2,118 research outputs found

    Inglês e identidade social em estudantes universitários numa era global

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    Over the last decades English has become a language increasingly used by non-native speakers as a lingua franca to communicate with other non-native speakers. Globalisation, increased mobility and intercultural contact, communication technology and greater access to information have enabled English to become a facilitator of global communication. The prevalence of English in popular culture also makes it attractive to young people, who are particularly motivated to learn and use it. English borrowings have become increasingly popular among young people, who use linguistic choice to assert their own sense of group identification and belonging. The aim of this thesis was to gain a better understanding of these processes, namely how young university students use English borrowings in their native discourse and whether there is a link between language use and identity construction among young people in a global age. This study gathered data from students in university settings. It looks at the English borrowings which are most frequently used by groups of university students and analyses to what extent English may play a role in the construction of a youth identity. A mixed methodological approach was used to gather data in three phases between 2012 and 2017. The first phase comprised an online questionnaire, which was completed by 789 respondents from various universities in different countries, followed by a second phase, which collected over six hours of recordings of students in informal contexts, and finally an online discussion forum with fifteen students from three different countries. Results showed that English is an important part of the native discourse of the university students who took part in this study, who perceived English as being central to the way they expressed themselves, and sometimes used it in creative ways. Findings also showed that although English was valued above all for its role in international communication, and its use also strongly associated with young people, who felt empowered to use it in unique ways, thus contributing to a sense of group identity.Nas últimas décadas, a língua inglesa tem vindo a ser utilizada cada vez mais por falantes não nativos como uma língua franca, para comunicar com outros não nativos. A globalização, o aumento da mobilidade e o contacto intercultural, as tecnologias da comunicação e um acesso acrescido à informação fizeram com que o inglês se tornasse uma espécie de facilitador da comunicação global. A prevalência do inglês na cultura popular também faz com que seja especialmente atrativo para jovens, que são particularmente motivados para a sua aprendizagem e para a utilização desta língua no seu discurso. A presença de empréstimos ingleses tem vindo a aumentar entre jovens, que utilizam recursos linguísticos para se afirmarem e criarem um sentido de identificação e pertença dentro do seu grupo. Esta tese propõe-se realizar um estudo destes processos, nomeadamente sobre a forma como estudantes universitários utilizam empréstimos ingleses no seu discurso nativo, e até que ponto é que haverá uma ligação entre o uso da língua e a construção da identidade entre jovens numa era global. Este estudo recolhe dados de estudantes em contextos universitários. Faz um levantamento dos empréstimos que são utilizados com mais frequência por grupos de estudantes universitários e analisa até que ponto é que a língua inglesa tem um papel na construção de uma identidade jovem. Foi implementada uma metodologia mista para recolher dados em três fases distintas, entre 2012 e 2017. A primeira fase visou o preenchimento de um questionário online, que foi completado por 789 respondentes, e foi seguida pela recolha de mais de seis horas de gravações de estudantes universitários em contextos informais. Finalmente, foi criado um fórum de discussão online com quinze estudantes de três países distintos. Os resultados demonstraram que a língua inglesa constitui uma parte importante do discurso nativo dos estudantes que participaram neste estudo, que veem o inglês como sendo fulcral para se exprimirem, utilizando-o, por vezes, de forma muito criativa. Também mostraram que embora seja atribuída à língua inglesa um papel preponderante na comunicação intercultural, a sua utilização também está fortemente ligada aos jovens, que se sentem investidos com o poder de a utilizar de forma única, contribuindo assim para uma sensação de pertença identitária.Programa Doutoral em Estudos Culturai

    From "The Painter of Birds"

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    From "The Painter of Birds"

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    Literacy Achievement in Small Grade 1 Classes in High-Poverty Environments

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    We explored the influence of three interventions on the literacy achievement of grade-1 students in 10 schools in high poverty environments: small class size, a focus on literacy, and teachers’ continuing professional development. Despite the short-term nature of the project, the students made noteworthy gains in reading and writing, as measured on test scores. In interviews, teachers, principals, students, and parents described not only the general advantages of small classes, but also the additional benefits accruing from an instructional focus on literacy and from teachers’ continuing professional development. La recherche porte sur l’influence de trois facteurs sur les résultats en alphabétisation d’élèves de première année dans dix écoles de quartiers défavorisés : petite classe, accent sur l’alphabétisation et perfectionnement professionnel des enseignants. En dépit de la courte durée du projet, les élèves ont fait des progrès remarquables en lecture et en écriture, comme en témoignent les notes obtenues. Au cours d’entrevues, les enseignants, les directeurs d’école, les élèves et les parents ont décrit non seulement les avantages liés aux petites classes, mais aussi les bienfaits dérivés de l’accent mis sur l’alphabétisation et de la formation professionnelle continue des enseignants.

