9 research outputs found

    Implementing an Evidence-Based Intervention for Children in Europe: Evaluating the Full-Transfer Approach

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    Objectives—This study evaluated implementation outcomes in three European countries of GenerationPMTO, an evidence-based parenting intervention for child and adolescent behavior problems. Method—The implementation approach was full transfer, in which purveyors train a first generation (G1) of practitioners; adopting sites assume oversight, training, certification, and fidelity assessment for subsequent generations (Forgatch & DeGarmo, 2011; Forgatch & Gewirtz, 2017). Three hundred therapists participated in trainings in GenerationPMTO in Iceland, Denmark, and the Netherlands. Data are from the implementation’s initiation in each country through 2016, resulting in six generations in Iceland, eight in Denmark, and four in the Netherlands. Therapist fidelity was measured at certification with an observation-based tool, Fidelity of Implementation Rating System (FIMP; Knutson, Forgatch, Rains, & Sigmarsdóttir, 2009). Results—Candidates in all generations achieved fidelity scores at or above the required standard. Certification fidelity scores were evaluated for G1 candidates, who were trained by the purveyor, and subsequent generations trained by the adopting implementation site. In each country, certification fidelity scores declined for G2 candidates compared with G1 and recovered to G1 levels for subsequent generations, partially replicating findings from a previous Norwegian study (Forgatch & DeGarmo, 2011). Recovery to G1 levels of fidelity scores was obtained in Iceland and the Netherlands by G3; in Denmark, the recovery was obtained by G5. The mean percentage of certification in each country was more than 80%; approximately 70% of certified therapists remained active in 2017. Conclusions—Findings support full transfer as an effective implementation approach with longterm sustainability and fidelity.Peer Reviewe

    Átröskun meðal fimleikastúlkna

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenGerð er grein fyrir rannsókn á 200 íslenskum fimleikastúlkum sem framkvæmd var veturinn 1995-1996. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að varpa ljósi á tíðni og hugsanlega orsakaþætti átröskunar meðal íslenskra fimleikastúlkna og voru niðurstöður ætlaðar til leiðbeiningar við forvarnarstarf. Rannsóknaraðferð var í formi spurningalista. Rannsóknin sýndi að tíðni átröskunar meðal fimleikastúlkna er 17,1%, 1,1% uppfylla skilyrði lystarstols, 0,5% uppfylla skilyrði lotugræðgi og 15,5% upfylla skilyrði fyrir EDNOS (létta átröskun). Á grundvelli niðurstaðna má álykta að í félagslegum aðstæðum fimleikastúlkna felist nokkur áhætta á þróun átröskunar. Forvarnarstarf á fyrst og fremst að miða að því að auka þekkingu fimleikaþjálfara og uppalenda á átröskun og mikilvægum áherslum í samskiptum við börn.A survey done in Iceland in the years 1995-1996 among 200 gymnasts is described. The aim of the survey was to attempt to establish the prevalence and causes of eating disorders with icelandic gymnasts. The survey showed that 17.1% had eating disorders. 1,1% met the criteria for anorexia, 0,5% for bulimia and the rest met the criteria for EDNOS. Some causes of eating disorders may be found in the world of athletes. Preventive efforts must be directed towards coaches and parents by informing them about eating disorders and desirable pedagogic

    Átröskun meðal fimleikastúlkna

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenGerð er grein fyrir rannsókn á 200 íslenskum fimleikastúlkum sem framkvæmd var veturinn 1995-1996. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að varpa ljósi á tíðni og hugsanlega orsakaþætti átröskunar meðal íslenskra fimleikastúlkna og voru niðurstöður ætlaðar til leiðbeiningar við forvarnarstarf. Rannsóknaraðferð var í formi spurningalista. Rannsóknin sýndi að tíðni átröskunar meðal fimleikastúlkna er 17,1%, 1,1% uppfylla skilyrði lystarstols, 0,5% uppfylla skilyrði lotugræðgi og 15,5% upfylla skilyrði fyrir EDNOS (létta átröskun). Á grundvelli niðurstaðna má álykta að í félagslegum aðstæðum fimleikastúlkna felist nokkur áhætta á þróun átröskunar. Forvarnarstarf á fyrst og fremst að miða að því að auka þekkingu fimleikaþjálfara og uppalenda á átröskun og mikilvægum áherslum í samskiptum við börn.A survey done in Iceland in the years 1995-1996 among 200 gymnasts is described. The aim of the survey was to attempt to establish the prevalence and causes of eating disorders with icelandic gymnasts. The survey showed that 17.1% had eating disorders. 1,1% met the criteria for anorexia, 0,5% for bulimia and the rest met the criteria for EDNOS. Some causes of eating disorders may be found in the world of athletes. Preventive efforts must be directed towards coaches and parents by informing them about eating disorders and desirable pedagogic

    „Mannhundur kvelur líf úr barni“ Örlög ómagans Páls Júlíusar Pálssonar í upphafi 20. aldar

