491 research outputs found

    Infecção neonatal por Streptococcus do grupo B no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Group B Streptococcus is the most common pathogen found in neonatal sepsis in North America. OBJECTIVES: We describe 15 cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae) at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a public and teaching hospital. METHODS: We conducted a study at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, from January 1st, 1996 to June 30, 1999. Diagnosis of neonatal infection was established according to the findings of Group B Streptococcus in blood culture associated with alterations resembling sepsis on the basis of clinical picture and laboratory findings. RESULTS: Fifteen cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus were detected. Eleven cases consisted of early-onset sepsis, 2 cases of occult bacteremia and 2 cases of late-onset sepsis. Eight cases had septic shock (53%), 8 cases had pneumonia (53%), and 4 cases had meningitis (27%). Fourteen cases were diagnosed from a positive blood culture, and 1 case from evidence of these bacteria in pulmonary anatomopathological examination. Thirteen cases (87%) were diagnosed before 72 hours of life. We had 3 deaths (20%), and 3 cases of meningitis developing neurological deficits. CONCLUSIONS: Streptococcus Group B is one of the most important pathogens in the etiology of early-onset neonatal sepsis at our hospital, with high mortality and morbidity. However, we do not know the incidence of GBS neonatal infections at other hospitals. More data are needed to establish a basis for trials of different strategies to reduce these infections.FUNDAMENTOS: Streptococcus do grupo B é o principal agente etiológico responsável pela sepse neonatal na América do Norte. OBJETIVOS: Relatar 15 casos de infecção neonatal por Streptococcus do grupo B (Streptococus agalactiae) ocorridos na Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo Neonatal de um hospital público e universitário. MÉTODO: O estudo foi realizado no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre no período de 1º de janeiro de 1996 a 30 de junho de 1999. O diagnóstico de infecção neonatal foi feito a partir do isolamento e identificação de Streptococcus do grupo B em hemocultura combinado com alterações clínicas e laboratoriais sugestivas de sepse. RESULTADOS: Foram detectados quinze casos de infecção neonatal por Streptococcus do grupo B, sendo onze casos de sepse de origem precoce, dois casos de bacteremia oculta e dois casos de sepse de origem tardia. Oito casos tiveram choque séptico (53%), oito casos com pneumonia (53%) e quatro casos com meningite (27%). Quatorze casos foram diagnosticados a partir da hemocultura e um caso através da presença desta bactéria no exame anátomo-patológico do pulmão. Treze casos (87%) foram diagnosticados antes de três dias de vida. Ocorreram três óbitos (20%) e três pacientes com meningite ficaram com seqüelas neurológicas. CONCLUSÃO: O Streptococcus do Grupo B é uma das bactérias mais importantes na etiologia da sepse neonatal de início precoce em nosso hospital com elevada mortalidade e também com elevada morbidade. Entretanto, não se conhece sua incidência em outros hospitais. São necesssários outros estudos para determinar seu papel na sepse neonatal e assim estabelecer diferentes estratégias para sua redução

    Thermodynamic Study for Conformal Phase in Large Nf Gauge Theory

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    We investigate the chiral phase transition at finite temperature (T) in colour SU(3) Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) with six species of fermions (Nf = 6) in the fundamental representation. The simulations have been performed by using lattice QCD with improved staggered fermions. The critical couplings (bc) for the chiral phase transition are observed for several temporal extensions Nt, and the two-loop asymptotic scaling of the dimensionless ratio Tc/Lambda_L (Lambda_L = Lattice Lambda-parameter) is found to be achieved for Nt >= 6. Further, we collect bc at Nf = 0 (quenched), and Nf = 4 at a fixed Nt = 6 as well as Nf = 8 at Nt = 6 and 12, the latter relying on our earlier study. The results are consistent with enhanced fermionic screening at larger Nf. The ratio Tc/Lambda_L depends very mildly on Nf in the Nf = 0-4 region, begins increasing at Nf = 6, and significantly grows up at Nf = 8, as Nf reaches to the edge of the conformal window. We discuss the interrelation of the results with preconformal dynamics in the light of a functional renormalization group analysis.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Talk presented at the XXIX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2011), July 10-16, 2011, Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe, Californi