    Teachers' Instructional Practices in Small Classes

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    Smaller classes have several immediate contextual benefits for teachers, but do they result in changes to instructional practices? Results from a study of 17 small grade 1 classes indicate that teachers used these contextual benefits to support a variety of grouping practices; individualization; active learning; integration of reading, writing, and speaking; and students' personal skill development in a creative and integrated curriculum. Some used an overall program format and adapted instruction for individuals and groups, whereas others designed for children's individual and social development and integrated this in their daily plans. Instructional practices were best described as fluid and holistic, complex, and multitask, and aimed at literacy achievement.Une petite classe comporte plusieurs avantages immédiats et contextuels pour les enseignants mais il faut se demander si elle provoque des changements dans les pratiques pédagogiques. D'après une étude de 17 petites classes de première année, les enseignants profitent de ces avantages contextuels pour appuyer diverses activités de groupe; l'individualisation; l'apprentissage par l'action; l'intégration de la lecture, l'écriture et l'oral; et le développement de compétences personnelles dans un programme d'étude intégré et Imaginatif. Certains enseignants préparaient un programme global et adaptaient leur enseignement selon les élèves et les groupes alors que d'autres planifiaient leurs leçons en fonction du développement individuel et social des élèves. Les meilleurs qualificatifs pour décrire les pratiques pédagogiques à l'étude sont: fluides et holistiques, complexes, multitâches et axées sur la littératie

    Trifocal Relative Pose from Lines at Points and its Efficient Solution

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    We present a new minimal problem for relative pose estimation mixing point features with lines incident at points observed in three views and its efficient homotopy continuation solver. We demonstrate the generality of the approach by analyzing and solving an additional problem with mixed point and line correspondences in three views. The minimal problems include correspondences of (i) three points and one line and (ii) three points and two lines through two of the points which is reported and analyzed here for the first time. These are difficult to solve, as they have 216 and - as shown here - 312 solutions, but cover important practical situations when line and point features appear together, e.g., in urban scenes or when observing curves. We demonstrate that even such difficult problems can be solved robustly using a suitable homotopy continuation technique and we provide an implementation optimized for minimal problems that can be integrated into engineering applications. Our simulated and real experiments demonstrate our solvers in the camera geometry computation task in structure from motion. We show that new solvers allow for reconstructing challenging scenes where the standard two-view initialization of structure from motion fails.Comment: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-1439786 while most authors were in residence at Brown University's Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics -- ICERM, in Providence, R

    Economic values for production traits of Morada Nova meat sheep in a pasture based production system in semi-arid Brazil

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    AbstractEconomic values were estimated for meat sheep raised in a pasture based production system in semi-arid Brazil using data on the Morada Nova hair sheep breed. The traits considered were lambing percentage (LP), litter size (LS), lamb mortality (LM), yearling mortality (YM), ewe and ram mortality (AM), female slaughter weight (FSW), male slaughter weight (MSW), ewe adult weight (EAW), ram adult weight (RW), carcass yield (CY), number of lambings per year (NLY), age at first lambing (AFL) and number of anthelminthic doses used per year (AC). The economic values were estimated using the profit equation (profit=revenue−costs) after a one unit and 1% increase of each trait, keeping all other traits at their mean value. With a 1% increase in the traits, the economic values (US$ per ewe per year) for LP, LM, MSW, CY and NLY were 0.781, −0.138, 0.416, 0.827 and 0.781, respectively. The production system with Morada Nova sheep grazing native “caatinga” pasture in Brazilian Northeast, exclusively for meat production, is profitable when taking into account all costs of production, including that of family labour. Carcass yield was shown to be an important selection objective. As it is expressed when the animal is slaughtered, further studies need to be carried out with this population to aid in the choice of appropriate selection criteria for the improvement of this trait

