226 research outputs found

    A single methyl group drastically changes urea’s hydration dynamics

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    Hydrophobic pattern of alkylated ureas markedly affects water rotation and hydrogen bond dynamics in aqueous solution

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    Femtosecond infrared spectroscopies reveal the substitution pattern of alkylated ureas to be decisive for hydrogen-bond strengths, water rotation, and hydrogen bond fluctuation in the hydration shell

    Economics of Transnational Crime

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    The purpose of the course “Economics of Transnational Crime” is to give students comprehensive understanding of contemporary patterns and economic characteristic of transnational crime in the context of globalization

    Thermodynamics of Mixing Water with Dimethyl Sulfoxide, as Seen from Computer Simulations

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    The Helmholtz free energy, energy, and entropy of mixing of eight different models of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) with four widely used water models are calculated at 298 K over the entire composition range by means of thermodynamic integration along a suitably chosen thermodynamic path, and compared with experimental data. All 32 model combinations considered are able to reproduce the experimental values rather well, within RT (free energy and energy) and R (entropy) at any composition, and quite often the deviation from the experimental data is even smaller, being in the order of the uncertainty of the calculated free energy or energy, and entropy values of 0.1 kJ/mol and 0.1 J/(mol K), respectively. On the other hand, none of the model combinations considered can accurately reproduce all three experimental functions simultaneously. Furthermore, the fact that the entropy of mixing changes sign with increasing DMSO mole fraction is only reproduced by a handful of model pairs. Model combinations that (i) give the best reproduction of the experimental free energy, while still reasonably well reproducing the experimental energy and entropy of mixing, and (ii) that give the best reproduction of the experimental energy and entropy, while still reasonably well reproducing the experimental free energy of mixing, are identified

    The economic approach to valuation consumer value of environmental quality

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    These methods form a battery of useful economic approaches for estimation consumer values of environmental quality. All of the methods deserve continuing scientific scrutiny, have room for improvement, and should be employed cautiously and with a critical eye. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/828

    Природоінвестування як фактор відтворення регіональних еколого-економічних систем

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    Залучення інвестицій належної якості у сферу раціонального природогосподарювання є невід’ємним елементом реалізації принципів сталого регіонального розвитку еколого-економічних систем. Під природогосподарюванням зазвичай розуміється матеріально- духовна система, що саморозвивається, яка утворена соціумом і функціонує шляхом включення в неї речовини, енергії, інформації про природне середовище, а також інтелекту і духовності соціуму з метою створення життєпридатних умов для його існування і розвитку, а також для задоволення його інтересів і потреб, співвідносних із законами природних екосистем

    Marketing pollution control

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    The problem of pollution control is an illuminating example of how governments in a market economy can harness the marketplace mechanisms of supply and demand to address a critical issue confronting the entire society. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/798

    The Global and European Integration

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    The purpose of the course “The Global and European Integration” is to give students the relevant knowledge about the global integration in general and European integration in particular