16 research outputs found

    Spatial Transfiguration: Anamorphic Mixed-Reality in the Virtual Reality Panorama

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    Spatial illusion and immersion was achieved in Renaissance painting through the manipulation of linear perspective’s pictorial conventions and painterly technique. The perceptual success of a painted trompe l’Ɠil, its ability to fool the observer into believing they were viewing a real three-dimensional scene, was constrained by the limited immersive capacity of the two-dimensional painted canvas. During the baroque period however, artists began to experiment with the amalgamation of the ‘real’ space occupied by the observer together with the pictorial space enveloped by the painting’s picture plane: real and pictorial space combined into one pictorial composition resulting in a hybridised ‘mixed-reality’. Today, the way architects, and designers generally, use the QuickTime Virtual Reality panorama to represent spaces of increasing visual density have much to learn from the way in which Renaissance and baroque artists manipulated the three-dimensional characteristics of the picture plane in order to offer more convincing spatial illusions. This paper outlines the conceptual development of the QuickTime VR panorama by Ken Turkowski and the Apple Advanced Technology Group during the late 1980s. Further, it charts the technical methods of the Virtual Reality panorama’s creation in order to reflect upon the VR panorama’s geometric construction and range and effectiveness of spatial illusion. Finally, through a brief analysis of Hans Holbein’s Ambassadors [1533] and Andrea Pozzo’s nave painting in Sant ‘Ignazio [1691-94] this paper proposes an alternative conceptual model for the pictorial construction of the VR panorama that is innovatively based upon an anamorphic ‘mixed-reality’

    Raphael\u27s School of Athens: A Theorem in a Painting?

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    Raphael\u27s famous painting The School of Athens includes a geometer, presumably Euclid himself, demonstrating a construction to his fascinated students. But what theorem are they all studying? This article first introduces the painting, and describes Raphael\u27s lifelong friendship with the eminent mathematician Paulus of Middelburg. It then presents several conjectured explanations, notably a theorem about a hexagram (Fichtner), or alternatively that the construction may be architecturally symbolic (Valtieri). The author finally offers his own null hypothesis : that the scene does not show any actual mathematics, but simply the fascination, excitement, and joy of mathematicians at their work

    "You've Really Got a Hold on Me": The Power and Emotion in Women's Correspondence in Fifteenth-Century Italy

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    This thesis examines the lives of Alessandra Strozzi and Lucrezia de'Medici of Florence. The fifteenth-century in Italy saw women's power declining, and patrician women used letter writing to enter the public sphere and exert power. This study analyzes socially constructed emotional themes in women's correspondence which is in concert with scholars like Barbara Rosenwein in that it seeks to instead situate emotions in specific historical contexts. For Alessandra, we see how she successfully employs the emotions of guilt and shame to manipulate her sons into behaving properly, as these emotions were closely connected to Italian culture. Second, in the patronage letters written to Lucrezia by potential clients, we see the use of motherly emotions by clients in hopes that Lucrezia will essentially fill a mother's role, helping them with their hardships. Even though client's letters represent a "fictive" mother/child relationship, they are a testament to Lucrezia's power as a mother

