79 research outputs found

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    Effects of the Uncertainty of Interpersonal Communications on Behavioral Responses of the Participants in an Immersive Virtual Reality Experience: A Usability Study

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    Two common difficulties which people face in their daily lives are managing effective communication with others and dealing with what makes them feel uncertain. Past research highlights that the result of not being able to handle these difficulties influences people’s performance in the task at hand substantially, especially in the context of a social environment such as a workplace. Perceived uncertainty of information is a key influential factor in this regard, with effects on the quality of the information transfer between sender and receiver. Uncertainty of information can be induced into the communication system in three ways: when there is any kind of information deficit that makes the target message unclear for the receiver, when there are some requested changes that could not be predicted by the receiver, and when the content of the message is so interconnected and complex that it limits understanding. Since uncertainty is an inseparable feature of our lives, studying the effects that different levels of it have on individuals and how individuals nevertheless accomplish the tasks of daily living is of high importance. Modern technologies such as immersive virtual reality (VR) have been successful in providing effective platforms to support human behavioral and social well-being studies. In this paper, we suggest the design, development, and evaluation of an immersive VR serious game platform to study behavioral responses to the uncertain features of interpersonal communications. In addition, we report the result of a within-subject user study with 17 participants aged between 20 and 35 and their behavioral responses to two levels of uncertainty with subjective and objective measures. The results convey that the application successfully and meaningfully measured some behavioral responses related to exposure to different levels of uncertainty and overall, the participants were satisfied with the experience

    On the Feasibility of Social Network-based Pollution Sensing in ITSs

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    Intense vehicular traffic is recognized as a global societal problem, with a multifaceted influence on the quality of life of a person. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) can play an important role in combating such problem, decreasing pollution levels and, consequently, their negative effects. One of the goals of ITSs, in fact, is that of controlling traffic flows, measuring traffic states, providing vehicles with routes that globally pursue low pollution conditions. How such systems measure and enforce given traffic states has been at the center of multiple research efforts in the past few years. Although many different solutions have been proposed, very limited effort has been devoted to exploring the potential of social network analysis in such context. Social networks, in general, provide direct feedback from people and, as such, potentially very valuable information. A post that tells, for example, how a person feels about pollution at a given time in a given location, could be put to good use by an environment aware ITS aiming at minimizing contaminant emissions in residential areas. This work verifies the feasibility of using pollution related social network feeds into ITS operations. In particular, it concentrates on understanding how reliable such information is, producing an analysis that confronts over 1,500,000 posts and pollution data obtained from on-the- field sensors over a one-year span.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, Transaction Forma

    Towards a holistic approach to the socio-historical analysis of vernacular photos

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    Although one of the most popular practices in photography since the end of the 19th century, an increase in scholarly interest in family photo albums dates back to the early 1980s. Such collections of photos may reveal sociological and historical insights regarding specific cultures and times. They are, however, in most cases scattered among private homes and only available on paper or photographic film, thus making their collection and analysis by historians, socio-cultural anthropologists, and cultural theorists very cumbersome. Computer-based methodologies could aid such a process in various ways, speeding up the cataloging step, for example, with the use of modern computer vision techniques. We here investigate such an approach, in- troducing the design and development of a multimedia application that may automatically catalog vernacular pictures drawn from family photo albums. To this aim, we introduce the IMAGO dataset, which is composed of photos belonging to family albums assembled at the University of Bologna’s Rimini campus since 2004. Ex- ploiting the proposed application, IMAGO has offered the opportunity of experimenting with photos taken between the years 1845 and 2009. In particular, it has been possible to estimate their socio-historical content, i.e., the dates and contexts of the images, without resorting to any other sources of information. Exceeding our initial expectations, such an approach has revealed its merit not only in terms of performance but also in terms of the foreseeable implications for the benefit of socio-historical research. To the best of our knowledge, this contribution is among the few that move along this path at the intersection of socio-historical studies, multimedia computing, and artificial intelligence

    On the Design and Run of VANET Road Experiments

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    Abstract-Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are an emerging area of communication that offer a wide variety of possible applications, ranging from safety to multimedia and games. In a near future, in fact, we may easily envision safety and gaming applications where the real-time video captured from a vehicle is streamed to all connected ones, within some given range. We can therefore expect that the standardization of inter-vehicular communication protocols will support the emergence of such type of new applications and that multimedia and gaming, putting to good use such technologies, will rapidly grow. However, one of the obstacles to the exploitation of such applications in the context of VANETs is given by the practical impossibility to test those solutions in real life conditions, as a great number of vehicles are required to gather any significant amount of relevant experimental data. Hence, we here present an approach that makes the practicality of field tests come true, applying a novel methodology apt to experiment with multimedia applications and games in vehicular environments, as it can cope with a very limited amount of resources. The results gained by applying this approach represent a solid leapfrog in the study of such systems. We here discuss in detail the experiments that were run on the road with such methodology and the positive implications that such results reveal for the context of VANET-based multimedia and gaming

    Exploiting fashion x-commerce through the empowerment of voice in the fashion virtual reality arena. Integrating voice assistant and virtual reality technologies for fashion communication

