6 research outputs found

    Keragaan Padi Varietas Inpari 24 dan Varietas Mantap pada Budidaya Berbasis Organik

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    Varietas yang dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan pengelolaan lingkungan budidaya berbasis organik tanpa mempengaruhi produktivitas dan kualitasnya diperlukan untuk mendukung penanaman padi berbasis organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh budidaya padi berbasis organik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil varietas Inpari 24 yang merupakan varietas beras fungsional dan varietas Mantap yang merupakan varietas potensi hasil tinggi. Percobaan dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Sukamandi Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi (BB Padi) pada bulan Juni hingga September 2019. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan tersarang dimana budidaya padi (berbasis organik dan budidaya eksisting) sebagai petak utama dan varietas (Inpari 24 dan Mantap) sebagai anak petak. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap karakteristik tanah, pertumbuhan tanaman, hasil dan komponen hasil. Pengambilan contoh dilakukan sebanyak enam ulangan untuk setiap perlakuan budidaya dan varietas. Pengaruh perlakuan dianalisis menggunakan uji t untuk mengetahui perbedaan antar perlakuan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa dibandingkan budidaya eksisting, budidaya padi berbasis organik menurunkan kemampuan varietas Inpari 24 dan Mantap untuk tumbuh dan memberikan hasil yang optimal. Penurunan hasil pada varietas padi fungsional Inpari 24 mencapai 53,60%, sedangkan varietas potensi hasil tinggi Mantap mengalami penurunan hasil sebesar 23,43%. Penurunan hasil ini selaras dengan penurunan kemampuan pembentukan anakan dan pembentukan malai, berkurangnya bobot gabah 1000 butir serta kemampuan mempertahankan kehijauan daun bendera hingga panen. Persentase penurunan hasil yang lebih kecil pada varietas Mantap menunjukkan bahwa varietas tersebut lebih beradaptasi terhadap perubahan pengelolaan lingkungan yang terjadi pada budidaya organik

    Kandungan asam p-Hidroksibenzoat dan p-Kumarat akar padi varietas inpara dan pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan Echinochloa crus-galli

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    Compounds of p-hidroksibenzoic and p-coumaric acids are allelochemicals produced by plants and can be phytotoxic to other plants. Allelochemicals can be used as bioherbicides in weed control. The objective of this research was to determine the content of p-hydroxybenzoic and p-coumaric in rice roots, and their effect on the growth of barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli). Analysis of the content of p-hydroxybenzoic and p-coumaric compunds was carried out using HPLC. The experiment on E. crus-galli growth consisted of two phases using a completely randomized design with three replications. The first phase was testing of compounds with various concentrations (100, 300, 500, 700 ppm), and the second phase was testing of rice root extracts 0.5 g ml-1 on several Inpara varieties. The result showed that the highest content of p-hydroxybenzoic and p-coumaric acids was found in Inpara 9, and the lowest was in Inpara 6. The greatest inhibition of E. crus-galli growth (shoot and root length, dry weight) was observed at 700 ppm concentration. Rice root extracts inhibit the growth of E. crus-galli with varying degrees. Inpara 3, 4, 7, 8, and 10 had the ability to suppress E. crus-galli growth higher than the average of 10 Inpara varieties used.ABSTRAK Senyawa asam p-hidroksibenzoat dan p-kumarat merupakan alelokimia yang diproduksi oleh tanaman dan dapat bersifat fitotoksik terhadap tanaman lain. Alelokimia dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bioherbisida dalam pengendalian gulma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan p-hidroksibenzoat dan p-kumarat pada akar padi, serta pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan jajagoan (Echinochloa crus-galli). Analisis kandungan senyawa p-hidroksibenzoat dan p-kumarat dilakukan dengan menggunakan HPLC. Pengujian terhadap pertumbuhan E. crus-galli terdiri dari dua tahap dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap tiga ulangan. Tahap pertama adalah pengujian senyawa dengan berbagai konsentrasi (100, 300, 500, 700 ppm) dan tahap kedua adalah pengujian ekstrak akar padi dengan konsentrasi 0,5 g ml-1 pada beberapa varietas Inpara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan asam p-hidroksibenzoat dan p-kumarat tertinggi terdapat pada Inpara 9, dan yang terkecil pada Inpara 6. Penghambatan pertumbuhan E. crus-galli (panjang tajuk, akar, dan berat kering) terbesar pada konsentrasi 700 ppm. Ekstrak akar padi mampu menghambat pertumbuhan E. crus-galli dengan tingkat penghambatan yang bervariasi. Inpara 3, 4, 7, 8, dan 10 memiliki kemampuan menekan pertumbuhan E. crus-galli lebih tinggi dari rata-rata 10 varietas yang digunakan

    Rice Varieties Cropping Patterns for High Yield and Optimal Cropping Index in Tidal Swamp

