358 research outputs found

    Rhabdomyosarcoma mimicking lymphangioma: report of three cases

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    oai:eyereports.org:article/37We report three cases of proptosis, in children aged 6, 10 and 12, whereby in all cases the first clinical, radiologic and ultrasonographic diagnosis was lymphangioma, while the final anatomopathological diagnosis was rhabdomyosarcoma. In presence of a rapidly worsening exophthalmos or eyelid swelling in a child, an early correct diagnosis is very important. Imaging techniques play a very important role in the diagnosis, but are often inconclusive and an excisional biopsy (if feasible) must always be considere

    Composition of Arthropod Species Assemblages in Bt-expressing and Near Isogenic Eggplants in Experimental Fields

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    The environmental impact of genetically modified (GM) plants in experimental fields has been examined in several ways, in particular with respect to the dynamics of specific nontarget organisms. The approach of sampling for biodiversity in agroecosystems to compare complex patterns could also be useful in studying potential disruptions caused by GM crops. In this study, we set up replicated field plots of Bt-expressing eggplants and near isogenic untransformed eggplants as a control. We monitored the presence and abundance of herbivore and predator arthropods in weekly visual samplings of the plant canopy for three growing seasons (2001-2003). Insect species were pooled in organismal taxonomic units (OTUs); three multivariate methods were used to compare species assemblage as an estimate of insect biodiversity. This multistep statistical approach proved to be efficient in recognizing association patterns, as evidenced by the data for the target species Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) clearly showing a significant association with the control plots. All the analyses indicate a comparable species assemblage between transgenic and near isogenic eggplant areas. Our results suggest that some taxa may warrant more specific study. For example, Alticinae beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) were alternatively more abundant in either of the two treatments, and their overall abundance was significantly higher on transgenic eggplants. In light of these results and because of their taxonomic proximity to the target species, these herbivores may represent an important nontarget group to be further studied. Moreover, some sap feeders (e.g., Homoptera: Cicadellidae) were more abundant on Bt-expressing plants in some samples in all 3 y

    Environment and daily life in the Campagna Romana of the late Lower Palaeolithic. The case-study of La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Latium, Italy)

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    The site of La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Latium, Italy) is located about 22 kilometers northwest of Rome.Excavation campaigns conducted from 1985 to 2013 revealed 1200 square meters of deposits referable to a river that was active during the Middle Pleistocene. Two main sedimentary phases have been recognized. Initially, a fluvial episode led to the deposition of thousands of skeletal remains (mainly mammals, but also amphibians, reptiles, and birds) along with lithic and bone artifacts. Successively, a swampy phase occurred, during which some elephants (Palaeoloxodon antiquus) were trapped in muddy ponds. The skeleton of one of these individuals is surrounded by lithic implements that were carried at (and/or knapped on) the spot. The taphonomic analysis of the skeleton and artifacts context - including technology, refitting, use-wear, residues, and spatial analyses - indicates that the elephant carcass had been subjected to a butchering activity aimed at collecting meat and fat for food, possibly in more than one episode, as well as bones as raw material for making tools. The evidence collected at the site and the comparison with other relevant sites allow for some considerations about the daily dietary needs of the humans who frequented the site and the resources available there

    Evidence of electron wave function delocalization in CdSe/CdS asymmetric nanocrystals

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    Abstract We studied the delocalization of electron wave function in asymmetric CdSe/CdS nanocrystals, consisting of a spherical CdSe dot embedded in an elongated CdS shell, by means of a pump–probe technique. By comparing the transient spectra obtained upon pumping the band edge transition of the CdSe in CdSe/CdS heterostructure and in a bare CdSe dot, we observed the delocalization of electron wave function at the CdSe/CdS interface

    The role of PIAS3, p-STAT3 and ALR in colorectalcancer: new translational molecular features for an old disease