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    Ritgerð þessi fjallar um niðursetning í Skaftafellsýslu sem deyr í upphafi 20. aldar, aðstæður hans, umhverfi, andlát og þau málaferli er spunnust í framhaldinu, niðurstöðu þeirra og eftirmál. Komið verður inn á átthagafjötra og vistabönd, hvernig það hafði áhrif á líf fólks og flutning til vesturheims í von um betra líf. Húsagareglugerðin verður til umfjöllunar og viðhorf fólks til hennar, annars vegar kotbænda og hins vegar embættismanna. Ritgerðin er þrír kaflar auk inngangs og niðurstöðukafla. Fyrst er fjallað almennt um svæðið þar sem sagan gerist og talað almennt um fátækt og það sem henni fylgir. Næst er fjallað um stutta ævi niðursetningsins ásamt því að fjalla um ævi þeirra persóna sem koma við sögu. Síðasti kaflinn er svo stærstur og fjallar um málaferlin sem urðu í kjölfar dauða drengsins

    Icelandic primary and lower secondary school teacher knowledge and methods for supporting students with ADHD

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    Árangursríkar forvarnir og stuðningur fyrir börn og ungmenni með taugaþroskaraskanir, svo sem athyglisbrest með/án ofvirkni/hvatvísi (ADHD), eru nauðsynleg til að styðja við farsælan þroska þeirra. Starfsfólk skóla gegnir gjarnan lykilhlutverki við að veita þann stuðning og er því mikilvægt að það hafi tækifæri, þekkingu og færni til að sinna honum á besta mögulega hátt. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að meta hvaðan þekking starfandi grunnskólakennara á Íslandi sem kenndu að lágmarki einum nemanda með frum- eða staðfesta greiningu á ADHD um röskunina kæmi, hversu vel undirbúnir þeir teldu sig vera fyrir kennslu þessa nemendahóps, áherslur þeirra og aðferðir við stuðning þessara nemenda og fleira. Öllum meðlimum í Félagi grunnskólakennara var sendur tölvupóstur með boði um þátttöku í rafrænni könnun og úrtak þessarar rannsóknar samanstóð af N = 592 grunnskólakennurum sem uppfylltu fyrrgreind þátttökuskilyrði (svarhlutfall 13%). Niðurstöður sýndu að flestir þátttakendur (91%) byggðu þekkingu sína um ADHD á reynslu af kennslu nemenda með röskunina sem er í samræmi við niðurstöður fyrri rannsókna. Marktæk tengsl komu fram milli ýmissa svara þátttakenda og starfsaldurs þeirra. Meðal annars kom í ljós að fleiri kennarar með styttri starfsaldur (60–66%) sögðust sækja þekkingu á ADHD til náms síns en kennarar sem starfað höfðu lengur (29–44%). Meirihluti þátttakenda sagðist beita einhverjum þeirra aðferða sem teljast árangursríkar í stuðningi við nemendur með ADHD og virtust þeir einnig hafa nokkra þekkingu á gagnreyndum úrræðum. Niðurstöður bentu jafnframt til þess að kennarar gætu haft gagn af starfsþróun á þessu sviði, sérstaklega ráðgjöf og handleiðslu í gagnreyndum aðferðum við stuðning og mat á árangri innan skóla fyrir nemendur með ADHD. Farið er yfir helstu takmarkanir rannsóknarinnar og tillögur settar fram um næstu skref í rannsóknum á þessu efni.Effective prevention and intervention for children and youth with neurodevelopmental disorders, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), is crucial to supporting their positive development. School staff are often the primary agents of intervention for this group of students and it is important, therefore, that they be afforded opportunities and training in providing effective supports, based on best practices. The aim of the present study was to investigate Icelandic primary and lower secondary school teachers’ sources of knowledge and perceived preparation regarding ADHD, their use of various support/instructional and progress monitoring practices for this group of students, and their perceptions of various aspects of their professional environment, in a sample of N = 592 (88.5% female) in-service elementary school teachers in Iceland, who taught at least one student with ADHD that school year. Participants were recruited via email sent to all members of the Association of Teachers in Primary and Lower Secondary Schools in Iceland and invited to participate in an online survey (13% response rate). The study was approved by the National Bioethics Committee in Iceland (reference no. VSN19-070). Consistent with previous findings, results revealed that most participants (91%) reported deriving knowledge about ADHD from their experience of teaching students with the disorder. Teaching experience was significantly associated with participants’ self- -reported level of preparation for supporting students with ADHD. Specifically, participants with greater teaching experience were more likely to report that their pre-service training (e.g., teacher education program) prepared them poorly for teaching students with ADHD, compared to participants with fewer years of teaching experience. This may suggest that in recent years, teacher education program development in Iceland has led to enhanced preparation of future teachers in working with students with ADHD, although more research is needed to better investigate this hypothesis. A majority of 17 Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun participants endorsed the use of certain effective strategies for supporting students with ADHD as well as informal progress monitoring methods. Participants also appeared to possess some knowledge concerning well-established ADHD treatment methods, including pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. Approximately 20% of participants considered themselves to attend either “somewhat poorly“ or “very poorly“ to the needs of their students with ADHD, and a third of participants indicated they were “somewhat dissatisfied“ or “very dissatisfied“ with the professional support they received as part of working with this student population. Overall, results indicated that in-service teachers in Icelandic primary and lower secondary schools might benefit from increased professional development in this area. Behavioral consultation regarding evidence-based strategies (e.g., providing clear, explicit instruction, using descriptive praise and other forms of positive reinforcement) to support students with ADHD, as well as methods for progress monitoring may be particularly helpful in this regard. Supporting school staff in monitoring student progress using valid and reliable methods may also help increase the effectiveness of school-based interventions for students with the disorder, and better tailor supports to suit student needs. In addition to receiving training in applying well- -established support strategies for ADHD in the classroom, offering school professionals information about the methods that do not show evidence supporting their effectiveness might also be helpful. Knowing both what works, as well as what is unlikely to work, may aid school staff in selecting the best interventions available and help save precious time and energy. Research examining the effectiveness of behavioral consultation for both teachers and students is needed, including whether and how potential effects of consultation unfold over time (e.g., across one or more school years). Ideally, future studies should comprise qualitative (e.g., interviews with school staff, students, and families) methods to capture the unique views and experiences of school community members, as well as quantitative (e.g., randomized, controlled trials) methods, to allow for stronger inferences concerning intervention effectiveness. Well-designed studies using mixed methods are highly informative for the field of education. Successful application of such findings is likely to help school staff, families, and ultimately students to thrive and flourish.Peer reviewe

