192 research outputs found

    PĂ©dagogie de prise en charge de la Fondation Domus

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    Ce travail de Bachelor traite de la pĂ©dagogie de prise en charge Ă©ducative de la Fondation Domus. Il met notamment en Ă©vidence l’interdĂ©pendance entre les besoins fondamentaux insatisfaits et les comportements socialement inacceptables des rĂ©sidents de ladite Fondation. Ce travail de recherche tente d’esquisser une rĂ©ponse Ă  la question «Comment les Ă©ducateurs sociaux travaillant Ă  la Fondation Domus organisent leur prise en charge Ă©ducative compte tenu de trois dĂ©terminants : les besoins des rĂ©sidents, le concept institutionnel et les comportements ponctuellement inadaptĂ©s ?». DiffĂ©rents moyens de recherche sont exploitĂ©s afin d’y rĂ©pondre. D’une part, par le biais de recherches bibliographiques qui se concentrent notamment sur les notions de besoins fondamentaux des individus, des caractĂ©ristiques des troubles psychiques ainsi que sur le rĂŽle de l’éducateur dans sa prise en charge. Ce cadre thĂ©orique est complĂ©tĂ© par des recherches documentaires sur la Fondation Domus et plus particuliĂšrement sur son concept de rĂ©habilitation psychosociale. D’autre part, par le recueil de donnĂ©es de terrain. Cette recherche empirique se compose de trois Ă©lĂ©ments : des observations d’une semaine des comportements des rĂ©sidents et des rĂ©ponses Ă©ducatives donnĂ©es, d’une enquĂȘte auprĂšs des Ă©ducateurs ainsi que des entretiens pratiquĂ©s avec des rĂ©sidents et un membre de la Direction. L’analyse et le croisement des rĂ©sultats de ces donnĂ©es me permettent ensuite l’exercice difficile de vĂ©rification des trois hypothĂšses de recherche dĂ©terminĂ©es dans la phase exploratoire de ce travail, Ă©tape qui a Ă©tĂ© essentielle pour esquisser une rĂ©ponse Ă  la question de recherche proprement dite. L’un des principaux enseignements de ma recherche est que la mise en oeuvre des concepts de la Fondation Domus est en adĂ©quation avec la prise en compte des besoins et caractĂ©ristiques individuels des rĂ©sidents dans leur prise en charge. MalgrĂ© le fait qu’ils pouvaient paraĂźtre initialement antagonistes, ces deux Ă©lĂ©ments se rejoignent au fur et Ă  mesure des recherches thĂ©oriques et empiriques. Le recueil de donnĂ©es terrain montre que dans la pratique professionnelle, les collaborateurs de la Fondation Domus peuvent avoir des difficultĂ©s Ă  mettre en oeuvre l’accompagnement en tenant compte de tous les dĂ©terminants prĂ©citĂ©s. Les Ă©tudes empiriques confirment que l’accompagnement des rĂ©sidents est multifactoriel, que le quotidien de l’éducateur social est difficile et que la question de recherche reflĂšte bien la complexitĂ© de cet accompagnement. Les dĂ©terminants principaux retenus sont la singularitĂ© du rĂ©sident, le concept institutionnel et enfin la rĂ©alitĂ© de la maladie psychique. Les rĂ©sultats de l’enquĂȘte aux Ă©ducateurs mettent en lumiĂšre les questions d’organisation de l’accompagnement dans la perspective du professionnel. L’un des principaux enseignements est l’inadĂ©quation dans la rĂ©partition des tĂąches entre le cahier des charges et le temps effectif annoncĂ© dans l’activitĂ© purement Ă©ducative. Cette problĂ©matique a Ă©tĂ© Ă©galement soulignĂ©e lors de l’entretien avec le membre de la Direction. Les rĂ©sidents de la Fondation Domus interrogĂ©s sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement satisfaits de leur accompagnement individuel. Cet Ă©lĂ©ment permet de vĂ©rifier que l’éducateur social est en mesure de mettre en oeuvre les concepts annoncĂ©s tout en tenant compte des besoins et caractĂ©ristiques de chacun, ceci malgrĂ© la complexitĂ© de la prise en charge Ă©noncĂ©e. Une approche systĂ©mique et multifactorielle est essentielle afin d’optimiser une rĂ©habilitation psychosociale. La dĂ©finition d’un processus d’action gĂ©nĂ©ral est difficile car chaque accompagnement est unique et spĂ©cifique. Enfin, la derniĂšre partie traite des perspectives et des pistes d’actions relatives Ă  la prise en charge Ă©ducative Ă  la Fondation Domus, en tenant compte des limites de ce travail de recherche

    Des droits sur l'air? : une analyse de la gestion de l'air en Suisse sous l'angle de l'approche des régimes institutionnels de ressources naturelles

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    Les politiques traditionnelles de l'environnement ne prennent en compte que marginalement la question des droits d'usage et de propriĂ©tĂ© sur les ressources naturelles. L'approche en terme de rĂ©gimes institutionnels appliquĂ©e ici au cas de la gestion de la ressource air en Suisse permet de montrer les limites actuelles de la politique de protection de l'air Ă  atteindre ses objectifs de durabilitĂ©, d'une part en raison d'un manque de coordination avec les politiques d'exploitation, d'autre part faute d'une conception intĂ©grant pleinement la notion de droits d'usages, qui devraient ĂȘtre limitĂ©s, sur une ressource de plus en plus menacĂ©e. Die traditionelle Umweltpolitik beschĂ€ftigt sich nur am Rand mit den Eigentums- und Nutzungsrechten im Bereich der natĂŒrlichen Ressourcen. Der Ansatz der institutionellen Regimes, der hier auf die Ressource Luft in der Schweiz angewandt wird, erlaubt es, die Grenzen der aktuellen Luftreinhaltepolitik in Bezug auf das Ziel der Nachhaltigkeit aufzuzeigen. Die Ursachen liegen einerseits in einer mangelnden Koordination mit der Nutzungspolitik, andererseits im Fehlen einer Konzeption, welche den Begriff der Nutzungsrechte vollstĂ€ndig integriert. Letztere mĂŒssten eingeschrĂ€nkt werden, weil die Ressource mehr und mehr bedroht ist

