12 research outputs found

    Ocena pierwszego polskiego stentu "Neptun" w leczeniu zmian mia偶d偶ycowych t臋tnic biodrowych

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    Background: Angioplasty of occluded iliac arteries connected with stent implantation demonstrated the high technical efficacy and good clinical effect of the stent. The patency of iliac vessel stents 12 months after their implantation ranged between 86 and 99%, depending on the author cited. The aim of the study was to determine the safety and clinical efficacy of iliac artery angioplasty following the implantation of the Polish stent Neptun, manufactured by Balton. Material/Methods: The study group comprised 56 patients aged between 39 and 83 years diagnosed with stenosis or iliac artery occlusion, subjected to implantation of 75 stents. The patients were directed towards intravascular procedures on the basis of their medical history as well as clinical and imaging examinations, including Doppler ultrasound and DSA angiography. Clinical symptoms were based on Fontaine's classification, evaluated before the procedure and three days after. Considering the similar time intervals, the ankle-brachial index (ABI) was evaluated. Distant results were determined on the basis of clinical examinations in addition to the ABI estimation performed during the follow-up visit 12 months after the procedure. Thirty-seven patients required single stents, while in 9 subjects both iliac arteries were subjected to stenting, including the abdominal aortic bifurcation. In six patients, stents were implanted to both iliac arteries, the aortic bifurcation excluded. Four patients were subjected to the implantation of two stents, involving one of the iliac arteries. Results: In all patients a positive technical and clinical effect was obtained. Improvement according to Fontaine's classification was observed in the whole study group of patients (evaluation undertaken three days after the procedure). The mean ankle-brachial index on admission was 0.62卤0.17. After angioplasty, this index significantly increased (p<0.01) to 0.87卤0.19. After the one-year observation period the AB index decreased to 0.82卤0.18 (p=NS). Ultrasonographic control comprised 49 patients with 65 implanted stents. Complete vessel patency was confirmed in 60 (92.3%) 12 months after stent implantation. Conclusions: Based on this evaluation, Neptun stents are safe, their technical and clinical efficacy amounting to 100% during the perioperative period. The stents assure good visualization during implantation. Their patency after the one-year observation period proved to be high, being comparable to other previously used stents. Further investigations are required, involving a longer follow-up period

    Evaluation of the criteria influencing certification regarding the ability to work on patients after open or endovascular operations on the arterial system of lower limbs