    Der Herrscher im Bild: PrĂ€senz und Propaganda in BĂŒchern des Quattrocento

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    Bilder sind heute im Raum des Politischen unerlĂ€sslich geworden. Vielfach werden sie genutzt, um Macht zu generieren und zu festigen. Die Sprache der Bilder teilt sich unmittelbarer mit als ein Text und appelliert stĂ€rker an das GefĂŒhl, weshalb sie zu Überredungs- oder Propagandazwecken eingesetzt werden. Bilder können PrĂ€senz herstellen, komplizierte Sachverhalte veranschaulichen und Dinge evident machen. Diese Praxis wurde zum ersten Mal seit der Antike konsequent in der italienischen FrĂŒhrenaissance erkannt und umgesetzt. Im Zentrum text-bildlicher Inszenierungsstrategien italienischer Herrscher stand dabei das Buch. Seit den 1440er Jahren ist an den Höfen ein zunehmendes Interesse an humanistischen BĂŒchern zu verzeichnen, die im Epos, in Tugendschriften oder in einer Historiografie die Vita eines zeitgenössischen Regenten kunstvoll darstellen. Diese von Hofhumanisten verfassten Texte wurden hĂ€ufig von Bildern begleitet, die in einem fruchtbaren KonkurrenzverhĂ€ltnis zum Wort stehen und die Texte anstatt sie lediglich zu illustrieren ĂŒber ihre fiktionalen Möglichkeiten der PrĂ€senz und der Evokation von Antike visuell ausdeuten und interpretieren. AusfĂŒhrlich behandelte Referenzpunkte sind dabei HofkĂŒnstler wie Pisanello, Mantegna, Piero della Francesca und die Klassiker der Antike. Wie die mit ihnen verwandten Medaillen wurden BĂŒcher mit zeithistorischen Bildern als diplomatische Geschenke an befreundete Höfe verschickt und im höfischen Zeremoniell prĂ€sentiert. Egal ob die Visconti und Sforza in Mailand, die Este aus Ferrara, die Malatesta von Rimini, Federico da Montefeltro in Urbino oder die Könige von Aragon aus Neapel: Sie alle erkannten die Macht von mobilen Wort-Bild-Kombinationen, um memoria und fama zu sichern.Today, images have become indispensable in the political sphere. They are often used to generate and consolidate power. The "language" of images communicates more directly than a text and appeals more to the emotions, which is why they are used for persuasion or propaganda purposes. Images can establish presence, illustrate complicated issues and make things evident. This practice was recognised and implemented consistently for the first time since antiquity in the early Italian Renaissance. The book was at the centre of the text-pictorial staging strategies of Italian rulers. From the 1440s onwards, there was an increasing interest in humanist books at the courts, which artfully portrayed the vita of a contemporary ruler in the form of epic poems, virtue writings or historiography. These texts, written by court humanists, were often accompanied by images that competed fruitfully with words, visually interpreting and interpreting the texts - rather than merely illustrating them - through their fictional possibilities of presence and evocation of antiquity. The points of reference treated in detail are court artists such as Pisanello, Mantegna, Piero della Francesca and the "classics" of antiquity. Like the medals related to them, books with contemporary historical images were sent as diplomatic gifts to friendly courts and presented in courtly ceremonial. Whether the Visconti and Sforza of Milan, the Este of Ferrara, the Malatesta of Rimini, Federico da Montefeltro of Urbino or the kings of Aragon of Naples, they all recognised the power of mobile word-image combinations to secure memoria and fama

    Alte Götter – neue Helden:das neulateinische Epos zwischen Mythologie und Politik

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    SöldnerfĂŒhrer stĂŒrzen sich Seite an Seite mit Minerva in die Schlacht, RenaissancefĂŒrsten genießen die Förderung des Olymps – der Humanismus des Quattrocento ließ die antiken Götter nicht nur in die lateinische Epik zurĂŒckkehren, sondern brachte sie oft nĂ€her an die Welt der Sterblichen als je zuvor. Schon in den antiken Modellen hatte der Götterapparat eine Kernstelle inne, doch ging seine Verwendung in neulateinischen Epen ĂŒber reine imitatio und aemulatio hinaus. Viele Epiker wĂ€hlten, anders als ihre klassischen VorlĂ€ufer, Zeitgeschichte zum Gegenstand, daher wurde Camouflage militĂ€rischer oder politischer FehlschlĂ€ge, Neuarrangement ungĂŒnstiger Machtkonstellationen und Überzeichnung von Einzelereignissen zur panegyrischen SchlĂŒsselkompetenz dichtender Hofhumanisten. Diese Studie zeigt anhand von Epen aus der FrĂŒhphase des panegyrischen neulateinischen Epos, wie pagane Götter und mythologischer Apparat zu einer wesentlichen Technik avancieren konnten, solche Anforderungen zu erfĂŒllen.<br

    Maria-Grazia Pernis, Le platonisme de Marsile Ficin et la Cour d'Urbin

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    Weber Henri. Maria-Grazia Pernis, Le platonisme de Marsile Ficin et la Cour d'Urbin. In: Bulletin de l'Association d'étude sur l'humanisme, la réforme et la renaissance, n°47, 1998. pp. 109-111