2,537 research outputs found

    Satisfactions of staff nurses in a public health agency

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    Thesis (M.S)--Boston University

    Margaret Bradley, Ralph Pemberton, Phineas Pemberton, Phebe Pemberton, James Harrison, and Ann Harrison, September 6, 1686

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    Letter dated September 6, 1686 (August 27, 1686 Old Style) from Margaret Bradley to the Pembertons (Ralph, Phineas, and his wife Phebe) and the Harrisons (James and his wife Ann). The letter reports the deaths of James Marsh, Roger Bradshaw, and Ralph Wood

    Survey of Data Collections: A Research Project Undertaken for the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories

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    This report draws together the findings of the Survey of Data Collections conducted in the APSR partner Universities in 2005. The information derived from the process is intended to feed into the next stage of APSR work, providing specific data for the design of software tools, development of repositories, assessment of risk and development of risk management approaches, implementation of preservation metadata and the development of supported formats. The survey of the collections was also developed to help characterise the types of data repositories, to determine if different sorts of data sets needed different facilities, technology or management. The process raised a number of issues which were covered in the survey questions and analysis. This was expected and where appropriate will inform the APSR process and identification of issues. The survey process has also helped to identify datasets with whom APSR will be able to undertake further sustainability investigations with other data sets

    Teaching conversation skills using BST and video modeling via telehealth

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    Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic and the current state of education children have limited access to an environment where they can practice conversational skills with people outside of their immediate family. Traditionally, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a difficult time independently learning these skills, even in an environment that is ripe with social interaction(Grosberg & Charlop, 2017). The current study sought to use behavioral skills training, modeling, and prompting to teach the skills of responding to questions, asking questions, and changing the topic to one learner with ASD over telehealth. The study was conducted over three phases. The first phase consisted of collecting baseline data on the target behaviors. The second was a one-on-one intervention, where the researcher used video modeling to teach the participant one or more of the target conversational skills, they then practiced having conversation and the researcher provided the learner with feedback. These lessons continued, intervening on one behavior at a time until a stable rate of responding was observed. The final phase consisted of a maintenance and generalization assessment. Maintenance sessions occurred two weeks following the intervention and four generalization probes occurred in the home with different people during the final week of the intervention. The results indicate that these conversation skills can be learned through the one-on-one telehealth intervention, can maintain over time, and generalize to real world setting

    Leading, Learning, and Leadership Support

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    Offers a framework for improving learning-focused leadership through the use of data and evidence, reallocation of resources, redefined roles and responsibilities, assessment of leadership performance, better governance, and a focus on high schools

    Learning-Focused Leadership and Leadership Support: Meaning and Practice in Urban Systems

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    Synthesizes three reports on what good education leadership means and how it can best be supported, including the role of the school leader and the transformation of central district offices to focus more on improving instruction. Outlines key practices

    Joseph Cachin (1757-1825), ou selon Balzac « l’homme de génie à qui l’on doit Cherbourg »

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    L’ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées Joseph Cachin (1757-1825) est un peu oublié de nos jours – bien qu’il fût cité par Balzac en 1841 entre Leonard de Vinci et Palladio ! Margaret Bradley, spécialiste du Corps des ponts d’avant l’École polytechnique (1794), nous fait revivre ici la carrière du fils du portier de l’évêché de Castres – comme elle l’avait fait pour un ingénieur similaire, P.-S. Girard (1756-1836) dans BibNum, et comme elle l’a fait par ailleurs pour Prony (1755-1839).Il est vrai que paradoxalement Cachin a beaucoup écrit sur des projets qui ne se réalisaient pas, et peu écrit sur le quasi seul projet qu’il réalisa, et qui reste son « chef d’œuvre » : le port de Cherbourg, voulu par Napoléon (redoutable port de défense militaire anti-Albion, avant tout). On a pourtant retrouvé ce manuscrit (qui existe aussi en imprimé) d’un voyage en Angleterre qu’il fit juste après ses études, en 1785, pour observer (espionner ?), pendant un des rares moments de paix entre les deux pays, après la Guerre d'Indépendance outre-Atlantique et avant les guerres révolutionnaires puis napoléoniennes. : C’est notre texte BibNum, constitué d’une série de fiches d’observations (une grue de construction marine, une jetée, etc.), et pas du tout un rapport de voyage rédigé… Un écrit d’ingénieur, d’abord et avant tout.On se rappelle que d’autres ingénieurs des Ponts (plutôt polytechniciens, ceux-là, donc plus tardifs) affectés aux constructions et aux ports s’ennuyaient beaucoup au service ordinaire des Ponts : c’était le cas de Coriolis, et Arago le rappelle à propos d’Augustin Fresnel dans l’hommage qu’il lui rend à l’Académie à sa mort. Ces ingénieurs-là préféraient de loin faire de la science que des constructions. Rien de tel chez Cachin, bâtisseur-né, et assez peu écrivain…Ah si, Cachin a écrit à propos de Cherbourg, mais bien plus tardivement, dans un mémoire de 1819, alors rangé des affaires, il eut à défendre « son » port contre de perfides Anglais qui prétendaient qu’il était mal construit par comparaison avec leur digue de Plymouth, outre-Manche. Albion, il fallait s’en défendre et par mer et par plume 
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