    Approaching Conformality

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    We investigate the preconformal region of the phase diagram of SU(3) theories with fundamental flavors. We have simulated SU(3) theories with six and eight fundamental flavors at volumes 32^3 x 64. We use the generated configurations to measure the string tension \sigma and the w0 scale setting quantity extracted from the gradient flow. We show preliminary results on the ratios Tc/\sqrt{\sigma} and Tc w0. We compare them to the behavior obtained at smaller Nf and discuss the implications of our results.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2014), 23-28 June 2014, Columbia University, New York, NY, US

    The Fading of the Mpox Outbreak Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Mathematical Modelling Study

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    BACKGROUND: In the Netherlands, the number of mpox cases started declining before mpox vaccination was initiated. Most cases were men who have sex with men (MSM). We investigated whether the decline in mpox could be attributed to infection-induced immunity or behavioural adaptations. METHODS: We developed a transmission model and accounted for possible behavioural adaptations: less casual partners and shorter time until MSM with mpox refrain from sexual contacts. RESULTS: Without behavioural adaptations, the peak in modelled cases matched observations, but the decline was less steep than observed. With behavioural adaptations in the model, we found a decline of 16-18% in numbers of casual partners in June and 13-22% in July 2022. Model results showed a halving of the time before refraining from sex. When mpox vaccination started, 57% of MSM with very high sexual activity in the model had been infected. Model scenarios revealed that the outbreak could have waned by November 2022 even without vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: The limited duration of the mpox outbreak in the Netherlands can be ascribed primarily to infection-induced immunity among MSM with high sexual activity levels. The decline was accelerated by behavioural adaptations. Immunity among those most sexually active is essential to impede mpox resurgence

    Uporaba sojeva kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae u proizvodnji voćnih vina od pulpe kakaa i tekućine izdvojene iz pulpe kakaovog zrna

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    Research background. Cocoa honey and cocoa pulp are both highly appreciated fruit pulp, but until now, cocoa honey has been less processed than cocoa pulp. In this work, we investigate the applicability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains to ferment cocoa honey complemented with cocoa pulp to obtain fruit wines and improve cocoa honey commercialization. Experimental approach. The strain, previously isolated from cachaçaria distilleries in Brazil, was selected based on its fermentation performance. The following conditions for fermentation with S. cerevisiae L63 were then studied: volume fraction of cocoa honey (φCH) complemented with cocoa pulp, sucrose addition (γsuc), temperature (t) and inoculum size (No). The best conditions were applied in order to obtain fermentation profiles. Results and conclusions. S. cerevisiae L63 (No=107–108 cell/mL) is capable of fermenting φCH=90 and 80% for 24 or 48 h with γsuc=50 and 100 g/L at t=28–30 °C resulting in wines with ethanol volume fractions from 8 to 14%. Additionally, the wine produced from φCH=90% had lower residual sugar concentration (<35 g/L) than the wine produced from φCH=80% (~79 g/L) which could be classified as a sweet wine. In general, S. cerevisiae L63 resulted in a similar fermentation performance as a commercial strain tested, indicating its potential for fruit pulp fermentation. Novelty and scientific contribution. Saccharomyces cerevisiae L63 can ferment cocoa honey complemented with cocoa pulp to produce fruit wines with good commercial potential, which may also benefit small cocoa producers by presenting a product with greater added value.Pozadina istraživanja. Tekućina izdvojena iz pulpe kakaovog zrna i pulpa kakaa vrlo su cijenjeni tipovi voćnih proizvoda; međutim, tekućina iz kakaovog zrna se znatno manje koristi od pulpe kakaa. U ovom je radu ispitana mogućnost primjene sojeva kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae u fermentaciji pulpe kakaa obogaćene kakaovom tekućinom radi dobivanja voćnih vina te poboljšanja komercijalnog iskorištenja tekućine izdvojene iz kakaova zrna. Eksperimentalni pristup. Soj kvasca S. cerevisiae L63, prethodno izoliran iz brazilskih distilerija, odabran je zbog svojih fermentacijskih značajki. Ispitani su sljedeći uvjeti fermentacije: volumni udjel tekućine izdvojene iz kakaove pulpe s dodatkom kakaove pulpe (φCH), dodatak šećera (γsuc), temperatura (t) i udjel inokuluma (No). Primjenom optimalnih uvjeta dobiveni su fermentacijski profili. Rezultati i zaključci. Fermentacijom kvasca S. cerevisiae L63 (No=107–108 stanica/mL) tijekom 24 ili 48 h uz dodatak pulpe φCH=90 i 80 % i šećera γsuc=50 i 100 g/L pri t=28–30 °C dobivena su vina s volumnim udjelom etanola od 8 do 14 %. Osim toga, vino dobiveno fermentacijom pulpe s φCH=90 % imalo je manju koncentraciju preostalog šećera (<35 g/L) od vina dobivenog fermentacijom pulpe s φCH=80 % (~79 g/L), što ga svrstava u kategoriju slatkih vina. Općenito, fermentacijske značajke kvasca S. cerevisiae L63 bile su slične onima komercijalnog soja, zbog čega je zaključeno da je prikladan za fermentaciju voćne pulpe. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Zaključeno je da se kvasac S. cerevisiae L63 može primijeniti u fermentaciji tekućine izdvojene iz pulpe kakaovog zrna s dodatkom pulpe kakaa za proizvodnju voćnih vina s dobrim tržišnim potencijalom. Ovaj novi proizvod s dodanom vrijednošću može biti od koristi malim proizvođačima kakaa