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    Background. Evaluation of the criteria influencing certification regarding the ability to work on patients after operation on the arterial system of lower limbs. Material and methods. Thirty-two patients took part in the study in production age (from 39 to 61 years, median 49) after lower limb arterial reconstruction (open or endovascular). In selected patients, atherosclerotic lower limb ischaemia was the only disease diagnosed and treated by physicians. 12&#8211;48 month postoperative follow-up was without complications. Claudication, measured on a treadmill test, varied from 120 to 1100 metres. Mean ankle-brachial index (ABI) was 0.7. After six months, patients were reassessed for reevaluation of the ABI and claudication with analysis of the certification decision made by welfare doctors. Statistical analyses of the data were performed using the Mann Whitney, &#967;2 and t-Student tests for justification of the decision of welfare doctors. Results. All patients, after open surgery, received positive welfare decisions. In 12 patients, complete inability to work was certified and in 10, partial inability to work. In patients who underwent endovascular surgery, partial inability to work was certified in five patients and negative welfare decision was found in another five patients. The difference in positive and negative welfare certification was statistically significant between open and endovascular surgery groups (p < 0.005). No difference in claudication distance and ABI value was observed between groups. The distance of claudication and ABI value had no influence on the welfare decision (p = 0.3). The type of open surgery and location of endovascular procedure were insignificant regarding certification of ability to work (p = 0.2). Certification of complete inability to work after surgery was not related to the ABI value or claudication distance for either type of open surgery (p = 0.02). Conclusions. Certification after vascular reconstruction has thus far been based on the subjective impressions of welfare doctors and depends only on the presence of open surgery history with no relation to objective status of the patient or stage of the disease. The obtained results reveal the poor knowledge at present regarding atherosclerotic ischaemia of lower extremities diagnostic criteria - something which should be changed through obligatory scholarship of medical welfare doctors.Wst臋p. Celem pracy by艂a ocena kryteri贸w, na podstawie kt贸rych podejmowane s膮 decyzje orzecznicze o niezdolno艣ci do pracy u chorych po interwencjach w obr臋bie uk艂adu t臋tniczego ko艅czyn dolnych. Materia艂 i metody. Do analizy wyselekcjonowano 32 chorych w wieku produkcyjnym (39-61 lat, mediana 49 lat) po operacjach naprawczych (otwartych i wewn膮trznaczyniowych) w obr臋bie uk艂adu t臋tniczego ko艅czyn dolnych. U wybranych chorych mia偶d偶ycowe niedokrwienie ko艅czyn dolnych by艂o jedyn膮 jednostk膮 chorobow膮, rozpoznan膮 i leczon膮 przez lekarzy prowadz膮cych. Nie odnotowano powik艂a艅 w przebiegu pooperacyjnym w obserwacji 12-48-miesi臋cznej. Dystans chromania przestankowego oceniany w te艣cie na bie偶ni wynosi艂 120-1100 m. Warto艣膰 wska藕nika kostka&#8211;rami臋 (ABI) wynosi艂a 艣rednio 0,7. Po 6 miesi膮cach wzywano chorych w celu stwierdzenia, jakie orzeczenie wydali lekarze Zak艂adu Ubezpiecze艅 Spo艂ecznych (ZUS) oraz ponownie analizowano dystans chromania i warto艣膰 ABI. Otrzymane wyniki poddawano analizie statystycznej (w testach Manna-Whitneya, &#967;2 oraz t-Studenta) i oceniano zasadno艣膰 decyzji lekarza ZUS. Wyniki. Wszyscy chorzy po zabiegach otwartych rewaskularyzacji otrzymali pozytywne decyzje rentowe, u 12 pacjent贸w orzecznicy ZUS orzekli ca艂kowit膮 niezdolno艣膰 do pracy, a u 10 badanych - niezdolno艣膰 cz臋艣ciow膮. Spo艣r贸d chorych po zabiegach endowaskularnych u 5 badanych orzeczono cz臋艣ciow膮 niezdolno艣膰 do pracy, a u 5 pacjent贸w nie stwierdzono niezdolno艣ci do pracy. W艣r贸d chorych operowanych i poddawanych zabiegowi przezsk贸rnej angioplastyki (PTA) stwierdzano statystycznie istotn膮 r贸偶nic臋 w liczbie przyznanych 艣wiadcze艅 rentowych (p < 0,005). Grupy chorych nie r贸偶ni艂y si臋 pod wzgl臋dem dystansu chromania czy warto艣ci wska藕nika ABI. Nie stwierdzano zale偶no艣ci pomi臋dzy stopniem niezdolno艣ci do pracy a przechodzonym dystansem oraz warto艣ci膮 wska藕nika ABI w grupie operacji otwartych i PTA (p = 0,3). R贸wnie偶 rodzaj operacji otwartej i miejsce wykonanej angioplastyki nie wp艂ywa艂y na orzeczenie stopnia niezdolno艣ci do pracy (p = 0,2). Orzeczenie o ca艂kowitej niezdolno艣ci do pracy nie zale偶a艂o od przechodzonego dystansu i warto艣ci ABI ani od rodzaju przeprowadzonej operacji otwartej (p = 0,02). Wnioski. Obecnie decyzje orzecznicze podejmowane s膮 arbitralnie na podstawie subiektywnej analizy ci臋偶ko艣ci przebytego zabiegu operacyjnego, bez uwzgl臋dnienia rzeczywistego stopnia zaawansowania schorzenia po rewaskularyzacji. Otrzymane wyniki 艣wiadcz膮 o braku znajomo艣ci podstawowych kryteri贸w zaawansowania choroby u orzecznik贸w ZUS i wymagaj膮 zmiany podstaw poprzez obowi膮zkowe szkolenia dla orzecznik贸w

