107 research outputs found

    Executive functions in Alzheimer disease. A systematic review

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    Alzheimer's disease is a severe irreversible syndrome, characterized by a slow and progressive cognitive decline that interferes with the standard instrumental and essential functions of daily life. Promptly identifying the impairment of particular cognitive functions could be a fundamental condition to limit, through preventive or therapeutic interventions, the functional damages found in this degenerative dementia. This study aims to analyse, through a systematic review of the studies, the sensitivity of four experimental paradigms (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Stroop Task, Go/No-Go Task, and Flanker Task) considered as golden standard instruments for executive functions assessment in elderly subjects affected by Alzheimer dementia. This review was carried out according to the PRISMA method. Forty-five studies comparing the executive performance of patients with Alzheimer's dementia (diagnosed according to different classification criteria for dementia) and healthy elderly patients both over the age of sixty, were selected. For the research, PubMed, PsycINFO, PsycArticles databases were used. The study highlighted the importance of using standard protocols to evaluate executive dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease. The Stroop task allows discriminating better between healthy and pathological agin

    Necrotizing Panniculitis as an Uncommon Manifestation of Acute Pancreatitis

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    Pancreatic panniculitis is a rare disorder affecting 2–3% of patients with pancreatic disease. The findings are characterized by tender, erythematous, subcutaneous nodules which may undergo spontaneous ulceration with discharge of brownish and viscous material derived from colliquative necrosis of adipocytes. The lesions are usually localized in the lower limbs, although they may also extend to the buttocks and also involve the trunk, upper limbs and scalp. They can precede overt pancreatic disease in 40% of cases. The typical histological features observed in these lesions are characterized by necrotic adipocytes with absent nuclei (better known as ‘ghost cells’) in the context of a predominantly lobular panniculitis. We describe the case of a 78-year-old cirrhotic woman admitted to our department with abdominal pain affecting the upper abdomen and a 3-day fever. On physical examination, multiple tender erythematous nodules, with irregular margins, were present on the pretibial regions of both lower legs, ranging in size from 0.8 to 1.5 cm. Pancreatic amylase and lipase were elevated and abdominal computed tomography revealed acute pancreatitis with oedema, focal gland enlargement of the pancreatic tail and perivisceral inflammation. Histological examination of the lesions was consistent with a diagnosis of necrotizing granulomatous panniculitis

    Neuroendocrine Tumors. A Comprehensive Review on Nutritional Approaches

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    Simple Summary Neuroendocrine neoplasms and their main subtype neuroendocrine tumors have an increasing incidence worldwide, associated with a high survival and prevalence rate. Both the tumor itself and systemic therapy can have an impact on patients' nutrition. Conversely, preliminary data suggest that malnutrition has a negative impact on the development and prognosis of neuroendocrine tumors, as does obesity. The aim of this review is to condense the latest evidence on the role of the most widely used dietary patterns, the Mediterranean diet, the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, in the context of neuroendocrine tumors. Nutritional plans are an integral part of the multidisciplinary treatment team of patients with neuroendocrine tumors because they improve the patient's quality of life. The nutritional approach must be tailored, based on nutritional needs and nutritionally manageable signs and/or symptoms related to drug treatment. Neuroendocrine neoplasms are a heterogeneous group of neoplasms with increasing incidence, high prevalence, and survival worldwide. About 90% of cases are well differentiated forms, the so-called neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), with slow proliferation rates and prolonged survival but frequent development of liver metastases and endocrine syndromes. Both the tumor itself and systemic therapy may have an impact on patient nutrition. Malnutrition has a negative impact on outcome in patients with NETs, as well as obesity. In addition, obesity and metabolic syndrome have been shown to be risk factors for both the development and prognosis of NET. Therefore, dietary assessment based on body composition and lifestyle modifications should be an integral part of the treatment of NET patients. Nutrition plans, properly formulated by a dietician, are an integral part of the multidisciplinary treatment team for patients with NETs because they allow an improvement in quality of life, providing a tailored approach based on nutritional needs and nutritional manageable signs and/or symptoms related to pharmacological treatment. The aim of this review is to condense the latest evidence on the role of the most used dietary models, the Mediterranean diet, the ketogenic diet, and intermittent fasting, in the context of NETs, while considering the clinical and molecular mechanisms by which these dietary models act

    Vandetanib versus cabozantinib in medullary thyroid carcinoma:A focus on anti‐angiogenic effects in zebrafish model

