51 research outputs found

    Strategies to establish the structure and the evaluation system of the student projects in the bachelor engineering in industrial design and product development at Universitat Politècnica de València campus of Alcoi

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    [EN] The Bachelor Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development is a multidisciplinary degree, in which a wide range of disciplines have a key role in the final projects developed by the students of the fourth grade. At Universitat Politècnica de València ¿ Campus d¿Alcoi, a number of lecturers are involved in an Education Project in order to change and adapt the evaluation system of the student projects. The current model is based on developing the work with the help of a supervisor and the evaluation carried out by other three teachers, who form the panel. In the frame of the Education Project, some teachers are trying to apply new strategies to improve both the supervising process and the evaluation system of the projects. First of all, an index is provided to the students to adapt the structure of their work. Then, it is intended that a number of teachers, each one from a different specialization, supervise the progress of the students weekly. Finally, the same teachers will take part in the evaluation as examiners. All this work must be integrated in the 120 attendance hours established to develop the project, which correspond to the 12 ECTS. In the frame of the new teaching-learning methodologies, the aim of this Education Project is to provide a system to develop and evaluate the student final projects, taking into account the role of students, supervisors and examiners in every stage of the work.Juliá Sanchis, E.; Jorda-Vilaplana, A.; Valor Valor, M.; Pla-Ferrando, L.; Sempere Ripoll, S.; Picó Silvestre, JF.; Bonet-Aracil, M.... (2017). Strategies to establish the structure and the evaluation system of the student projects in the bachelor engineering in industrial design and product development at Universitat Politècnica de València campus of Alcoi. EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet). 249-255. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2017.0106S24925


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    [EN] The Bachelor Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development establishes the final project as a compulsory stage to achieve the degree. Due to the wide range of industrial products that can be designed, there is an extensive number of topics. The students can choose their final project according to the specialization they have studied all along the fourth academic year. At Universitat Politècnica de València ¿ Campus d¿Alcoi, three specializations can be studied: a) Product Design; b) Production and Innovation, and c) Textile and Fashion Design. Due to the multidisciplinary approach, there is a need to define a general index, both for students and lecturers, which contains the minimum contents of every type of project. Part of the work consists of analysing the three types of projects and the basic structure for each one, depending on the specialization. In addition, there is a particular project based on communication issues. A team of lecturers are involved in an education project at Universitat Politècnica de València. There is, at least, one representative for each specialization. The team has been working based on the last five years presented final projects and with a National Standard UNE 157001:2014: general criteria for the formal preparation of the documents constituting a technical project. The aim of this part of the project is to define the main structure for the minimum contents that these projects must include for their assessment. Finally, a document has been prepared as a basic guideline for students and lecturers, with definitions and instructions. Despite being four different topics, results show a common part which must be fulfilled by every project. Apart from the common part, every specialization has defined the particular features to be included. This document is useful for every part in the process: students to focus on the tasks to develop, lecturers to guide the students and introduce the process and the panel of teachers to obtain the basis for the evaluation.Bonet-Aracil, M.; Valor Valor, M.; Jorda-Vilaplana, A.; Sempere Ripoll, S.; Juliá Sanchis, E.; Pla-Ferrando, L.; Picó Silvestre, JF.... (2017). DEFINITION OF THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE STUDENT PROJECTS FOR THEIR DEVELOPMENT AND ASSESSMENT IN THE BACHELOR ENGINEERING IN INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AT UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE VALÈNCIA CAMPUS OF ALCOI. EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet). 9471-9474. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2017.0789S9471947

    Projecte COM@WEB: plataforma web d'aprenentatge intel•ligent de processament del Senyal i Comunicacions.

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    La plataforma d’e-learning: comweb.upc.edu és una eina multimèdia de suport a l’estudi, l’experimentació i l’adquisició de tècniques d’auto-aprenentatge. COM@WEB s’ofereix com a punt de trobada entre estudiants, professors i altres professionals relacionats amb el mon de les telecomunicacions i/o de la docència universitària. A la plataforma s’ha integrat el Laboratori Virtual per a Comunicacions Analògiques i Digitals (LaViCAD) com una eina interactiva de treball. Els usuaris principals als que va dirigit aquest projecte són els estudiants de telecomunicacions, molt especialment als que estan cursant assignatures de temàtiques de comunicacions i processament del senyal. Els continguts de la plataforma formen part d’una base de dades de recursos docents, entre els que hi ha: Documents de tipus text corresponents a part de la teoria, Exercicis d’aplicació resolts, Qüestionaris d’autoavaluació i simuladors de Java (aquestos últims corresponents a LaViCAD). Els diferents recursos s’ofereixen a través de la plataforma estructurats en diferents cursos i es relacionen entre sí gràcies a les seves metadades. Tots els recursos creats son de lliure accés i en resum la plataforma compleix les característiques de tenir una arquitectura oberta i extensible, facilitat d’ús per als usuaris: professors i estudiants i facilitat d’ampliació i de millora de la informació disponible de forma dinàmica