    Por贸wnanie pomostu z polytetrafluoroethylenu i przemieszczonej podsk贸rnie 偶y艂y od艂okciowej jako metod z wyboru w celu uzyskania wt贸rnego dost臋pu do hemodializ

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    Background. Satisfactory vascular access for hemodialysis (HD) continues to be the weakest point in the management of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The purpose of this study was to compare PTFE arm graft with superficialized basilic vein as a secondary vascular access for HD. Matherial and methods. Two groups of patients were compared. The first group consisted of 23 patients in whom a PTFE graft between the axillary vein and brachial artery was implanted. The second group consisted of 24 patients in whom a basilo-brachial elbow fistula was first created and then, after a period of maturation, the basilic vein was superficialized. The long term patency, number of complications, and patients' suspective assessment were compared between the two groups. The follow-up period was 25 months. Results. The long term potency of the PTFE group and superficialized basilic vein was 57.1% and 80.0 respectively. Conclusions. In conclusion, the authors emphasize that before the decision to implant PTFE prostheses is made, the possibilities of making use of the basilic vein should be taken in consideration.Wst臋p. W dalszym ci膮gu najs艂abszym elementem prowadzenia dializy pozaustrojowej jest uzyskanie zadawalaj膮cego dost臋pu 偶ylnego, umo偶liwiaj膮cego wielokrotne i wieloletnie nak艂uwanie naczynia. Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o por贸wnanie metody zastosowania pomostu z PTFE oraz metody polegaj膮cej na podsk贸rnym przemieszczeniu 偶y艂y od艂okciowej jako optymalnego 艣rodka uzyskania wt贸rnego dost臋pu do hemodializ. Materia艂 i metody. Pierwsz膮 grup臋 stanowi艂o 23 chorych, kt贸rym wszyto pomost z protezy PTFE. Druga grupa natomiast sk艂ada艂a si臋 z 24 os贸b, u kt贸rych wst臋pnie wykonano przetok臋 z 偶y艂y od艂okciowej, a nast臋pnie przemieszczano j膮 podsk贸rnie. Wyniki obejmowa艂y ocen臋 dro偶no艣ci wytworzonych przetok, powik艂a艅, jak i subiektywnych wra偶e艅 pacjent贸w w zale偶no艣ci od zastosowanej metody operacyjnej. Wyniki. Po 25 miesi膮cach obserwacji dro偶no艣膰 pomost贸w t臋tniczo-偶ylnych wykonanych z protezy PTFE i z przemieszczonej 偶y艂y od艂okciowej wynosi艂a odpowiednio 57,1 i 80,0%. Wnioski. Decyzja o wszyciu choremu protezy PTFE powinna poprzedzona by膰 badaniem mo偶liwo艣ci wykorzystania 偶y艂y od艂okciowej

    Treatment of ruptured thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm in the abdominal section

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    T臋tniaki odcinka piersiowo-brzusznego aorty s膮 szczeg贸lnym wyzwaniem diagnostycznym i terapeutycznym, mimo 偶e stanowi膮 nieznaczny odsetek t臋tniak贸w w og贸le. W przypadku t臋tniak贸w niep臋kni臋tych u chorych bez istotnych obci膮偶e艅 dodatkowych mo偶na je leczy膰, wszywaj膮c protez臋 piersiowo-brzuszn膮. Problematyczna pozostaje kwestia leczenia chorych z grup wysokiego ryzyka lub z p臋kni臋ciem t臋tniaka tego typu. W niniejszej pracy autorzy prezentuj膮 przypadek chorego z p臋kni臋tym t臋tniakiem piersiowo-brzusznego odcinka aorty, kt贸ry by艂 leczony w o艣rodku autor贸w przez wszycie protezy naczyniowej poni偶ej t臋tnic nerkowych i odroczenie w czasie naprawy odcinka piersiowego t臋tniaka.Aneurysms of the thoraco-abdominal aorta are a particular diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, despite the fact that they constitute an insignificant percentage of aneurysms in general. In the case of non-ruptured aneurysms in patients not burdened with significant additional disease, they can be treated by implanting a thoraco-abdominal prosthesis. The treatment of patients burdened with additional disease or with this type of ruptured aneurysm remains problematic. In this article, we are going to describe the case of a patient with a ruptured thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm in the abdominal section, which was treated in our centre by implanting a vascular prosthesis below the renal arteries with a delay in the operation for the period of repair of the thoracic section of the aneurysm

