85 research outputs found

    Rola niedoboru witaminy D w patofizjologii zaburzeń występujących w zespole policystycznych jajników

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    Vitamin D deficiency, connected with insufficient production in the skin and limited alimentation delivery, disrupts the function of all systems of the body and increases the risk of chronic diseases. Many studies have reported associations between low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] level and symptoms of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – insulin resistance, hirsutism, and infertility associated with both, ovulatory disorders and abnormal endometrial receptivity. The beneficial effects of vitamin D supplementation on insulin resistance, ovarian follicles maturation, ovulation and menstrual regularity were confirmed. Due to limited evidence, the additional randomized trials are required to establish the correct dose of vitamin D and confirm the effectiveness of vitamin D treatment in PCOS disorders. However, it seems evident that correct supplementation of vitamin D is beneficial in the management of women with PCOS and low 25(OH)D serum levels, and that it could be helpful in improving the effects of PCOS treatment.Niedobór witaminy D, związany z niedostatecznym jej wytwarzaniem w skórze oraz ograniczonym dostarczaniem w pożywieniu, zaburza funkcje wszystkich układów organizmu oraz zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia chorób przewlekłych. Badania sugerują związek niedoboru witaminy D3 z objawami zespołu policystycznych jajników (PCOS) - insulinoopornością, hirsutyzmem, niepłodnością związaną zarówno z zaburzeniami owulacji jak i nieprawidłową receptywnością endometrium. Stwierdzono korzystny wpływ suplementacji witaminą D na poprawę insulinowrażliwości, dojrzewanie pęcherzyków jajnikowych, występowanie owulacji oraz regulację cykli miesiączkowych. Z uwagi na ograniczoną liczbę doniesień, potwierdzenie skuteczności leczenia witaminą D zaburzeń w PCOS oraz ustalenie jej właściwej dawki wymaga przeprowadzenia badań randomizowanych. Wydaje się jednak, że wdrażanie właściwej suplementacji, szczególnie u kobiet, u których potwierdzony zostanie niedobór witaminy D jest postępowaniem korzystnym dla efektu leczenia pacjentek z PCOS

    Low-coordinate dinuclear dysprosium(III) single molecule magnets utilizing LiCl as bridging moieties and tris(amido)amine as blocking ligands

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    A low-coordinate dinuclear dysprosium complex {[Dy(N3N)(THF)][LiCl(THF)]}2 (Dy2) with a double bridging ‘LiCl’ moiety and tris(amido)amine (N3N)3− anions as a blocking ligand is synthesized and characterized structurally and magnetically. Thanks to the use of the chelating blocking ligand (N3N)3− equipped with large steric –SiMe3 groups, the coordination sphere of both DyIII ions is restricted to only six donor atoms. The three amido nitrogen atoms determine the orientation of the easy magnetization axes of both DyIII centers. Consequently, Dy2 shows slow magnetic relaxation typical for single molecule magnets (SMMs). However, the effective energy barrier for magnetization reversal determined from the AC magnetic susceptibility measurements is much lower than the separation between the ground and the first excited Kramers doublet based on the CASSCF ab initio calculations. In order to better understand the possible influence of the anticipated intramolecular magnetic interactions in this dinuclear molecule, its GdIII-analog {[Gd(N3N)(THF)][LiCl(THF)]}2 (Gd2) is also synthesized and studied magnetically. Detailed magnetic measurements reveal very weak antiferromagnetic interactions in Gd2. This in turn suggests similar antiferromagnetic interactions in Dy2, which might be responsible for its peculiar SMM behavior and the absence of the magnetic hysteresis loop

    Non-destructive study of non-equilibrium states of cold, trapped atoms

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    Highly sensitive, non-destructive, real-time spectroscopic determination of the 2D kinetic momentum distribution of a cold-atom sample is performed with the three-beam measurement of the recoil-induced resonances. The measurements performed with an operating magneto-optical trap reveal slow velocity drifts within a stationary atomic cloud and strong anisotropy and asymmetry of the non-Maxwellian momentum distribution. The developed method can be easily extended to 3D.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Characteristics of dental pulp in human upper first premolar teeth based on immunohistochemical and morphometric examinations

