8,100 research outputs found

    Riesz transforms on solvable extensions of stratified groups

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    Let G=N⋊AG = N \rtimes A, where NN is a stratified group and A=RA = \mathbb{R} acts on NN via automorphic dilations. Homogeneous sub-Laplacians on NN and AA can be lifted to left-invariant operators on GG and their sum is a sub-Laplacian Δ\Delta on GG. Here we prove weak type (1,1)(1,1), LpL^p-boundedness for p∈(1,2]p \in (1,2] and H1→L1H^1 \to L^1 boundedness of the Riesz transforms YΔ−1/2Y \Delta^{-1/2} and YΔ−1ZY \Delta^{-1} Z, where YY and ZZ are any horizontal left-invariant vector fields on GG, as well as the corresponding dual boundedness results. At the crux of the argument are large-time bounds for spatial derivatives of the heat kernel, which are new when Δ\Delta is not elliptic.Comment: 20 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0386

    Existence and uniqueness of maximal regular flows for non-smooth vector fields

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    In this paper we provide a complete analogy between the Cauchy-Lipschitz and the DiPerna-Lions theories for ODE's, by developing a local version of the DiPerna-Lions theory. More precisely, we prove existence and uniqueness of a maximal regular flow for the DiPerna-Lions theory using only local regularity and summability assumptions on the vector field, in analogy with the classical theory, which uses only local regularity assumptions. We also study the behaviour of the ODE trajectories before the maximal existence time. Unlike the Cauchy-Lipschitz theory, this behaviour crucially depends on the nature of the bounds imposed on the spatial divergence of the vector field. In particular, a global assumption on the divergence is needed to obtain a proper blow-up of the trajectories.Comment: 38 page

    A flexible and highly sensitive pressure sensor based on a PDMS foam coated with graphene nanoplatelets

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    The demand for high performance multifunctional wearable devices is more and more pushing towards the development of novel low-cost, soft and flexible sensors with high sensitivity. In the present work, we describe the fabrication process and the properties of new polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) foams loaded with multilayer graphene nanoplatelets (MLGs) for application as high sensitive piezoresistive pressure sensors. The effective DC conductivity of the produced foams is measured as a function of MLG loading. The piezoresistive response of the MLG-PDMS foam-based sensor at different strain rates is assessed through quasi-static pressure tests. The results of the experimental investigations demonstrated that sensor loaded with 0.96 wt.% of MLGs is characterized by a highly repeatable pressure-dependent conductance after a few stabilization cycles and it is suitable for detecting compressive stresses as low as 10 kPa, with a sensitivity of 0.23 kPa−1, corresponding to an applied pressure of 70 kPa. Moreover, it is estimated that the sensor is able to detect pressure variations of ~1 Pa. Therefore, the new graphene-PDMS composite foam is a lightweight cost-effective material, suitable for sensing applications in the subtle or low and medium pressure ranges

    Theory of thermoelectricity in Mg3_3Sb2_2 with an energy- and temperature-dependent relaxation time

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    We study the electronic transport coefficients and the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT in nn-doped Mg3_3Sb2_2 based on density-functional electronic structure and Bloch-Boltzmann transport theory with an energy- and temperature-dependent relaxation time. Both the lattice and electronic thermal conductivities affect the final ZT significantly, hence we include the lattice thermal conductivity calculated ab initio. Where applicable, our results are in good agreement with existing experiments, thanks to the treatment of lattice thermal conductivity and the improved description of electronic scattering. ZT increases monotonically in our T range (300 to 700 K), reaching a value of 1.6 at 700 K; it peaks as a function of doping at about 3×\times1019^{19} cm−3^{-3}. At this doping, ZT>>1 for T>>500 K.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, further expanded, now accepte

    ICT, risorsa per la Pubblica Amministrazione

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    Le tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione, ovvero le tecnologie ICT, hanno avuto un enorme impatto sulle modalità di lavoro e di coordinamento di individui, gruppi, organizzazioni, siano esse pubbliche che private. Con lo sviluppo dei computer, di Internet, e delle reti, le tecnologie ICT hanno aperto ampi spazi di innovazione delle attività produttive che riguardano la creazione di nuovi prodotti e servizi, nuovi modelli di business, e nuove modalità organizzative. Anche nel settore della pubblica amministrazione l’utilizzo delle tecnologie ICT ha aperto nuovi scenari organizzativi e di servizio, abilitando forme di interazione con i cittadini, imprese, e altre pubbliche amministrazioni che vanno sotto i nomi di citizen to government (C2G), business to government (B2G), e government to government (G2G), volte a migliorare l’efficacia, l’universalità, e la trasparenza dell’azione della pubblica amministrazione. L’applicazione dell’ICT nei contesti organizzativi, siano essi pubblici che privati, promette di ottenere benefici dal punto di vista del coordinamento, della gestione dei processi, dei costi, delle opportunità di business, e del vantaggio competitivo. Il conseguimento di questi vantaggi non è ne’ automatico, ne’ scontato. A lungo si è discusso sull’effettivo contributo che l’ICT poteva apportare alle organizzazioni, arrivando anche a mettere completamente in discussione l’eventuale importanza delle stesse tecnologie, viste a volte come semplici commodity. Nella pubblica amministrazione, inoltre, l’ICT è soggetta a condizioni di contesto differenti rispetto al settore privato, e l’effettiva possibilità di ottenere i benefici previsti deve necessariamente raffrontarsi con le finalità di pubblico servizio che pongono nuove sfide ma promettono anche nuove opportunità. Considerandone però l’importanza e la rilevanza per una migliore efficacia dell’azione della pubblica amministrazione, sia il governo Italiano che l’Unione Europea hanno da tempo agito sul lato delle policy per migliorare la diffusione delle risorse ICT. Per una valutazione sull’attività della pubblica amministrazione è utile riflettere sull’impatto che le ICT hanno sulle organizzazioni
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