    Endovascular treatment of splenic artery aneurysms

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    Background: Aneurysms of visceral arteries, including splenic artery, are relatively rare vascular pathology. Currently they are diagnosed more and more commonly due to widespread application of imaging procedures in diagnostics of other abdominal conditions. Splenic artery aneurysm develops often asymptomatically, and its rupture is associated with a high mortality rate. Hence, elective treatment of such aneurysms is suggested as a prophylaxis of the rupture. Material/Methods: This report contains presentation of treatment outcome of nine patients with splenic aneurysms (10 aneurysms) treated in the years 2001-2006. In eight cases the treatment involved endovascular placement of metal embolisation coil into the aneurysm sac. In one female patient with two splenic artery aneurysms, following dissection of the proximal aneurysm and end-to-end anastomosis of the artery, the latter was repaired endovascularly in a delayed procedure. Results: In none of the described cases any serious complications were observed. Complete occlusion of the aneurysm lumen following endovascular procedure was observed in 7 of 9 cases (77.8%). Moreover, we managed to spare the spleen in all the described cases. Conclusions: Endovascular techniques provide a good alternative for open surgery in treatment of the splenic artery aneurysm, although the latter is still the treatment of choice in cases of rupture of visceral artery aneurysm

    Chirurgiczne leczenie niedokrwienia r臋ki u chorych z przetok膮 t臋tniczo-偶yln膮

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    Background. Hand ischaemia symptoms following the creation of arteriovenous fistulas for haemodialysis occur in the case of 3&#8211;5% of patients. The aim of this paper is to assess various methods of hand ischaemia treatment in patients with arteriovenous fistulas created for haemodialysis. Material and methods. There were 42 persons who underwent operations between 1990 and 2002. There were 20 cases of ischaemic necrosis in the area of fingers. Twenty two patients reported pain which was becoming more acute during dialysis. In 9 cases, distal arterial ligation was made. Arterial anastomosis with prosthesis band was performed in 16 cases whereas arterial ligation-bypass was applied in 14 cases. Results. In the case of 3 patients we had to ligate a fistula and create a new one. In the group of the remaining 39 patients hand blood supply improved and ischaemic symptoms were relieved. Within follow-up, thrombosis occurred in 7 patients (banding group). Conclusions. In patients with hand ischaemia symptoms one should always try, once the arteriovenous fistula is created, to improve the blood supply condition and, at the same time, keep anastomosis patent.Wst臋p. Objawy niedokrwienia r臋ki u chorych po chirurgicznym wytworzeniu przetok t臋tniczo-偶ylnych na potrzeby hemodializy wyst臋puj膮 u oko艂o 3&#8211;5% takich os贸b. Celem pracy by艂a ocena r贸偶nych sposob贸w leczenie niedokrwienia r臋ki u chorych po wytworzeniu przetok t臋tniczo-偶ylnych dla cel贸w hemodializy. Materia艂 i metody. W latach 1990-2002 operowano 42 osoby. U 20 os贸b stwierdzano ogniska martwicy w obr臋bie palc贸w r膮k, a 22 chorych wskazywa艂o na b贸l nasilaj膮cy si臋 podczas dializ. U 9 os贸b wykonano podwi膮zanie obwodowego odcinka t臋tnicy, u 16 - zw臋偶enie zespolenia t臋tniczego opask膮 z protezy, u nast臋pnych 14 - podwi膮zanie t臋tnicy i pomost 偶ylny. Wyniki. U 3 chorych zaistnia艂a konieczno艣膰 podwi膮zania przetoki i wytworzenia nowej. U pozosta艂ych 39 pacjent贸w uzyskano popraw臋 w ukrwieniu r臋ki i ust膮pienie dolegliwo艣ci. W okresie pooperacyjnym u 7 chorych, u kt贸rych wykonano zw臋偶enie zespolenia t臋tniczego, wyst膮pi艂a zakrzepica przetoki. Wnioski. U chorych z objawami niedokrwienia r臋ki po za艂o偶eniu przetoki t臋tniczo-偶ylnej nale偶y zawsze podejmowa膰 pr贸b臋 poprawy ukrwienia z jednocze艣nie zachowanym dro偶nym zespoleniem