    Etude formelle pour la synthÚse de convertisseurs multiniveaux asymétriques:topologies, modulation et commande

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    The multilevel converters allow generating a voltage waveform whose magnitude and quality are higher than those of conventional converters. They are devoted to medium and high-voltage, high-switching-frequency applications. Among the series connected cell inverters, the symmetrical multilevel inverters are made of identical cells, which topology is generally the H-bridge inverter. This dissertation deals with asymmetrical multilevel converters, which combine high-voltage cells — made of low conduction loss switches — with low-voltage cells — made of low switching loss switches. The different cells play different roles. The goal is to design a converter that has both better energetic efficiency and higher resolution with the same number of cells. This dissertation develops a set of tools that allows synthesizing an asymmetrical multilevel converter. It develops the cell combination rules, which allow defining several cell association classes. The inverter step uniformity condition determines the finesse that can be reached. The optimized modulation condition allows to reduce the highvoltage cell switching frequency without changing the low-voltage cell switching frequency. This property is essential to derive benefit from combining switches of different characteristics. The power balance condition determine how to control the power sharing between the cells. These association classes are different for the single-phase converters and the three-phase converters — without neutral wire. They allow to select a configuration suitable for a given application. Furthermore, several ways that allow improving the inverter resolution are investigated. The modulation is essential to associate a high-quality signal (which will really be delivered to the load by means of the inverter levels) to the reference signal (which should ideally be applied to the load). The modulator evaluation methods are assessed. An approach—based on the modulated signal decomposition in elementary frames—is proposed. The main modulator drawbacks are highlighted. A modulator—which arrange the frames in order—allows to reduce the modulated signal distortion and number of transitions. The specific control methods that allow to minimize the inverter number of switchings are developed. The active power cell supply implies several conversion stages, which decrease the converter energetic efficiency. Some solutions that allow to reduce these losses are proposed. Finally, this dissertation attempts to determine, which are the more interesting solutions, depending on the application

    Estimating the quality of face localization for face verification

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    Face localization is the process of finding the exact position of a face in a given image. This can be useful in several applications such as face tracking or person authentication. The purpose of this paper is to show that the error made during the localization process may have different impacts depending on the final application. Hence in order to evaluate the performance of a face localization algorithm, we propose to embed the final application (here face verification) into the performance measuring process. Moreover, in this paper, we estimate this embedding using either a multilayer perceptron or a K nearest neighbor algorithm in order to speedup the evaluation process. We show on the BANCA database that our proposed measure best matches the final verification results when comparing several localization algorithms, on various performance measures currently used in face localization. 1

    Using data-driven algorithms for semi-automated geomorphological mapping

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    In this paper, we compare the performance of two data-driven algorithms to deal with an automatic classification problem in geomorphology: Direct Sampling (DS) and Random Forest (RF). The main goal is to provide a semi-automated procedure for the geomorphological mapping of alpine environments, using a manually mapped zone as training dataset and predictor variables to infer the classification of a target zone. The applicability of DS to geomorphological classification was never investigated before. Instead, RF based classification has already been applied in few studies, but only with a limited number of geomorphological classes. The outcomes of both approaches are validated by comparing the eight detected classes with a geomorphological map elaborated on the field and considered as ground truth. Both DS and RF give satisfactory results and provide similar performances in term of accuracy and Cohen’s Kappa values. The map obtained with RF presents a noisier spatial distribution of classes than when using DS, because DS takes into account the spatial dependence of the different classes. Results suggest that DS and RF are both suitable techniques for the semi-automated geomorphological mapping in alpine environments at regional scale, opening the way for further improvements

    A Unified Framework for Score Normalization Techniques Applied to Text Independent Speaker Verification

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    The purpose of this paper is to unify several of the state-of-the-art score normalization techniques applied to text-independent speaker verification systems. We propose a new framework for this purpose. The two well-known Z- and T-normalization techniques can be easily interpreted in this framework as different ways to estimate score distributions. This is useful as it helps to understand the various assumptions behind these well-known score normalization techniques, and opens the door for yet more complex solutions. Finally, some experiments on the Switchboard database are performed in order to illustrate the validity of the new proposed framework

    Synchronous Alignment

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    In speaker verification, the maximum Likelihood between criterion is generally used to verify the claimed identity. This is done using two independent models, i.e. a Client model and a World model. It may be interesting to make both models share the same topology, which represent the phonetic underlying structure, and then to consider two different output distributions corresponding to the Client/World hypotheses. Based on this idea, a decoding algorithm and the corresponding training algorithm were derived. The first experiments show, on a significant telephone database, a small improvement with respect to the reference system, we can conclude that at least synchronous alignment provides equivalent results to the reference system with a reduced complexity decoding algorithm. Other important perspectives can be derived

    A Kernel Trick For Sequences Applied to Text-Independent Speaker Verification Systems

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    This paper present a principled SVM based speaker verification system. We propose a new framework and a new sequence kernel that can make use of any Mercer kernel at the frame level. An extension of the sequence kernel based on the Max operator is also proposed. The new system is compared to state-of-the-art GMM and other SVM based systems found in the literature on the Banca and Polyvar databases. The new system outperforms, most of the time, the other systems, statistically significantly. Finally, the new proposed framework clarifies previous SVM based systems and suggests interesting future research directions
