21 research outputs found

    Improving Reading and Writing Literacy in I Cycle of Primary Education in Montenegro

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    The aim of this research is to examine didactic/pedagogical issues and teaching/learning strategies by determining the characteristics of pre-literary skills in the I grade, reading skills in the II grade and reading and writing skills in the III grade, as well as to which difficulties teachers are encountered in the literacy process itself. We observed primary public school pupils - 136 in I and 136 in II grades and 400 in III grades from Podgorica, Mojkovac, Budva and NikÅ”ić. The number of examined teachers from the same schools is 83. It was noticed that a significant number of I grade pupils did not have functional linking of symbols, has difficulties in understanding the words structures. Pupils in the II grade do not make a distinction in hand written and hand printed letters and have difficulties with punctuation. There are difficulties in general understanding and the simultaneous processing of information; the existence of elements of dyslexia and dysgraphia was observed. Among pupils in III grades there is uncertainty in writing, insufficient knowledge of fine graphomotorics, each 10th child has a difficulty in reading and understand what was read, around 13% has a difficulty in writing down what was read, and about 22% of them has a reduced skill to write a story based on the picture. The study findings show a need to redefine teaching goals, increase the number of hours for acquiring pre-school skills, teaching languages and teaching literature, propose more clearly the activities of adopting pre and general literacy skills, earlier learning of the Latin letters, to modernize teaching, and have a team approach

    Determining priorities for managing risk on construction projects

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    Polazi se od tvrdnje da se kvalitativni pristup određivanju popisa prvenstva u upravljanju rizicima primjenjuje kada nije na raspolaganju odgovarajuća baza podataka ili nema dovoljno pokazatelja za izračunavanje. Prikazane su najčeŔće rabljene tehnike za kvalitativnu analizu rizika. Usporedbom triju tehnika pokazano je da je Analitički hijerarhijski pristup (AHP) najpotpunija i najprilagodljivija tehnika za kvalitativni pristup upravljanju rizicima u građevinskim projektima.The paper starts with assertion that a quality-based approach should be applied to determine priority list for risk management in cases when an appropriate data base is not available, or when calculation parameters are not sufficient. Techniques most often used in the qualitative analysis of risk are presented. After comparison of three techniques, it has been established that the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is the most complete and the most flexible technique for ensuring a qualitative approach to risk management on construction projects

    Managing the cost, time and quality of works on construction projects

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    U radu su prikazane upravljačke tehnike ujedinjenjem triju osnovnih pokazatelja svakog građevinskog projekta - troÅ”kova, vremena i kvalitete. Prikupljene su 4 baze podataka (vodovod, kanalizacija, odvodnja i nasipi) [1, 2], a upravljanje projektima objaÅ”njeno je na primjeru projekata za zaÅ”titne nasipe. Matematički model je izrađen na temelju povijesne baze podataka kako bi se izračunala zavisna varijabla postotka premaÅ”enja ugovorenih iznosa troÅ”kovno značajnih aktivnosti.Management techniques based on unification of three basic indicators of every construction project - costs, time and quality - are presented. Four data bases have been collected (water supply, sewerage, drainage and embankments) [1, 2], and the project management is explained and illustrated by several real-life embankment protection examples. The mathematical model, derived from the historical data base, is used to calculate the dependent variable of the percentage by which the contract price of economically significant activities is exceeded