    Pancreatic injury following elective abdominal aortic repair

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    Wst臋p. 艢miertelno艣膰 oko艂ooperacyjna u chorych po operacjach t臋tniak贸w aorty brzusznej (AAA) jest nadal znaczna, co wi膮偶e si臋 powik艂aniami, kt贸re trudno przewidzie膰. Celem niniejszej pracy by艂a analiza biochemiczna, ultrasonograficzna i kliniczna trzustki po operacjach planowych t臋tniak贸w aorty brzusznej. Materia艂 i metody. Prospektywnej ocenie poddano grup臋 132 chorych kwalifikowanych do tej operacji. Analizowano wiek chorych, p艂e膰, stan zdrowia z uwzgl臋dnieniem wywiad贸w w kierunku przewlek艂ego lub ostrego zapalenia trzustki, wsp贸艂istniej膮cej cukrzycy, choroby niedokrwiennej mi臋艣nia sercowego, przewlek艂ej obturacyjnej choroby p艂uc, przewlek艂ej niewydolno艣ci nerek, oty艂o艣ci (BMI > 30 kg/m2), kamicy p臋cherzyka 偶贸艂ciowego oraz alkoholizmu. Wymiar t臋tniaka analizowano w przedzia艂ach 4,5-5,5 cm, 5,6-7,0 cm, powy偶ej 7 cm. Badania laboratoryjne wykonywano 3-krotnie: przed zabiegiem, w 2. i 5. dobie po zabiegu. Oceniano st臋偶enie amylazy w surowicy, AspAT, AlAT, bilirubin臋, kwas mlekowy, lipaz臋. W badaniu USG oceniano trzustk臋 przed zabiegiem oraz w 5. dobie po zabiegu. Wyniki. U 20 pacjent贸w po zabiegu operacyjnym wyst膮pi艂 statystycznie znamienny wzrost st臋偶e艅 lipazy i amylazy w surowicy (p < 0,01). W tej grupie by艂o 15 m臋偶czyzn i 5 kobiet (brak znamienno艣ci statystycznej w odniesieniu do p艂ci); 12 os贸b by艂o powy偶ej 70 r偶., a 8 mia艂o mniej ni偶 70 lat (w odniesieniu do granicy wiekowej 70 lat r贸偶nica znamienna statystycznie przy p < 0,05). Wielko艣膰 AAA powy偶ej 7 cm stwierdzono u 11 os贸b. U 2 pacjent贸w wyst膮pi艂y objawy kliniczne i laboratoryjne wska藕niki ostrego zapalenia trzustki. Wnioski. Uszkodzenia trzustki obserwowane po planowych operacjach AAA wi膮偶膮 si臋 z wielko艣ci膮 t臋tniaka, zw艂aszcza gdy jego 艣rednica jest wi臋ksza ni偶 7 cm. Najprawdopodobniej 艂膮czy si臋 to z jatrogennym uszkodzeniem 艣r贸doperacyjnym. W patologii uszkodzenia trzustki po operacjach AAA prawdopodobnie ma znaczenie r贸wnie偶 niedokrwienie narz膮du spowodowane du偶膮 utrat膮 krwi. Zaburzenia funkcji trzustki wyst臋puj膮 cz臋艣ciej u starszych os贸b po 70 r偶.Background. Open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is still associated with substantial perioperative mortality, which is in turn related to complications that are difficult to predict. The purpose of this study was a biochemical, clinical and ultrasonographic analysis of pancreas in patients after elective repair of AAA. Material and methods. A group of 132 patients scheduled for the elective AAA repair was analyzed. Data regarding age, gender, medical history with a special emphasis on pancreatic disease, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic renal insufficiency, obesity (BMI > 30), cholelithiasis and alcoholism was taken and analyzed. According to the size of the aneurysms three groups were created: 4.5-5.5 cm; 5.6-7.0 cm and > 7.0 cm. The laboratory test were performed three times: preoperatively, on the 2nd and on the 5th postoperative day. Serum amylase, lipase, AspAT, AlAT, bilirubin and lactic acid were analyzed. Ultrasound scan was performed preoperatively and on the 5th postoperative day. Results. In 20 patients statistically significant increase of serum level of amylase and lipase was found (p < 0.01). The gender of the patient did not have any significant influence on the development of pancreatic dysfunction. The pancreatic dysfunction occurred in eight patients younger than 70 years of age and in 12 older than 70 years of age and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The aneurysm greater than 7.0 cm in 11 patients was found. Both clinical and biochemical symptoms of acute pancreatitis were present in two patients (1.5%). The pancreatic injury was more frequent in patients with large AAA (> 7 cm). Conclusion. Pancreatic injury after elective AAA repair is related to the size of the aneurysm and probably caused by intraoperative iatrogenic trauma. Ischemia of the pancreas caused by blood loss may also play a role. Pancreatic dysfunction is more frequent in patients over 70 years of age

