51 research outputs found

    Revisiting the IIoT Platform Graveyard: Key Learnings from Failed IIoT Platform Initiatives

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    The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has led to a competitive race among digital and incumbent players to establish IIoT platforms. However, despite the undisputed potential of the IIoT, a first wave of IIoT platforms failed around 2018, with GE’s Predix being the most prominent one. Nevertheless, building upon valuable lessons learned, the IIoT platform market continued to grow significantly. We now experience a second wave of IIoT platform failures, with companies like Siemens, Google, and SAP divesting or restructuring significant parts of their IIoT platform. Acknowledging this, we revisited the IIoT platform graveyard to challenge and extend existing lessons learned. Hence, we interviewed major IIoT platforms and customers that were impacted by IIoT platform failures. We identified six key learnings that we integrated into a preliminary model for IIoT platform growth, highlighting evolutionary steps for successful platform growth. These findings provide practitioners strategic orientation for establishing IIoT platforms long-term

    Untersuchung zur Anwendbarkeit der maschinellen Wurzelkanalaufbereitung im Phantomkurs der Zahnerhaltung

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    Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war, zwei manuelle und zwei maschinelle NiTi- Wurzelkanalaufbereitungs-Systeme in der Anwendung durch ungeübte Behandler in einer prospektiven In-vitro-Studie zu evaluieren. Es wurden dazu jeweils 29 Epoxidharz-Blöcke nach digitalfotografischer Erfassung von den Behandlern mit den verschiedenen Systemen nach einer Arbeitsanweisung aufbereitet. Zudem erhielten die Behandler einen Fragebogen zur subjektiven Evaluierung der untersuchten Systeme. Nach digitaler Überlagerung der Bilder des Ausgangs-zustandes und nach Aufbereitung wurde das Vorliegen von Zip-, Elbow- und Ledge-Formationen erfasst. Das Ausmaß der Kanaltransportation wurde durch individuelle Anpassung eines Maßstabes an jeweils 22 Stellen evaluiert. Zudem wurde mit einem bislang nicht veröffentlichten Verfahren die Innen- und Außen-kurvatur vor und nach Bearbeitung mit einer algebraischen Funktion beschrie-ben, um anschließend die Berechnung der durchschnittlichen Krümmung, des Krümmungsmaximums und der Verlagerung desselben durch die Instrumentation zu berechnen. Die statistische Auswertung ergab selteneres Auftreten von Ledges, Elbows und Transportationen unter Anwendung der maschinellen Systeme (p<0,05). In der detaillierten Untersuchung der Kanaltransportationen ergaben sich signifikant günstigere Werte für das FlexMaster- und ProFile-System. Die Krümmungseigenschaften zeigten neben der Aufbereitungszeit ebenfalls signifikant günstigere Werte für die maschinellen Systeme

    From Suppliers to Complementors: Motivational Factors for Joining Industrial Internet of Things Platform Ecosystems

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    Spurred by the internet of things, industry firms are increasingly establishing platforms that animate an ecosystem of external actors to provide complementary offerings. But why do independent firms decide to join these ecosystems and to become complementors? The goal of this study is to disentangle their motivational factors in the context of the industrial internet of things. A theoretical framework is developed a priori based on the knowledge-based view of the firm and complementary logics. The framework is empirically explored using a case study design. Our results indicate that financial, technology, and knowledge gains positively influence the decision of complementors to join the ecosystem. Yet, our interviews reveal relative differences in motivations based on complementors’ uncertainty. Our findings contribute to the research on joining nascent digital platform ecosystems from a complementor perspective and the growing stream of research on industrial internet of things platforms

    Formulation of a New Nursing Data Base

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    The purposes of the essay were : to develop a new nursing data base; to describe the processes used to formulate the new data base and prepare nurses for its introduction ; to describe the initial response of nurses to use of the new data base format ; and to make recommendations for its evaluation. A copy of the data base is included


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    Music interconnects with an individual’s lived experiences, shaping their worldview and their place in society. Similarly, extremist ideologies historically aligned with specific ideological beliefs stemming from shared spaces or communities with direct physical exposure to available narratives. Because of global connectivity there has been a significant transformation in 21st century America, leaving generations of young Americans to their own devices to consume extremist propaganda without the usual social constraints or consequences. Through review of extremist manifestos and interviews this thesis explores how music provides a medium for the convergence of multiple ideological elements presented through familiar music paired with elements of extremist ideology using images, videos, lyrics, and other music (often referred to as a “mashup”) for the purpose of motivating singular acts of violence in support of an extremist agenda. research has found that fringe and mixed, unclear, and unstable (MUU) ideologies are merging to create a phenomenon of ideological mashups amongst the far-left and the far-right with a common goal: violence against the U.S. government. As these musical compositions blur the boundaries between artistic expression and extremism, it becomes imperative to further dissect their messaging and influence on vulnerable audiences to counter extremist violence in America.Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release: Distribution is unlimited.Civilian, Oregon State Polic

    Driving Generativity in Industrial IoT Platform Ecosystems

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    While the generativity of digital platform ecosystems has been studied extensively in many business-to-consumer domains, research on the novel phenomenon of IIoT platforms is sparse. The peculiarities of IIoT platform ecosystems are a double-edged sword: On the one hand, the heterogeneity of actors and devices leads to high generative potential. On the other hand, the resulting complexity can impede its realization. Even though generativity is often seen as a platform’s inherent characteristic, our study suggests that it must be driven deliberately in complex domains like the IIoT. As initial results of a theory elaboration case study, we propose two modes that drive generativity in the form of a virtuous cycle by moving from abstraction of individual solutions to concretization of generic modules and vice versa. Our final results will contribute to extant literature on generativity in complex digital platform ecosystems and provide valuable insights for practitioners in the IIoT domain