2,205 research outputs found

    Long-term variability of CO2 and O in the Mars upper atmosphere from MRO radio science data

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    We estimate the annual variability of CO2 and O partial density using approximately 6years of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) radio science data from August 2006 to January 2012, which cover three full Martian years (from the northern hemisphere summer of 28 to the northern hemisphere summer of 31). These two elements are the dominant species at the MRO periapsis altitude, constituting about 70-80% of the total density. We report the recovered annual cycle of CO2 and the annual and seasonal cycle of O in the upper atmosphere. Although no other observations are available at those altitudes, our results are in good agreement with the density measurements of the Mars Express Spectroscopy for Investigation of Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Mars, which uses stellar occultations between 60 and 130km to determine the CO2 variability, and with the Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Model 2010 for the O annual and seasonal variabilities. Furthermore, the updated model provides more reasonable MRO drag coefficients (CD), which are estimated to absorb mismodeling in the atmospheric density prediction. The higher content of dust in the atmosphere due to dust storms increases the density, so the CDs should compensate for this effect. The correlation between the drag coefficient and the dust optical depth, measured by the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) instrument, increases from 0.4 to 0.8 with the a priori and adjusted models, respectively. The trend of CDs not only confirms a substantial improvement in the prediction of the atmospheric density with the updated model but also provides useful information for local dust storms, near MRO periapsis, that cannot be measured by the opacity level since THEMIS does not always sample the southern hemisphere evenly

    Orbit Determination of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Status After Seven Years

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    The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has been orbiting the Moon since 2009, obtaining unique and foundational datasets important to understanding the evolution of the Moon and the Solar System. The high-resolution data acquired by LRO benefit from precise orbit determination (OD), limiting the need for geolocation and co-registration tasks. The initial position knowledge requirement (50 m) was met with radio tracking from ground stations, after combination with LOLA altimetric crossovers. LRO-specific gravity field solutions were determined and allowed radio-only OD to perform at the level of 20 m, although secular inclination changes required frequent updates. The high-accuracy gravity fields from GRAIL, with <10 km spatial resolution, further improved the radio-only orbit reconstruction quality (<10 m). However, orbit reconstruction is in part limited by the 0.3-0.5 mm/s measurement noise level in S-band tracking. One-way tracking through Laser Ranging can supplement the tracking available for OD with 28-Hz ranges with 20-cm single-shot precision, but is available only on the nearside (the lunar hemisphere facing the Earth due to tidal locking). Here, we report on the status of the OD effort since the beginning of the mission, a period spanning more than seven years. We describe modeling improvements and the use of new measurements. In particular, the LOLA altimetric data give accurate, uniform, and independent information about LRO's orbit, with a different sensitivity and geometry which includes coverage over the lunar farside and is not tied to ground-based assets. With SLDEM2015 (a combination of the LOLA topographic profiles and the Kaguya Terrain Camera stereo images), another use of altimetry is possible for OD. We extend the 'direct altimetry' technique developed for the ICESat mission to perform OD and adjust spacecraft position to minimize discrepancies between LOLA tracks and SLDEM2015. Comparisons with the radio-only orbits are used to evaluate this new tracking type, of interest for the OD of future lunar orbiters carrying a laser altimeter. LROC NAC images also provide independent accuracy estimation, through the repeated views taken of anthropogenic features for instance

    Solar System Expansion and Strong Equivalence Principle as Seen by the NASA MESSENGER Mission

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    The NASA MESSENGER mission explored the innermost planet of the solar system and obtained a rich dataset of range measurements for the determination of Mercury's ephemeris. Here we use these precise data collected over seven years to estimate parameters related to General Relativity and the evolution of the Sun. These results confirm the validity of the Strong Equivalence Principle with a significantly refined uncertainty of the Nordtvedt parameter eta=(-6.6 plus or minus 7.2)x10(exp -5) By assuming a metric theory of gravitation, we retrieved the Post-Newtonian parameter beta = 1 + (-1.6 plus or minus 1.8)x10(exp -5) and the Sun's gravitational oblateness, J(sub 2 solar)=(2.246 plus or minus 0.022)x10(exp -7). Finally, we obtain an estimate of the time variation of the Sun gravitational parameter, G (raised dot)solar mass/G solar mass =(-6.13 plus or minus 1.47)x10(exp -14), which is consistent with the expected solar mass loss due to the solar wind and interior processes. This measurement allows us to constrain |G(raised dot)|/G to be less than 4 x 10(exp -14) yr(exp -1)

    The Gravity Field, Orientation, and Ephemeris of Mercury from MESSENGER Observations After Three Years in Orbit

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    We have analyzed three years of radio tracking data from the MESSENGER spacecraft in orbit around Mercury and determined the gravity field, planetary orientation, and ephemeris of the innermost planet. With improvements in spatial coverage, force modeling, and data weighting, we refined an earlier global gravity field both in quality and resolution, and we present here a spherical harmonic solution to degree and order 50. In this field, termed HgM005, uncertainties in low-degree coefficients are reduced by an order of magnitude relative to the earlier global field, and we obtained a preliminary value of the tidal Love number k(sub 2) of 0.451+/-0.014. We also estimated Mercury's pole position, and we obtained an obliquity value of 2.06 +/- 0.16 arcmin, in good agreement with analysis of Earth-based radar observations. From our updated rotation period (58.646146 +/- 0.000011 days) and Mercury ephemeris, we verified experimentally the planet's 3: 2 spin-orbit resonance to greater accuracy than previously possible. We present a detailed analysis of the HgM005 covariance matrix, and we describe some near-circular frozen orbits around Mercury that could be advantageous for future exploration

