102 research outputs found

    Animarte com Animus na promoção do envelhecimento ativo

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    [Extrato] O projeto “Animarte com Animus na Promoção do Envelhecimento Ativo”, teve como objetivo central a promoção de um envelhecimento ativo, através da educação ao longo da vida, com recurso à animação sociocultural.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of starch isolation method on physical and functional properties of Portuguese nut starches. 2. Q. rotundifolia Lam. and Q. suber Lam. acorns starches

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    A new starch was isolated from fruits of two acorn species, Quercus rotundifolia and Quercus suber by alkaline (A3S) and enzymatic (ENZ) methods and physical and functional properties were studied. The isolation method induced changes in most of those properties in the isolated starches, mainly in resistant starch content, syneresis, pasting, thermal and rheological properties. Isolated acorn starches presented high amylose content (53e59%) and resistant starch content (30.8e41.4%). Acorn starches showed limited and similar solubility values and swelling power values, showing a gradual increase from 60 C to 90 C. The pasting temperatures ranged from 67.5 to 72.0 C and pastes did not present breakdown, which is suggestive of a high paste stability of acorn starches during heating. At ambient temperature the turbidity and syneresis values were low, but when held at freezing temperatures the syneresis significantly increased. Thermal analysis revealed that the acorn starches easily undergo transition phenomena as shown by the low To and enthalpy values (4.1e4.3 J/g), these effects were more evident in starches isolated by ENZ method. Pastes are more elastic than viscous and form strong gels after cooling. Q. suber starch was shown to be more sensitive to the effect of isolation method. Generally, starch isolated by enzymatic method presented less interesting functional properties, since this isolation procedure greater affected the raw structure of starche

    Innovative and Healthier Dairy Products through the Addition of Microalgae: A Review

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    ReviewIn recent years, the development of healthier foods, richer in nutraceutical or functional compounds, has been in great demand. Microalgae are attracting increasing attention, as their incorporation in foods and beverages can be a promising strategy to develop sustainable foods with improved nutritional profiles and a strong positive impacts on health. Despite the increasing market demand in plant-based foods, the popularity of fermented dairy foods has increased in the recent years since they are a source of microorganisms with health-promoting effects. In this context, the incorporation of microalgae in cheeses, fermented milks and other dairy products represents an interesting approach towards the development of innovative and added-value hybrid products based on animal proteins and enriched with vegetable origin ingredients recognized as extremely valuable sources of bioactive compounds. The effect of the addition of microalgal biomass (Chlorella vulgaris, Arthrospira platensis, Pavlova lutheri, and Diacronema vlkianum, among others) and its derivates on the physicochemical composition, colorimetric and antioxidant properties, texture and rheology behavior, sensory profile, and viability of starter cultures and probiotics in yogurt, cheese and ice cream is discussed in the current work. This review of the literature on the incorporation of microalgae in dairy products aims to contribute to a better understanding of the potential use of these unique food ingredients in the development of new sustainable products and of their beneficial effects on health. Considering the importance of commercialization, regulatory issues about the use of microalgae in dairy products are also discussedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The chemistry and bioactive properties behind microalgae-enriched gluten-free breads

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    This work aims to: (i) assess volatiles composition of microalgae-enriched gluten-free breads (prepared with Tetraselmis chuii, Chlorella vulgaris and Microchloropsis gaditana); (ii) report the bioaccessibility of protein and minerals after a static in vitro digestion model; (iii) understand how it affects the bioactive properties of gluten-free breads in regard to antioxidant capacity and the α-amylase inhibitory potential. Therefore, nutritional composition and bioactive properties of gluten-free breads before and after in vitro digestion model were examined. Identification of compounds responsible for the overall aroma of microalgae using GC–MS was done. There was a considerable decrease in protein and minerals available after in vitro digestion, as well as in the antioxidant potential. The overall aroma of microalgae-enriched breads was mainly due to the presence of alcohols, representing the major class of volatiles present in breads (3% to 59%), being lower for T. chuii-enriched bread. Terpenes also existed in considerable amounts especially in M. gaditana (24%) where γ-terpinene was the most abundant. Alkanoic acids were the most abundant lipophilic bioactive compounds (25%–68%), and 9,12-octadecadienoic acid was the major identified compound (13%–51%). Phytic acid is also present in all microalgae-enriched breads and may contribute to the decrease in the bioaccessibility of nutrients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving the Nutritional, Structural, and Sensory Properties of Gluten-Free Bread with Different Species of Microalgae