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    The ongoing development of eXtended Reality (XR) technologies is supporting a rapid increase of their performances along with a progressive decrease of their costs, making them more and more attractive for a large class of consumers. As a result, their widespread use is expected within the next few years. This may foster new opportunities for e-commerce strategies, giving birth to an XR-based commerce (x-commerce) ecosystem. With respect to web and mobile-based shopping experiences, x-commerce could more easily support brick-and-mortar store-like experiences. One interesting and consolidated one amounts to the interactions among customers and shop assistants inside fashion stores. In this work, we concentrate on such aspects with the design and implementation of an XR-based shopping experience, where vocal dialogues with an Amazon Alexa virtual assistant are supported, to experiment with a more natural and familiar contact with the store environment. To verify the validity of such an approach, we asked a group of fashion experts to try two different XR store experiences: with and without the voice assistant integration. The users are then asked to answer a questionnaire to rate their experiences. The results support the hypothesis that vocal interactions may contribute to increasing the acceptance and comfortable perception of XR-based fashion shopping

    A Simulative Evaluation of V2V Algorithms for Road Safety and In-Car Entertainment

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    Abstract-The specific features of inter-vehicular communications are allowing the deployment of a broad gamut of possible applications including traffic control, road safety and in-car entertainment. At the basis of all this lies the improvement of VANET-based transmission techniques that are becoming technologically mature. Within this context, in this paper we provide an experimental comparison between two of the most effectual algorithms whose aim is that of quickly broadcasting messages throughout a given platoon of vehicles. The most prominent characteristic of both the algorithms under investigation is that they were designed for wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, with in mind only realistic transmission conditions (that is, asymmetric and variable vehicles transmission ranges). Even if both algorithms were conceived based on the idea to span application messages as far as possible, while minimizing the number of relaying vehicles, our extensive analysis demonstrates that one of the two outperforms the other

    NEARCHOS. Networked Archaeological Open Science: Advances in Archaeology Through Field Analytics and Scientific Community Sharing

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    The full release and circulation of excavation results often takes decades, thus slowing down progress in archaeology to a degree not in keeping with other scientific fields. The nonconformity of released data for digital processing also requires vast and costly data input and adaptation. Archaeology should face the cognitive challenges posed by digital environments, changing in scope and rhythm. We advocate the adoption of a synergy between recording techniques, field analytics, and a collaborative approach to create a new epistemological perspective, one in which research questions are constantly redefined through real-time, collaborative analysis of data as they are collected and/or searched for in an excavation. Since new questions are defined in science discourse after previous results have been disseminated and discussed within the scientific community, sharing evidence in remote with colleagues, both in the process of field collection and subsequent study, will be a key innovative feature, allowing a complex and real-time distant interaction with the scholarly community and leading to more rapid improvements in research agendas and queries

    Attitudes of Crohn's Disease Patients: Infodemiology Case Study and Sentiment Analysis of Facebook and Twitter Posts

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    Background: Data concerning patients originates from a variety of sources on social media. Objective: The aim of this study was to show how methodologies borrowed from different areas including computer science, econometrics, statistics, data mining, and sociology may be used to analyze Facebook data to investigate the patients’ perspectives on a given medical prescription. Methods: To shed light on patients’ behavior and concerns, we focused on Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, and the specific therapy with the biological drug Infliximab. To gain information from the basin of big data, we analyzed Facebook posts in the time frame from October 2011 to August 2015. We selected posts from patients affected by Crohn’s disease who were experiencing or had previously been treated with the monoclonal antibody drug Infliximab. The selected posts underwent further characterization and sentiment analysis. Finally, an ethnographic review was carried out by experts from different scientific research fields (eg, computer science vs gastroenterology) and by a software system running a sentiment analysis tool. The patient feeling toward the Infliximab treatment was classified as positive, neutral, or negative, and the results from computer science, gastroenterologist, and software tool were compared using the square weighted Cohen’s kappa coefficient method. Results: The first automatic selection process returned 56,000 Facebook posts, 261 of which exhibited a patient opinion concerning Infliximab. The ethnographic analysis of these 261 selected posts gave similar results, with an interrater agreement between the computer science and gastroenterology experts amounting to 87.3% (228/261), a substantial agreement according to the square weighted Cohen’s kappa coefficient method (w2K=0.6470). A positive, neutral, and negative feeling was attributed to 36%, 27%, and 37% of posts by the computer science expert and 38%, 30%, and 32% by the gastroenterologist, respectively. Only a slight agreement was found between the experts’ opinion and the software tool. Conclusions: We show how data posted on Facebook by Crohn’s disease patients are a useful dataset to understand the patient’s perspective on the specific treatment with Infliximab. The genuine, nonmedically influenced patients’ opinion obtained from Facebook pages can be easily reviewed by experts from different research backgrounds, with a substantial agreement on the classification of patients’ sentiment. The described method allows a fast collection of big amounts of data, which can be easily analyzed to gain insight into the patients’ perspective on a specific medical therapy

    Dall’archivio fisico all’archivio digitale: l’esperienza di A.N.G.E.L.O. Vintage Palace narrata dal suo fondatore Angelo Caroli

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