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    Optimizing tidal swamp land to increase rice productivity and yields could be carried out by increasing the cropping index (IP). This research was conducted to obtain information on the opportunity to increase the cropping index through the use of improved varieties. The study was conducted in January-December 2019 in Sukaraja Village, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatera by testing three cropping patterns with four replications. The cropping pattern treatments were: P1: Regas (planting season/PS 1)-Regas (PS 2); P2: Inpara 2 (PS 1)-Inpara 2 (PS 2); P3: Inpara 2 (PS 1)-Inpari 19 (PS 2)-Inpari 19 (PS 3). Regas is a commonly planted variety, Inpara 2 is an improved variety, and Inpari 19 is an early maturing variety. The cultivation was using an Intensive, Super, and Actual Tidal Swamp (RAISA). The observation was conducted on growth, yield, and yield comparison between cropping patterns. The combination of rice-rice cropping pattern with Inpara 2 was the highest yield was 11.35 ton ha-1 GKG or 34.6% higher than Regas. The cropping index in tidal swamp land is potential to be increased to three in high annual rainfall conditions and supported by high-yielding and early maturing rice varieties.Keywords: cropping pattern, land optimization, RAISA, swamp cultivation, swampy riceOptimalisasi penggunaan lahan rawa pasang surut untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan hasil padi dapat dilakukan dengan peningkatan indeks pertanaman (IP). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi peluang peningkatan indeks pertanaman melalui penggunaan varietas unggul baru padi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Januari-Desember 2019 di Desa Sukaraja, Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan dengan menguji tiga kombinasi pola tanam yang diulang empat kali. Perlakuan pola tanam yaitu: P1: Regas (musim tanam /MT 1)-Regas (MT 2); P2: Inpara 2 (MT 1)-Inpara 2 (MT 2); P3: Inpara 2 (MT 1)-Inpari 19 (MT 2)-Inpari 19 (MT 3). Regas adalah varietas lokal yang umum ditanam petani, Inpara 2 adalah varietas unggul baru (VUB) adaptif lahan rawa, dan Inpari 19 adalah VUB berumur genjah. Budidaya yang diterapkan yaitu Rawa Pasang Surut Intensif, Super, dan Aktual (RAISA). Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap karakter pertumbuhan dan hasil, serta perbandingan hasil antar pola tanam. Pola tanam padi-padi dengan VUB adaptif rawa (Inpara 2) merupakan pola tanam dengan hasil tertinggi sebesar 11.35 ton ha-1 GKG atau 34.6% lebih tinggi dibanding padi lokal. Indeks pertanaman di lahan rawa pasang surut berpeluang ditingkatkan menjadi tiga kali tanam pada kondisi curah hujan tahunan tinggi dengan didukung pendekatan varietas hasil tinggi dan umur pendek. Kata kunci: budidaya lahan rawa, optimalisasi lahan, padi rawa, pola tanam, RAIS

    Utilization of amelioration and bioremediation to reduce Al stress in upland rice “Inpago 12”

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    The contribution of rice production in drylands (upland rice) to national rice production is still low, due to several limiting factors including limited water, low pH, and low soil fertility. This study aimed to obtain improved recommendations for amelioration and bioremediation in drylands with Al stress to enhance rice production. The upland rice variety of Inpago 12 was planted at Taman Bogo Experimental Farm, East Lampung in the first planting season of 2020. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with three replications. The main plot was the application of amelioration materials consisting of control (without amelioration), CaMg(CO3)2, CaCO3, and rock phosphate. The subplot was the application of bioremediation materials consisting of control (without bioremediation), biofertilizer, endophytic microbes, and citric acid. Results showed that amelioration and bioremediation on dry land with low to moderate Al stress and high Al stress did not significantly increase the growth of rice plants. However, bioremediation in the form of citric acid on land with low to moderate Al stress significantly increased grain production by 6.21% than without bioremediation. Keywords: Aluminium, dryland, limited water, rice production, low soil fertility, low p

    Diversity and Allelopathic Potential of Weeds in Swampland

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    Weeds are plant disturbing organism that affect yields through competition and allelopathy. However,  not much is known about weed diversity in swamps, so research is needed to identify their types and compounds as a weed control strategy. This study was conducted using a survey method from January to March 2020 at the Barito Kuala District, South Kalimantan. Thirty villages were randomly selected from each of the eight chosen subdistricts. Out of the twenty-six weed species identified, there were ten species of grasses, seven sedges, and nine broadleaves. The results showed that the weed species were dominated by Cyperus halpan, Eleocharis dulcis, and Cynodon dactylon (L.), with an SDR of 23.46, 16.73, and 10.03, respectively. The analysis of GC-MS showed that the weeds contained four similar compounds: neophyte diene, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, and stigmasterol. The largest compound content in C. halpan was diisocotyl phthalate (48.49%), while in E. dulcis and C. dactylon the largest were o-phthalic acid and mono-2-ethylhexyl-ester (69.36 and 40.23%). Moreover, weed allelochemicals are classified into fatty acids, steroids, esters, and other volatile compounds, where some have the potential for allelopathy that inhibits crop growth.

    Drip Irrigation Technology Performance on Rice Cultivation

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    This study aims to determine the performance of drip irrigation technology as compared to conventional farmer’s practice on rice growth and yield, grain quality, and water consumption. The research was carried out at the Sukamandi Experimental Station, Subang, West Java in July - October 2019. The test was arranged by a nested randomized block design with 5 replications. The main plot was water management with 2 levels: (1) Drip Irrigation Technology (DIT) and (2) Conventional Farmer’s Practice (CFP) (flooded condition) as a comparation. Subplot was varieties with 4 levels: two hybrid rice (1) Hipa 8 and (2) Hipa 18, upland rice (3) Inpago 11, and irrigated inbred rice (4) Inpari 42. The result showed that yield of DIT not significantly different to CFP with higher number of tillers per m2. However, it was lower for plant height, tillering ability, grain filling, 1000 grains weight, transpiration rate, assimilation rate and stomatal conductance. For grain quality determination, DIT gave an increase in the average of grain density and impurities, but decreased in the average percentage of chalky and immature grains. In Hipa 18, DIT was able to produce a higher percentage of head rice. DIT only consumed 3864 m3/ha/season water irrigation compared with average water consumption in Sukamandi Field Station which range of 7460-8740 m3/ha/season