5 research outputs found

    Efficient heat supply and use from an energy-system and climate perspective

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    The aim of this thesis is to illustrate whether the heat demand in district heating systems can be seen as a resource that enables efficient energy utilization, how this can be achieved and to discuss consequences of this assumption. Based on the answers to posed research questions and on the studies included in this thesis, it is concluded that the hypothesis “A common system approach for energy supply and heat demand will show climate and economic efficient solutions” is true. In cold-climate countries, energy for heating of buildings is essential and heating options that interplay with the power system through electricity use or generation have potential for efficiency improvements. In Sweden, district heating is used extensively, especially in large buildings but to a growing extent also for small houses. Some industrial heat loads and absorption cooling can complement space heating demand so that the production resources may be more evenly utilised during the seasons of the year. Rising electricity prices in recent years cause problems for the extensive use of electric heating in Sweden and further switching to district heating should be a possible option. To be economically favourable, district-heating systems require a certain heat load density. New low-energy houses and energy-efficiency measures in existing buildings decrease the heat demand in buildings and, thus, in district heating systems. Optimisation models have been used in several studies of large, complex energy systems. Such models allow scenarios with changing policy instruments and changed consumer behaviour to be analysed. Energy efficiency measures as well as good conditions for efficient electricity generation, which can replace old, inefficient plants, are needed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector. Results when having a European energy perspective to studies of changes in Sweden differ from when having for example a Swedish energy system perspective The effects on global carbon dioxide emissions, when studying combined heat and power electricity generation in Sweden, are greater than it is on local emissions.Eftersom höjda elpriser under senare Ă„r orsakar problem för den stora anvĂ€ndningen av elvĂ€rme, kommer ytterligare konvertering till fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme att vara ett möjligt alternativ. För att vara ekonomiskt fördelaktigt krĂ€ver fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme en viss vĂ€rmetĂ€thet. Nya lĂ„genergihus och energieffektiviseringsĂ„tgĂ€rder i befintliga byggnader minskar vĂ€rmebehovet i byggnaderna och dĂ„ Ă€ven i fjĂ€rrvĂ€rmesystemen.Syftet med denna avhandling Ă€r att visa om vĂ€rmebehovet i fjĂ€rrvĂ€rmesystem kan betraktas som en resurs som möjliggör ett effektivt energiutnyttjande, hur detta i sĂ„ fall kan uppnĂ„s och att diskutera följderna av att göra ett sĂ„dant antagande. Baserat pĂ„ svaren pĂ„ stĂ€llda forskningsfrĂ„gor och studier som genomförts har hypotesen som lyder; En gemensam systemsyn för bĂ„de tillförsel och anvĂ€ndning av energi för uppvĂ€rmningsĂ€ndamĂ„l leder till ekonomiskt sĂ„vĂ€l som ur klimatsynpunkt effektiva lösningar, visat sig stĂ€mma. I lĂ€nder med kallt klimat Ă€r energi för uppvĂ€rmning av byggnader viktigt och uppvĂ€rmningsalternativ som samverkar med elsystemet genom elanvĂ€ndning eller elproduktion har potential för effektivitetsförbĂ€ttringar. I Sverige Ă€r fjĂ€rrvĂ€rmeanvĂ€ndningen utbredd, speciellt i större byggnader men anvĂ€ndningen ökar ocksĂ„ i smĂ„hus. Vissa industriella vĂ€rmelaster och absorptionskyla kan fungera som komplement till andra vĂ€rmebehov i fjĂ€rrvĂ€rmesystem sĂ„ att produktionsresurser kan anvĂ€ndas mer jĂ€mnt fördelat över Ă„ret. Optimeringsmodeller har anvĂ€nts i flera studier för stora, komplexa energisystem. I dessa kan scenarier med olika styrmedel och förĂ€ndrad energianvĂ€ndning analyseras. Nya anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„den för spillvĂ€rme, som att anvĂ€nda vĂ€rme till absorptionskyla och att vĂ€xla frĂ„n olja och el till fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme i industriella processer kan ocksĂ„ studeras. EnergieffektiviseringsĂ„tgĂ€rder sĂ„vĂ€l som bra förutsĂ€ttningar för effektiv elproduktion, som kan ersĂ€tta gamla ineffektiva anlĂ€ggningar behövs för att minska koldioxidutslĂ€ppen frĂ„n energisektorn. Resultaten dĂ„ ett europeiskt energisystemperspektiv anvĂ€nts, för att studera förĂ€ndringar i Sverige, skiljer sig frĂ„n nĂ€r endast ett svenskt systemperspektiv anvĂ€nts. PĂ„verkan pĂ„ globala koldioxidutslĂ€pp, dĂ„ elproduktion frĂ„n kraftvĂ€rme i Sverige studeras, Ă€r större Ă€n vad pĂ„verkan pĂ„ lokala utslĂ€pp Ă€r

    Energy policies for increased industrial energy efficiency : Evaluation of a local energy programme for manufacturing SMEs

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    The most extensive action targeting the adoption of energy efficiency measures in small- and medium-sized manufacturing industries in Sweden over the past 15 years was project Highland. This paper presents an evaluation of the first part of this local industrial energy programme, which shows an adoption rate of more than 40% when both measures that have already been implemented and measures that are planned to be implemented are included. A comparison between this programme and another major ongoing programme for the Swedish energy-intensive industry indicates that the approach used in project Highland aimed at small- and medium-sized industries is an effective way to increase energy efficiency in the Swedish industry. The major barriers to energy efficiency among the firms were related to the low priority of the energy efficiency issue.Original publication: Patrik Thollander, Maria Danestig and Patrik Rohdin, Energy policies for increased industrial energy efficiency - Evaluation of a local energy programme for manufacturing SMEs, 2007, Energy Policy, (35), 11, 5774-5783.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2007.06.013. Copyright: Elsevier B.V., http://www.elsevier.com

    Increased use of district heating in industrial processes - Impacts on heat load duration

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    Current knowledge of the potential for an increased use of industrial district heating (DH) due to conversions of industrial processes to DH is limited. In this paper, a Method for Heat Load Analysis (MeHLA) for exploring industrial DH conversions has been developed. This method can be a helpful tool for analyzing the impact different industrial processes have on the local DH system, when processes that utilize electricity and other fuels, convert to utilizing DH. Heat loads for different types of industries and processes are analyzed according to characteristics such as temperature levels and time-dependency. MeHLA has been used to analyze 34 Swedish industries and the method demonstrates how conversion of industrial processes to DH can result in heat load duration curves that are less outdoor temperature-dependent and more evenly distributed over the year. An evenly distributed heat load curve can result in increased annual operating time for base load DH plants such as cogeneration plants, leading to increased electricity generation. In addition to the positive effects for the DH load duration curve, the conversions to DH can also lead to an 11% reduction in the use of electricity, a 40% reduction in the use of fossil fuels and a total energy end-use saving of 6% in the studied industries. Converting the industrial processes to DH will also lead to a potential reduction of the global carbon dioxide emissions by 112,000 tonnes per year.District heating Heat load duration curve Industrial heat load Global CO2 emissions Energy system Combined heat and power