281 research outputs found


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    The development of entrepreneurship spirit has become a crucial things for the future of students. In supporting the emergence of high competitiveness, function and role of educators to be more active in providing motivation for learners to become entrepreneurs is indispensable. College as one of the means and facilitating role in shaping the young generation has an obligation to train and motivate the students to be come savvy generation, independent, creative, innovative and able to create business opportunities. Thus, every college immediately towards sole discreation to balance between higher education research institutions with entrepreneurs forming institutions. Alumni are required to be innovative and creative in terms of their personal development through the creation of level playing field, so that future expected with extensive job creation, economic growth in the region will increase.The aims of this study is to analyze the strategic of program study of law economic syariah should do  to improve the interest of being entrepreneur of student


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    This article discusses understanding the Qur'anic text with a hermeneutic approach to a contemporary approach that offers a new approach to interpreting the Qur’an (philosophically). In this hermeneutic approach the texts of the Qur'an do not stand alone, but are very dependent on the surrounding context, which includes text, context, and contextualization. The existence of hermeneutics with its own methodology brings a new nuance in the interpretation of the Qur'an. With this method the Qur’an is no longer considered as something sacred, because in the eyes of hermeneutics when the text descends and is in the midst of the reality of human life, it is fully owned by humans and has the right to be interpreted, internalized, and understood whatever it wants. Everything contained in the text, for hermeneutics, can be interpreted and understood its meaning clearly. And this is what distinguishes it fundamentally from the theme of interpretation in the Ulumul Quran discours


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    Muslim communities know the term ukhuwah Islamiyah. This term need to interpreted, so that our language does not experience confusion. For this reason, a linguistic review needed first to establish the position of the word Islamiyah in the above terms. During this time there was an impression the term mean "brotherhood woven among fellow Muslims" or in other words "brotherhood between Muslims", so that the word Islamiyah was used as the perpetrator of ukhuwah. Ukhuwah which is clearly stated by the al-Quran a Muslim brother, and the brotherhood that is interwoven is not due to religion. This is clearly reflected in the fabric of brotherhood not because of religion

    KRITIK AL-QUR’AN TERHADAP MANUSIA (Kajian Tafsir Tematik Tentang Potensi Yang Ada Pada Diri Manusia)

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    Study of humans is extremely unique. It is appropriate that humans are said to be the noblest beings. Judging from the process of creation and its function, it has shown humans as beings chosen by God. Humans have extraordinary advantages. That advantage is endowed with reason and potentials in human beings themselves. Humans can develop their talents and potential and are able to manage and manage the universe of God's creation as a mandate. Even so, as a weak servant of humanity is not spared from sin and error because it is caused by human pride in using the potential that exists in man himself, as an example of the pharaoh because the potential that exists in him makes him arrogant in this earth and claiming to be God. So that Allah criticizes many people in many of his words contained in the Qur'an


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    The attitude of seclusion from worldly life is absolute prerequisite for achieving a high spiritual experience. This is based on the fait that love of the excessive world will lead to contamination and destruction of spiritual originality on human psyche. It can notbe denied that being closer to God by understanding the Qur'an has implications for individual piety. Person who pursues or the life Sufism will have the experience of spirituality, with that attitude without any transformation into social life, then someone who lives the life of Sufism will be neglecting social life. The concept of Sufism taught by IbnQayyim Al-Jauziyah is that of health of soul

    Kritik Al-qur\u27an terhadap Manusia (Kajian Tafsir Tematik Tentang Potensi yang Ada pada Diri Manusia)

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    Study of humans is extremely unique. It is appropriate that humans are said to be the noblest beings. Judging from the process of creation and its function, it has shown humans as beings chosen by God. Humans have extraordinary advantages. That advantage is endowed with reason and potentials in human beings themselves. Humans can develop their talents and potential and are able to manage and manage the universe of God\u27s creation as a mandate. Even so, as a weak servant of humanity is not spared from sin and error because it is caused by human pride in using the potential that exists in man himself, as an example of the pharaoh because the potential that exists in him makes him arrogant in this earth and claiming to be God. So that Allah criticizes many people in many of his words contained in the Qur\u27an

