1,568 research outputs found

    Mathematical modelling in pedagogic practices: how teachers deal with tensions in discourses

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    How do teachers deal with tensions in discourses when they implement mathematical modelling in pedagogic practices? This question is discussed – following Basil Bernstein’s theoretical framework – based on a study of three middle school teachers from Brazilian public schools. The nature of the research is qualitative. The procedures used for collecting data were observation (accomplished through recordings of lessons), interviews after each lesson and teachers’ documentation of their lessons. In this paper, we will show how teachers dealt with the tension of unexpected situations. The results suggest that teachers understand that the modelling task requires producing a legitimate text to develop it in their pedagogic practices. Teachers dealt with the following unexpected situations: students presented errors in mathematical procedures, students did not bring the requested information to the task, students chose different parameters the teachers had not predicted, students failed to solve the problems of the task and students resisted doing the task. These unexpected situations were related to the following student actions in the modelling environment: students’ mathematical performance in solving the task problem, noncompliance of tasks in the modelling environment and students’ choice of the subject in a modelling environment

    Considerations about Teacher Education from Teacher Narratives: Teaching Knowledge in Motion

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    We present the results of a study to contribute to the reflections and discussions about the formative processes for teaching in the post-pandemic context To this end we conducted a piece of research constituted by a corpus formed out of 13 pedagogical letters sent to an event that took place in June 2022 by teachers who work in schools and carry out strict sensu postgraduate studie

    Assessment Of Endothelial Function By Flow-mediated Dilation In Diabetic Patients: Effects Of Physical Exercise

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    The endothelium is now recognized as an endocrine organ that acts to maintain vascular homeostasis regulating the vascular tone and structure. The endothelial cells synthetize a variety of mediators among them, the main agent is the nitric oxide (NO), a potent vasodilator. NO exerts its protective role preventing leukocyte adhesion and migration, expression of adhesion molecules, platelet aggregation, cell proliferation, and promoting the relaxation of smooth muscle cells. On the other hand, endothelial dysfunction present in many chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, hypertension and diabetes mellitus, is characterized by reduced NO bioavailability. Thus, a few decades ago, measurement of endothelial function has emerged as valuable tool that provides insights in the pathophysiological mechanisms, opportunity to identify early disease and cardiovascular risk, preventing future events or avoiding the progression of the disease. Diabetic patients, particularly, have been a target to apply this technique, mainly because this condition has been related with an impairment of endothelium-dependent dilation and it is believed that the endothelium dysfunction is the basis of diabetes complications such as coronary artery disease and accelerated atherosclerosis. In addition, cardiovascular complications represent the leading cause of morbidity and death in diabetes mellitus. Besides pharmacological therapy, lifestyle modifications have been recommended by specific organizations as a strategy to improve the endothelial function or even prevent the development of diabetes. The aim of this mini eview is to give an update about the importance of endothelium, most common non-invasive technique to evaluate its function, and to summarize some mechanisms involved in endothelial dysfunction and the beneficial effects of exercise in diabetes mellitus.22131

    Depois dos 35 anos, quais as intenções de fecundidade dos sul-europeus?