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    Teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons are commonly considered as healthy. Therefore, it is possible to examine structure of the dental pulp can be fully recognized and how it is affected by malocclusion. The aim of the study was to evaluate by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and morphometry dental pulp in human upper first premolar teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons. The material comprised 36 teeth of 20 patients in the age range 16–26 years. By the use of IHC markers the presence of immunocompetent cells (CD20, CD45RO, and CD68), blood vessels (CD31) and nerves (PGP9.5) were examined in the pulp. Inflammatory infiltrates and tissue atrophy were observed in 24 and 10 teeth, respectively. Strong positive correlation between the width of the odontoblastic layer, the number of rows of odontoblast nuclei and the increase of MVA (microvessel area) in the pulp of atrophic teeth was found. The cellular infiltrations found in H&E-stained sections were identified by IHC as memory T cells (CD45RO+) and B lymphocytes (CD20+) with macrophages (CD68+) present at the periphery. The CD20 antigen was intensively expressed in 13 teeth, CD45RO in 33 teeth, and CD68 in 20 teeth. Thus, despite the lack of any clinical signs of pulp disease many teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons show focal pulp inflammation and atrophy which probably results from the malocclusion stress accompanying teeth crowding

    Low-coordinate erbium(III) single-molecule magnets with photochromic behavior

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    [Image: see text] The structures and magnetic properties of photoresponsive magnets can be controlled or fine-tuned by visible light irradiation, which makes them appealing as candidates for ternary memory devices: photochromic and photomagnetic at the same time. One of the strategies for photoresponsive magnetic systems is the use of photochromic/photoswitchable molecules coordinated to paramagnetic metal centers to indirectly influence their magnetic properties. Herein, we present two erbium(III)-based coordination systems: a trinuclear molecule {[Er(III)(BHT)(3)](3)(dtepy)(2)}(.)4C(5)H(12) (1) and a 1D coordination chain {[Er(III)(BHT)(3)(azopy)}(n)·2C(5)H(12) (2), where the bridging photochromic ligands belong to the class of diarylethenes: 1,2-bis((2-methyl-5-pyridyl)thie-3-yl)perfluorocyclopentene (dtepy) and 4,4′-azopyridine (azopy), respectively (BHT = 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenolate). Both compounds show slow dynamics of magnetization, typical for single-molecule magnets (SMMs) as revealed by alternating current (AC) magnetic susceptibility measurements. The trinuclear compound 1 also shows an immediate color change from yellow to dark blue in response to near-UV irradiation. Such behavior is typical for the photoisomerization of the open form of the ligand into its closed form. The color change can be reversed by exposing the closed form to visible light. The chain-like compound 2, on the other hand, does not show significant signs of the expected trans–cis photoisomerization of the azopyridine in response to UV irradiation and does not appear to show photoswitching behavior

    Probe spectroscopy in an operating magneto-optical trap: the role of Raman transitions between discrete and continuum atomic states

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    We report on cw measurements of probe beam absorption and four-wave-mixing spectra in a 85^{85}Rb magneto-optical trap taken while the trap is in operation. The trapping beams are used as pump light. We concentrate on the central feature of the spectra at small pump-probe detuning and attribute its narrow resonant structures to the superposition of Raman transitions between light-shifted sublevels of the ground atomic state and to atomic recoil processes. These two contributions have different dependencies on trap parameters and we show that the former is inhomogeneously broadened. The strong dependence of the spectra on the probe-beam polarization indicates the existence of large optical anisotropy of the cold-atom sample, which is attributed to the recoil effects. We point out that the recoil-induced resonances can be isolated from other contributions, making pump-probe spectroscopy a highly sensitive diagnostic tool for atoms in a working MOT.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Influence of pharmacological treatment on selected parameters of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy