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    Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is a tumor deriving from the thyroid C cells. Vandetanib (VAN) and cabozantinib (CAB) are two tyrosine kinase inhibitors targeting REar-ranged during Transfection (RET) and other kinase receptors and are approved for the treatment of advanced MTC. We aim to compare the in vitro and in vivo anti‐tumor activity of VAN and CAB in MTC. The effects of VAN and CAB on viability, cell cycle, and apoptosis of TT and MZ‐CRC‐1 cells are evaluated in vitro using an MTT assay, DNA flow cytometry with propidium iodide, and An-nexin V‐FITC/propidium iodide staining, respectively. In vivo, the anti‐angiogenic potential of VAN and CAB is evaluated in Tg(fli1a:EGFP)y1 transgenic fluorescent zebrafish embryos by ana-lyzing the effects on the physiological development of the sub‐intestinal vein plexus and the tu-mor‐induced angiogenesis after TT and MZ‐CRC‐1 xenotransplantation. VAN and CAB exert comparable effects on TT and MZ‐CRC‐1 viability inhibition and cell cycle perturbation, and stimulated apoptosis with a prominent effect by VAN in MZ‐CRC‐1 and CAB in TT cells. Regard-ing zebrafish, both drugs inhibit angiogenesis in a dose‐dependent manner, in particular CAB shows a more potent anti‐angiogenic activity than VAN. To conclude, although VAN and CAB show comparable antiproliferative effects in MTC, the anti‐angiogenic activity of CAB appears to be more relevant.</p

    Update on intensive motor training in spinocerebellar ataxia: time to move a step forward?:

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    Some evidence suggests that high-intensity motor training slows down the severity of spinocerebellar ataxia. However, whether all patients might benefit from these activities, and by which activity, and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We provide an update on the effect and limitations of different training programmes in patients with spinocerebellar ataxias. Overall, data converge of the finding that intensive training is still based either on conventional rehabilitation protocols or whole-body controlled videogames ("exergames"). Notwithstanding the limitations, short-term improvement is observed, which tends to be lost once the training is stopped. Exergames and virtual reality can ameliorate balance, coordination, and walking abilities, whereas the efficacy of adapted physical activity, gym, and postural exercises depends on the disease duration and severity. In conclusion, although a disease-modifying effect has not been demonstrated, constant, individually tailored, high-intensity motor training might be effective in patients with degenerative ataxia, even in those with severe disease. These approaches may enhance the remaining cerebellar circuitries or plastically induce compensatory networks. Further research is required to identify predictors of training success, such as the type and severity of ataxia and the level of residual functioning

    Modeling Lung Carcinoids with Zebrafish Tumor Xenograft

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    Lung carcinoids are neuroendocrine tumors that comprise well-differentiated typical (TCs) and atypical carcinoids (ACs). Preclinical models are indispensable for cancer drug screening since current therapies for advanced carcinoids are not curative. We aimed to develop a novel in vivo model of lung carcinoids based on the xenograft of lung TC (NCI-H835, UMC-11, and NCI-H727) and AC (NCI-H720) cell lines and patient-derived cell cultures in Tg(fli1a:EGFP)(y1) zebrafish embryos. We exploited this platform to test the anti-tumor activity of sulfatinib. The tumorigenic potential of TC and AC implanted cells was evaluated by the quantification of tumor-induced angiogenesis and tumor cell migration as early as 24 h post-injection (hpi). The characterization of tumor-induced angiogenesis was performed in vivo and in real time, coupling the tumor xenograft with selective plane illumination microscopy on implanted zebrafish embryos. TC-implanted cells displayed a higher pro-angiogenic potential compared to AC cells, which inversely showed a relevant migratory behavior within 48 hpi. Sulfatinib inhibited tumor-induced angiogenesis, without affecting tumor cell spread in both TC and AC implanted embryos. In conclusion, zebrafish embryos implanted with TC and AC cells faithfully recapitulate the tumor behavior of human lung carcinoids and appear to be a promising platform for drug screening

    Quantitative but not qualitative flavor recognition impairments in COVID-19 patients

