5 research outputs found

    Claves para entender los efectos de la crisis económica actual en el modelo turístico valenciano

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    El turismo en la Comunidad Valenciana es una actividad económica de carácter estructural. Una de las características más evidentes del desarrollo turístico valenciano es su polarización espacial, con una elevada concentración del crecimiento en el litoral, a ello se une su carácter estacional, lo que junto con la primacía de la oferta extrahotelera, constituye la característica diferenciadora del turismo valenciano. Desde 2009, el análisis de la información estadística oficial nos muestra unas ligeras modificaciones en la demanda con claro impacto sobre la oferta (reducción del gasto por turista, aumento de las estancias de fines de semana, reducción de la estancia media, aumento del turismo nacional, reducción de la demanda de turismos alternativos -como es el rural-, aumento y concentración del turismo en la ciudad de Valencia, parque de segundas residencias sobredimensionado, etc.) y que supone un cierto cambio en sus características, con rasgos diferenciadores respecto a otros modelos regionales similares

    Measuring the sustainability of tourist destinations based on the SDGs: the case of Algarve in Portugal: tourism agenda-2030

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    Purpose - A synthetic indicator (SI) is developed to measure the sustainability of tourist destinations according to four proposed dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic, environmental and political. Its purpose is to determine the most appropriate indicators for each type of tourist destination, i.e. which variables should be considered in each territory according to its typology (environmental, social, economic and tourism). To test the usefulness and employability of the SI, it has been applied in the Algarve (Portugal). Three destinations were analysed in this region: Albufeira, Faro and Lagos, all three good examples of the well-known sun and beach tourismmodel. Design/methodology/approach - The SI is the result of a system of indicators. To reach the final result, a multi-criteria calculation has been used in which the most important variables that fit the territorial reality analysed have been included, based on an exhaustive analysis of more than 2,000 indicators proposed by various scientific studies and international organisations such as the United Nations World Tourism Organization. The results of this analysis have been weighted according to the opinion of the population. A survey of more than 1,800 questionnaires was carried out in tourist destinations with high seasonality and dependence on tourism in the Algarve, Portugal. Finally, the SI has been aligned with the Sustainable development goals (SDGs). Findings - The level of sustainability and the level of social concern regarding tourism activity were defined. In the Algarve, tourism is transforming the landscape and the local economy, and overcrowding is perceived as an economic activity that negatively affects sustainability. The concerns of the resident population about the impacts of tourism have served to identify priority strategies to improve the level of sustainability of the destinations. The three territories analysed present different problems and therefore require different strategies for action, mainly of a local public nature. The final result indicates the level of sustainability of the destination, which allows specific actions for improvement in the short, medium and long term to be generated. Practical implications - The results made it possible to develop lines of action aimed at improving the sustainable management of each tourist destination analysed. Involving the local population allows the residents of the destination to be part of tourism policies, assuming a bottom-up strategy. This research provides answers to destinations seeking to implement sustainable tourism, offering tourism sector managers tools for correct decision-making. Originality/value - This research presents a SI based on a system of indicators adjusted to the needs of the territory to be analysed, takes into account the opinion of the local population as a weighting factor and is in line with the 17 SDGs

    Governance in the metropolitan area of Valencia (Spain): an unfinished business

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    Metropolitan government is still an unfinished business in Spain. An example of this is the metropolitan area of Valencia. The aim of this article is to learn about the process that has led to the current situation of a lack of metropolitan government and to propose actions that will help to make it a reality in the not-too-distant future. To this end, it analyses the history and the current regulations, and it is completed with the opinions and contributions of academics and politicians. The result is that, although there is no political will to include the consolidation of a metropolitan government in Valencia in the current political agenda, it is possible to set in motion initiatives of different types, on the part of local administrations and civil society, which can take advantage of the existing governance structures to advance toward a metropolitan government in the medium term

    Social Sustainability in Metropolitan Areas: Accessibility and Equity in the Case of the Metropolitan Area of Valencia (Spain)

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    By definition, sustainable development includes environmental, economic and social dimensions. Scholars have paid little attention to the latter, although greater interest has been seen in recent years due to the growing strength of the idea that development without equity is not development. Within this context, moreover, urban spaces present complex structures that make it difficult to address sustainable development goals without adequate territorial planning. The aims of the present article are twofold: to expound a conceptual line of thinking to define the social dimension of sustainability—while aware that it is inseparable from the other two—and to propose a simple measurement method based on the accessibility of public services. This method uses time-distance as the measure through which to understand socio-spatial equity. It is based on using GIS tools for a case study—in this case, the city of Valencia—and on the concept of spatial equity as the basis of social sustainability