    Lower limb revascularization in patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

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    Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a serious complication which occurs in patients treated with heparin. It is estimated that in clinical practice this syndrome can be encountered among 1-3% of patients who receive heparin treatment. This disease is often not diagnosed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment of patients with diagnosed HIT syndrome who were qualified to revascularisation in the course of critical lower limb ischaemia. There were two cases of patients with diagnosed HIT syndrome who were treated in the Department of General and Vascular Surgery in Pozna艅. The results of revascular treatment of patients with diagnosed HIT syndrome were evaluated retrospectively. In all patients it was possible to perform revascular surgery of lower limbs after introducing an oral anticoagulant. In 2004 it was impossible to treat HIT syndrome with new generation anticoagulants. That is why oral anticoagulant (coumarin) treatment was introduced as a safe method and the only one available in our conditions. It enabled us to perform revascular surgery retaining INR indicator of 1.5-1.7.Ma艂op艂ytkowo艣膰 poheparynowa (HIT) jest powa偶nym powik艂aniem wyst臋puj膮cym u chorych leczonych heparyn膮. Ocenia si臋, 偶e w praktyce klinicznej zesp贸艂 ten pojawia si臋 u 1-3% os贸b poddanych terapii heparynowej i cz臋sto jest to schorzenie nierozpoznane. Celem pracy by艂a ocena leczenia chorych z rozpoznanym zespo艂em HIT, zakwalifikowanych do operacji rewaskularyzacyjnych w przebiegu krytycznego niedokrwienia ko艅czyn dolnych. Przedstawiono przypadki dw贸ch chorych z rozpoznanym zespo艂em HIT, leczonych w Klinice Chirurgii Og贸lnej i Naczy艅 w Poznaniu. Retrospektywnie oceniono wyniki leczenia rewaskularyzacyjnego chorych z rozpoznanym zespo艂em HIT. U wszystkich chorych w艂膮czenie doustnego antykoagulantu umo偶liwi艂o przeprowadzenie operacji rewaskularyzacyjnej ko艅czyn dolnych. W 2004 roku z powodu braku mo偶liwo艣ci leczenia zespo艂u HIT lekami przeciwkrzepliwymi nowej generacji, zastosowanie doustnych antykoagulant贸w (acenokumarolu) by艂o metod膮 bezpieczn膮 i w tym czasie jedynie dost臋pn膮 w tych warunkach. Pozwoli艂a ona na przeprowadzenie operacji rewaskularyzacyjnej, przy zachowaniu wska藕nika INR na poziomie 1,5-1,7