    Islamic Utopianism and Political Reality: Ali Hasjmy Reconsidered

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    This article describes the political philosophy of Ali Hasjmy in formulating the ideal Islamic state. Hasjmy is an intellectual who has produced many works in the topics of politics, literature, and culture that are very useful for the progress and welfare of the Acehnese people and the Indonesian nation in general. The main source of this research is the work and writings of Hasjmy which are directly oriented to politics and the concept of the state. By using analytical content, this article shows several premises on Hasjmy’s utopian visions, which are; First, Muslims should not be anti-politics due to its important in achieving the benefit of the people; Second, the existence of a Islamic state as mandatory; Third, an Islamic state does not have to exist constitutionally but what must exist as Islamic values in a state; Fourth, the importance of obeying the leader; Fifth, every official or government element is responsible for exercising power

    Memahami Teks Alquran dengan Pendekatan Hermeneutika (sebuah Analisis Filosofis)

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    This article discusses understanding the Qur\u27anic text with a hermeneutic approach to a contemporary approach that offers a new approach to interpreting the Qur\u27an (philosophically). In this hermeneutic approach the texts of the Qur\u27an do not stand alone, but are very dependent on the surrounding context, which includes text, context, and contextualization. The existence of hermeneutics with its own methodology brings a new nuance in the interpretation of the Qur\u27an. With this method the Qur\u27an is no longer considered as something sacred, because in the eyes of hermeneutics when the text descends and is in the midst of the reality of human life, it is fully owned by humans and has the right to be interpreted, internalized, and understood whatever it wants. Everything contained in the text, for hermeneutics, can be interpreted and understood its meaning clearly. And this is what distinguishes it fundamentally from the theme of interpretation in the Ulumul Quran discours

    Metode Tahfiz pada Sekolah Islam Terpadu Muhammadiyah Langsa

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    The modernization of the Muhammadiyah model of education, in particular the concept of "public school plus the Koran" has become the basis for the growth of modern Islamic schools in urban areas. Muhammadiyah of Langsa which organizes educational institutions based on the packaging of "public school plus the Koran". The formulation of the research problem is how the tahfidz method is at the Muhammadiyah Langsa Integrated Islamic School. The results showed that the tahfidz Al-Qur'an method used in learning at the Integrated Islamic School Muhammadiyah Langsa used the zidah and muraqaah methods and the halaqah (talaqqi) or jam'i method Modernisasi pendidikan model Muhammadiyah, khususnya konsep “sekolah umum plus Alquran” menjadi basis bagi pertumbuhan sekolah-sekolah Islam modern di perkotaan. Muhammadiyah Kota Langsa yang menyelenggarakan lembaga pendidikan berbasis dalam kemasan “sekolah umum plus Alquran”. Rumusan permasalahan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana metode tahfidz pada Sekolah Islam Terpadu Muhammadiyah Langsa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode tahfidz Alquran yang dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran di Sekolah Islam Terpadu Muhammadiyah Langsa dengan menggunakan metode ziadah dan muraqaah serta metode halaqah (talaqqi) atau jam'i. &nbsp

    الأفعال المجهولة في سورة المائدة (دراسة تحليلية صرفية)

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    تبحث هذه الرسالة الأفعال المجهولة في سورة المائدة، فتحتوى على ثلاث مشكلات، وهي تتعلق بتعريف الأفعال المجهولة، و عدد الأفعال المجهولة فى سورة المائدة، و الأوزان التى تكون بها الأفعال المجهولة في سورة المائدة. ولحلّ تلك المشكلات، فقد استعان الباحث بالطريقة المكتبية، وذلك فى مرحلة جمع المواد. وأما فى مرحلة تنظيم المواد وتحليلها، فقد استعان بكل من عدة طرق، وهي : الطريقة القياسية، والطريقة الاستقرائية. الفعل المجهول و هو ما حذف معه فعله، و أقيم غيره مقامة، و لهذا يسمى المبني لما لم يسم فاعله، و أحيانا يسمى المبني للمفعول، لكون المفعول به هو المسند إليه والذي يقوم مقام الفاعل بالدرجة الأولى بعد حذفه. توجد في هذه السورة سبعة و ثلاثون الأفعال المجهولة تتكون من أربعة و عشرين فعل الماض و ثلاثة عشر فعل المضارع، و بعضهم من ثلاثي المجرد و ثلاثي المزيد بحرف و بحرفين