    Mixed integration of CDIO skills into telecommunication engineering curricula

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    Spain has been intensively involved in designing engineering curricula for the last two years and next academic year all engineering schools will be deploying all bachelor programs adapted to the EHEA and to the Spanish laws. The different frameworks that set the conditions of the process of drawing up new curricula emphasize the use of competency-based learning and the insertion of certain generic skills within the structure of the new plans. In the school of Telecommunication Engineering of Barcelona, the CDIO initiative (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate) first developed jointly by MIT and some Swedish Universities, has been chosen as paradigm for new engineering curricula design. We used a mixed approximation to integrate CDIO skills into the study plans. In this paper we will explain the approach to include generic skills when designing new curricula.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Prognostic Role of Neutrophil, Monocyte and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratios in Advanced Ovarian Cancer According to the Time of Debulking Surgery

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    Despite a multimodal radical treatment, mortality of advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (AEOC) remains high. Host-related factors, such as systemic inflammatory response and its interplay with the immune system, remain underexplored. We hypothesized that the prognostic impact of this response could vary between patients undergoing primary debulking surgery (PDS) and those undergoing interval debulking surgery (IDS). Therefore, we evaluated the outcomes of two surgical groups of newly diagnosed AEOC patients according to the neutrophil, monocyte and platelet to lymphocyte ratios (NLR, MLR, PLR), taking median ratio values as cutoffs. In the PDS group (n = 61), low NLR and PLR subgroups showed significantly better overall survival (not reached (NR) vs. 72.7 months, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 40.9-95.2, p = 0.019; and NR vs. 56.1 months, 95% CI: 40.9-95.2, p = 0.004, respectively) than those with high values. Similar results were observed in progression free survival. NLR and PLR-high values resulted in negative prognostic factors, adjusting for residual disease, BRCA1/2 status and stage (HR 2.48, 95% CI: 1.03-5.99, p = 0.043, and HR 2.91, 95% CI: 1.11-7.64, p = 0.03, respectively). In the IDS group (n = 85), ratios were not significant prognostic factors. We conclude that NLR and PLR may have prognostic value in the PDS setting, but none in IDS, suggesting that time of surgery can modulate the prognostic impact of baseline complete blood count (CBC)

    Estrategias para establecer un sistema que determine el seguimiento, estructura y evaluación de los trabajos final de grado en el Grado de Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Productos de la UPV

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    [EN] The aim of this work is to establish a system that will determine the follow-up, structure and evaluation of final Degree Project Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development, where a document has been prepared with the guidelines to be followed, Scheme with the recommendations according to the type of Final Degree Project (TFG) and the items to be taken into account by the professor to evaluate the TFG before its defense.[ES] El pretende trabajo trata de establecer un sistema que determine elseguimiento, la estructura y la evaluación de los trabajos final de grado en elGrado de Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y desarrollo de productos, donde sehan realizado un documento con las pautas a seguir, el esquema con lasrecomendaciones según el tipo de Trabajo fin de grado (TFG) y las rubricasa tener en cuenta por el profesor para evaluar el TFG antes de su defensa.Juliá Sanchis, E.; Valor Valor, M.; Pla Ferrando, ML.; Sempere Ripoll, S.; Picó Silvestre, JF.; Bonet Aracil, MA.; Martínez Cerver, JA.... (2017). Estrategias para establecer un sistema que determine el seguimiento, estructura y evaluación de los trabajos final de grado en el Grado de Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Productos de la UPV. En In-Red 2017. III Congreso Nacional de innovación educativa y de docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 929-939. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2017.2017.6826OCS92993

    Guia per desenvolupar la competència transversal. Comunicació escrita i oral

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    Les competències transversals són un aspecte clau en la formació dels estudiants de la Universitat. El Grup d'innovació docent de la Facultat de Veterinària ha desenvolupat unes guies amb l'objectiu d'estandarditzar l'ensenyament de les competències transversals al graus impartits a la Facultat, oferir eines i recursos a l'alumnat per ajudar-los a desenvolupar aquestes competències, i oferir eines i recursos al professorat per facilitar l'ensenyament i l'avaluació de les competències en el marc de les assignatures pròpies. La guia per desenvolupar la competència transversal de comunicació escrita i oral estableix tres nivells de domini i 7 indicadors d'aprenentatge que l'estudiant ha d'assolir de forma progressiva al llarg del grau. En acabar els estudis l'estudiant ha de demostrar que ha adquirit l'habilitat d'expressar-se oralment i per escrit en un registre científic