    Remuneração docente: efeitos da luta sindical na implantação do piso salarial nacional profissional

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    O trabalho apresenta a remuneração docente da rede estadual de ensino do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul no contexto de implantação da Lei n. 11.738/2008. A lei entrou em vigor no estado somente em 2011. Trabalhou-se com a legislação de âmbitos federal e estadual, documentos da esfera do estado, do movimento sindical docente e da imprensa local. O grau de organização do movimento sindical docente e suas ações para a implantação do Piso Salarial Profissional Nacional (PSPN) e demais direitos docentes instituídos pela Lei n. 11.738/2008 foram efeitos positivos para a composição remuneratória docente no período analisado. Destaca-se que a equivalência remuneratória com os demais profissionais, bem como a jornada de trabalho docente, uma das metas do Plano Estadual de Educação, em alinhamento com o Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024, apartir de 2016, foi atingida pelos docentes da rede estadual de ensino de Mato Grosso do Sul. Ainda assim, tanto o PSPN quanto a jornada de trabalho de 1/3 sem a presença de educandos estão se dando de forma escalonada até2021. Aconjuntura de restrição de gastos públicos, iniciada em 2017, coloca novos desafios ao movimento sindical docente, cujos efeitos podem retardar ainda mais os direitos instituídos pela Lei n. 11.738/2008.Palavras chave: Política educacional. Movimento sindical docente. Piso Salarial Nacional Profissional. Teachers’ pay: the effects of the union’s efforts towards the implementation of the national professional minimum wageABSTRACTThe paper discusses the remuneration of state schoolteachers in Mato Grosso do Sul, within the context of the implementation of Law No. 11.738/2008. The law has been effective in the state since 2011. The study included federal and state legislation, as well as documents related to the state, the teachers’ Union and the local press. The organization of the teachers’ Union and its actions to implement the National Professional Minimum Wage (PSPN) and other teachers’ rights established by Law n. 11.738/2008 were positive effects for the composition of the teachers’ remuneration during the period under analysis. The equity with other professionals, regarding teachers’ pay and daily working hours, which was one of the targets of the State Plan of Education, in alignment with the National Plan of Education 2014-2024, was achieved by the state schoolteachers in Mato Grosso do Sul in 2016. Still, both the PSPN and the teachers’ daily working hours of 1/3 without the presence of the students will be gradually implemented until 2021. The situation of public expenditure constraints, started in 2017, poses further challenges to the teachers’ Union. Their effects will probably postpone the rights established by law No. 11.738/2008 a little longer.Keywords: Education policy. Teachers’ Union. National Professional Minimum Wage.Remuneración docente: efectos de la lucha sindical en la implantación de la base salarial nacional profesionalRESUMENEl trabajo presenta la remuneración docente de la red estadual de enseñanza del estado de Mato Grosso do Sul en el contexto de implementación de la Ley 11.738/2008. La ley otorgará en el estado solamente en 2011. Se trabajó con la legislación de ámbitos federal y estadual, documentos de la esfera del estado, del movimiento sindical docente y de la prensa local. El grado de organización del movimiento sindical docente y sus acciones para la implementación de la Base Salarial Nacional (PSPN) y otros derechos docentes establecidos por la Ley 11.738/2008 tuvieron efectos positivos para la composición salarial docente en el período analizado. Se señala que la equivalencia salarial con otras profesiones, así como la jornada laboral docente, una de las metas del Plan Estadual de Educación, en concomitancia con el Plan Nacional de Educación 2014-2024, a partir del 2016, fue alcanzado por los docentes de la red estadual de enseñanza de Mato Grosso do Sul. Aún así, tanto el PSPN como la jornada laboral de 1/3 sin la presencia de educandos se están dando de forma escalonada hasta 2021. La conjuntura de restricción de gastos públicos, iniciada en 2017, coloca nuevos desafíos al movimiento sindical docente, cuyos efectos pueden retardar aún los derechos establecidos por la Ley 11.738/2008.Palabras clave: Política educativa. Movimiento Sindical Docente. Piso Salarial Profesional Nacional

