154 research outputs found

    Fruit by fruit identification of mealy peaches. Extraction of storage features.

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    Mealiness is a negative attribute of sensory texture, characterised by the lack of juiciness decrease in the total amount of of water content of tissues. Peach mealy textures are known as \ and leatheriness. Besides the lack of juiciness and flavour, that characterises mealy fruits, in associated with internal browning near the stone and an incapacity of ripening although there i ripe appearance. It is considered as a physiological disorder that appears in stone fruits probably < unbalanced pectolitic enzyme activity during storage. Since January 1996, a wide EC Project entitled: "Mealiness in fruits. Consumer perception and i detection" is being carried out. Within it, the Physical Properties Laboratory (ETSIA-UPM) working to develop instrumental procedures to detect mealiness in different types of fruits (s contributions by Barreiro to AgEng). The results obtained have shown to correlate well with \ measurements in apples (Barreiro et al), also we have succeeded in identifying individual mealy j the basis of instrumental measurement in peaches. The definition of these texture categories will be used in further studies as a base for new individual classification

    Conocimiento profesional docente del psicĂłlogo. Un estudio de caso

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    The Professional Teaching Knowledge (CPD) is a complex process that requires reflexive processes to face the teaching and learning problems faced by the Psychologists and Graduates in Psychology of the Bachelor of Psychology of a university in northeastern Argentina. Numerous studies conclude that the teaching of psychology in this area generally assumes the traditional modality based on the didactic model of transmission. With the objective of promoting processes of change and innovation in pedagogical and institutional practices, the CPD is investigated, focusing on one of the tasks of the university teacher: teaching. To do this, we interview a sample of beginner and experienced teachers - from one of the venues of the career - classified as cases of "good teaching practices", by their students, in a survey. The interviewees denote personal and professional traits such as “knowing the subject and knowing how to teach it” that we synthesize in the following indicators: student achievements, their satisfaction with the teaching provided and passion for teaching.El Conocimiento Profesional Docente (CPD) es un proceso complejo que requiere procesos reflexivos para afrontar los problemas de enseñanza y de aprendizaje que enfrentan en el ejercicio de la docencia los Psicólogos y Licenciados en Psicología de la Licenciatura en Psicología de una universidad del nordeste argentino.Numerosos estudios concluyen que la enseñanza de la Psicología en este ámbito, generalmente asume la modalidad tradicional basada en el modelo didáctico de la trasmisión. Con el objetivo de promover procesos de cambio e innovación en las prácticas pedagógicas e institucionales, se indaga el CPD focalizando una de las tareas del docente universitario: la enseñanza.Para ello, entrevistamos a una muestra de profesores principiantes y experimentados -de una de las sedes de la carrera- calificados como casos de “buenas prácticas de enseñanza”, por sus alumnos, en una encuesta. Los entrevistados denotan rasgos personales y profesionales como “saber la materia y saber enseñarla” que sintetizamos en los siguientes indicadores: logros de los estudiantes, su satisfacción con la enseñanza brindada y pasión por la enseñanza


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    The Professional Teaching Knowledge (CPD) is a complex process that requires reflexive processes to face the teaching and learning problems faced by the Psychologists and Graduates in Psychology of the Bachelor of Psychology of a university in northeastern Argentina. Numerous studies conclude that the teaching of psychology in this area generally assumes the traditional modality based on the didactic model of transmission. With the objective of promoting processes of change and innovation in pedagogical and institutional practices, the CPD is investigated, focusing on one of the tasks of the university teacher: teaching. To do this, we interview a sample of beginner and experienced teachers - from one of the venues of the career - classified as cases of "good teaching practices", by their students, in a survey. The interviewees denote personal and professional traits such as “knowing the subject and knowing how to teach it” that we synthesize in the following indicators: student achievements, their satisfaction with the teaching provided and passion for teaching

    Los poros precloacales como diferenciadores de sexo en Liolaemus (Squamata: Liolaemidae): el caso de L. jamesi (Boulenger, 1891)

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    The presence of precloacal pores is frequently used to differentiate Liolaemus males from females. Currently, this character is confusing in Liolaemus jamesi because it has been described the presence and absence in females. Here it was confirmed that L. jamesi males and females have precloacal pores.La presencia de poros precloacales se utiliza con frecuencia en Liolaemus para diferenciar a machos de hembras. Actualmente este carácter es confuso en Liolaemus jamesi porque se ha descrito la presencia y ausencia de poros en las hembras. En este trabajo se confirmó que tanto machos como hembras de L. jamesi poseen poros precloacales


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    This article presents the preliminary results of a research study carried out as part of the research Project “Pedagogical Content Knowledge construction in experienced and novel professors at Northeast National University. Multiple case study”. In this report we analize the dimensions of this construct by means of the methodological strategy of case studies (Stake, 2007; Neiman y Quaranta, 2006; Martínez Sánchez,2000). It is understood that Professors’ Professional Knowledge (PPK or CPD in Spanish) consists of various components; one of them is Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) according to Reynolds (1992). Research on Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Marcelo, 2006) refer to studies in which the specific object of analysis professors’ knowledge of the disciplinary content and how this knowledge is turned into teachable knowledge (Shulman, 1987) to make it comprehensible for the students, and how this is reconstructed by means of analysis and reflection processes on the professors’ practice (Schön, 1983). We think of Pedagogical Content Knowledge as a frame that contributes to understanding the role of the different components of the didactic model and its links when analyzing the professors’ practices. For this study, we used the didactic model proposed by Estany &amp; Izquierdo (2001), constituted by epistemological, psychological, socio-pedagogical foundations, didactic principles and elements, namely: purpose, contents, communication and organization. In order to explore the didactic models and their relations with the dimensions of the PCK, we selected 4 Early Education beginning professors, with just one year of teaching experience. As novel teachers have to teach and learn how to teach, develop a proper knowledge and professional competence in a short period of time, that of the transition from student to professor (Feiman, 2001 b; Marcelo,1999 a; Esteve,1997; Veenman,1984); we decided to work – in this preliminary studywith the format of conjectural script (Bombini, 2006; Bombini &amp; Labeur,2013) as one of the ways to approach planning, based on professors’ narrative and practical knowledge. Narrative implies a cognitive experience of anticipating teaching and from this approach, planning reveals the teacher’s subjectivity as he sets into acting his practical knowledge. As a consequence, writing the plan is a cognitive act, a “methodological construction” (Edelstein y Coria 2005) that links up reflective processes around what and how it is taught and what and how it is learned. Although the results are still in a process of construction, the study has found coincidences as regards the didactic model and PCK with Kaufman (1999), Marcelo (1998) and Jimenez Narváez’ (2006) findings
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