    Influence of medium and microstructure on corrosion behavior of gray cast iron

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    U ovom radu ispitana je korozijska otpornost sivog lijeva u mediju umjetne kiÅ”e i mediju 0,5 M H2SO4 te utjecaj mikostrukture na njegovo korozijsko ponaÅ”anje u navedenim medijima. Tafelovom ekstrapolacijom polarizacijskih krivulja je ustanovljeno da ispitani sivi lijev pokazuje izrazito veliku brzinu korozije u kiselom mediju za razliku od ispitivanja u mediju umjetne kiÅ”e, gdje brzina korozije poprima znatno manju vrijednost. Međutim, u usporedbi s rezultatima ranijih istraživanja dobivenim za nodularni lijev te su vrijednosti trostruko vede, Å”to upuduje na činjenicu da je nodularni lijev ipak korozijski otporniji u uvjetima atmosferske korozije te stoga i prihvatljiviji za izradu dijelova za poljoprivredne strojeve. Dobiveni rezultati su potvrđeni i metodom elektrokemijske impedancijske spektroskopije, pri čemu je u mediju umjetne kiÅ”e za sivi lijev registriran manji otpor prijenosu naboja od nodularnog lijeva. To ukazuje na činjenicu da se na sivom lijevu formirao tanji sloj, koji predstavlja slabu barijeru prema prodiranju agresivnih iona iz otopine. Dobiveno korozijsko ponaÅ”anje sivog lijeva u ispitanim medijima može se povezati i s njegovom mikrostrukturom. Naime agresivni ioni iz primijenjenih medija napadaju metalnu osnovu ispitanih materijala, dok grafit zadržava svoj prvobitni oblik. Pri usporedbi s nodularnim lijevom, nodule su se pokazale kao povoljniji oblik izlučenog grafita jer bolje prekrivaju povrÅ”inu uzorka i slijedom navedenog izoliraju uzorak u procesu elektrokemijske korozije.This paper investigated the corrosion resistance of gray cast iron in the medium of artificial rain and 0.5 M H2SO4 medium and the effect of microstructure on its corrosion behavior in the mentioned media. By Tafel's extrapolation of the polarization curves, it was found that the examined gray cast iron shows an extremely high corrosion rate in the acidic medium, as opposed to the artificial rain test, where the corrosion rate is much lower. However, compared with the results of earlier researches obtained for nodular cast iron these values are three times higher, indicating that the nodular cast iron is more corrosion-resistant to atmospheric corrosion and therefore more acceptable for the manufacture of parts for agricultural machines. The obtained results were confirmed by the method of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, where in the medium of artificial rain lower value of charge transfer resistance of gray cast iron was registered in opposite to nodular cast iron. These points to the fact that a thin layer formed on the gray cast iron, which represents a weak barrier to penetrating aggressive ions from the solution. The corrosion behavior of the gray cast iron in the tested media can also be related to its microstructure. Namely, aggressive ions from the applied media attack the metal matrix of the examined materials, while the graphite retains its original form. When compared to nodular cast iron, the nodules seems to be a more favorable form of precipitated graphite due to better sample surface covering and therefore the insulation in electrochemical corrosion process

