18 research outputs found

    Persistence of Environmental DNA in Freshwater Ecosystems

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    The precise knowledge of species distribution is a key step in conservation biology. However, species detection can be extremely difficult in many environments, specific life stages and in populations at very low density. The aim of this study was to improve the knowledge on DNA persistence in water in order to confirm the presence of the focus species in freshwater ecosystems. Aquatic vertebrates (fish: Siberian sturgeon and amphibian: Bullfrog tadpoles) were used as target species. In control conditions (tanks) and in the field (ponds), the DNA detectability decreases with time after the removal of the species source of DNA. DNA was detectable for less than one month in both conditions. The density of individuals also influences the dynamics of DNA detectability in water samples. The dynamics of detectability reflects the persistence of DNA fragments in freshwater ecosystems. The short time persistence of detectable amounts of DNA opens perspectives in conservation biology, by allowing access to the presence or absence of species e.g. rare, secretive, potentially invasive, or at low density. This knowledge of DNA persistence will greatly influence planning of biodiversity inventories and biosecurity surveys

    Análise comparativa da florística e fitossociologia da vegetação arbórea do cerrado sensu stricto na Chapada Pratinha, DF - Brasil Comparative analysis of floristics and plant sociology in the "cerrado" arboreal vegetacion sensu stricto in the Chapada Pratinha, DF-Brazil

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    Foram selecionadas seis áreas de estudo, Estação Ecológica de Aguas Emendadas-DF, Parque Nacional de Brasília-DF, APA Gama-Cabeça do Veado-DF, Silvânia-GO, Paracatu-MG e Patrocínio-MG na Chapada Pratinha (15-20º S e 46-49º W), três delas em unidades de conservação e três fora delas. Em cada área foram amostradas 10 parcelas de 1000 m² (20x50m). Todas as árvores a partir de 5 cm de diâmetro na base do tronco foram medidas e identificadas. A florística e a fitossociologia de cada área foi analisada e estas foram comparadas entre si pelos índices de similaridade de Sørense e de Morisita. No total foram encontradas 139 espécies e 42 famílias sendo que apenas 22 espécies foram comuns a todas as áreas. Leguminosae e Vochysiaceae apresentaram valores de importância elevados em todas as áreas. As densidades por ha variaram de 664 a 1396. Os índices de diversidade de Shannon variaram de 3,11 a 3.56. As similaridades foram altas pelo índices de Sorensen, de 0,5 a 0,7, porém baixas pelo de Morisita quando se comparou as áreas de Paracatu e Patrocínio com as demais áreas. Foi concluído que as diferenças florísticas e principalmente estruturais foram elevadas entre estas duas áreas que são mais distantes e se situam a menores altitudes do que aquelas situadas nas unidades de conservação existentes na chapada sendo sugerida a criação de novas unidades nestes Municípios.<br>Six sites were surveyed at Chapada Pratinha in Brazil (15-20º S e 46-49º W). Three of them were localized in conservation units in the Federal District and the others were in Silvania-GO, Paracatu-MG e Patroci'nio-MG. Ten plots of 1000 m2 (20x50m) were sampled in each site. The minimum diameter for measurement of the woody plants was 5 cm at 0.30 m from the ground level. Floristic composition, importance value index and Shannon's diversity index were analyzed for each area. Sørense's and Morisita's similarity indices were used to compare the six sites. There were 139 species belonging to 42 families. Of these, only 22 species were common to all areas. Only Leguminosae and Vochysiaceac had high importance values for all areas. The number of trees/ha ranged from 664 to 1396. Shannon's diversity index ranged from 3.11 to 3.56. Similarities were high for Sørense's index but low when Paracatu and Patroci'nio were compared to the other areas using Morisita's index. The existing conservation units do not include all structural and floristic diversity of the region, and therefore, the creation of new units in the last two areas is suggested