    Five-year fidelity assessment of an evidence-based parenting program (GenerationPMTO): inter-rater reliability following international implementation

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    Abstract Background Implementing evidence-based programs in community service settings introduces the challenge of ensuring sustained fidelity to the original program. We employ a fidelity measure based on direct observation of practitioners’ competence and adherence to the evidence-based parenting program (EBPP) GenerationPMTO following installation in national and international sites. Fidelity monitoring is crucial, especially when the program purveyor transfers administration of the program to the community as was done in this case. In previous studies, the Fidelity of Implementation rating system (FIMP) was used to evaluate practitioners’ fidelity to the GenerationPMTO intervention in six countries following implementation showing high levels of adherence up to 17 years post certification. Other studies showed FIMP to have predictive validity. The present study provides inter-rater reliability data for this fidelity tool across teams of the purveyor, Implementation Sciences International, Inc./ISII, and national and international sites over a five-year period. Methods Data assess inter-rater reliability in terms of percent agreement and intraclass correlation (ICC) for the purveyor’s two fidelity teams and the fidelity teams in seven implementation sites. Results Results report stable good to excellent levels of inter-rater reliability and ICCs as well as good attendance at fidelity meetings for all fidelity teams. Conclusions This observational method of assessing fidelity post implementation is a promising approach to enable EBPPs to be transferred safely from purveyors to communities while maintaining reliable fidelity to the intervention

    Skapandi hópverkefni vorið 2013 : fjármálalæsi og tilfinningalæsi - stuttmynd

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    Vorið 2013 luku 26 nemar í grunnskólakennarafræði skapandi hópverkefni til B.Ed.-prófs með áherslu á samvinnu og skapandi vinnubrögð. Hópurinn ákvað að fást við þverfaglegt nám og námsefni og læsi í víðum skilningi. Undirhópar skiluðu fimm verkefnum sem mynduðu sýningarheild á Menntavísindasviði 19. apríl 2013. Hverju verkefni fylgir skýrsla þar sem lýst er fræðagrunni og hvernig skapað var út frá honum. Skapandi hópverkefni er birt í heild sinni á http://skrif.hi.is/skapandihopverkefniBEd Okkar undirhópur nefndist leiklistarhópur en leiklist í kennslu er meðal skapandi kennsluaðferða í skólastarfi. Hún er í eðli sínu þverfagleg og byggir að hluta til á að hægt sé að kenna hinar ýmsu námsgreinar í gegnum leiklist. Við ákváðum að gera stuttmynd og nefnist hún Easy money. Myndin er hugsuð sem kveikja fyrir kennslu á unglingastigi, bæði fyrir kennara og nemendur. Þar vildum við sýna fram á hvernig skapandi kennsluhættir geta ýtt undir þekkingu nemenda, fjármálalæsi og tilfinningalæsi. Í skýrslunni er reynt að lýsa á hvaða fræðum við byggjum og hvernig við þræddum þau inn í handritið að stuttmyndinni. Einnig er sagt frá hugmyndavinnunni á bak við stuttmyndina og í fylgiskjölum eru ljósmyndir af ferlinu, sögurammi, handritið og kynningarefni