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    Microalgae are an enormous source of nutrients that can be utilized to enrich common food of inherently low nutritional value, such as gluten-free (GF) bread. Addition of the algae species: Tetraselmis chuii (Tc), Chlorella vulgaris (Cv), and Nannochloropsis gaditana (Ng) biomass led to a significant increase in proteins, lipids, minerals (Ca, Mg, K, P, S, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn), and antioxidant activity. Although, a compromise on dough rheology and consequential sensory properties was observed. To address this, ethanol treatment of the biomass was necessary to eliminate pigments and odor compounds, which resulted in the bread receiving a similar score as the control during sensory trials. Ethanol treatment also resulted in increased dough strength depicted by creep/recovery tests. Due to the stronger dough structure, more air bubbles were trapped in the dough resulting in softer breads (23–65%) of high volume (12–27%) vs. the native algae biomass bread. Breads baked with Ng and Cv resulted in higher protein-enrichment than the Tc, while Tc enrichment led to an elevated mineral content, especially the Ca, which was six times higher than the other algae species. Overall, Ng, in combination with ethanol treatment, yielded a highly nutritious bread of improved technological and sensory properties, indicating that this species might be a candidate for functional GF bread developmentinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tetraselmis chuii as a sustainable and healthy ingredient to produce gluten-free bread: impact on structure, colour and bioactivity

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    The objective of this work is to increase the nutritional quality of gluten-free (GF) bread by addition of Tetraselmis chuii microalgal biomass, a sustainable source of protein and bioactive compounds. The impact of di erent levels of T. chuii (0%—Control, 1%, 2% and 4% w/w) on the GF doughs and breads’ structure was studied. Microdough-Lab mixing tests and oscillatory rheology were conducted to evaluate the dough´s structure. Physical properties of the loaves, total phenolic content (Folin-Ciocalteu) and antioxidant capacity (DPPH and FRAP) of the bread extracts were assessed. For the low additions of T. chuii (1% and 2%), a destabilising e ect is noticed, expressed by lower dough viscoelastic functions (G’ and G”) and poor baking results. At the higher level (4%) of microalgal addition, there was a structure recovery with bread volume increase and a decrease in crumb firmness. Moreover, 4% T. chuii bread presented higher total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity when compared to control. Bread with 4% T. chuii seems particularly interesting since a significant increase in the bioactivity and an innovative green appearance was achieved, with a low impact on technological performance, but with lower sensory scoresinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving the Nutritional, Structural, and Sensory Properties of Gluten-Free Bread with Different Species of Microalgae

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    Microalgae are an enormous source of nutrients that can be utilized to enrich common food of inherently low nutritional value, such as gluten-free (GF) bread. Addition of the algae species: Tetraselmis chuii (Tc), Chlorella vulgaris (Cv), and Nannochloropsis gaditana (Ng) biomass led to a significant increase in proteins, lipids, minerals (Ca, Mg, K, P, S, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn), and antioxidant activity. Although, a compromise on dough rheology and consequential sensory properties was observed. To address this, ethanol treatment of the biomass was necessary to eliminate pigments and odor compounds, which resulted in the bread receiving a similar score as the control during sensory trials. Ethanol treatment also resulted in increased dough strength depicted by creep/recovery tests. Due to the stronger dough structure, more air bubbles were trapped in the dough resulting in softer breads (23–65%) of high volume (12–27%) vs. the native algae biomass bread. Breads baked with Ng and Cv resulted in higher protein-enrichment than the Tc, while Tc enrichment led to an elevated mineral content, especially the Ca, which was six times higher than the other algae species. Overall, Ng, in combination with ethanol treatment, yielded a highly nutritious bread of improved technological and sensory properties, indicating that this species might be a candidate for functional GF bread development.publishedVersio

    Technological feasibility of couscous-algae-supplemented formulae : process description, nutritional properties and in vitro digestibility

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    Research Areas: Food Science & TechnologyThe aim of this work was to develop functional couscous in a traditional Tunisian manner (hand rolling), enriched in algae biomass (6% w/w). Four Chlorella vulgaris (C. vulgaris) biomasses and one mixture of C. vulgaris and two macroalgae biomasses (Ulva rigida and Fucus vesiculosus) were used. The C. vulgaris strain was subjected to random mutagenesis and different culture conditions (Allmicroalgae), resulting in different pigmentations and biochemical compositions. Couscous samples were characterized in terms of nutritional properties, oscillatory rheology properties and digestibility. All biomasses provided a significant supplementation of nutrients and excellent acceptance. The enrichment resulted in lower firmness, higher viscoelastic functions (G0 and G”) and a significant improvement in the cooking quality. Major differences between couscous samples with different microalgae were observed in protein and mineral contents, fully meeting Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 requirements for health claims made on foodstuffs. The amount of digested proteins was also higher in algae-containing samples. The fatty acid profile of the enriched couscous varied in a biomass-specific way, with a marked increase in linolenic acid (18:3 ω3) and a decrease in the ω6/ω3 ratio. Sensory analysis revealed that microalgae-containing products could compete with conventional goods with an added advantage, that is, having an ameliorated nutritional value using algae as a “trendy” and sustainable ingredient.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Utjecaj dodatka mikroalge Chlorella vulgaris svježem siru na povećanje njegove hranjive vrijednosti, te na njegov sastav, strukturu i senzorsku prihvatljivost

