4 research outputs found

    Chemical review and studies related to species from the genus Tynanthus (Bignoniaceae)

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    Species from the Bignoniaceae Family, including the genus Tynanthus, are very prevalent in the tropical Americas, with specimens found in a large part of the Brazilian territory. These plants are commonly used in traditional medicine for several purposes, and some studies have described their chemical structure, in addition to other reports related to some species from this genus. This review aimed to gather information from published works concerning species of the genus Tynanthus, as well as to detect flaws in research related to these plants, which may have great biological and pharmaceutical importance. Also, this review points out some common chemical characteristics of these species, providing information that may help new researchers to improve their knowledge about these plants

    Micetoma por Actinomadura madurae: relato de dois casos

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    Actinomadura madurae mycetoma was diagnosed in two patients by the dermatologic outpatient clinic of the Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital (UFRJ) and the Antonio Pedro University Hospital (UFF). The first case was a 27-year-old negro male from the out-skirsts of Rio de Janeiro, who was injured prior to the onset of the disease in 1988. The affected left foot showed swelling, nodules, sinus tracts, purulent discharge containing grains, and serious bone involvement with lytic lesions. Histo-logical examination showed deeply basophylic stained grains with typical widefringed borders. The mycological examination revealed an actinomycete identified as A. madurae by culture. Oral tetracycline for six months did not improve the clinical-radiological picture and the patient was submitted to amputation. The second case was a 70-year-old white male, with previous injury en 1974, which occurred in Pernambuco State. Enlargement of the right foot draining sinuses formation with discharge of pus and grains. In tissue sections the grains were large and surrounded by amorphous eos-inophylic clubs radially oriented. There was discrete improvement by tetracycline and sulfonamide. No follow-up.São relatados dois casos de micetoma por Actinomadura madurae, atendidos no Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho (UFRJ), em 1990, e no Hospital Universitário Antonio Pedro (UFF), em 1984. Caso 1: paciente masculino, pardo, de 27 anos, iniciou o quadro em 1988, após traumatismo no pé esquerdo, com aumento de volume com nódulos apresentando fistulas drenando secreção e grãos branco-amarelados. A radiografia mostrou lesões líticas nos ossos do tarso e 2º e 3º metatarsianos do pé esquerdo. O exame histopatológico evidenciou grãos basofílicos recobertos por franja eosinofílica, arredondados, medindo até 1mm. Ao exame micológico foi isolado em cultivo A. madurae. Diante do fracasso de outras tentativas, foi instituida terapêutica com tetraciclina oral por 6 meses; contudo, como não houve resolução do quadro clínico-radiológico, foi indicada a amputação do membro. Caso 2: paciente masculino, branco, de 70 anos, iniciou quadro em 1974, após traumatismo no pé direito, que evoluiu com aumento de volume e fístulas. Ao exame histopatológico, grãos basofílicos com franjas eosinofílicas ao redor, tamanho grande, de 1 a 2mm de diâmetro, características de A. madurae. Discreta melhora com tetraciclina e sulfamídicos. Sem controle posterior. O primeiro caso adquiriu a infecção no Rio de Janeiro e o segundo caso a adquiriu em Pernambuco. Além de aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos, é comentada a ocorrência dos micetomas nas Américas, destacando a freqüência dos actinomicetomas por A. madurae

    Micetoma por Actinomadura madurae: relato de dois casos Actinomadura madurae mycetoma: report of two cases

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    São relatados dois casos de micetoma por Actinomadura madurae, atendidos no Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho (UFRJ), em 1990, e no Hospital Universitário Antonio Pedro (UFF), em 1984. Caso 1: paciente masculino, pardo, de 27 anos, iniciou o quadro em 1988, após traumatismo no pé esquerdo, com aumento de volume com nódulos apresentando fistulas drenando secreção e grãos branco-amarelados. A radiografia mostrou lesões líticas nos ossos do tarso e 2º e 3º metatarsianos do pé esquerdo. O exame histopatológico evidenciou grãos basofílicos recobertos por franja eosinofílica, arredondados, medindo até 1mm. Ao exame micológico foi isolado em cultivo A. madurae. Diante do fracasso de outras tentativas, foi instituida terapêutica com tetraciclina oral por 6 meses; contudo, como não houve resolução do quadro clínico-radiológico, foi indicada a amputação do membro. Caso 2: paciente masculino, branco, de 70 anos, iniciou quadro em 1974, após traumatismo no pé direito, que evoluiu com aumento de volume e fístulas. Ao exame histopatológico, grãos basofílicos com franjas eosinofílicas ao redor, tamanho grande, de 1 a 2mm de diâmetro, características de A. madurae. Discreta melhora com tetraciclina e sulfamídicos. Sem controle posterior. O primeiro caso adquiriu a infecção no Rio de Janeiro e o segundo caso a adquiriu em Pernambuco. Além de aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos, é comentada a ocorrência dos micetomas nas Américas, destacando a freqüência dos actinomicetomas por A. madurae.<br>Actinomadura madurae mycetoma was diagnosed in two patients by the dermatologic outpatient clinic of the Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital (UFRJ) and the Antonio Pedro University Hospital (UFF). The first case was a 27-year-old negro male from the out-skirsts of Rio de Janeiro, who was injured prior to the onset of the disease in 1988. The affected left foot showed swelling, nodules, sinus tracts, purulent discharge containing grains, and serious bone involvement with lytic lesions. Histo-logical examination showed deeply basophylic stained grains with typical widefringed borders. The mycological examination revealed an actinomycete identified as A. madurae by culture. Oral tetracycline for six months did not improve the clinical-radiological picture and the patient was submitted to amputation. The second case was a 70-year-old white male, with previous injury en 1974, which occurred in Pernambuco State. Enlargement of the right foot draining sinuses formation with discharge of pus and grains. In tissue sections the grains were large and surrounded by amorphous eos-inophylic clubs radially oriented. There was discrete improvement by tetracycline and sulfonamide. No follow-up

    Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network

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    International audienceThe shortage of reliable primary taxonomic data limits the description of biological taxa and the understanding of biodiversity patterns and processes, complicating biogeographical, ecological, and evolutionary studies. This deficit creates a significant taxonomic impediment to biodiversity research and conservation planning. The taxonomic impediment and the biodiversity crisis are widely recognized, highlighting the urgent need for reliable taxonomic data. Over the past decade, numerous countries worldwide have devoted considerable effort to Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which called for the preparation of a working list of all known plant species by 2010 and an online world Flora by 2020. Brazil is a megadiverse country, home to more of the world's known plant species than any other country. Despite that, Flora Brasiliensis, concluded in 1906, was the last comprehensive treatment of the Brazilian flora. The lack of accurate estimates of the number of species of algae, fungi, and plants occurring in Brazil contributes to the prevailing taxonomic impediment and delays progress towards the GSPC targets. Over the past 12 years, a legion of taxonomists motivated to meet Target 1 of the GSPC, worked together to gather and integrate knowledge on the algal, plant, and fungal diversity of Brazil. Overall, a team of about 980 taxonomists joined efforts in a highly collaborative project that used cybertaxonomy to prepare an updated Flora of Brazil, showing the power of scientific collaboration to reach ambitious goals. This paper presents an overview of the Brazilian Flora 2020 and provides taxonomic and spatial updates on the algae, fungi, and plants found in one of the world's most biodiverse countries. We further identify collection gaps and summarize future goals that extend beyond 2020. Our results show that Brazil is home to 46,975 native species of algae, fungi, and plants, of which 19,669 are endemic to the country. The data compiled to date suggests that the Atlantic Rainforest might be the most diverse Brazilian domain for all plant groups except gymnosperms, which are most diverse in the Amazon. However, scientific knowledge of Brazilian diversity is still unequally distributed, with the Atlantic Rainforest and the Cerrado being the most intensively sampled and studied biomes in the country. In times of “scientific reductionism”, with botanical and mycological sciences suffering pervasive depreciation in recent decades, the first online Flora of Brazil 2020 significantly enhanced the quality and quantity of taxonomic data available for algae, fungi, and plants from Brazil. This project also made all the information freely available online, providing a firm foundation for future research and for the management, conservation, and sustainable use of the Brazilian funga and flora