o desenvolvimento cultural dos alunos participantes.This research has focused on non-formal Science education activities employed during formal education. A Science exhibit about optics was built and taken to the school, a formal educational environment. The actions of a group of High Schools students visiting the exhibition were observed and analyzed. The exhibit, among labels and posters and paintings, has an obscure camera with a small hole in one on its sides, so that the light, coming from one outside object, was projected in a screen inside the camera. The exhibit aimed to show how the great painters used the Geometric Optics principles to create their paintings. The exhibition was based on the work of Queiroz, Barbosa-Lima and Santiago (2006). A qualitative research approach was used to understand whether the exhibition could motivate students to learn Science. To do so we planned three moments of data collection; before, during and after the students’ visit to the exhibit placed in the school hall. The students’ interactions that occur before and during their visit to the exhibit were observed and video-taped. The third moment of observation happened back in the classroom, with the Science teacher. The results show that such activities can sharpen students’ scientific curiosity, thus contributing to improve the process of Science learning. Exhibition, as this, has the characteristic of contextualizing Science content by showing how such knowledge is employed. The exhibit has enhanced students’ participation and involvement. Thus, this research work suggests that the use of non-formal education activities such museum exhibits may improve students’ interest in Science

    Untersuchungen zur Zusammensetzung von Reptilieneiern

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    Filling the gap: inserting an artificial constituent where a subject is omitted in Portuguese

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    This paper reports the first efforts to insert null elements to represent omitted subjects in Portuguese. Our aim is to fill some gaps in the syntactic structure in order to facilitate the assignment of semantic role labels and thus provide a better training corpus for SRL classifiers. The main advantage of inserting such null elements is to reduce data sparsity, as all the verbal clauses become similar in what concerns the presence of explicit subjects. The results show a better precision in the insertion of null elements related to subjects of verbs inflected in the first person, both singular and plural.Samsung Eletrônica da Amazônia Ltda