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    Summary Intrahepatic cholestasis occurs most frequently in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is characterized by elevated concentrations of liver enzymes and bile acids. The main aim of the study was to analyze the changes of concentration in biochemical indicators of cholestasis during the treatment. Material and methods: The study was conducted in the group of 38 women with diagnosed intrahepatic cholestasis in pregnancy and hospitalized in Medical University Lodz, High Risk Pregnancy Clinic in 2007-2008. Treatment constituted UDCA in 750mg per 24h and Essentiale Forte 3 times a day. The concentrations in serum of AspAt, AlAt, ALP, GGTP, bile acids and bilirubin were estimated before and after 7 and 15 days of the treatment. Results: Mean concentration of AlAt was 262±16.26 U/L, AspAt 146±141.17 U/L, ALP 189±60.64 U/L, bile acids 28.6±15μmol/L, GGTP 31.5±28.15U/L but only in 28,9%was elevated. After 7 days the decrease of mean concentrations of AlAt (165±126.7 U/L) and AspAt (85±59.62 U/L) was observed. The concentration of ALP was similar to the previous results (190±71.94 U/L). After 15 days mean values of AlAt and AspAt decreased to 119±103.56 U/L and 65±46.12 U/L (

    HLHS – wrodzona wada serca na materiale Kliniki Patologii Ciąży w latach 2001-2007

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    Abstract Background: HLHS (hypoplastic left heart syndrome) is a serious congenital heart defect. In neonates with congenital heart disease HLHS accounts for nearly 25% of neonatal deaths. The etiology of HLHS is unknown. At present we expect to have those cases diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy. Aim: The main aim was to find the rate and outcome of the congenital heart defect – left heart hypoplasia (HLHS). Material and methods: All cases of this heart defect found in the High Risk Pregnancy Clinic in 2001-2007 were presented. Twice the congenital malformation was diagnosed after delivery and once during pregnancy - in the second trimester. All babies were delivered between 38 and 39 weeks of pregnancy, one by the spontaneous normal delivery, one by elective caesarean section and one by emergency caesarean section because of fetal distress during the delivery. All of the newborns were transported to the Pediatric Cardio surgery Unit of M.U. and operated in first weeks after delivery. Results: In two cases the operation was complicated and children died due to the cardiac arrest. One of the babies died before surgical correction. Two of the women, whose babies died after the operation gave birth to healthy newborns with no cardiac abnormalities. Conclusion: The HLHS is the most serious heart congenital malformation diagnosed often after the delivery because of lack of sufficient diagnostic system in healthy women. The prognosis for the children is bad, but the chance of giving birth to healthy children in the future is good.Streszczenie Wstęp: HLHS (Zespół niedorozwoju lewego serca) należy do ciężkich zespołów wrodzonych wad serca. Wśród noworodków urodzonych z różnymi wadami, 25% zgonów dotyczy dzieci z ta anomalia. Etiologia zespołu HLHS jest ciągle nieznana. Obecnie spodziewamy się rozpoznania tej wady już w II trymestrze ciąży. Cel: Głównym celem pracy była ocena częstości występowania zespołu HLHS oraz dalszych losów osób z tą wadą. Materiał i metody: Wszystkie przypadki z rozpoznaniem tej anomalii w Klinice Patologii Ciąży z lat 2001-2007 zostały zaprezentowane. Dwukrotnie wada została rozpoznana podczas ciąży, a w jednym przypadku pourodzeniowo. Wszystkie noworodki były urodzone o czasie- między 38 a 39 tygodniem ciąży, jeden drogami natury a dwa drogą cięcia cesarskiego – jeden cięciem elektywnym a kolejny z powodu zagrożenia wewnątrzmacicznego podczas porodu. Wszystkie noworodki po porodzie przenoszone były do Kliniki Kardiochirurgii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi, a następnie – przygotowywane do operacji w pierwszym tygodniu życia. Wyniki: W dwóch przypadkach wystąpiły komplikacje pooperacyjne na kolejnych etapach złożonych operacji i dzieci zmarły na skutek nagiego zatrzymania krążenia. Jeden noworodek zmarł przed wykonaniem korekty operacyjnej. Dwie kobiety, których dzieci zmarły w trakcie kolejnych etapów korekcji chirurgicznej w 2007 roku urodziły zdrowe donoszone noworodki. Wnioski: HLHS jest poważna anomalią budowy serca, która często rozpoznawana jest dopiero po urodzeniu ze względu na niedostatecznie skuteczną diagnostykę ultrasonograficzną w grupie zdrowych ciężarnych. Rokowanie dla dzieci jest poważne, chociaż szansa na urodzenie zdrowego dziecka w kolejnej ciąży jest duża