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    Research background. The production of foods fortified with bioactive ingredients has been recognized by food companies as a way to position their products in health food markets. The fortification of cheese represents a major challenge, due to the chemical and structural complexity of the cheese matrix, as well as the complexity of the biochemical reactions occurring during the fermentation and maturation processes. Microalgae are nutritious and sustainable food sources with important bioactive compounds such as proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, chlorophylls, carotenoids, vitamins and minerals. Experimental approach. This work aims to study the impact of the 2 and 4 % microalga Chlorella vulgaris addition on the nutritional composition, bioactivity, structure and sensory profile of quark and cream cheese, both probiotic fermented products. Texture profile analysis and fundamental rheology measurements (oscillatory and stationary) were performed to evaluate the impact of C. vulgaris on the mechanical properties of the fresh cheese. The nutritional composition was evaluated using standard methods and bioactivity through the determination of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity.1 Results and conclusions. C. vulgaris had an impact on the firmness of both cheeses. In general, the cheese with added C. vulgaris had a better nutritional profile, with an increase in protein content, content of Mg, P, S, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn, and better bioactivity with an increase in the antioxidant activity. Sensory testing results were promising, especially for cream cheese. Novelty and scientific contribution. The enrichment of traditional foods such as fresh cheese with microalgae represents an interesting strategy to develop hybrid products (with protein from animal and vegetable sources), obtain innovative and more sustainable products, and improve their nutritional profile in terms of protein and mineral content and bioactivity.Pozadina istraživanja. Prehrambene kompanije su prepoznale proizvodnju hrane obogaćene biološki aktivnim spojevima kao način pozicioniranja proizvoda na tržištu zdravom hranom. Obogaćivanje sira predstavlja velik izazov zbog njegove kemijske i strukturne složenosti te kompleksnosti biokemijskih reakcija koje se odvijaju tijekom fermentacije i zrenja. Mikroalge su hranjiv i održiv izvor hrane, koji sadržava važne biološki aktivne spojeve, kao što su proteini, polinezasićene masne kiseline, polisaharidi, klorofili, karotenoidi, vitamini i mineralne tvari. Eksperimentalni pristup. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj dodatka 2 i 4 % mikroalge Chlorella vulgaris na hranjiva svojstva, biološku aktivnost, strukturu i senzorske značajke dvaju probiotičkih fermentiranih proizvoda: kvark i svježi krem sir. Ispitana je tekstura sireva i provedena su temeljna reološka mjerenja (oscilirajuća i statična), radi procjene utjecaja dodatka C. vulgaris na mehanička svojstva svježeg sira. Hranjivi je sastav sireva ispitan standardnim metodama, a njihova je biološka aktivnost određena prema udjelu ukupnih fenolnih spojeva i antioksidacijskoj aktivnosti. Rezultati i zaključci. Mikroalga C. vulgaris utjecala je na čvrstoću oba tipa sireva. Sir s dodatkom mikroalge općenito je imao bolji hranjivi sastav, veće udjele proteina, Mg, P, S, Cu, Zn, Fe i Mn, te bolju biološku i antioksidacijsku aktivnost. Rezultati senzorske analize bili su obećavajući, osobito za svježi krem sir. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Obogaćivanje tradicionalnih prehrambenih artikala, kao što je dodatak mikroalge svježem siru, predstavlja zanimljivu strategiju razvoja hibridnih (sa životinjskim i biljnim izvorima proteina), inovativnih i održivih proizvoda te poboljšanja njihovog hranjivog sastava, osobito udjela proteina i mineralnih tvari, te povećanja njihove biološke aktivnosti

    Technological Feasibility of Couscous-Algae-Supplemented Formulae: Process Description, Nutritional Properties and In Vitro Digestibility

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    The aim of this work was to develop functional couscous in a traditional Tunisian manner (hand rolling), enriched in algae biomass (6% w/w). Four Chlorella vulgaris (C. vulgaris) biomasses and one mixture of C. vulgaris and two macroalgae biomasses (Ulva rigida and Fucus vesiculosus) were used. The C. vulgaris strain was subjected to random mutagenesis and different culture conditions (Allmicroalgae), resulting in different pigmentations and biochemical compositions. Couscous samples were characterized in terms of nutritional properties, oscillatory rheology properties and digestibility. All biomasses provided a significant supplementation of nutrients and excellent acceptance. The enrichment resulted in lower firmness, higher viscoelastic functions (G0 and G”) and a significant improvement in the cooking quality. Major differences between couscous samples with different microalgae were observed in protein and mineral contents, fully meeting Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 requirements for health claims made on foodstuffs. The amount of digested proteins was also higher in algae-containing samples. The fatty acid profile of the enriched couscous varied in a biomass-specific way, with a marked increase in linolenic acid (18:3 !3) and a decrease in the !6/!3 ratio. Sensory analysis revealed that microalgae-containing products could compete with conventional goods with an added advantage, that is, having an ameliorated nutritional value using algae as a “trendy” and sustainable ingredientinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio