4 research outputs found

    The Role of Home Country Political Resources for Brazilian Multinational Companies

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    This paper aims to analyze the interactions between home country governments and Developing Country Multinational Companies (DMNCs). Drawing on evidence from the Brazilian political environment and Brazilian multinationals we investigate the mechanisms governments use to influence the internationalization process of domestic companies and firms’ political strategic responses to shape the political institutional environment in which they operate. We argue that foreign direct investment (FDI) outflows from developing economies need to be explored given specific country level contextual factors, such as high levels of government involvement. Our main findings support this idea and indicate that home country governments use a series of formal and informal mechanisms in order to drive the international expansion of DMNCs in both the entry and consolidation phases. Moreover, DMNCs political behavior in the home country political environment accounts for an important part of their strategy to develop political resources and obtain above average returns from governmental benefits

    Estado de México y democracia en los albores del siglo XXI

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    De acuerdo con su título, este libro, compuesto por seis capítulos y dos anexos, reúne textos relativos a la democracia y al Estado de México, una de las principales entidades federativas de la República Mexicana. La importancia del Estado de México en el contexto nacional es indiscutible: de las 32 entidades que integran el país, es la que tiene más habitantes y electores (el segundo y el tercer lugares en ambos sentidos son ocupados, respectivamente, por el Distrito Federal y Veracruz), en tanto que está en el segundo lugar por el tamaño de su economía (en el primero se ubica el Distrito Federal y en el tercero, Nuevo León)

    The effects of state ownership in the internationalization of emerging multinationals

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    Esta tese é um compendio de três trabalhos de pesquisa que visam analisar o efeito da participação do estado na estrutura de propriedade das Multinacionais de Países Emergentes (EMNEs). A participação do estado como acionista é um fenómeno que pode trazer novas contribuições no âmbito da governança corporativa, administração da empresa e a tomada de decisões estratégicas. Os estudos aqui inclusos permitem identificar, a partir de momentos, diferentes, até que ponto o estado, na posição de proprietário da EMNE, pode impactar a mesma. Os trabalhos vão desde os mecanismos de escolha de firmas nas quais investir ate o impacto no ritmo de internacionalização das empresas, explicando também os mecanismos que o estado usa para ganhar aceso à tomada de decisões por meio de mudanças na governança corporativaThis thesis is a collection of three different research projects analyzing the effect of state ownership in the internationalization of Emerging Multinationals (EMNEs). The participation of the state as shareholder is a phenomenon that can bring new light into the governance, management and strategic impact of having states participate as owners in different levels. These studies will allow us to explore, from different perspectives, the extent to which states, while owners, can impact the EMNE. The studies thee contained go from exploring the selection mechanisms for a firm to become the target of state ownership to its effect on the internationalization pace, passing through the revision of the mechanisms available for the state to gain control and access to a firm’s decision making, through changes to its corporate governance