13 research outputs found

    Current and Proposed Special Educational Legislation

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    Autismo: breve revisão de diferentes abordagens Autism: a brief review of different approaches

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    Esse artigo examina diferentes abordagens no estudo do autismo: psicanálise, teoria afetiva, teoria da mente, teorias neuropsicológicas e de processamento da informação. As principais contribuições e limitações dessas abordagens são identificadas. Reivindica-se a necessidade de integração dos diferentes domínios e de investigações que incluam tanto as deficiências quanto as competências sociais dos indivíduos com autismo. Isso auxiliaria no reconhecimento das diferenças individuais ao longo do continuum autista.<br>This paper examines different approaches to the study of autism: psychoanalyses, affective theory, theory of mind, neuropsychological and information processing theories. The main contribution and limitation of these approaches are pinpointed. A claim is made towards the need of integration of different domains and further investigation that includes both social deficits and competence of individuals with autism. This would help the recognition of individual differences within the autistic continuum

    Autism : a brief review of different approaches

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    Esse artigo examina diferentes abordagens no estudo do autismo: psicanálise, teoria afetiva, teoria da mente, teorias neuropsicológicas e de processamento da informação. As principais contribuições e limitações dessas abordagens são identificadas. Reivindicase a necessidade de integração dos diferentes domínios e de investigações que incluam tanto as deficiências quanto as competências sociais dos indivíduos com autismo. Isso auxiliaria no reconhecimento das diferenças individuais ao longo do continuum autista.This paper examines different approaches to the study of autism: psychoanalyses, affective theory, theory of mind, neuropsychological and information processing theories. The main contribution and limitation of these approaches are pinpointed. A claim is made towards the need of integration of different domains and further investigation that includes both social deficits and competence of individuals with autism. This would help the recognition of individual differences within the autistic continuum

    Autism : a brief review of different approaches

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    Esse artigo examina diferentes abordagens no estudo do autismo: psicanálise, teoria afetiva, teoria da mente, teorias neuropsicológicas e de processamento da informação. As principais contribuições e limitações dessas abordagens são identificadas. Reivindicase a necessidade de integração dos diferentes domínios e de investigações que incluam tanto as deficiências quanto as competências sociais dos indivíduos com autismo. Isso auxiliaria no reconhecimento das diferenças individuais ao longo do continuum autista.This paper examines different approaches to the study of autism: psychoanalyses, affective theory, theory of mind, neuropsychological and information processing theories. The main contribution and limitation of these approaches are pinpointed. A claim is made towards the need of integration of different domains and further investigation that includes both social deficits and competence of individuals with autism. This would help the recognition of individual differences within the autistic continuum

    Increasing simple toy play in profoundly mentally handicapped children. II: Designing special toys

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    The purpose of this study was to increase simple toy play in profoundly mentally handicapped children by presenting them with specially designed toys. Twenty children (mean chronological age 14 years, mean mental age less than 1 year) were observed while playing with the special toys, which emitted stimuli (vibration, light, or sound) when appropriately operated. They were also observed with the toys when the stimuli were unavailable. There were large individual differences, but, in general, children interacted significantly more with the experimental toys than with the control toys and engaged in significantly less stereotyped behavior when the experimental toys were available. The implications for clinical and research work are discussed. This research was supported by the National Society for Autistic Children and the Bethlem Royal Hospital Research Fund. Some of the results were reported at the B.P.S. Annual Conference, York, 1983. We are grateful to the children involved in the study, their parents, and the staff. We are also indebted to Mrs. E. Goodall for HBS schedule data, and to Dr. D. Hands and Mr. A. Smith for the multivariate analysis

    Increasing simple toy play in profoundly mentally handicapped children. I: training to play

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    Abstract The purpose of this study was to increase simple toy play in profoundly mentally handicapped children. Twenty children (mean chronological age, 14 years; mean mental age, less than 1 year) were trained to play with ordinary toys, half by a behavior modification technique and half by a control procedure. The operant training led to some increases in total toy contact but did not appear to be significantly more effective than the control technique in promoting independent constructive play. The possible reasons for the relative lack of success of the behavioral training are discussed. This research was supported by the National Society for Autistic Children and the Bethlem Royal Hospital Research Fund. Some of the results were reported at the B.P.S. Annual Conference, York, April 1983. We are grateful to the children involved in the study, their parents, and the staff. We are also indebted to Mrs. E. Goodall for the H.B.S. schedule data and to Dr. D. Hands and Mr. A. Smith for the multivariate analyses

    Sensory reinforcement table for severely handicapped children

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    A table which provides light, vibration, or sound stimulation on completion of form board tasks is described. Questions relating to the evaluation of such equipment are discussed

    Social Skills training in an Infant School Setting

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