3,184 research outputs found

    Zamyatin\u27s We and the Idea of the Dystopie

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    An examination of We clarifies conventions for the dystopic novel even as it reveals that We transcends those conventions. Under the surface text, which presents a narrative of political and romantic struggle, lie subtexts exploring the personal and ideological implications of the conflict between reason and emotion. Analysis of these texts, seen in a New Comedy framework informed by elements of irony and romance, demonstrates that on every level the novel fails to reach comic resolution. Moreover, it is this very failure that marks the departure of We from the conventions of the dystopic novel. Like Brave New World and 1984, We contains satire and an obvious dystopia. However, it does not contain the other convention defining the genre—a recognizable and accessible moral norm. Rather, it depicts two dysfunctional Utopian systems in conflict. In transcending the conventions of the dystopic novel and in offering only partial resolution outside of its own flawed and mutually exclusive worlds, We explores the contradictions of the modern experience

    Modification of Surface Density of a Porous Medium

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    A method for increasing density of a region of a porous, phenolic bonded ("PPB") body adjacent to a selected surface to increase failure tensile strength of the adjacent region and/or to decrease surface recession at elevated temperatures. When the surface-densified PPB body is brought together with a substrate, having a higher failure tensile strength, to form a composite body with a PPB body/substrate interface, the location of tensile failure is moved to a location spaced apart from the interface, the failure tensile strength of the PPB body is increased, and surface recession of the material at elevated temperature is reduced. The method deposits and allows diffusion of a phenolic substance on the selected surface. The PPB body and the substrate may be heated and brought together to form the composite body. The phenolic substance is allowed to diffuse into the PPB body, to volatilize and to cure, to provide a processed body with an increased surface density

    Training and Union wages

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    This paper investigates whether unions, through imposing wage floors that lead to wage compression, increase on-the-job training. Our analysis focuses on Germany. Based on a model of unions and firm-financed training, we derive empirical implications regarding apprenticeship training intensity, layoffs, wage cuts, and wage compression in unionized and nonunionized firms. We test these implications using firm panel data matched with administrative employee data. We find support for the hypothesis that union recognition, via imposing minimum wages and wage compression, increases training in apprenticeship programs

    Highly efficient transport of carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester into COS7 cells using human papillomavirus-like particles

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    AbstractHuman papillomavirus virus-like particles (VLPs) have recently been used to deliver genes into mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo. Here, we investigated whether VLPs may serve as an efficient carrier of low molecular weight compounds (e.g. hormones, vitamins, peptides etc.) into cells. COS7 cells were incubated with recombinant HPV-16L1/L2 VLPs labelled with the fluorescence dye carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester. Using flow cytometry, we demonstrate that labelled VLPs can specifically bind to the cell surface followed by their complete internalisation. Our results indicate that VLPs are promising vehicles for highly efficient delivery of low molecular weight compounds into cells

    Metabolic reprograming of mononuclear phagocytes in progressive multiple sclerosis.

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    UNLABELLED: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory and demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Accumulation of brain damage in progressive MS is partly the result of mononuclear phagocytes (MPs) attacking myelin sheaths in the CNS. Although there is no cure yet for MS, significant advances have been made in the development of disease modifying agents. Unfortunately, most of these drugs fail to reverse established neurological deficits and can have adverse effects. Recent evidence suggests that MPs polarization is accompanied by profound metabolic changes, whereby pro-inflammatory MPs (M1) switch toward glycolysis, whereas anti-inflammatory MPs (M2) become more oxidative. It is therefore possible that reprograming MPs metabolism could affect their function and repress immune cell activation. This mini review describes the metabolic changes underpinning macrophages polarization and anticipates how metabolic re-education of MPs could be used for the treatment of MS. KEY POINTS: Inflammation in progressive MS is mediated primarily by MPs.Cell metabolism regulates the function of MPs.DMAs can re-educate the metabolism of MPs to promote healing

    Annual progress report FIRE21 (2022)

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    This report provides a status update for the project FIRE21 – Nordic Fire and Rescue Services in the Twenty First Century after work completed the first year