250 research outputs found
Measuring glucose content in the aqueous humor
Many diabetics must measure their blood glucose levels regularly to maintain good health. In principle, one way of measuring the glucose concentration in the human body would be by measuring optically the glucose content of the aqueous humor in the eye. Lein Applied Diagnostics wish to assess whether this is feasible by a linear confocal scan with an LED source, or by supplementing such a system with other measurements
Sudden, local temperature increase above the continental slope in the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Around most of Antarctica, the Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) shows a warming trend. At the same time, the thermocline is shoaling, thereby increasing the potential for CDW to enter the shallow continental shelves and ultimately increase basal melt in the ice shelf cavities that line the coast. Similar trends, on the order of 0.05 ∘C and 3 m per decade, have been observed in the Warm Deep Water (WDW), the slightly cooled CDW derivative found at depth in the Weddell Sea. Here, we report on a sudden, local increase in the temperature maximum of the WDW above the continental slope north of the Filchner Trough (74∘ S, 25–40∘ W), a region identified as a hotspot for both Antarctic Bottom Water formation (AABW) and potential changes in the flow of WDW towards the large Filchner–Ronne Ice Shelf.
New conductivity–temperature–depth profiles, obtained in summer 2021, and recent (2017–2021) mooring records show that the temperature of the warm-water core increased by about 0.1 ∘C over the upper part of the slope (700–2750 m depth) compared with historical (1973–2018) measurements. The temperature increase occurred relatively suddenly in late 2019 and was accompanied by an unprecedented (in observations) freshening of the overlying winter water. The AABW descending down the continental slope from Filchner Trough is sourced by dense ice shelf water and consists to a large degree (60 %) of entrained WDW. The observed temperature increase can hence be expected to imprint directly on deep-water properties, increasing the temperature of newly produced bottom water (by up to 0.06 ∘C) and reducing its density.publishedVersio
Are entrepreneurship, communities, and social transformation related?
This article explores new forms of organizing (and organization creation) in relation to entrepreneurship and social transformation. In particular, in the dialogue that follows in this issue, we initiate a discussion regarding the ways through which social transformation is or can be related to community action and public and/or social entrepreneurship. By focusing on socioeconomic environments in flux, we suggest that emerging alternative initiatives are not simply oppositional, resistance forces, but new organizing assemblages that co-constitute new social realities that urgently need to be actualized. We conclude the article with a number of theoretical propositions, which as we suggest, instigate the study of embedded and socially transformative organizing
Hydrography, circulation, and response to atmospheric forcing in the vicinity of the central Getz Ice Shelf, Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea are thinning rapidly as ocean currents bring warm water into the cavities beneath the floating ice. Although the reported melt rates for the Getz Ice Shelf are comparatively low for the region, its size makes it one of the largest freshwater sources around Antarctica, with potential consequences for, bottom water formation downstream, for example. Here, we use a 2-year-long novel mooring record (2016–2018) and 16-year-long regional model simulations to describe, for the first time, the hydrography and circulation in the vicinity of the ice front between Siple and Carney Island. We find that, throughout the mooring record, temperatures in the trough remain below 0.15 ∘C, more than 1 ∘C lower than in the neighboring Siple and Dotson Trough, and we observe a mean current (0.03 m s−1) directed toward the ice shelf front. The variability in the heat transport toward the ice shelf appears to be governed by nonlocal ocean surface stress over the Amundsen Sea Polynya region, and northward to the continental shelf break, where strengthened westward ocean surface stress leads to increased southward flow at the mooring site. The model simulations suggest that the heat content in the trough during the observed period was lower than normal, possibly owing to anomalously low summertime sea ice concentration and weak winds.publishedVersio
Teknologiforståelse som dannelsesaspekt i Lærerens Grundfaglighed : Et møde mellem digitale teknologier og dannelsesteori i undervisningen
ResuméMed samfundets pågående digitalisering som et tidstypisk nøgleproblem bliver de digitale teknologier et centralt anliggende for skolen og dermed for læreruddannelsens dannelsesopgave. Denne artikel præsenterer, undersøger og diskuterer et forsøg, hvor teknologiforståelse afprøves som nyt dannelsesfelt i den alment dannende undervisning i faget Lærerens Grundfaglighed, og hvor det er de lærerstuderende og deres dannelse i forhold til digitale teknologier, der er i fokus. I artiklen præsenteres eksempler på de studerendes møde med teknologiens umiddelbare egenskaber, gennem et brugerinterface og deres møde med de bagvedliggende strukturer i form af et programmeringsinterface. Artiklen belyser alment dannende elementer af teknologiforståelse i en læreruddannelseskontekst og diskuterer teknologiforståelse som potentiel bro mellem dannelsesteori og praksis.
Abstract (UK)This paper takes as its premise that society’s ongoing digitalisation can be viewed as what German educational philosopher Wolfgang Klafki termed an epochal key problem. Therefore, digital technologies are a central issue for the school and thus for teacher education. In the paper, we present, examine, and discuss an experiment, in which technology comprehension was tested as a new aspect of general pedagogy with a focus on students’ competences as well as their own, general education (bildung) in relation to digital technologies. The paper presents examples of students’ encounters with immediate properties of technology through a user interface as well as subsequent encounters with program structures in a programming interface. The paper presents aspects of bildung within technology comprehension in teacher education and discusses elements of technology comprehension as a potential bridge between general pedagogy and practice
A variable probe pitch micro-Hall effect method
Hall effect metrology is important for a detailed characterization of the electronic properties of new materials for nanoscale electronics. The micro-Hall effect (MHE) method, based on micro four-point probes, enables a fast characterization of ultrathin films with minimal sample preparation. Here, we study in detail how the analysis of raw measurement data affects the accuracy of extracted key sample parameters, i.e., how the standard deviation on sheet resistance, carrier mobility and Hall sheet carrier density is affected by the data analysis used. We compare two methods, based primarily on either the sheet resistance signals or the Hall resistance signals, by theoretically analysing the effects of electrode position errors and electrical noise on the standard deviations. We verify the findings with a set of experimental data measured on an ultrashallow junction silicon sample. We find that in presence of significant electrical noise, lower standard deviation is always obtained when the geometrical analysis is based on the sheet resistance signals. The situation is more complicated when electrode position errors are dominant; in that case, the better method depends on the experimental conditions, i.e., the distance between the insulating boundary and the electrodes. Improvement to the accuracy of Hall Effect measurement results is crucial for nanoscale metrology, since surface scattering often leads to low carrier mobility
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