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    Sendo a baixa fecundidade comum na Europa do Sul, e considerando que nas últimas décadas tanto homens como mulheres têm vindo a adiar a entrada na parentalidade, interessa estudar os determinantes das intenções de fecundidade. Em particular, dos sul-europeus com mais de 35 anos, idade a partir da qual se considera que aqueles que não têm filhos, ou que têm apenas um, se encontram a adiar os seus projetos de fecundidade. Os resultados mostram que perceções negativas em relação à situação do país são inibidoras no processo da tomada de decisão de ter filhos, especialmente o segundo filho. Este trabalho remete para a importância de considerar valores e expectativas dos indivíduos em relação à sua vida e à situação do país como preditores do comportamento reprodutivo.Because low fertility is common in Southern European countries and considering that in recent decades both men and women have been postponing their fertility projects, it is of our interest to study the determinants of reproductive decision-making. Particularly, of Southern Europeans older than 35, age from which it is considered that those who have no children, or that have only one child, have postponed their fertility projects. The findings show that negative perceptions about the situation of the country inhibit the process of having a child, specially the second one. This paper reports to the importance of considering values and perceptions of individuals about their lives and the situation of the country as predictors of fertility behaviour.Depuis quelques décennies, alors que le taux de fécondité est bas dans les pays du sud de l’Europe, les femmes comme les hommes tendent à repousser l’âge de la parentalité. Cet article étudie les facteurs déterminants des intentions de fécondité, en particulier des sud-européens de plus de 35 ans, l’âge à partir duquel on considère que ceux qui n’ont pas d’enfants ou qui n’en ont qu’un seul repoussent à plus tard leurs projets de fécondité. Les résultats montrent que les perceptions négatives sur la situation du pays sont inhibitrices dans la prise de décision d’avoir des enfants, en particulier s’il s’agit du deuxième enfant. Ce travail souligne combien les valeurs et les attentes des individus concernant leur vie et la situation du pays sont révélatrices de leur comportement reproductif.Siendo común la baja fecundidad en Europa del Sur y considerando que en las últimas décadas tanto hombres como mujeres han venido atrasando la entrada en la parentalidad, interesa estudiar los determinantes de las intenciones de fecundidad. En particular, de los sur-europeos con más de 35 años, edad a partir de la cual se considera que aquellos que no tienen hijos, o que tienen apenas uno, se encuentran atrasando sus proyectos de fecundidad. Los resultados muestran que percepciones negativas en relación a la situación del país son inhibidoras en el proceso de la toma de decisión de tener hijos, especialmente el segundo hijo. Este trabajo confirma la importancia de considerar valores y expectativas de los individuos en relación a su vida y a la situación del país como predictores del comportamiento reproductivo