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    OBJECTIVE: Human colorectal cancer (CRC) is characterized by a sequence of biological events that determine its induction and progression. Gut microbiota has an impor-tant role in this multistep model of carcinogen-esis, as well as constitutive activation of Signal Transducer and Activator Factors 3 (p-STAT3) and Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT3 (PIAS3), which negatively controls STAT3. It has been re-ported that a liver growth factor, the Augmenter of Liver Regeneration (ALR), an anti-apoptotic, anti-metastatic factor, exerts protective/cell sur-vival and anti-metastatic activities and has been detected highly expressed in neoplastic cells. PATIENTS AND METHODS: To evaluate, by immunohistochemistry, p-STAT3, PIAS3 and ALR expression in neoplastic human tissues from CRC patients, grouping the data in accord-ance with the histological alterations (G1, G2 and G3) and metastasis presence. Western blot (WB) analysis of ALR was also determined in ne-oplastic and surrounding tissues. Finally, cell proliferation (Ki-67) and apoptosis (Bcl-2) were determined. RESULTS : Colon cancer tissue samples showed: (1) ALR and p-STAT3 strongly over-ex-pression in 100% of G1 tissue samples, reducing in G2 and G3 tissue samples; (2) PIAS3 immuno-logical determination was poorly expressed in G1 tissue samples and highly expressed in the 100% of colorectal tissues from group G2 and G3. Ki-67 progressively increases with the im-portance of the anatomic-pathological altera-tions and Bcl-2 resulted higher in G3 tissue sam-ples compared to G1 neoplastic tissues. WB data evidenced, in neoplastic tissues, compared to the tumour-surrounding tissues, ALR over-ex-pressed in G1 neoplastic tissues and down-ex-pressed in G3 neoplastic tissues.CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate a dif-ferent dynamism of the investigated factors in relation to the severity of CRC histological find-ings. We hypothesize that the positive expres-sion of ALR and p-STAT3 in the neoplastic tis-sue samples from CRC G1 group, associated to the absence of PIAS3, could be useful marker to identify an early stage of the disease. Based on these data and on our previous studies on gut microbiota in precancerous intestinal lesions, we are confident that, after microbial priming, a cascade of molecular events is started. So, the detectable molecules acting in these initial steps should be considered for the study of CRC progression and therapy

    Tetrapod-shaped colloidal nanocrystals of II-VI semiconductors prepared by seeded growth.

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    We report a general synthetic approach to tetrapod-shaped colloidal nanocrystals made of various combinations of II-VI semiconductors. Uniform tetrapods were prepared using preformed seeds in the sphalerite structure, onto which arms were grown by coinjection of the seeds and chemical precursors into a hot mixture of surfactants. By this approach, a wide variety of core materials could be chosen (in practice, most of the II-VI semiconductors that could be prepared in the sphalerite phase, namely, CdSe, ZnTe, CdTe); in contrast, the best materials for arm growth were CdS and CdTe. The samples were extensively characterized with the aid of several techniques

    SMN deficiency destabilizes ABCA1 expression in human fibroblasts: novel insights in pathophysiology of spinal muscular atrophy

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    The deficiency of survival motor neuron protein (SMN) causes spinal muscular atro- phy (SMA), a rare neuromuscular disease that affects different organs. SMN is a key player in RNA metabolism regulation. An intriguing aspect of SMN function is its relationship with plasma membrane-associated proteins. Here, we provide a first demonstration that SMN affects the ATP- binding cassette transporter A1, (ABCA1), a membrane protein critically involved in cholesterol homeostasis. In human fibroblasts, we showed that SMN associates to ABCA1 mRNA, and impacts its subcellular distribution. Consistent with the central role of ABCA1 in the efflux of free cholesterol from cells, we observed a cholesterol accumulation in SMN-depleted human fibroblasts. These results were also confirmed in SMA type I patient-derived fibroblasts. These findings not only validate the intimate connection between SMN and plasma membrane-associated proteins, but also highlight a contribution of dysregulated cholesterol efflux in SMA pathophysiology

    Esplorare il territorio. Linee di ricerca socio-spaziali

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    Il volume nasce nell’ambito di un insegnamento di Sociologia urbana all’interno del quale era stata prevista un’attività seminariale che intendeva rispondere a un’esigenza didattica prioritaria: mostrare agli studenti la poliedricità di studi e ricerche che si collocavano nell’ambito della disciplina e al contempo evidenziarne la comune opzione euristica, andando oltre la prima impressione di un cumularsi magmatico di filoni di ricerca. Coinvolgendo giovani ricercatori, l’attività seminariale intendeva richiamare l’attenzione sulla valenza esplicativa della dimensione territoriale nella comprensione di una molteplicità di fenomeni sociali anche laddove questa non era immediatamente evidente e spesso non adeguatamente riconosciuta. Si trattava, per gli studenti coinvolti, di cogliere il filo rosso che univa i diversi contributi esposti nel seminario, pubblicati in questo volume. Le ricerche presentate hanno il pregio e il merito di concentrarsi sugli aspetti spaziali e territoriali delle diverse forme sociali studiate, cogliendone la dimensione materiale e contribuendo inoltre a una spazializzazione della teoria sociologica. Il territorio non emerge come mero sfondo e contenitore di un insieme di processi sociali ma come socialmente strutturato dalle forze in campo e strutturante le stesse. Nello spazio non si proietta semplicemente la vita sociale che su di esso si appoggia, ma esso stesso è “fattore attivo”
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