    Influence of medium and microstructure on corrosion behavior of gray cast iron

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    U ovom radu ispitana je korozijska otpornost sivog lijeva u mediju umjetne kiÅ”e i mediju 0,5 M H2SO4 te utjecaj mikostrukture na njegovo korozijsko ponaÅ”anje u navedenim medijima. Tafelovom ekstrapolacijom polarizacijskih krivulja je ustanovljeno da ispitani sivi lijev pokazuje izrazito veliku brzinu korozije u kiselom mediju za razliku od ispitivanja u mediju umjetne kiÅ”e, gdje brzina korozije poprima znatno manju vrijednost. Međutim, u usporedbi s rezultatima ranijih istraživanja dobivenim za nodularni lijev te su vrijednosti trostruko vede, Å”to upuduje na činjenicu da je nodularni lijev ipak korozijski otporniji u uvjetima atmosferske korozije te stoga i prihvatljiviji za izradu dijelova za poljoprivredne strojeve. Dobiveni rezultati su potvrđeni i metodom elektrokemijske impedancijske spektroskopije, pri čemu je u mediju umjetne kiÅ”e za sivi lijev registriran manji otpor prijenosu naboja od nodularnog lijeva. To ukazuje na činjenicu da se na sivom lijevu formirao tanji sloj, koji predstavlja slabu barijeru prema prodiranju agresivnih iona iz otopine. Dobiveno korozijsko ponaÅ”anje sivog lijeva u ispitanim medijima može se povezati i s njegovom mikrostrukturom. Naime agresivni ioni iz primijenjenih medija napadaju metalnu osnovu ispitanih materijala, dok grafit zadržava svoj prvobitni oblik. Pri usporedbi s nodularnim lijevom, nodule su se pokazale kao povoljniji oblik izlučenog grafita jer bolje prekrivaju povrÅ”inu uzorka i slijedom navedenog izoliraju uzorak u procesu elektrokemijske korozije.This paper investigated the corrosion resistance of gray cast iron in the medium of artificial rain and 0.5 M H2SO4 medium and the effect of microstructure on its corrosion behavior in the mentioned media. By Tafel's extrapolation of the polarization curves, it was found that the examined gray cast iron shows an extremely high corrosion rate in the acidic medium, as opposed to the artificial rain test, where the corrosion rate is much lower. However, compared with the results of earlier researches obtained for nodular cast iron these values are three times higher, indicating that the nodular cast iron is more corrosion-resistant to atmospheric corrosion and therefore more acceptable for the manufacture of parts for agricultural machines. The obtained results were confirmed by the method of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, where in the medium of artificial rain lower value of charge transfer resistance of gray cast iron was registered in opposite to nodular cast iron. These points to the fact that a thin layer formed on the gray cast iron, which represents a weak barrier to penetrating aggressive ions from the solution. The corrosion behavior of the gray cast iron in the tested media can also be related to its microstructure. Namely, aggressive ions from the applied media attack the metal matrix of the examined materials, while the graphite retains its original form. When compared to nodular cast iron, the nodules seems to be a more favorable form of precipitated graphite due to better sample surface covering and therefore the insulation in electrochemical corrosion process

    The jury trial in Europe and Croatia and Slavonia 1848-1918

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    Devetnaesto stoljeće u Europi je obilježeno liberalnim pokretima, a među zahtjevima ističe se zahtjev za slobodom tiska. Također, jedan od zahtjeva je i onaj za uvođenjem porotnog suđenja budući da je izvrÅ”na vlast različitim kanalima imala utjecaj na suce, a jamstva sudačke neovisnosti nisu bila dovoljno zaÅ”tićena. Sloboda tiska je gotovo jedinu zaÅ”titu imala u porotnom suđenju, a porotno suđenje bilo je ograničeno na delikte učinjene u tisku. U ovom diplomskom radu se obrađuje razvoj porotne sudbenosti u Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji s osvrtom na europsko okruženje. Kroz razmatranje zakonodavnog okvira od 1848. do 1918. istražuje se položaj sudaca porotnika, uvjeti za obavljanje porotničke dužnosti, ograničenja sudačke neovisnosti, položaj tiska te politički i povijesni okvir. Tiskovni delikti su najčeŔće imali politička obilježja i porota je predstavljala simbol i sredstvo nepristranog i objektivnog odlučivanja u sporu. U Hrvatskoj se zahtjevi za slobodom tiska postavljaju 1848. godine. To je razdoblje slabe povezanosti gradova, malog broja pismenih ljudi, a politički tisak je bio najvažnije sredstvo djelovanja političkih stranaka prema glasačima. Zbog visoke jamčevine, novine su ovisile o uspjehu na tržiÅ”tu i financijskim sredstvima pojedinaca stoga bi loÅ”i rezultati dovodili do gaÅ”enja novina.The nineteenth century in Europe was marked by liberal movements, and one of the most prominent requests was the one pertaining to the freedom of press. One other request was the introduction of the jury system in trial, since the executive government influenced the judges through various channels, and the guarantees of judges` independence were not sufficiently ensured. Freedom of press was practically only protected through the jury system, which was limited to press-related torts. This graduation thesis analyses the development of jury system in Croatia and Slavonia with a review of the surrounding European environment. By observing the legal framework from 1848 to 1918, the paper examines the position of lay judges, requirements for the performance of jury duty, restrictions to judges` independence, position of the press, and political and historical background. Press-related torts were most frequently politically motivated, and the jury symbolised and represented the means for the impartial and objective adjudication in a dispute. In Croatia, the requests for the freedom of press were made in 1848. This is a period of poor connectedness of the cities, low number of literate people, and political press was the only way for the political parties to affect their voters. Due to a high bail, the newspapers depended on their market success and financial funding of individuals, hence any unfavourable result would lead to their cancellation

