1,039 research outputs found

    Modellazione del sistema pilota-veicolo a due ruote in ambiente integrato Matlab-Adams

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    "Modellazione del sistema pilota-veicolo a due ruote in ambiente integrato Matlab-Adams" Sommario In questo lavoro è presentato un modello del sistema pilota-veicolo a due ruote realizzato utilizzando il codice di calcolo multibody ADAMS per lo sviluppo del sistema fisico ed integrandolo con le regole di controllo del pilota implementate con il software Matlab. Lo scopo è di fornire uno strumento da utilizzare in analisi di maneggevolezza da affiancare alle prove su pista dei collaudatori;questo nell’ottica della prototipazione virtuale, necessaria per orientare nella giusta direzione la progettazione sin dalle sue fasi iniziali e per limitare i costi, sia in termini di denaro che di tempo, delle prove sperimentali. Il “pilota virtuale” realizzato è in grado di percepire le grandezze che caratterizzano la dinamica del sistema e di guidare il veicolo, in modo da seguire una traiettoria assegnata, applicando una coppia allo sterzo ed una forza di trazione o frenatura; le manovre simulate sono state il cambio di corsia, la curva “ad U” e l’otto stretto. E’ stata messa a punto una procedura per generare le traiettorie desiderate a partire da una serie discreta di punti. Infine, il modello è stato validato confrontando i risultati ottenuti nelle simulazioni con quelli sperimentali relativi alle prove su pista della manovra di “otto”, evidenziando un buon accordo. “Modelling of two wheeled vehicle-driver system in Matlab-Adams integrated environment” Abstract In this work a model of the two wheeled vehicle-driver system is presented; it is realized using the multibody code AdamsÒ to represent the physical system, and MatlabÒ software for the implementation of the driver control rules. The aim was to provide a tool to use in handling evaluation, to support test drivers judgments. This was developed according to the concept of virtual prototyping, which is very useful to direct the design of a vehicle since the beginning, thus limiting the high costs, in terms of money and time, of the trials. The “virtual driver” is able to perceive the quantities characterizing the system dynamics, and to drive the vehicle to follow a given path, applying a steering torque and an accelerating or braking force; lane change, U-turn and “eight” manoeuvres was simulated. A procedure to generate the assigned path starting from a discrete sequence of points has been designed. Finally the model was validated comparing the simulation results with the experimental ones in the case of the “eight” manoeuvre, showing a good agreement

    Differentiation strategies in coffee global value chains through reference to territorial origin in Latin American countries

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    For many years coffee has been regarded as a commodity. Recently, new trends both at consumption and production level created new opportunities for de-commodifying the coffee market, by a differentiation based on social, environmental and territorial resources, and consequently for strengthening local agro-food systems and improving the position of farmers in the value chain. In this perspective, territorial origin is one promising lever of differentiation, and there is a growing number of initiatives trying to develop protected Geographical Indications in coffee value chains. This work aims at identifying the different logics surrounding the construction of protected Geographical Indications (GIs) in the coffee industry in Latin America, and to discuss the role of history and tradition in relation to the link to specific local resources. Our analysis highlights a variety of typologies of GI initiatives, which follow different logics and strategies, and interpret the concept of “origin” in different ways, especially when compared to the European Union one. However the role that history and traditions play in American coffee GIs is not yet relevant.<br><br>Durante mucho tiempo, el café ha sido considerado como un producto commodity, de carácter indiferenciado. Recientemente, nuevas tendencias en la producción y el consumo de café han creado nuevas oportunidades para emprender estrategias de diferenciación (de-commodify) en el mercado del café, basadas en los recursos locales de carácter social, medioambiental y territorial y, consecuentemente, con una finalidad de impulsar los sistemas agroalimentarios locales y de mejorar la situación de los agricultores en la cadena de valor. Desde esta perspectiva, el origen territorial se convierte en una herramienta prometedora de diferenciación del producto. Existe un número creciente de iniciativas cuyo propósito es desarrollar Indicaciones Geográficas (IGs) en el ámbito de las cadenas de valor del café. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar las diferentes lógicas de funcionamiento que tienen lugar en el ámbito de la construcción de IGs en el sector del café en América Latina, así como discutir el papel de la historia y la tradición como recursos locales específicos que vinculan el producto al territorio. Nuestro análisis pone de relieve una variedad de tipologías de iniciativas de IGs, que siguen diferentes lógicas y estrategias. El trabajo interpreta el concepto de “origen” de distintas maneras, particularmente en comparación con la normativa de la Unión Europea. No obstante, el rol de la historia y de la tradición no es aún especialmente relevante en el caso de las IGs americanas de café

    O papel das redes para o desenvolvimento do turismo rural e da valorização dos produtos de origem