    O sem-terra urbano em Uberlândia - o caso Lagoinha

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    Palavras-chave e resumo criados pelo pesquisador do Projeto PROGRAD/DIREN/UFU 2016-2017 Historiografia e pesquisa discente: as monografias dos graduandos em História da UFU.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)A questão do sem-terra urbano na cidade de Uberlândia tem sido alvo de muita polêmica nos dias atuais, devido ao seu agravamento e à sua própria dimensão enquanto um problema social latente dentro deste contexto específico, que se encontra inserido, obviamente, dentro do contexto mais amplo da sociedade brasileira. Neste sentido a pesquisa pretende aprofundar mais a discussão sobre a mesma na tentativa de trilhar caminhos que levem a uma maior elucidação de tal problemática. Para abordar tal questão elegeu-se como objeto de pesquisa específico a Favela Lobeira situada no Bairro Lagoinha na cidade de Uberlândia. A análise será feita a nível mais prático, mais sólido, no sentido de buscar uma real compreensão do problema habitacional na cidade, tentando desvendá-lo em seus mais variados aspectos a fim de poder analisar a própria problemática da Favela. Outra questão norteadora da monografia é a disciplinarização do espaço urbano uberlandense, que gerou todo um processo de segregação das classes populares que são jogadas cada vez mais para as áreas periféricas desprovidas das mínimas condições de moradia

    English and social identity among portuguese university students

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    Mestrado em Estudos InglesesEsta dissertação propõe-se estudar o uso de empréstimos linguísticos ingleses no discurso oral de estudantes universitários portugueses. No contexto actual, marcado pela globalização, a cultura jovem parece particularmente consciente da importância e do alcance do inglês como lingua franca, apropriando-se dele e integrando os elementos seleccionados desta língua na comunicação. Partindo desta perspectiva, a investigação realizada no âmbito deste estudo procura identificar os empréstimos linguísticos ingleses mais frequentes utilizados por 205 universitários portugueses, que representam 3 universidades, avaliando a intensidade e a extensão do seu uso, assim como o seu contributo para a criação de uma ‘cultura jovem’, simultaneamente particular e global, dentro da sociedade mais alargada. Os resultados revelam que a língua inglesa é utilizada de forma abrangente no discurso oral de jovens universitários e que essa utilização aumenta ao longo do seu percurso académico. Também sugerem que os participantes demonstram uma maior abertura à globalização e que a língua inglesa é o veículo que permite comunicar de forma eficaz, tanto a nível local como global. ABSTRACT: This dissertation addresses the issue of the use of English borrowings in the native oral discourse of Portuguese university students. In today’s era of globalisation, young people seem to be increasingly aware of the role of English as a lingua franca, appropriating its borrowings and integrating them when communicating. In the light of this situation, a study was developed and carried out with 205 Portuguese university students, representing 3 universities, which aimed to identify which English borrowings are used, the extent of their use and their contribution towards the creation of an individual, group or global youth identity within the community. The results revealed that English is used extensively in the oral discourse of young people and that its use increases as they progress through their degree. The findings also showed that the university students who participated in this study showed an openness to globalisation with English as the means through which they could achieve communication on a global as well as on a local level

    Health inequalities between lone and couple mothers and policy under different welfare regimes – The example of Italy, Sweden and Britain

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    This study examines the welfare state arrangements and social policy, living conditions and health among lone and couple mothers in three contrasting policy environments: Italy, Sweden and Britain. These countries fall into distinctive family policy categories. Data were drawn from representative national household interview surveys. The findings highlight both similarities and differences. Lone mothers had significantly worse health than couple mothers in all three countries, were more likely to suffer material disadvantage and were much more likely to be smokers. They could be considered a disadvantaged group in particular need in all three countries, irrespective of the policy regime. It is the differences between countries, however, in the experiences of lone and couple mothers that indicate that the prevailing policy regime really does matter. There were telling differences in the prevalence of lone motherhood, their composition, rates of joblessness, poverty and health status of lone mothers in relation to couple mothers in each country. These may be traced back to the main policy regimes of each country, but also partly reflect culture and traditions. The study illustrates an emerging approach to investigating the health inequalities impact of complex social policy contexts. The experiences of lone mothers as a group may serve as a ‘litmus’ test of how each family policy system is operating and offer an early warning of adverse impacts when policies change