    Síndrome de Williams: proposta de sistema de pontuação para diagnóstico clínico

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop a scoring system based on clinical findings to assist pediatricians in the diagnosis of William syndrome and to delineate when the fluorescent in-situ hybridization test to detect the microdeletion at 7q11.23 may be needed. METHODS: The fluorescent in-situ hybridization test was performed on 20 patients presenting William syndrome suggestive clinical features. Eleven studies were selected from the literature in which there were 2 groups: patients with positive or negative fluorescent in-situ hybridization tests. Forty-two clinical characteristics were compared to those reported in the literature to determine which ones were associated with the affected patients (ie, bearing deletions) using meta-analysis. The 2-tailed Fisher exact test were used so that the frequency of findings observed in fluorescent in-situ hybridization positive and fluorescent in-situ hybridization negative patients could be compared in the present study together with the patients from the literature. We developed a scoring system based on clinical findings and their significant associations with patients with positive fluorescent in-situ hybridization tests. From themean and standard-deviation values of the data from our patients, we determined the cut-off score that that indicated the need for a fluorescent in-situ hybridization test to confirm diagnosis. RESULTS: Seventeen patients were fluorescent in-situ hybridization positive, and 3 were fluorescent in-situ hybridization negative. The more discriminative findings among fluorescent in-situ hybridization positive patients were the following: typical facies, low birth weight, feeding difficulties, constipation, supravalvar aortic stenosis, mental retardation, and friendly personality. The distribution of the points among the 20 patients ranged from 19 to 28 points with a mean value of 23.3 out of a possible total of 31 points. The cut-off score that indicated the need for a fluorescent in-situ hybridization test was 20. CONCLUSIONS: Our scoring system enables physicians to differentiate between those individuals who can be reliably diagnosed as having Williams syndrome solely from the clinical findings and those who need to undergo fluorescent in-situ hybridization testing for a correct diagnosis.OBJETIVOS: Desenvolver um sistema de pontuação (Score) baseado nos achados clínicos para auxiliar os pediatras no diagnóstico clínico da Síndrome de Williams-Beuren e na indicação do teste de hibridização in situ por fluorescência para detectar a microdeleção em 7q11.23. MÉTODOS: O teste de hibridização in situ por fluorescência foi feito em 20 acometidos pela Síndrome de Williams-Beuren, nos quais 42 achados clínicos foram estudados. Para estabelecer quais desses achados estariam associados ao teste de hibridização in situ por fluorescência positivo, realizou-se uma metanálise com 11 trabalhos da literatura em que havia dois grupos, hibridização in situ por fluorescência positivo e negativo. As freqüências dos achados presentes nos indivíduos fluorescência positivo e fluorescência negativo neste estudo foram comparadas em conjunto com os pacientes da literatura através do teste exato de Fisher. Elaboramos um sistema de pontuação (score) baseado nos achados que mostraram correlação significante (

    Different visions about city

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    A paisagem urbana sempre exerceu um fascínio sobre os homens. Ela tem sido, ao mesmo tempo, sonho e pesadelo de um tempo. Em diferentes momentos, a paisagem urbana tem sido abordada de modo a expressar as singularidades de seu tempo. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo é trazer uma discussão sobre as diferentes visões da cidade propostas por acadêmicos, cineastas e romancistas. Desde a visão romantizada das cidades da Idade Média, de Ítalo Calvino, até as “cidades virtuais” de Pierre Lévy, destaca-se o longo percurso da chamada “aventura da modernidade”.The urban landscape has always applied fascination over the human society. It has been, at the same time, dream and nightmare of a time. In different moments, the urban landscape has been dealt expressing its singularities of its time. In this sense, the aim of this paper is to make a discussion about the different visions of a city that are proposed by academics, movie director and novelists. Since the romantic vision of middle age cities, of Italo Calvino, through the “virtual cities” of Pierre Lévy, it has been pointed out the long path of a called “modernity adventure”