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    In rural areas, development is reoriented to enhance local resources-physical and sociocultural-with the aim of retaining the benefits in the area as much as possible. Development objectives are defined on the basis of the needs, capacities, and perspectives of local agents, while the participation of the population is a fundamental principle and strategy for action. The plurality and heterogeneity of agents and interests is therefore a defining characteristic of the territorial quality strategy, whose development and implementation usually involve the contribution of diverse economic figures. In this essay, we identify and discuss the plurality of key functions that networks can play in endogenous rural development processes. The rural area and its endogenous development processes, evidenced by the two cases analyzed - of agritourism and valorization of products of origin - can be interpreted respectively as a network of networks, more or less formalized, resulting from their interactions. In particular, we identify the function of building connections between capitals to create meanings, that is, symbolic capital, characterized by the development of economic / organizational functions, the creation and sharing of internal patterns and management of territorial commons; we add to this a metafunction, an effective governance of the relationship between agents.En las zonas rurales, el desarrollo se reorienta para potenciar los recursos locales -físicos y socioculturales- con el objetivo de retener los beneficios en la zona en la medida de lo posible. Los objetivos de desarrollo se definen a partir de las necesidades, capacidades y perspectivas de los agentes locales, mientras que la participación de la población es un principio y una estrategia de actuación fundamentales. La pluralidad y heterogeneidad de agentes e intereses es, por tanto, un rasgo llamativo de la estrategia de calidad territorial, en cuyo desarrollo y aplicación suelen intervenir diversas figuras económicas. En este ensayo, identificamos y discutimos la pluralidad de funciones clave que las redes pueden desempeñar en los procesos de desarrollo rural endógeno. El espacio rural y sus procesos de desarrollo endógeno, evidenciados por los dos casos analizados -del agroturismo y de la valorización de los productos de origen- pueden interpretarse respectivamente como una red de redes, más o menos formalizadas, resultantes de sus interacciones. En particular, identificamos la función de construir conexiones entre capitales para crear significados, es decir, el capital simbólico, caracterizado por el desarrollo de funciones económicas/organizativas, la creación y puesta en común de patrones internos y la gestión de bienes comunes territoriales; a esto se añade una metafunción, una gobernanza efectiva de la relación entre agentes.Nas zonas rurais, o desenvolvimento é reorientado de forma a valorizar os recursos locais - físicos e socioculturais - com o objetivo de reter os benefícios na área o máximo possível. Os objetivos de desenvolvimento são definidos com base nas necessidades, capacidades e perspectivas dos agentes locais, enquanto a participação da população é um princípio fundamental e uma estratégia de ação. A pluralidade e heterogeneidade de agentes e interesses é, portanto, característica marcante da estratégia de qualidade territorial, cujo desenvolvimento e implementação costuma envolver a contribuição de diversas figuras econômicas. Neste ensaio, identificamos e discutimos a pluralidade de funções-chave que as redes podem desempenhar nos processos de desenvolvimento rural endógeno. A zona rural e seus processos de desenvolvimento endógeno, evidenciados pelos dois casos analisados - do agriturismo e da valorização dos produtos de origem - podem ser interpretados respectivamente como uma rede de redes, mais ou menos formalizada, resultantes de suas interações. Em particular, identificamos a função de construir conexões entre capitais para criar significados, ou seja, capital simbólico, caracterizado pelo desenvolvimento de funções econômicas / organizativas, pela criação e compartilhamento de padrões internos e gestão de bens comuns territoriais; soma-se a isso uma metafunção, uma governance eficaz da relação entre os agentes

    The value of local Italian supply chain of the large wild ungulates meat: the case of the red deer meat in Alpine valleys

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    Currently in Italy, in contrast to other EU countries, a supply chain for hunted game meat does not exist. Nevertheless there are the conditions for its development (Gaviglio et al., 2017); in fact game meat dishes’ has always been part of Alpine area’s culinary tradition and furthermore, management measures aimed at reducing the overpopulation of large wild ungulates leaded to an increase in the availability of their meat.In this context, the present research aims at analyze the dynamics of the value in the local non-existent supply chain of the large wild game meat by the application on the case study of the Valle Ossola (Piedmont, Italy). Due to its representativeness among Italian wild ungulates, the research focus on red deer meat.The data has been collected in 2016 through in-depth interviews and focus groups with the stakeholders involved in the supply chain: hunters, transformers and restaurateurs.Results show that for the hunter the red deer reach a hypothetical price of 6,00 €/kg. From a meat processing targeted at the maximum enhancement of the carcass, without any waste, the transformers can reach a hypothetical price of 9,80 €/kg. Whereas for the restaurateur, the red deer meat can reach a final price range between 22,88 and 51,47 €/kg (hypothesizing maximum sales of high value-added course).Through the maximization of the meat’s quality, hunter and transformers profits can increase significantly, with a redistribution of the added value throughout the supply chain.A limitation of this study is that the calculated values does not take into consideration the stakeholders’ production costs (that increasing along the supply chain).Considering our findings, the development of sustainable supply chain of the local game meat could be economically interesting. Thus, wild ungulates could represent an economic resource for the population rather than an environmental and social cost for the mountain areas