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    Background: Smell and taste dysfunctions (STDs) are symptoms associated with COVID-19 syndrome, even if their incidence is still uncertain and variable. Aims: In this study, the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on chemosensory function have been investigated using both a self-reporting questionnaire on smell and flavor perception, and a simplified flavor test. Methods: A total of 111 subjects (19 hospitalized [HOS] and 37 home-isolated [HI] COVID-19 patients, and 55 healthy controls [CTRL]) were enrolled in the study. They received a self-evaluation questionnaire and a self-administered flavor test kit. The flavor test used consists in the self-administration of four solutions with a pure olfactory stimulus (coffee), a mixed olfactory-trigeminal stimulus (peppermint), and a complex chemical mixture (banana). Results: After SARS-CoV-2 infection, HOS and HI patients reported similar prevalence of STDs, with a significant reduction of both smell and flavor self-estimated perception. The aromas of the flavor test were recognized by HI and HOS COVID-19 patients similarly to CTRL; however, the intensity of the perceived aromas was significantly lower in patients compared to controls. Conclusion: Data reported here suggests that a chemosensory impairment is present after SARS-CoV-2 infection, and the modified "flavor test" could be a novel self-administering objective screening test to assess STDs in COVID-19 patients


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    Cystic Fibrosis (CF) involves the upper airways with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) causing nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, mouth breathing, facial pain, and olfactory dysfunction. Twelve to 71% of CF patients report smelling alterations impacting nutrition and quality of life. The aim was to study olfaction performance in CF patients with CRS that worsens quality of life. One hundred and twenty-one subjects were enrolled in this study. Seventy-one had CF and underwent ear, nose, and throat evaluation with nasal endoscopy, SNOT-22, VAS and “Sniffin’ Sticks”. Fifty subjects were age-matched with healthy controls. All 71 CF patients were affected by CRS; 59/71 (83.1%) had CRS without nasal polyps and 12/71 (16.9%) had CRS with early nasal polyps. None of the 50 controls had CRS. Total SNOTT-22 mean values in the 71 CF patients was 38.10 ± 21.08 pts. If considering only the 59 CF patients without nasal polyps the SNOTT-22 mean value was 36.76 ± 21.52 pts. Moreover, based on the VAS scores, the degree of nasal symptoms was classified as mild for facial pain, smell alteration, nasal discharge, and sneezing and resulted in moderate symptoms for nasal blockage and headache. Among the CF patients, 55/71 (76.5%) declared normosmia while the smelling ability assessed by “Sniffin’ Sticks” showed that only 4/71 (5.63%) were normosmic, 58 (81.69%) were hyposmic, and 9 (12.68%) were anosmic. In the controls 41(82%) were normosmic, 9 (18%) were hyposmic, and none were reported anosmia (p < 0.001). The study confirms that most CF patients have a relevant olfactory impairment, although only a low percentage declare it. A careful evaluation with simple and rapid tests helps to select the patients that may benefit from specific therapies

    Assessing the extent and timing of chemosensory impairments during COVID-19 pandemic

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    Chemosensory impairments have been established as a specific indicator of COVID-19. They affect most patients and may persist long past the resolution of respiratory symptoms, representing an unprecedented medical challenge. Since the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic started, we now know much more about smell, taste, and chemesthesis loss associated with COVID-19. However, the temporal dynamics and characteristics of recovery are still unknown. Here, capitalizing on data from the Global Consortium for Chemosensory Research (GCCR) crowdsourced survey, we assessed chemosensory abilities after the resolution of respiratory symptoms in participants diagnosed with COVID-19 during the first wave of the pandemic in Italy. This analysis led to the identification of two patterns of chemosensory recovery, partial and substantial, which were found to be associated with differential age, degrees of chemosensory loss, and regional patterns. Uncovering the self-reported phenomenology of recovery from smell, taste, and chemesthetic disorders is the first, yet essential step, to provide healthcare professionals with the tools to take purposeful and targeted action to address chemosensory disorders and their severe discomfort

    Assessing the extent and timing of chemosensory impairments during COVID-19 pandemic

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    Chemosensory impairments have been established as a specific indicator of COVID-19. They affect most patients and may persist long past the resolution of respiratory symptoms, representing an unprecedented medical challenge. Since the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic started, we now know much more about smell, taste, and chemesthesis loss associated with COVID-19. However, the temporal dynamics and characteristics of recovery are still unknown. Here, capitalizing on data from the Global Consortium for Chemosensory Research (GCCR) crowdsourced survey, we assessed chemosensory abilities after the resolution of respiratory symptoms in participants diagnosed with COVID-19 during the first wave of the pandemic in Italy. This analysis led to the identification of two patterns of chemosensory recovery, partial and substantial, which were found to be associated with differential age, degrees of chemosensory loss, and regional patterns. Uncovering the self-reported phenomenology of recovery from smell, taste, and chemesthetic disorders is the first, yet essential step, to provide healthcare professionals with the tools to take purposeful and targeted action to address chemosensory disorders and their severe discomfort