    The jury trial in Europe and Croatia and Slavonia 1848-1918

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    Devetnaesto stoljeće u Europi je obilježeno liberalnim pokretima, a među zahtjevima ističe se zahtjev za slobodom tiska. Također, jedan od zahtjeva je i onaj za uvođenjem porotnog suđenja budući da je izvrÅ”na vlast različitim kanalima imala utjecaj na suce, a jamstva sudačke neovisnosti nisu bila dovoljno zaÅ”tićena. Sloboda tiska je gotovo jedinu zaÅ”titu imala u porotnom suđenju, a porotno suđenje bilo je ograničeno na delikte učinjene u tisku. U ovom diplomskom radu se obrađuje razvoj porotne sudbenosti u Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji s osvrtom na europsko okruženje. Kroz razmatranje zakonodavnog okvira od 1848. do 1918. istražuje se položaj sudaca porotnika, uvjeti za obavljanje porotničke dužnosti, ograničenja sudačke neovisnosti, položaj tiska te politički i povijesni okvir. Tiskovni delikti su najčeŔće imali politička obilježja i porota je predstavljala simbol i sredstvo nepristranog i objektivnog odlučivanja u sporu. U Hrvatskoj se zahtjevi za slobodom tiska postavljaju 1848. godine. To je razdoblje slabe povezanosti gradova, malog broja pismenih ljudi, a politički tisak je bio najvažnije sredstvo djelovanja političkih stranaka prema glasačima. Zbog visoke jamčevine, novine su ovisile o uspjehu na tržiÅ”tu i financijskim sredstvima pojedinaca stoga bi loÅ”i rezultati dovodili do gaÅ”enja novina.The nineteenth century in Europe was marked by liberal movements, and one of the most prominent requests was the one pertaining to the freedom of press. One other request was the introduction of the jury system in trial, since the executive government influenced the judges through various channels, and the guarantees of judges` independence were not sufficiently ensured. Freedom of press was practically only protected through the jury system, which was limited to press-related torts. This graduation thesis analyses the development of jury system in Croatia and Slavonia with a review of the surrounding European environment. By observing the legal framework from 1848 to 1918, the paper examines the position of lay judges, requirements for the performance of jury duty, restrictions to judges` independence, position of the press, and political and historical background. Press-related torts were most frequently politically motivated, and the jury symbolised and represented the means for the impartial and objective adjudication in a dispute. In Croatia, the requests for the freedom of press were made in 1848. This is a period of poor connectedness of the cities, low number of literate people, and political press was the only way for the political parties to affect their voters. Due to a high bail, the newspapers depended on their market success and financial funding of individuals, hence any unfavourable result would lead to their cancellation

    Encourage creativity and innovativity in the business system

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    Razvoj poduzeća temelji se na razvoju novih proizvoda, pronalaženju novih tržiÅ”ta, skupina kupaca i primjeni novih tehnologija. Stvaranje nečeg novog ili primjena starog na novi način je kreativnost, koja se često spominje kao jedna od važnih karakteristika poduzetnika. Najvažnija konkurentska prednost svake moderne organizacije je njezina sposobnost inoviranja. Inovacije su u uskoj vezi sa kreativnoŔću. Stoga, samo poduzeća koja uspiju učinkovito primijeniti kreativnost i inovacije, mogu se dalje razvijati.The development of business is based on development of new products, finding new markets, groups of customers and application of new technologies. Creation of something new or application of something old in a new way is creativity, which is often mentioned as an important characteristic of a businessman. Basic competitive advantage of each company is his ability to innovate. Innovations are deeply related with creativity. Therefore, only companies who manage to apply creativity and innovations, are able to develop further