    Impeachment/golpe de 2016 : ressentimento e cinismo nas bordas do discurso

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    O ano de 2016 será (re)lembrado como um período da nossa história em que o Brasil teve a cena política como protagonista das ações, tanto em nível nacional quanto internacional. Os holofotes da mídia estavam centrados no embate deflagrado por duas visões distintas acerca de um importante acontecimento que envolvia o corpo social de forma ampla: o afastamento de uma presidente que havia sido eleita pelo voto direto e representativo, assim como demandam os saberes e práticas estabelecidos por uma democracia. A data precisa era 31 de agosto. Neste dia, Dilma Rousseff foi oficialmente destituída do cargo de presidente da República, lugar este para o qual havia sido (re)investida e empossada pouco mais de um ano e meio antes, via sufrágio universal, pela livre escolha de quase 55 milhões de brasileiros. Desde o recebimento da denúncia, passando pela instalação do processo e, finalmente, pela retirada da petista, foi possível perceber que estávamos diante de um fato que ultrapassava os níveis histórico e jornalístico para galgar espaço no cenário discursivo. E isto se fez pela instauração de duas formações discursivas, as quais passaram a atuar no fio do discurso manifestando seus saberes/práticas/dizeres antagônicos. Esta escrita, pois, dispõe-se a trabalhar, sob a perspectiva da Análise do Discurso de vertente pecheutiana, este importante acontecimento, ao investigar a constituição de duas FDs tão distintas que, além da contradição constitutiva, deixaram suas marcas pela presença/ausência de sua repercussão para além dos territórios nacionais, as quais denominamos de FD que enuncia impeachment e FD que enuncia golpe. Para nos auxiliar nesta caminhada analítica, faremos uma incursão por alguns pontos que nos são caros nesse processo de movimentação dos sentidos, no qual traremos questões relativas à memória e suas relações com a formação social, a qual denominamos de democrático-capitalista. Neste cenário, articulamos conceitos que advêm de outras áreas do saber, como cinismo e ressentimento, para que estes possam contribuir em nossa aventura teórica pelos meandros do discurso. Propomos, pois, a partir da delineação deste cenário, possibilitar questionamentos e inquietações acerca do impeachment/golpe de 2016, fato/acontecimento este que já deixa seus vestígios na trajetória da ainda jovem e frágil democracia brasileira.L'année 2016 sera rappelée comme une période de notre histoire où Brésil était protagoniste d'actions dans la scène politique, tant au niveau national qu'international. Le spot se concentrait sur l'affrontement déclenché par deux points de vue distincts sur un important événement impliquant le corps social général: la suppression d'une présidente qui a été élue au suffrage universel direct et représentatif, comme demandent les connaissances et les pratiques établies pour une démocratie. La date précise était le 31 août. Ce jour-là, Dilma Rousseff a été officiellement privée du poste de Présidente de la République, un poste qu’elle avait été (ré)investie et a pris ses fonctions peu plus d'un an et demi avant, au suffrage universel, par le libre choix de près de 55 millions de Brésiliens. À partir de la réception de la plainte, en passant pour le processus d'installation et enfin le retrait de la Présidente qui était du PT (Parti de Travailleurs), il était possible de voir que nous étions face à un fait qui est allé au-delà des niveaux historiques et journalistiques à monter dans le scénario de l'espace discursif. Et cela a été fait par l'établissement de deux formations discursives, qui ont commencé à agir sur le fil du discours manifestant leurs connaissances / pratiques / dictons antagonistes. Cette dissertation, donc, doit travailler, du point de vue de l'analyse du discours crée par Pêcheux, avec cet événement important, d'enquêter sur la formation de deux FDs si distincts que, outre la contradiction constitutive, ont laissé leurs traces par la présence / absence de sa répercussion au-delà des territoires nationaux, que nous appelons FD qui énonce la mise en accusation et FD qui déclare souffler. Pour nous aider à cette marche analytique, nous ferons un raid de quelques points que nous chérissons dans ce processus de mouvement des sens, où nous apporterons des questions à la mémoire et sa relation avec la formation sociale que nous appelons capitaliste-démocratique. Dans ce scénario, il y a les concepts articulés qui viennent d'autres domaines de la connaissance de même que le cynisme et le ressentiment, afin qu'ils puissent contribuer à notre aventure théorique à travers les subtilités du discours. Nous proposons, à partir de la délimitation de ce scénario, les questions et les préoccupations possibles au sujet de la mise en accusation / coup d'État de 2016, fait / événement qui déjà laisse ses traces sur la trajectoire de la démocratie brésilienne encore jeune et fragile

    Vascular Dysfunction In Obesity: Beneficial Effects Of Aerobic Exercise Training In Animal Models

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality in the world and several risk factors for developing CVD have been pointed out, including obesity and physical inactivity. Endothelial dysfunction as a consequence of metabolic and inflammatory disorders plays an important role in the onset of vascular complications in obesity. In addition, it is well established that aerobic exercises promote beneficial effects on CVD by increasing nitric oxide (NO) production or its bioavailability in human and experimental models. The interest in exercise studies increased significantly, with promising results. Considering the importance of this field, the purpose of this mini-review is to summarize the animal studies that investigated the physiological mechanisms of vascular dysfunction in obesity and how aerobic exercise training influenced these alterations.23especia

    Power relations and the negotiation of meanings in a Community of Practice in the field of Mathematics Education

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    This article aims to identify and analyze power relations in the negotiation of meanings in a Community of Practice, called the “Observatório da Educação Matemática” da Bahia (OEM-BA), formed by academics from the university and teachers of Basic Education, who came together to produce educational math curriculum materials. The research carried out was of a qualitative nature and the data were produced through observations of the activities carried out by OEM-BA. To support the analysis, we used Etienne Wenger\u27s Social Theory of Learning and Basil Bernstein\u27s Theory of Codes. By analyzing the data, we identify power relations between academic and non-academic discourses, as well as interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary discourses. This happened when members negotiated meanings relative to teaching and learning content operations with whole numbers and quantities directly and inversely proportional. The results of this research gave visibility to variations in the principles and hierarchies underlying the meeting between academics and scholars
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