40 research outputs found

    Larvicide and insecticide activity of the essential oil of Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis in the control of Musca domestica (Linnaeus, 1758), under laboratory conditions

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    Essential oils have been considered as an important alternative facing synthetic pesticides. The control of the species Musca domestica is very important for public health due to their role as vector associated with Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella and Shigella, among other pathogens. The objective of this work was to evaluate the larvicidal and insecticidal efficacy of the essential oil of Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis, in the control of Musca domestica and its effect on the post-embryonic development of this species. The essential oil was applied topically in six concentrations to newly hatched larvae (1μL / larva). Mortality, interval length of each development period, as well as the weight of mature larvae were analyzed. An insecticidal bioassay was also carried out in adult flies. The essential oil of O. sanctum caused a slight reduction in the larval and pupal period for some of the concentrations evaluated. The time of development of the newly hatched larvae until the adult period was shortened in all the concentrations analyzed. The larvae of the control group were the heaviest. The effectiveness of the product in the control of the larvae of the flies of the species M. domestica was greater than 50%, except for those larvae treated with 80.25 mg/mL of the essential oil. The lethal concentration for adult insects LC50 was estimated at 9.41μg. Results demonstrated that the essential oil of O. sanctum has effect in all stages of the life cycle of M. domestica, extolling its potential as an effective insecticide against this species.&nbsp

    Insecticidal activity of the essential oil of Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis in the control of Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius), under laboratory conditions

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    El uso de insecticidas químicos sintéticos para el control de insectos es peligroso, afectan- do al hombre y los animales, contaminando el aire, el agua, el suelo y la cadena alimentaria, ocasionando graves efectos sobre la salud y propiciando el desarrollo de resistencia en varias especies de plagas y vectores. Todos estos problemas incrementan el interés por el desarrollo de insecticidas alternativos de menor impacto ambiental. Esta investigación se trazó como objetivo determinar el efecto insecticida del aceite esencial de Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis sobre la especie de moscas Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius). El aceite esencial fue extraído de las partes aéreas de la planta por el método de hidro-destilación en un equipo Clevenger. La colonia de dípteros muscoides fue mantenida según el procedimiento normalizado del Laboratorio de Entomología Médica y Forense del Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - LEMEF / FIOCRUZ. Para evaluar los efectos del aceite esencial sobre el desarrollo post-embrionario de las moscas, se ensayaron seis concentraciones (5, 10, 25, 50, 75 y 100%) en aplicación tópica 1μL/larva. Se obtuvo como resultado que en todos los tratamientos las larvas mostraron valores de masa corporal menores al compararlos con los grupos controles. El análisis de la duración de las etapas larval y pupal, así como del período de neolarva-adulto evidenció hubo un comportamiento que establece una diferencia entre los grupos tratados y los grupos controles. La utilización de este aceite esencial no influyó en la variable biológica razón sexual. Se concluye que el aceite esencial de Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis mostró actividad insecticida contra la especie Cochliomyia macellaria afectando los parámetros masa corporal y duración del período de neolarva-adulto, causando además mortalidad en todas las concentraciones probadas, por lo puede considerarse como un insecticida botánico de menor impacto ambiental para el control alternativo de esta especie de moscasO uso de inseticidas químicos sintéticos para o controle de insetos é perigoso, afetando o homem e os animais, contaminando o ar, a água, o solo e a cadeia alimentar, causando sérios efeitos à saúde e promovendo o desenvolvimento de resistência em várias espécies de pragas e vetores. Todos esses problemas aumentam o interesse no desenvolvimento de inseticidas alternativos com menor impacto ambiental. O objetivo desta investigação foi determinar o efeito inseticida do óleo essencial de Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis sobre as espécies de moscas Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius). O óleo essencial foi extraído das partes aéreas da planta pelo método de hidrodestilação em um equipamento de Clevenger. A colônia dípteros muscoides foi mantida de acordo com o procedimento padrão do Laboratório de Entomologia Médica e Forense do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - LEMEF / FIOCRUZ. Para avaliar os efeitos do óleo essencial no desenvolvimento pós-embrionário das moscas, seis concentrações (5, 10, 25, 50, 75 e 100%) aplicado topicamente 1 ul / larva testado. O resultado foi que em todos os tratamentos as larvas apresentaram menores valores de massa corporal quando comparados com os grupos controle. A análise da duração dos estágios larval e pupal, bem como do período neolarva-adulto, mostrou um comportamento que estabelece uma diferença entre os grupos tratados e os grupos controle. O uso deste óleo essencial não influenciou a variável biológica razão sexual. Conclui-se que o óleo essencial de Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis mostrou actividade insecticida contra Cochliomyia macellaria espécies que afecta os parâmetros de massa corporal e duração da neolarva-adulto, e fazendo com que a mortalidade em todas as concentrações testadas, assim pode ser considerado um insecticida botânico menor impacto ambiental para o controlo alternativo do presente espécies de moscas.The use of synthetic chemical insecticides for the control of insects is dangerous, affecting man and animals, contaminating the air, water, soil and the food chain, causing serious effects on health and promoting the development of resistance in several species of pests and vectors. All these problems increase the interest in the development of alternative insecticides with lower environmental impact. The objective of this investigation was to determine the insecticidal effect of the essential oil of Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis on the species of flies Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius). The essential oil was extracted from the aerial parts of the plant by the method of hydro-distillation in a Clevenger equipment. The colony of muscoid diptera was maintained according to the standard procedure of the Medical Entomology and Forensic Laboratory of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute - LEMEF / FIOCRUZ. To evaluate the effects of the essential oil on the post-embryonic development of the flies, six concentrations (5, 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) were tested in topical application 1μL / larva. The result was that in all the treatments the larvae showed lower body mass values when compared with the control groups. The analysis of the duration of the larval and pupal stages, as well as the period of neolarva-adult showed a behavior that establishes a difference between the treated groups and the control groups. The use of this essential oil did not influence the biological variable sexual reason. It is concluded that the essential oil of Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis showed insecticidal activity against the species Cochliomyia macellaria, affecting body mass parameters and duration of the neolarva-adult period, causing mortality at all tested concentrations, so it can be considered as a botanical insecticide with lower environmental impact for the alternative control of this species of flies


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    Species of the genus Alpinia are widely used by the population and have many described biological activities, including activity against insects. In this paper, we describe the bioactivity of the essential oil of two species of Alpinia genus, A. zerumbet and A. vittata, against Rhodnius nasutus, a vector of Chagas disease. The essential oils of these two species were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-MS. The main constituent of A. zerumbet essential oil (OLALPZER) was terpinen-4-ol, which represented 19.7% of the total components identified. In the essential oil of A. vittata (OLALPVIT) the monoterpene β-pinene (35.3%) was the main constituent. The essential oils and their main constituents were topically applied on R. nasutus fifth-instar nymphs. In the first 10 min of application, OLALPVIT and OLALPZER at 125 μg/mL provoked 73.3% and 83.3% of mortality, respectively. Terpinen-4-ol at 25 μg/mL and β-pinene at 44 μg/mL provoked 100% of mortality. The monitoring of resistant insects showed that both essential oils exhibited antifeedant activity. These results suggest the potential use of A. zerumbet and A. vittata essential oils and their major constituents to control R. nasutus population

    Observations on the flora of Japan.

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    Shinsen Nihon shokubutsu zusetsu.

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    v.1-2 1899-190