    The Gravity Field of Mercury After the Messenger Low-Altitude Campaign

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    The final year of the MESSENGER mission was designed to take advantage of the remaining propellant onboard to provide a series of lowaltitude observation campaigns and acquire novel scientific data about the innermost planet. The lower periapsis altitude greatly enhances the sensitivity to the short-wavelength gravity field, but only when the spacecraft is in view of Earth. After more than 3 years in orbit around Mercury, the MESSENGER spacecraft was tracked for the first time below 200-km altitude on 5 May 2014 by the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN). Between August and October, periapsis passages down to 25-km altitude were routinely tracked. These periods considerably improved the quality of the data coverage. Before the end of its mission, MESSENGER will fly at very low altitudes for extended periods of time. Given the orbital geometry, however the periapses will not be visible from Earth and so no new tracking data will be available for altitudes lower than ~75 km. Nevertheless, the continuous tracking of MESSENGER in the northern hemisphere will help improve the uniformity of the spatial coverage at altitudes lower than ~150 km, which will further improve the overall quality of the Mercury gravity field

    Principal component analysis for studying the world security problem

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    This research is a continuation of the work [1], in which the list of ten most essential global threats to the future of mankind have been presented. The initial data on each threat are taken from the respectable international organizations data bases. Then, we defined the summarized impact of the examined ten global threats totality on different countries based on cluster analysis method with the purpose of selecting groups of the countries with “close” performances of summarized threats. By using the Minkovsky type metric the foresight of the future global conflicting has been executed. To facilitate the analysis and make it easier we use the method of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) which allows reduce variables with many properties to several hidden factors. The analysis shows that currently the most considerable threats for most countries are the reduction of energy security, worsening of balance between bio capacity and human demands and the incomes inequality between people and countries.Проведено дослідження національної безпеки різних країн світу з використанням метода головних компонент (Principal Component Analysis) у просторі десяти глобальних загроз. За допомогою обчислення коефіцієнтів кореляції визначено характер залежності між головними чинниками і вихідними загрозами. Визначено три найбільш істотні загрози, які впливають на національну безпеку більшості країн світу: державна нестабільність, дефіцит енергетичних ресурсів і нерівність доходів (Gini Index). Виконано графічну інтерпретацію глобальних загроз і визначено міри залежності між їх основними групами.Проведено исследование национальной безопасности различных стран мира с использованием метода главных компонент (Principal Component Analysis) в пространстве десяти глобальных угроз. С помощью вычисления коэффициентов корреляции определен характер зависимости между главными факторами и исходными угрозами. Проведена кластеризация стран по уровню глобальных угроз. Определены три наиболее существенные угрозы, влияющие на национальную безопасность большинства стран мира: государственная нестабильность, дефицит энергетических ресурсов и неравенство доходов (Gini Index). Выполнена графическая интерпретация глобальных угроз в пространстве трех главных компонент. Проведено исследование факторной структуры угроз и определены степени зависимости между их основными группами

    High-resolution Local Gravity Model of the South Pole of the Moon from GRAIL Extended Mission Data

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    We estimated a high-resolution local gravity field model over the south pole of the Moon using data from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory's extended mission. Our solution consists of adjustments with respect to a global model expressed in spherical harmonics. The adjustments are expressed as gridded gravity anomalies with a resolution of 1/6deg by 1/6deg (equivalent to that of a degree and order 1080 model in spherical harmonics), covering a cap over the south pole with a radius of 40deg. The gravity anomalies have been estimated from a short-arc analysis using only Ka-band range-rate (KBRR) data over the area of interest. We apply a neighbor-smoothing constraint to our solution. Our local model removes striping present in the global model; it reduces the misfit to the KBRR data and improves correlations with topography to higher degrees than current global models

    Bratislava Statement: consensus recommendations for improving pancreatic cancer care

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    Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal tumours, and it is the fourth cause of cancer death in Europe. Despite its important public health impact, no effective treatments exist, nor are there high-visibility research efforts to improve care. This alarming situation is emblematic of a larger group of cancer diseases, known as neglected cancers. To address the impact of these diseases, the European Commission-supported Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer launched a multi-stakeholder initiative to determine key steps that healthcare systems can rapidly implement to improve their response. A working group comprising 20 representatives from European medical societies, patient associations, cancer plan organisations and other relevant European healthcare stakeholders was organised. A consensus process based on the results of different studies, discussion of research outcomes, and development and endorsement of draft statements resulted in 22 consensus recommendations (the Bratislava Statement). The statement argues that substantial improvements can be achieved in patient outcomes by centralising pancreatic cancer care around state-of-the-art reference centres, staffed by expert multidisciplinary teams capable of providing high-quality care. This organisational model requires a specific care framework encompassing primary, palliative and survivorship care, and a policy environment prioritising the use of quality criteria and performance assessments as well as research investments dedicated to prevention, risk prediction, early detection and diagnosis. In order to address the challenges posed by neglected cancers in general and pancreatic cancer in particular, a specific control strategy tailored to this reality is required

    Global and Local Gravity Field Models of the Moon Using GRAIL Primary and Extended Mission Data

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    The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission was designed to map the structure of the lunar interior from crust to core and to advance the understanding of the Moon's thermal evolution by producing a high-quality, high-resolution map of the gravitational field of the Moon. The mission consisted of two spacecraft, which were launched in September 2011 on a Discovery-class NASA mission. Ka-band tracking between the two satellites was the single science instrument, augmented by tracking from Earth using the Deep Space Network (DSN)