1,450 research outputs found

    Metallic properties of magnesium point contacts

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of the conductance and stability of Mg atomic-sized contacts. Using Mechanically Controllable Break Junctions (MCBJ), we have observed that the room temperature conductance histograms exhibit a series of peaks, which suggests the existence of a shell effect. Its periodicity, however, cannot be simply explained in terms of either an atomic or electronic shell effect. We have also found that at room temperature, contacts of the diameter of a single atom are absent. A possible interpretation could be the occurrence of a metal-to-insulator transition as the contact radius is reduced, in analogy with what it is known in the context of Mg clusters. However, our first principle calculations show that while an infinite linear chain can be insulating, Mg wires with larger atomic coordinations, as in realistic atomic contacts, are alwaysmetallic. Finally, at liquid helium temperature our measurements show that the conductance histogram is dominated by a pronounced peak at the quantum of conductance. This is in good agreement with our calculations based on a tight-binding model that indicate that the conductance of a Mg one-atom contact is dominated by a single fully open conduction channel.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Mechanical properties of Pt monatomic chains

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    The mechanical properties of platinum monatomic chains were investigated by simultaneous measurement of an effective stiffness and the conductance using our newly developed mechanically controllable break junction (MCBJ) technique with a tuning fork as a force sensor. When stretching a monatomic contact (two-atom chain), the stiffness and conductance increases at the early stage of stretching and then decreases just before breaking, which is attributed to a transition of the chain configuration and bond weakening. A statistical analysis was made to investigate the mechanical properties of monatomic chains. The average stiffness shows minima at the peak positions of the length-histogram. From this result we conclude that the peaks in the length-histogram are a measure of the number of atoms in the chains, and that the chains break from a strained state. Additionally, we find that the smaller the initial stiffness of the chain is, the longer the chain becomes. This shows that softer chains can be stretched longer.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Hall Resistance Overshoot in 2-Dimensional Electron Gases - Theory and Experiment

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    We present a systematical experimental investigation of an unusual transport phenomenon observed in two dimensional electron gases in Si/SiGe heterostructures under integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE) conditions. This phenomenon emerges under specific experimental conditions and in different material systems. It is commonly referred to as Hall resistance overshoot, however, lacks a consistent explanation so far. Based on our experimental findings we are able to develop a model that accounts for all of our observations in the framework of a screening theory for the IQHE. Within this model the origin of the overshoot is attributed to a transport regime where current is confined to co-existing evanescent incompressible strips of different filling factors.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Observation of electronic and atomic shell effects in gold nanowires

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    The formation of gold nanowires in vacuum at room temperature reveals a periodic spectrum of exceptionally stable diameters. This is identified as shell structure similar to that which was recently discovered for alkali metals at low temperatures. The gold nanowires present two competing `magic' series of stable diameters, one governed by electronic structure and the other by the atomic packing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic and atomic shell structure in aluminum nanowires

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    We report experiments on aluminum nanowires in ultra-high vacuum at room temperature that reveal a periodic spectrum of exceptionally stable structures. Two "magic" series of stable structures are observed: At low conductance, the formation of stable nanowires is governed by electronic shell effects whereas for larger contacts atomic packing dominates. The crossover between the two regimes is found to be smooth. A detailed comparison of the experimental results to a theoretical stability analysis indicates that while the main features of the observed electron-shell structure are similar to those of alkali and noble metals, a sequence of extremely stable wires plays a unique role in Aluminum. This series appears isolated in conductance histograms and can be attributed to "superdeformed" non-axisymmetric nanowires.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Giant negative magnetoresistance in semiconductors doped by multiply charged deep impurities

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    A giant negative magnetoresistance has been observed in bulk germanium doped with multiply charged deep impurities. Applying a magnetic field the resistance may decrease exponentially at any orientation of the field. A drop of the resistance as much as about 10000% has been measured at 6 T. The effect is attributed to the spin splitting of impurity ground state with a very large g-factor in the order of several tens depending on impurity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The visibility of IQHE at sharp edges: Experimental proposals based on interactions and edge electrostatics

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    The influence of the incompressible strips on the integer quantized Hall effect (IQHE) is investigated, considering a cleaved-edge overgrown (CEO) sample as an experimentally realizable sharp edge system. We propose a set of experiments to clarify the distinction between the large-sample limit when bulk disorder defines the IQHE plateau width and the small-sample limit smaller than the disorder correlation length, when self-consistent edge electrostatics define the IQHE plateau width. The large-sample or bulk QH regime is described by the usual localization picture, whereas the small-sample or edge regime is discussed within the compressible/incompressible strips picture, known as the screening theory of QH edges. Utilizing the unusually sharp edge profiles of the CEO samples, a Hall bar design is proposed to manipulate the edge potential profile from smooth to extremely sharp. By making use of a side-gate perpendicular to the two dimensional electron system, it is shown that the plateau widths can be changed or even eliminated altogether. Hence, the visibility of IQHE is strongly influenced when adjusting the edge potential profile and/or changing the dc current direction under high currents in the non-linear transport regime. As a second investigation, we consider two different types of ohmic contacts, namely highly transmitting (ideal) and highly reflecting (non-ideal) contacts. We show that if the injection contacts are non-ideal, however still ohmic, it is possible to measure directly the non-quantized transport taking place at the bulk of the CEO samples. The results of the experiments we propose will clarify the influence of the edge potential profile and the quality of the contacts, under quantized Hall conditions.Comment: Substantially revised version of manuscript arXiv:0906.3796v1, including new figures et

    On the Surface Structure of Strange Superheavy Nuclei

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    Bound, strange, neutral superheavy nuclei, stable against strong decay, may exist. A model effective field theory calculation of the surface energy and density of such systems is carried out assuming vector meson couplings to conserved currents and scalar couplings fit to data where it exists. The non-linear relativistic mean field equations are solved assuming local baryon sources. The approach is calibrated through a successful calculation of the known nuclear surface tension.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Density dependent hadron field theory for hypernuclei

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    The Density Dependent Relativistic Hadron Field (DDRH) theory, previously introduced and applied to isospin nuclei, is extended to hypernuclei by including the octet hyperons. Infinite matter Dirac-Brueckner theory for octet baryons and the derivation of in-medium DDRH baryon-meson vertices is discussed. From the properties of Dirac-Brueckner interactions it is found that hyperon and nucleon self-energies and vertices are related by the ratios of free space coupling constants. This leads to simple scaling laws for the in-medium hyperon and nucleon vertices. The model is applied in relativistic DDRH mean-field calculations to singl$\Lambda nuclei. Free space N-Lambda T-matrix results are used for the scalar vertex. As the only free parameter the hyperon vector vertex scaling factor is adjusted to a selected set of hypernuclear data. Spectroscopic data of single Lambda hypernuclei over the full mass range are well described. The reduced Lambda spin-orbit splitting is reproduced and found to be related closely the medium dependence of scalar and vector interactions.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figure

    Statistics of Resonances and Delay Times in Random Media: Beyond Random Matrix Theory

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    We review recent developments on quantum scattering from mesoscopic systems. Various spatial geometries whose closed analogs shows diffusive, localized or critical behavior are considered. These are features that cannot be described by the universal Random Matrix Theory results. Instead one has to go beyond this approximation and incorporate them in a non-perturbative way. Here, we pay particular emphasis to the traces of these non-universal characteristics, in the distribution of the Wigner delay times and resonance widths. The former quantity captures time dependent aspects of quantum scattering while the latter is associated with the poles of the scattering matrix.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures (submitted to Journal of Phys. A: Math. and General, special issue on "Aspects of Quantum Chaotic Scattering"
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