    The role of virus infection in abdominal aortic aneurysm aetiology

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    Background. Contemporary studies on aneurysm formation in the course of inflammatory changes led to trials on the role of virus infection in its pathology. Some data in literature indicate infections of the aneurysm wall with such viruses as cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes simplex virus type 1, 2 (HSV 1/2). These microorganisms, causing subclinical, chronic or recurrent infections, may have a long-lasting, damaging influence on the aortic wall. The study objective was to solve the following problems: 1. Can the presence of viruses be a factor that causes abdominal aortic aneurysm formation? 2. Does the division of aneurysms into two groups (non-specific and inflammatory) have a clinical nature, or does it result from their different aetiology? Material and methods. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests on DNA presence of CMV, HSV 1/2 and human papilloma virus type 6, 11 (HPV 6/11) were carried out on 34 patients with recognized abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), 30 patients with artery atherosclerosis (AA) and at 20 volunteers from a control group. Results. DNA of CMV was detected in none of the tested groups of aortas; HSV 1/2 was detected in one control issue. DNA presence of HPV 6/11 was detected in 100% of tissues taken from aneurysmatic walls, as well as in 14 samples (46.7%) received from atherosclerotic aortas and in 17 tissues (85%) from control aortas. Conclusions. The results suggest that the presence of HPV 6/11 is not a causative factor of AAA. However, the presence of these viruses, even in latent form, may lead to aortic wall weakness and increased susceptibility to secondary infection of C. pneumoniae bacteria, the presence of which was confirmed in previously demonstrated test results.Wst臋p. Wyniki wsp贸艂czesnych bada艅 dotycz膮cych powstawania t臋tniak贸w w przebiegu zmian zapalnych zapocz膮tkowa艂y do艣wiadczenia nad znaczeniem zaka偶e艅 wirusowych w ich patologii. W pi艣miennictwie znajduj膮 si臋 dane, kt贸re wskazuj膮 na zaka偶enie 艣ciany t臋tniaka wirusami, takimi jak cytomegalowirus (CMV) i wirus opryszczki pospolitej typu 1, 2 (HSV). Drobnoustroje te wywo艂uj膮c subkliniczne, przewlek艂e lub nawracaj膮ce zaka偶enia, mog膮 wywiera膰 d艂ugotrwa艂y uszkadzaj膮cy wp艂yw na 艣cian臋 aorty. Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o ustalenie: 1. Czy obecno艣膰 wirus贸w mo偶e by膰 czynnikiem wywo艂uj膮cym powstanie t臋tniaka aorty brzusznej (AAA)? 2. Czy podzia艂 t臋tniak贸w na t臋tniaki niespecyficzne i zapalne ma charakter kliniczny czy te偶 wynika z ich r贸偶nej etiologii? Materia艂 i metody. Badania reakcji 艂a艅cuchowej polimerazy (PCR) na obecno艣膰 DNA CMV, HSV 1/2 i wirusa brodawczaka ludzkiego typu 6, 11 (HPV 6/11) wykonano u 34 os贸b z rozpoznanym AAA, u 30 chorych z mia偶d偶yc膮 aorty (AA) i u 20 os贸b z grupy kontrolnej. Wyniki. W 偶adnej badanej grupie aort nie wykryto wyst臋powania DNA CMV, natomiast HSV 1/2 wykryto w jednej tkance kontrolnej. Obecno艣膰 DNA HPV 6/11 stwierdzono w 100% tkanek pobranych ze 艣ciany t臋tniak贸w, jak r贸wnie偶 w 14 pr贸bach (46,7%) pochodz膮cych z aort zmienionych mia偶d偶ycowo i 17 tkankach (85%) aort kontrolnych. Wnioski. Wynik sugeruje, 偶e obecno艣膰 wirusa HPV 6/11 nie jest czynnikiem sprawczym powstania AAA. Obecno艣膰 tych wirus贸w, nawet w formie utajonej, mo偶e jednak spowodowa膰 os艂abienie 艣ciany aorty i zwi臋kszon膮 podatno艣膰 na wt贸rne zaka偶enie - na przyk艂ad bakteri膮 C. pneumoniae, kt贸rej obecno艣膰 potwierdzono we wcze艣niej prezentowanych wynikach bada艅