    Poisoning and suicide attempts in adolescent girls - a problem we need to be aware of

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    Introduction and purpose: Poisoning among children and adolescents is occurring on an ever-increasing scale. Women are particularly susceptible to intentional poisoning, and they predominate in the statistics of self-poisoning. The aim of the study is to analyze cases of poisoning in girls under 18 years of age hospitalized in the Clinical Toxicology and Cardiology Department of the Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski Regional Hospital in Lublin in 2022, taking into account the type of substance ingested, the place of residence of the patients and comorbidities.Material and methods: The study was retrospective in nature. It used the analysis of medical records of 84 cases of intoxication in girls under 18 years of age.Results: During the time period studied, 84 girls aged 13-18 were hospitalized for poisoning. Most of the cases were urban residents (64.3%). The toxic substances causing poisoning were mainly drugs (63.1%), narcotics (17.9%) and ethanol (17.8%). Poisoning of an intentional nature involved 80 (95.2%) cases, 37 (44%) cases were suicide attempts. In 54 (64.3%) cases, the patient was burdened with a mental illness, the most common being depressive disorders. There were no deaths in the study group.Conclusions: Due to the increasing phenomenon of mental disorders, as well as intentional poisoning among adolescent girls, special emphasis should be placed on psychological care, pedagogical care, of girls in adolescence. This is the time when girls have problems with acceptance of their bodies, with acceptance among peers. Parents and teachers should be made aware of this

    Why should we restrain the availability of paracetamol - an analysis of acetaminophen intoxication in adolescents

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    Introduction and aim: Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is a commonly used analgesics and antipyretics and it is a nonprescription medicine. Improper use of it may lead to accidental or intentional poisoning. The aim of the study was to analyse paracetamol poisonings in children and adolescents admitted to the Clinical Department of Toxicology and Cardiology in Stefan Wyszyński Regional Specialist Hospital in Lublin in 2022. Material and methods: The research was retrospective. Medical records of poisoning cases in patients up to the age of 18 were analysed specifically emphasizing acetaminophen poisonings.Results: In the studied period 120 adolescents were hospitalized due to intoxication, 65 of them due to medications intake, the most commonly used medicine was acetaminophen. There were 20 cases of hospitalization because of acetaminophen intake, 17 (85%) patients were female and 3 (15%) of them were male. Patients were from 15 to 17 years old. In 12 cases (60%) patients came from urban areas. The intentional intoxications were found in 18 (90%) cases, 13 of them were suicide attempt. Majority of cases of attempted suicide were female (92%). The other intoxications were accidental, where patients took acetaminophen as a painkiller. In the researched group there were no deaths.Conclusions: Paracetamol overdosing is always associated with the risk of liver damage.This medicament as a potentially hepatotoxic drug should not be sold over the counter. The availability of paracetamol is too widespread, which poses a risk especially to children and adolescents. The ubiquitous advertising of acetaminophen products as well as their popular use, for example, in menstrual pain, favor their presence in almost every Polish home. Parents and guardians should be educated about the dangers of uncontrolled use of so-called OTC drugs - incorrectly commonly considered safe