7 research outputs found

    Assetti e scenari territoriali connessi all'attivazione dei parchi naturali in Italia, con particolare riferimento agli aspetti sociali ed economici

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    Research on sustainable models of economic development continues to fuel the historical debate on the relationship between human beings and nature. Politics is the most appropriate context where large scale economic intervention is planned. This article deals with the governance of the environment on three territorial dimensions: international, E.U.-based, and national. It takes into consideration one the most characterizing aspects of environmental protection policies, i.e. the management of conservation areas and nature reserves. By chronicling the development of measures of environmental protection, the objectives, tools and actors of the policies in this field are analyzed. In particular, the study examines the socio-economic aspects linked to the establishment and management of Italian conservation areas and National Parks as instruments for enhancing the Italian natural heritage

    Vocación turística dos itinerarios relixiosos e perspectivas de desenvolvemento territorial: o Camiño de Santu Jacu en Sardeña (Italia)

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    Desde hace años asistimos al descubrimiento de itinerarios culturales y religiosos, considerados instrumentos capaces de favorecer el desarrollo local sostenible. Su valor es principalmente turístico, y en Italia existen numerosas iniciativas. El presente trabajo se centra en las efectuadas por la Región de Cerdeña para la estructuración de productos e itinerarios orientados al mercado del turismo religioso. A partir del análisis de la literatura científica, se subraya la potencialidad turística de las rutas religiosas, prestando especial atención al Camino de Santu Jacu, que atraviesa toda la región. El método y los instrumentos deinvestigación son los de la geografía económica, que contempla el recurso a indicadores estadísticos y a los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Mediante las elaboraciones realizadas, el trabajo destaca cómo los caminos religiosos pueden contribuir a aumentar la competitividad regional si reciben apoyo y promoción a partir de acciones específicas y políticas de desarrollo local.For some years we have been witnessing the rediscovery of cultural and religious itineraries, considered tools capable of promoting sustainable local development. Their value is mainly touristic and there are numerous initiatives in Italy aimed at the religious and slow tourism market. Starting from the analysis of scientific literature, the contribution highlights the tourist potential of religious routes with a focus on the Santu Jacu Way, which crosses the entire island. The method and tools are those of economic geography, which contemplate the use of statistical indicators and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Through the elaborations carried out, the paper highlights how religious paths can contribute to increasing regional competitiveness if supported and promoted within specific local development actions and policies. Desde hai anos asistimos ao descubrimento de itinerarios culturais e relixiosos, considerados instrumentos capaces de favorecer o desenvolvemento local sustentable. O seu valor é principalmente turístico, e en Italia existen numerosas iniciativas. O presente traballo céntrase nas efectuadas pola Rexión de Sardeña para a estruturación de produtos e itinerarios orientados ao mercado do turismo relixioso. A partir da análise da literatura científica, sublíñase a potencialidade turística das rutas relixiosas, prestándolle especial atención ao Camiño de Santu Jacu, que atravesa toda a rexión. O método e os instrumentos deinvestigación son os da xeografía económica, que contempla o recurso a indicadores estatísticos e aos Sistemas de Información Xeográfica (SIX). Mediante as elaboracións realizadas, o traballo destaca como os camiños relixiosos poden contribuír a aumentar a competitividade rexional se reciben apoio e promoción a partir de accións específicas e políticas de desenvolvemento local.&nbsp

    Vocación turística dos itinerarios relixiosos e perspectivas de desenvolvemento territorial: o Camiño de Santu Jacu en Sardeña (Italia)

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    For some years we have been witnessing the rediscovery of cultural and religious itineraries, considered tools capable of promoting sustainable local development. Their value is mainly touristic and there are numerous initiatives in Italy aimed at the religious and slow tourism market. Starting from the analysis of scientific literature, the contribution highlights the tourist potential of religious routes with a focus on the Santu Jacu Way, which crosses the entire island. The method and tools are those of economic geography, which contemplate the use of statistical indicators and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Through the elaborations carried out, the paper highlights how religious paths can contribute to increasing regional competitiveness if supported and promoted within specific local development actions and policies.esde hai anos asistimos ao descubrimento de itinerarios culturais e relixiosos, considerados instrumentos capaces de favorecer o desenvolvemento local sustentable. O seu valor é principalmente turístico, e en Italia existen numerosas iniciativas. O presente traballo céntrase nas efectuadas pola Rexión de Sardeña para a estruturación de produtos e itinerarios orientados ao mercado do turismo relixioso. A partir da análise da literatura científica, sublíñase a potencialidade turística das rutas relixiosas, prestándolle especial atención ao Camiño de Santu Jacu, que atravesa toda a rexión. O método e os instrumentos de investigación son os da xeografía económica, que contempla o recurso a indicadores estatísticos e aos Sistemas de Información Xeográfica (SIX). Mediante as elaboracións realizadas, o traballo destaca como os camiños relixiosos poden contribuír a aumentar a competitividade rexional se reciben apoio e promoción a partir de accións específicas e políticas de desenvolvemento local

    In the Digital Era, Is Community Outrage a Feasible Proxy Indicator of Emotional Epidemiology? The Case of Meningococcal Disease in Sardinia, Italy

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    The aims of this study were (i) to evaluate the relationship between official data on invasive meningococcal disease cases in Sardinia and the reporting of the cases by a regional online newspaper and (ii) to identify indicators useful for understanding the community outrage related to health events. Cases of meningococcal disease, selected from articles published between 1999 and 2016 on a regional newspaper database, were compared to those reported to the Infectious Disease Information Service. In order to evaluate the equality of the two distribution records, the Kolgomorov Smirnov test for two samples was applied. A community outrage indicator was obtained by calculating the number of published articles for each case of meningococcal disease identified. The outrage indicator was evaluated in comparison with other phenomena: drinking water supply limitation and domestic accidents. Overall, 2724 articles on meningitis/sepsis referring to 89 cases related to meningococcal disease were considered. Significant differences between the distribution of cases officially reported and those found in the newspaper (combined K-S = 0.39; p = 0.08) were not observed. The meningococcal disease outrage indicator showed an average of seven items per case. Comparing the meningococcal disease outrage indicator with those regarding the limitation of drinking water supplies and domestic accidents, a different risk perception by the reference media was found, with the highest outrage for meningococcal disease. The present study supports the role played by emotional factors as behavioral determinants in emerging threats to public health. The analysis of the data allowed us to highlight that the proposed outrage indicator could be a feasible proxy of emotional epidemiology. Finally, data confirm that meningitis is perceived as a highly outrageous health threat

    Utopie della terra. Messianismo, Sionismo e Israele

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    Il convegno Utopie della terra. Messianismo, Sionismo e Israele, tenutosi a Roma il 7 novembre 2013, ha inteso riunire più voci in una sinfonia, sicuramente schönberghiana, per rilevare come l’elemento utopico del messianismo sia enormemente fecondo nel pensiero e nella storia, e per contribuire a un’analisi serena del Sionismo che tenga conto di tutte le sue sfumature